No. BSKKV/EST/A-I/ 10726 /of 2017, Dated : 30th December, 2017 Applications in the prescribed form, given in the advertisement, are invited, from the eligible candidates for recruitment of the posts as indicated below on or before 9th February, 2018. "Canvassing in any form shall disqualify the candidate for employment under this University."

A note of this instruction should be taken seriously.

Sr.No Name of the post and pay scale No. of posts to be filled
S.C. S.T. D.T./ N.T. SBC OBC OPEN Total Posts
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A) Faculty of Agriculture
a) Associate Professor and its equivalent (Rs. 37,400  67,000 with an AGP of Rs. 9,000)
1. Agronomy 1 - - - - - 1
2. Horticulture 1 - - - - 1 # 2
3. Agricultural Botany - - - - - 1 1
4. Plant Pathology - - - - - 1 1
5. Extension Education - 1 - - - - 1
6. Agricultural Chemistry & Soil Science - - - - - 1 1
Total A (a) 7
B) Faculty of Agricultural Engineering
a) Associate Professor and its equivalent (Rs. 37,400  67,000 with an AGP of Rs. 9,000)
1. Irrigation and Drainage Engineering - - - - - 1 1
Total B (a) 1

NOTE : 1. Two handicapped candidates, One each of Partially sighted (PS) and One Leg/Arm affected (OL/OA) will be selected from any of the above disciplines.

  1. # -Reserved for women category. If suitable female candidate is not available, then the seat for female will be filled in by male candidate of the same category.

  2. The number of posts and categories of posts are subject to variation and approval of the rosters by the competent authorities.


Forthe Posts at Sr. No. A(a) 1 to 5and B (a) 1:

A Ph.D. in respective discipline;
A Minimum eight years of experience in teaching or research or extension education in the position of Assistant Professor or its equivalent; in a University or Accredited grant-in-aid-College, Recognized Research Institution, Excluding the period of Ph. D.;
Contribution to educational innovation, design of new curricula and courses and technology mediated teaching-learning process with evidence of having guided two post graduate students, worked on advisory committee of five post graduate students in the discipline where masters programme is not available.
Evidence of atleast five published papers in recognized journals having National Academy of Agricultural Science rating.
A minimum score as stipulated in the Academic Performance Indicator (API) based on Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS).

AGE LIMIT : The existing rules of the State Government in respect of age limit will be applicable for the advertised posts. The maximum age limit will be 38 years for the candidates from open category and 43 years for the candidates from reserved categories. The age limit is not applicable to the persons who are already in service on regular establishment of State Agricultural Universities in Maharashtra, State Government and Central Government Services.


Non-refundable application fee for each advertised post is Rs. 1000/-(Rs. One thousand only) for candidates from Open category and Rs. 500/-(Rs. Five hundred only) for candidates from reserved categories. However, the candidates belonging to reserved categories should submit Caste Certificate or Non-cremelayer certificate issued on 1st April, 2017 for getting concession in fees. If caste certificate or non-cremelayer certificate is not attached he will be declared as not-eligible candidate for paying less fees. The application fee should be paid by the candidate separately for each post for which he has applied. The application fee should be remitted into the University bank account, viz. "Dr. Balasaheb

Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth -SBI Collect Account No. 35920424210" through

online from any of the Nationalized Bank.

Procedure For Payment of Fees using SBI Collect

  1. Visit the link: https://www.onlinesbi.com/prelogin/icollecthome.htm

  2. Read the Disclaimer Clause and click on check box and proceed button for making payment.

  3. Select State of Corporate / Institution --Maharashtra

    1. Select Type of Corporate / Institution --Educational Institutions and click Go button.

      1. Select Educational Institutions Name from the drop down menu. ---i.e. DR BALASAHEB SAWANT KONKAN KRISHI VIDYAPEETH DAPOLI and click Submit button.

      2. Select Payment Category ----i.e. Recruitment Fees and fill form of payment details and click submit button then Verify details and confirm transaction.

      3. The page will display following options for payments. 1. Net Banking State Bank of India and associate Banks. Other Banks. 2. Card Payments State Bank ATM-cum-Debit Card Other Banks Debit Cards. All Credit Cards . 3. Other Payment Modes -SBI Branch. (i,e generate a pre-printed challan and pay at any SBI branch)

      4. Choose the desired option and makes the payment.

The Xerox copy of the e-receipt should be attached with the application form. The details of name and post for which application is made should be invariably mentioned on the copy of the e-receipt. The candidates from handicapped category and ex-service men of military services are exempted from payment of the application fees. No amount in form of Cash, Demand Draft and IPO will be accepted and such application form stands rejected.


The eligible candidates for the above posts will be short-listed by the Scrutiny Committee appointed by the University as per their high merit of educational qualification, research methodology, contribution towards institutional building and experience. Mere eligibility does not vest any right to the candidates of being called for the interview. The University reserves its right to call or not to call for the interview. The list of short-listed candidates to be called for interview will be displayed on the University web-site 'www.dbskkv.org'. The ratio of short-listing will be as under :

Number of vacant posts Candidates to be called for interview
a) Upto 5 (Five) posts : 5 (Five) times but limited to 15 candidates
b) Above 5 (Five) posts : 3 (Three) times.


Candidate satisfying the eligibility shall submit the application covering all the points alongwith the list of attested documents, stating therein the page number of the documents, in the format given below on plain A-4 size paper only. The copies of the certificates duly attested regarding Qualifications, Date of Birth, Caste, Experience, etc. should be attached with the application. The Application forms duly completed in all respects should reach in the office of the "Registrar, Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli-415712, Dist. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra)"on or before 9th February, 2018. The University reserves the right of rejection of any application form due to non-observance of these instructions.



Passport size Photograph

1) Post applied for -------------------------------------------------2) Sr.No. of the post as per advertisement -------------------------------------------------3) Applicants full name (Beginning with Surname) -------------------------------------------------4) Address for correspondence -------------------------------------------------5) Telephone Number (with STD code)/ Mobile No. -------------------------------------------------6) Date of Birth (In figure and words) -------------------------------------------------

7) Age on closing date (i.e. on 9/02/2018 ) Year --------Months ---------Days -------

8) Caste and Category of the applicant -------------------------------------------------(SC/ST/DT/NT/OBC/SBC/OPEN)

9) Category of the post to which applied -------------------------------------------------(Open or reserved category)

10) If Physically Handicapped person --------------------------------------------------Please mention Category & Percentage of P. H.

11) Educational Qualification -------------------------------------------------

(Commencing from degree or equivalent) The attested true copies of degree certificate and Mark sheets should

be enclosed.

Sr.No Name of the degree University/ Board /Institute Class and percentage of marks Year of passing Subject of specialization

12) Details of professional experience. (The attested true copies of experience certificate of the employer should be enclosed).

Sr.No Name and address of the employer Post held and Pay scale Period Nature of duties
From To Total

13 (1) Contribution to educational innovation, design of new curricula and courses and technology mediated teachinglearning process with evidence of having guided two post graduate students (Please provide details) :

13 (2) Worked on advisory committee of five post graduate students in the discipline where masters programme is not available :

14) Evidence of at least five published papers in recognized journals having National Academy of Agricultural Science rating (Please provide details) :

15) The candidates applied for the post of Associate Professor or its equivalent posts should submit Self-Assessment Report in the proforma prescribed by the Maharashtra Agricultural Universities (Krishi Vidyapeeths) (First Amendment) Statutes, 2014, appended in Annexure-B. The documentary evidence, duly certified by the Head of the Department/Controlling Officer should be produced with the application form.

The Minimum API Score requirement for the posts of 'Associate Professor & it's equivalent' is 75 points in the Category I (i.e. in Category I-A or I-B or I-C), 15 points in the Category II and 300 (Three Hundred) points in the Category III of APIs. The Selection Board Criteria/Weightage will be as follows :

1) Academic Background (20%) 2) Research performance based on API score and quality of publications (40%) 3) Assessment of Domain knowledge and teaching skills (20%) 4) Interview performance (20%)

The candidate should submit score card of Academic Performance Indicators of Category I and Category II for a period from Academic Year 2009-2010 to 2015-2016, duly attested by the Internal Quality Assessment Cell (IQAC) of the University. The documents related to Category III of Academic Performance Indicators for entire career should be attached with the application form.

If score card is not attested by the IQAC of the parent University/Institute, the applicant other than this University may submit all papers of Category I, Category II of APIs for a period from Academic Year 2009-2010 to 2015-2016 and Category III of APIs for entire career, with the application form, giving Index and Page Numbers of the documents, for consideration of the Scrutiny Committee of this University. The score card prepared by the Scrutiny Committee of this University as per the norms prescribed under 'Maharashtra Agricultural Universities (Krishi Vidyapeeths) (First Amendment) Statutes, 2014' shall be final. Any complaints in this regard shall not be entertained by this University.

15 (1) Academic Performance (20 %) : Provide details with documentary evidence giving Page Numbers Score Points claimed by the candidate
A) Academic Qualification-Maximum 2 Marks i) Ph. D.  Minimum Qualification ii) Additional degree or Diploma in any field from recognized institution  1 mark each iii) Post Doctoral Fellowship  1 mark iv) State or National or Professional Society Award or Gold Medal or Fellowship  1 mark each v) Fellow of Professional Society  1 mark each
B) Employment and record and experience  Maximum 3 Marks i) 2 marks for every completed year of experience over and above the minimum experience in the cadre of Assistant Professor or Associate Professor or its equivalent post.
C) Service in Remote areas or Affected areas  Maximum 0.5 Mark 0.5 mark for each completed year of service (Remote Area or Affected area to be defined by the individual University.
D) Significant contribution in relevant field and leadership  Maximum 2.5 marks i. Patent or Release of variety or technology or joint agresco recommendations or design or product or process development or Farm development -1 mark each ii. Farm development or Nursery Management or Livestock Management or Production of Seed or Biofertilizers or Bioagents or Extension activities or Development of teaching aids or practical manuals. -1 mark each
E) Award / Recognition  Maximum 1 mark. i. National & State level award  1 mark each ii. Best Paper or Poster Award  0.5 mark each iii. Member of the State/National Level Committee  0.5 mark each iv. Member of Professional Society  1 mark each v. Reviewer or Referee of journal  0.5 mark each
F) Externally funded projects or Inter Institutional Projects  Maximum 1.5 marks i) Competitive grant projects funded by agencies other than host University regular programme  1 mark each ii. Joint Project of the University with State or Centre or Public or Private Sectors1 mark each
G) Summer or Winter School or Refresher course or Seminar or Symposia -Maximum 1 mark i. Course Director or Coordinator  1 mark each ii. Resource Person  0.2 mark each lecture
H) Publications (Marks will be given for first three authors)  Maximum 7.5 marks i. Articles in NAAS rated journals  Marks as per NAAS rating ii. Articles in Referred Journals other than NAAS  1 mark each iii. Conference or Technical Publication  0.5 mark each iv. Folder or Popular articles  0.2 mark each v. Books  1 mark each
I) Institutional Building -Maximum 0.5 mark Lab or farm or workshop development Rector or Monitor or NSS Programme Officer or NCC Incharge or Students Welfare activities or Monitoring and co-ordinating of teaching or research or extension activities
J) International Exposure  Maximum 0.5 mark i. International trainings or symposia or seminars or symposia or workshop or study tour or visiting professor within country or abroad  0.5 mark each; ii. Experience of working in International Institute within India or abroad  0.5 mark or year of experience

15 (2) Research performance based on API score and quality of publications (40%) : The 40% weightage be calculated by considering the maximum limit of 600 marks in category III of Academic Performance Indicators in 'Annexure -B'.

16) No. of living children and date of birth of last child. -------------------------------------------------

(The necessary undertaking in the prescribed form 'Annexure-A' should be enclosed with the application otherwise the application form stands rejected.)

17) Particulars of applications fees Rs. --------------------------------------------

18) Certificate :

"I do hereby declare that all the statements made in the application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that in the event of any particulars/information given above being found false or incorrect, my candidature for the post is liable to be rejected or cancelled and in the event of my misstatement or discrepancy in the particulars being detected after my appointment, my services shall liable to be terminated forthwith without any notice.

Date :-Signature of applicant

'Annexure  A'

UNDERTAKING FORM 'A' ( See rule 4 )

I Shri./Smt. & son/daughter/wife of Shri./Smt. , Age & residence of & hereby declare as under:

  1. I have submitted my application for the post of ...

  2. As on today, I have & (No. of children) living children, out of which & (No. of children) is/are born after the date of 28/03/2005 (If so, please quote Birth date)

  3. I am aware that I will be disqualified for this post, due to having more than two living children after the date of 28/03/2005.

Place :-& Signature ... Date :-& Name ...

'Annexure  B'

Appendix II of Maharashtra Agricultural Universities (Krishi Vidyapeeths)

(First Amendment) Statutes, 2014

(Statute 52)

(Evaluation of candidates for past performance and personal interview)

The API Scores in Category I, II and III are required for adjudging the eligibility of the candidate and API score in Category III will also be taken into account for calculating the weightage in the evaluation.


The maximum scores required for computing Academic Performance Indicator (API) for self assessment of academic staff under different activities viz. (a) teaching (b) research (c) extension activities are provided in Table-1A. The Academic Performance Indicator (API) required for other officers (Technical officers, Deputy Directors of Research, Farm Superintendent, incharge central workshop, curator, any other posts which are not covered earlier) should be calculated as per Table  1B.

Table 1A : API scores for Teaching (a), Research (b) and Extension Activities (c)

S. N. Nature of Activity Maximum Score
1 a) Lectures, seminars, tutorials, practicals, contact hours undertaken as percentage of lectures allocated OR 50
b) Initiation, formulation and execution of research projects/ experiments which are duly approved by competent authority OR 50
c) Extension activities organized for the dissemination of technologies such as demonstration, trainings, group meetings, lectures, farmers rallies. 50
2 a) Lectures or other teaching duties in excess of the University Grants Commission (UGC) norms OR 10
b) Assistance in the research project OR 10
c) Innovative extension work carried out ( Farmer Field Schools (FFS), Farmer Scientific Forum (FSF), Information Communication Technology (ICT) based modules. 10
3 a) Preparation and imparting knowledge/instruction as per curriculum; syllabus enrichment by providing additional resources to students OR 20
b) Patent or recommendation or variety release or development of implements or machinery or product development or feed or gear or craft or technology OR 20
c) Preparation and imparting of knowledge or instruction to the clientele (preparation of notes, handouts, publications for used of farmers or extension workers) 20
4 a) Use of participatory and innovative teaching-learning methodologies; updating of subject content, course improvement etc. OR 20
b) Innovative research work carried out with use of advanced technology or equipments OR 20
c) Use of innovative extension teaching methodologies (ICTs and Audio-visual aids) 20
5 a) Examination duties (Invigilation; question paper setting, evaluation or assessment of answer scripts) as per allotment. OR 25
b) Preparation of research reports, attendance in research meetings, presentation of research report OR 25
c) Participation in extension programmes as per allotment (trainings, mass media, farmers rallies, exhibitions, meetings etc.) 25
Total score 125
Minimum API score required 75

Note :-The candidate should fill in only one activity from a or b or c from points Sr. No. 1-5 in Table-1A.

Further, computing the API score, candidate should consider the instructions provided below in (a), (b) & (c) for teaching, research and extension activities, respectively.

(a). Instruction for filling up scores of Teaching, Learning and Evaluation Related Activities.

Lectures, seminars, tutorials, practicals, contact hours undertaken
Lectures or other teaching duties in excess of the norms
Indicators/Activities Max. Score
Lectures or Practicals or Tutorials or Contact classes taken should be based on verifiable record. Each contact hours carry 3 points Max Score : 50
Indicators/Activities Max. Score
If teacher has taken classes exceeding University Grants Commission (UGC) norm, then two point to be assigned for each extra contact hour of classes Max Score : 10

(iii) Preparation and imparting knowledge/instruction as per curriculum; syllabus enrichment by providing additional resources to students

Indicators/Activities Max. Score
Imparting of knowledge or instruction vis a vis with the prescribed material (Text book or Manual etc) and methodology of the curriculum (100% compliance = 20 points) Max Score : 20
Use of Participatory and Innovative Teaching-Learning Methodologies, Updating of Subject Content, Course Improvement etc.
Examination Related Work
Indicators /Activities Max Score
Updating of Course, design of curriculum, (Five points per course) 10
Preparation of resource material, fresh reading materials, Laboratory manuals etc-Five points each. 10
Use of Innovative teaching-learning methodologies; use of Information Communication Technology; Updated subject a. Information Communication Technology Based Teaching material : Ten points each b. Interactive Courses : Five points each c. Participatory Learning modules: Four points each 10
Developing and imparting Remedial/Bridge Course and Counseling modules (each activity : Five points) 10
Developing and imparting soft skill or communication skill or personality development courses or modules (each activity : Five points) 10
Developing and imparting specialized teaching-learning programmes (each activity: Five points) 10
Organizing and conduction of popularization programmes or training courses in computer assisted teaching or web based learning and e-library skills to students (a) Workshop or Training course : Ten points each (b) Popularization program : Ten points each 10
Maximum Aggregate Limit 20
Indicators Max. Score
College or University Semester End or Annual Examination work as per duties allotted. ( Invigilation -10 points; Evaluation of answer script -Five points; Question paper setting -Five points) (100% compliance = 20 points) 20
College or University examination or Evaluation responsibilities for internal or continuous assessment work as allotted (100% compliance = Ten points) 10
Examination work such as coordination or flying squad duties etc. (maximum of 5 or 10 depending upon intensity of duty) (100% compliance = 10 points) 10
Maximum Aggregate Limit 25

(b). Instruction for filling up scores of Research Activities :

Initiation, formulation and execution of research project
Assistance in the research project
Indicators/Activities Max. Score
Ten marks per project or experiment as principal investigator 50
Indicators/Activities Max. Score
Two marks per project assisted 10

(iii) Patent or recommendation or variety release or development of implements or machinery or product development or Feed or Gear or craft or technology

Indicators/Activities Max. Score
Ten marks per patent or variety release or Five points each development of implements or machinery or product development or Feed or Technology developed or recommendation Five marks per activity those who helped in patents and variety released two marks each for development of implements or machinery or product development or Feed or Technology developed or recommendation 20
Innovative research work carried out with use of advanced technology or equipments
Preparation of research reports, attendance in research meetings, presentation of research report
Indicators/Activities Max. Score
Per innovative work ten marks (To be judged by Head department or Head Institute) 20
Indicators/Activities Max. Score
Preparation of research reports, attendance in research meetings, presentation of research report for each activity 2.5 marks 25

(c). Instruction for filling up scores of Extension Activities:

Extension activities organized for the dissemination of technologies such as demonstration, trainings, group meetings, lectures, farmers' rallies
Innovative extension work carried out (FFS, FSF, ICT based modules)
Indicators/Activities Max. Score
Extension education activities should be based on verifiable records ten points per activity. 50
Indicators/Activities Max. Score
If the scientist has organized or carried innovative extension work in addition to the assigned activities then two points should be allotted for 10
each innovative extension work -Imparting knowledge or instructions by developing study materials and methodology for curriculum delivery-Use of innovative extension teaching methods, use of Information Communication Technologies-Information Communication Technologies based teaching material-Interactive courses-Participatory learning material-Developing and imparting courses/counseling modules-Developing and imparting soft skills-Organization and conducting of training programmes

(iii) Preparation and imparting or knowledge or instruction to the clientele (preparation of notes, handouts, publications for used of farmers/extension workers)

Indicators/Activities Max. Score
Informative notes, printed handouts, folders, charts, posters, booklets etc.  2.5 points each 20
Use of innovative extension teaching methodologies (Information Communication Technologies and Audio-visual aids)
Participation in extension programmes as per allotment (trainings, mass media, farmers' rallies, exhibitions, meetings etc.)
Indicators/Activities Max. Score
Development of web based literature, interactive teaching CDs, Audio CDs, Video Clips, Electronic display boards etc. 5 points each 20
Indicators/Activities Max. Score
Trainings, Mass media, farmers' rallies, exhibitions, meetings etc.  2 points each 25

Table 1 B: API scores for other officers (Technical officers, Deputy Directors of Research, Farm superintendent, incharge central workshop, curator, any other posts which are not covered earlier).

Sr. No. Confidential Report (CR) grading API Score
1. A+ 125
2. A 100
3. B+ 75
Minimum API score required 75


Based on the academic staffs self-assessment, the category II is proposed for computing API scores for co-curricular and extension activities and professional development related contributions. The minimum API score required from this category is 15. The details of activities considered in this category are given in Table-2A for co-curricular and extension activities and professional development activities of academic staff (teaching, research and extension) and Table-2B for other activities (Technical officers, DDRs, Farm superintendent, incharge central workshop, curator, any other posts which are not covered earlier):

Table 2A . API Scores for Category-II : Co-curricular, Extension and Professional

development related activities (teaching, research & extension)

Sr. No. Nature of Activity Maximum Score
(i) Student related co-curricular, extension and field based activities (such as extension work through NSS/NCC and other channels, cultural activities, subject related events, advisement and counseling) 20
(ii) Contribution to Corporate life and management of the department and institution through participation in academic and administrative committees and responsibilities 15
(iii) Professional Development activities (Such as participation in seminars, conferences, short term training courses, talks lectures, membership of associations, dissemination and general articles, not covered in Category III below) 15
Minimum API Score required 15

The candidate shall considered the following guidelines for calculating the API scores for this category.

Student related Co-curricular activities (Sr. No. i of Table-2A)
Contribution to corporate Life and Management of the Institution (Sr. No. ii of Table-2A)
Indicators/Activities Maximum score
Institutional Co-curricular activities for students such as field studies or educational tours, industry-implant training, Experiential learning and placement activities (5 point each) 10
Positions held or Leadership role played in organization linked with Extension Work and Programme officers, National service Scheme (NSS), NCC officer or any other similar activity (each activity 10 points) Participation in NCC, NSS activity  2 points each 10
Students and Staff related Socio cultural and Sports Programmes, campus publications (college level 2 points, university level 5 points) 10
Community work such as values of National Integration, secularism, democracy, socialism, humanism, peace, scientific temper; flood or drought relief, small family norms etc. (5points each) 10
Maximum Aggregate Limit 20
Indicators/Activities Maximum score
Contribution to corporate life in Universities or colleges through meeting popular lectures, subject related events, articles in college magazine and souvenirs (2 points each) 10
Institutional Governance responsibilities like, Chairman/Vice Chairman or member of student council, Chairman or member or member secretary of Statutory bodies, Rector, College farm incharge, Associate Deans Representative (ADR), Internal Quality Assessment Cells (IQAC) Cocoordinator (10 points each) Monitor, Instrumentation cell etc-5 points each 10
Participation in committees concerned with any aspect of departmental or institutional management such as admission committee, campus development, library committee, member of various college & university level committees (5 points each) 10
Responsibility for, or participation in committees for Students welfare, counseling and Discipline (5 each) 10
Organization of Conference, Training: International (10 points); national/ regional (5 points) 10
Maximum Aggregate Limit 15

(iii) Professional Development Related Activities (Sr. No. iii of Table-2A)

Indicators/ Activities Maximum score
Membership in profession related committees at state and national level a. At national level: 3 points each b. At state level: 2 points each 10
Participation in subject associations, conferences, workshops, seminars without paper presentation (Each activity: 1 point) 10
Participation in short term training courses less than one week duration in educational technology, curriculum development, professional development, Examination reforms, Institutional governance (Each activity: 5 point) 10
Membership/participation in Bodies or Committees on Education and National Development-5 points each 10
Publication of articles in newspapers, magazines or other publications (not covered in category III);TV talks, radio talks etc. (1 point each) 10
Maximum Aggregate Limit 15

Table 2 B: API scores for other officers (Technical officers, DDRs, Farm superintend, incharge central workshop, curator, any other posts which are not covered earlier)

Sr. No. Confidential Report (CR) grading API Score
1. A+ 50
2. A 30
3. B+ 15
Minimum API Score required 15


Based on the academic staffs self assessment, API scores are required for research and academic contributions. The minimum API score required by academic staff from this category is different for different levels of selection. The API score in this category is required for adjudging the eligibility and also for computing the weightage in evaluation. The self-assessment score will be based on verifiable criteria and will be finalized by the screening/selection committee.

Table 3 : Maximum points for calculating API for research and academic contributions.

S.N. APIs Faculties of Agriculture or Agril. Engg. or Fisheries or Forestry Max. points for Academic staff
(A) Research papers published in Referred Journals periodicals having International Standard Book Number (ISBN)/International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) 15 for publication
Conference proceedings as full papers, etc. (Abstracts not to be included) 10 for publication
(B) Research publications (books, chapters in books, other than referred journal articles) Text or reference Books published by International publishers with an established peer review system 50 for each author and 10 for chapter in edited books
Subjects books by National level publishers/State and Central Govt. Publications with International Standard Book Number (ISBN)/International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) 25 for each author and 5 for chapter in edited books
Subject books by other local publishers with International Standard Book Number (ISBN)/International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) 15 for each author and 3 for chapter in edited books
Chapters contributed to edited knowledge based volumes published by International Publishers 10 for Chapter
Chapters in knowledge based volumes by Indian/National level publishers with International Standard Book Number (ISBN)/International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) and with numbers of national and international directories 05 for Chapter
(C) i Sponsored Projects carried out/ongoing (a) Major projects amount mobilized with grants above 30.0 lakhs 20 for each project
(b) Major Projects amount mobilized with grants above Rs. 5.0 lakhs up to Rs. 30.00 lakhs 15 for each project
(c) Minor projects (amount mobilized with grants above Rs. 50,000 up to Rs. 5 lakh) 10 for each project
(C) ii Consultancy Projects carried out/ongoing Amount mobilized with minimum of Rs. Fifty thousand only 10 per every Rs. Fifty thousand only
(C)iii Revolving fund 25% above the target 35% above the target 5 points 10 points 5 points for 10% more than the target
(C)iv Products testing Product or chemicals or equipment or machine, etc testing 5 points each
(C) v Completed projects Quality evaluation Completed project report (Acceptance from funding agency) 20 each major project and 10 each minor project
(C) vi Projects Outcome/ outputs Patent or Technology transfer or product or process or Recommendations 15/ each for State level/ 30/ each national level output or patent/50 /each for International level
(D) i M. Phil. Degree awarded 03 each candidate
ii iii M.Sc. /M.Tech. Degree awarded 03 each candidate
M.Sc. /M.Tech. Member Advisory Committee 2 points each candidate
(D) iv Ph.D. Thesis submitted-Major advisor 07 each candidate
Ph.D. Degree awarded-Major Advisor 03 each candidate
Ph.D. Co-major Advisor 7 points
Ph.D. Member Advisory Committee 05 each candidate
(E) i Refresher Courses, Methodology Workshops, Training, TeachingLearning-Evaluation Technology Programmes, Soft skills development programmes, Faculty Development Programmes (Max. 30 points) (a) Not less than two weeks duration (b) Two week duration 20 each 10 each
(E) ii Papers in Conferences or Seminars or workshops Participation and presentation of research papers (oral or poster) in
etc.* (a) International conference 10 each
(b) National 7.5 each
(c) Regional or State level 5 each
(d) Local-University or College level 3 each
(E) iii Invited lectures or presentations for conferences or symposia (a) International 10 each
(b) National level 5

If a paper presented in conference/seminar is published in the form of proceedings, the points would accrue for publication (A) and not under presentation (E (ii) ).


The reservation in respect of Handicapped persons, Female candidates, Ex-servicemen,Sportsmen etc. will be considered as per existing rules of Government of Maharashtra.
The Pay Scales of the post carry all allowances admissible from time to time as per the rulesof the University.
If response from highly qualified and more experienced candidates is adequate then, those with less qualification or experience may not be called for interview even though they may befulfilling the minimum qualification prescribed for the post.
It is to be noted that, the posts advertised does not necessarily mean that all the posts will benecessarily filled-in.
The number of posts may decrease or increase due to any reason.
Nomenclature of a post can be changed as and when need arises.
Persons working in other than this University should attach "No objection Certificate" fromtheir present employer with other certificates.
Separate application should be made for each post with separate application fee.
Documentary, self explanatory evidence for age, caste, educational qualification, experienceetc. as indicated in the application should invariably be produced with application, failingwhich application will be rejected.
As per the Government Resolution, dated 19th March, 2003, newly appointed employee/officer shall have to produce either DOE ACC's CCC, 'O', 'A', 'B', 'C' level certificate or MS-CIT certificate within 2 years from the date of their appointments, if not submitted along with the application form.
The candidate has to appear for interview, if called for, at his/her own cost.
Incomplete applications and applications received after the last date shall stand rejected and no correspondence in respect of such applications shall be entertained. No enclosures shall be accepted after receipt of applications.
The candidates should possess required qualification, age and experience as on 9th February, 2018. Accordingly, the candidates should confirm their eligibility for the post applied for before submission of application. No separate correspondence whatsoever in thisregard shall be entertained by this University.
The candidates belonging to the DT/NT/OBC/SBC category should produce Non-Creamy Layer certificate issued on or after 1st April, 2017 by the competent authority.
It is necessary that the caste validity certificate should be submitted within a period of sixmonth from the appointment. It will be the personal responsibility of the candidate to submitcaste validity certificate within a stipulated period.
The University is not responsible for postal delay or loss of application in transit.
Selected candidate can be posted or transferred anywhere in the jurisdiction of the University.
The University reserves the right not to fill up the post even after selection of the candidate.
The University reserves the right to re-advertise the posts if suitable candidates are not found in the recruitment process.
Government servants and the staff working under the University and local bodies shouldnecessarily apply through proper channel forwarding an advance copy to this office directly not later than 9th February, 2018.
The candidate should submit the "Undertaking" in the prescribed form 'Annexure-A' regarding small family alongwith his application as per Govt. of Maharashtra, General Administration Department, Notification dated 28/03/2005 otherwise the application will be rejected as a incomplete application.
On selection of the candidates every candidates shall have to execute an Agreement Bondwith the Registrar of this University as per the provision in Section 57(1) of the Maharashtra Agricultural Universities Act, 1983.
The candidate should submit score card of Academic Performance Indicators of Category Iand Category II for a period from Academic Year 2009-2010 to 2015-2016, duly attested by the Internal Quality Assessment Cell (IQAC) of the University. The documents related to

Category III of Academic Performance Indicators for entire career should be attached with the application form.

If score card is not attested by the IQAC of the parent University/Institute, the applicant otherthan this University may submit all papers of Category I, Category II of APIs for a period from Academic Year 2009-2010 to 2015-2016 and Category III of APIs for entire career, with the application form, giving Index and Page Numbers of the documents, for consideration of the Scrutiny Committee of this University. The score card prepared by the Scrutiny Committee of this University as per the norms prescribed under 'Maharashtra Agricultural Universities (Krishi Vidyapeeths) (First Amendment) Statutes, 2014' shall be final. Any complaints in this regard shall not be entertained by this University.

VISIT US AT :-http://www.dbskkv.org

Copy submitted for information to :

  1. The Additional Chief Secretary/Principal Secretary/Secretary, Indian Council of Agril. Research, Pusa, New Delhi -110 012.

  2. Agricultural Scientist Recruitment Board, Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan, New Delhi -110 012.

  3. Agricultural, Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development and Fisheries Department, Mantralaya,

Mumbai-400 032. Copy f.w.cs. for wide publicity on the web sites of the :

  1. Government of Maharashtra (director_it@ maharashtra.gov.in)

  2. Directorate of Employment and Self-Employment, Government of Maharashtra, 3rd Floor (Extn.), Konkan Bhavan, CBD, Belapur, New Mumbai -400 614 (maha-employment@nic.in)

3. University web site : www.dbskkv.org Copy f.w.cs. for information to :

  1. The Director, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa, New Delhi.

  2. The Commissioner of Agriculture, Maharashtra State, Pune-411 001.

  3. The Commissioner of Fisheries, Taraporewala Aquarium, Mumbai-400 002.

  4. The Commissioner of Dairy Development, Maharashtra State, Administrative Building, Abdul Gafar Khan Road, Worli Sea Face, Mumbai -400 018.

  5. The Director General, Maharashtra Council of Agricultural Education and Research, 132-B, Bhosalenagar, Bhamburda, Pune-411 007.

  6. The Director of Horticulture, M.S., Shivajinagar, Pune -411 002.

  7. The Director, Soil & Water Conservation, Central Building, Pune.

  8. Assistant Director, Employment And Self Employment Office, Ratnagiri. 512, Damale Bunglow, Near Gogate Jogalekar College, Ratnagiri -415612 Dist. Ratnagiri.

  9. Member Secretary, Maharashtra State Scheduled Castes Commission, Admn.l Building, A.G. Khan Road, Worly C. Phase, Mumbai-400 018.

  10. The Director of Social Welfare, Maharashtra State, Pune.

  11. The Registrars, of all Agricultural Universities in India.

  12. The All Deans/Directors.

  13. The Associate Deans/Associate Directors of Research, N.A.R.P./All Heads of Departments.

  14. The District President, Castribe Karmachari Mahasangh, Maharashtra State, 3350, Santidut Palace, Jakadevi Nagar, Bodhimarg, Tal. Lanja, Dist.  Ratnagiri  416 701.

  15. The President, Organization for rights of Tribal, Ratnagiri Branch, Government Guest House No. 3, Salvi Stop, Opp. Jakat Naka, Ratnagiri -415 612.

  16. The Superintendent of Agril. Schools.

  17. All Heads of Institutions/Research Station/Schemes/Projects under the jurisdictions of Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli.

  18. All Branches in the University office. 2/-All the above officers are requested to bring the contents of the advertisement to the notice of the persons working under them.

Important Dates

Start Date End Date
Notification Issued 30-Dec-2017
Applications 09-Feb-2018

Notification Issued By

  • Organization : Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth
  • Organization City, State : dapoli, maharashtra
  • Organization Website : www.dbskkv.org

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  • General Information
  • Important Dates
  • How To Apply
  • Applications
  • Exam Fees
  • Eligibility
  • Educational Qualifications
  • Age Limits
  • Reservations
  • Posts / Positions / Services
  • Job Vacancies List
  • Examination Centres
  • Plan Of Examination
  • Exam Syllabus
  • Exam Instructions
  • Previous Question Papers
  • Interview Questions
  • Interview Experience
  • Results