xq# ?kklhnkl fo'ofo|ky;] fcykliqjN-x- GURU GHASIDAS VISHWAVIDYALAYA, BILASPUR (C.G.)

dsanzh; fo'ofo|ky; vf/kfu;e 2009 ds varxZr LFkkfir fo'ofo|ky; ( A Central University established by the Central Universities Act, 2009)
dksuh] fcykliqj & 495009 N-x- Koni, Bilaspur-495009 (C.G.)
nwjHkk"k % 07752-260017 QSDl : 07752-260154 Phone 07752-260017, FAX : 07752-260154
osclkbV % www.ggu.ac.in Website : www.ggu.ac.in

S.No. 293 /Rec/Adm/2017 Bilaspur, Dated: 18-08-2017
Engagement of Consultant on Contract Basis
Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya Bilsapur (C.G.) invites applications from willing and eligible individuals for engagement as Consultants (on CONTRACT BASIS) for providing high quality services on specific projects initially for a period of one year which may be extended for further similar term at a consolidated remuneration of Rs. 70,000 ( Rupees Seventy thousands only) per month.
The selection of Consultants shall be made in accordance with the provisions contained in GFR 2017 Rule 178, 180, 181, 185 and chapter 7- selection of individual consultants (Para 1.2.1, Para 7.1 and Para 7.2) of manual of policies and procedure of employment of consultant
- 1. No other compensation apart from consolidated remuneration will be admissible.
- 2. The details including eligibility criteria are enclosed Annexure-I
- 3. Terms and Conditions of the engagement are mentioned in Annexure-II.
- 4. Application form is attached at Annexure III
- 5. This is rolling advertisement and there is no last date. The University will process applications received for different positions as per requirement from time to time.
- 6. Selection of the Consultant shall be made by a duly constituted Selection Committee by process of interview and interaction. The Date of interview shall be notified subsequently. The decision of the Selection Committee shall be final.
- 7. Preference will be given to working/retired Central Govt./State Govt. Employees having experience in the relevant field. The University reserves the right to relax any qualification/ experience for persons having extraordinary expertise in the relevant fields, if the circumstances so warrant.
- 8. The University reserves the right to accept or reject in part of or in full or all the responses received from applicants without assigning any reasons whatsoever.
By Order
Registrar (Acting)
Annexure I
Position Consultant Finance :-
- 1. Number of Position 01
- 2. Minimum Qualifications:
a. Masters Degree with at least 55% of the marks or its equivalent grade of B in the UGC seven-point scale from a recognized University/Institution.
b. Nine years of experience as Assistant Professor in the AGP of Rs.6000/- and above with experience in educational administration. OR 5 years of administrative experience as Assistant Registrar or in an equivalent post.
Comparable/equivalent experience of handling administrative Financial Budget I Accounts matter in a responsible capacity in Finance & Accounts Section/department in Government or Semi-Government Organization / similar University I Institutions of national standing etc., or other recognized institutions of higher education.
Desirable Degree in Management (Finance) or Accountancy or any other relevant subject, knowledge of Computer or any other relevant subject. Persons retired from Indian Audit and Accounts services or similar background will be given preference
3. Job Description : The candidate is expected to have experience of working in a Government or Semi-Government Organization I University I Institutions of national standing etc., with sufficient computer literacy and ability to work independently.
The consultant is expected to deal with noting/drafting financial procedures, budgets and accounts. Also to assists in Audit Matters, C&AG Audit Para and Internal Audit, reconciliation of the outstanding Inspection Reports/ Paras.
Position Consultant Contracts & Disputes:
- 1. Number of Position 01
- 2. Minimum Qualifications:
a. Masters Degree with at least 55% of the marks or its equivalent grade of B in the UGC seven-point scale from a recognized University/Institution.
b. Nine years of experience as Assistant Professor in the AGP of Rs.6000/- and above with experience in educational administration. OR 5 years of administrative experience as Assistant Registrar or in an equivalent post.
Comparable/equivalent experience of handling administrative, Financial, procurement, labour law and matters of dispute in a similar responsible capacity in Government or Semi-Government Organization I University I Institutions of national standing etc., or other recognized institutions of higher education.
Desirable 1. Degree in Management and OR LL.B, knowledge of Computer.
2. Relevant Experience and knowledge in the areas of GoI Rules, Industrial Disputes, Dopt circulars, etc. in relation to Central Universities.
3. Job Description:- The candidate is expected to have experience of worked in a Government or Semi-Government Organization I University I Institutions of national standing etc., in the following areas; with sufficient computer literacy and ability to work independently:
The consultant is expected to assist in Administrative matters including disputes relating to Legal, Labour relations & laws, Public relations, Recruitments and Establishments in Administrative wing. Also in Estate Management, Materials Management, procurement & Import procedures in Stores & Purchase Section I Estate Office.
Position :- Consultant Legal Matters :-
- 1. Number of Position 01
- 2. Minimum Qualifications:
a. Masters Degree with at least 55% of the marks or its equivalent grade of B in the UGC seven-point scale from a recognized University/Institution.
b. Nine years of experience as Assistant Professor in the AGP of Rs.6000/- and above with experience in educational administration OR 5 years of administrative experience as Assistant Registrar or in an equivalent post.
Comparable/equivalent experience of handling legal matters in a responsible capacity in or on behalf of Government or Semi-Government Organization I University I Institutions of national standing etc., or other institutions of higher education.
Desirable Degree in LL.B, knowledge of Computer.
3. Job Description:- The candidate is expected to have experience of worked in a Government or Semi-Government Organization I University I Institutions of national standing etc., in the following areas; with sufficient computer literacy and ability to work independently:
The consultant has to assist the University in drafting and filing of replies, taking updates of court cases from counsels in respect of the courts and tribunals. Legislation and policy related matters experience in secretarial functions, sound knowledge of Rules and Regulations, drafting of notes and other Administrative matters including, Legal matters , Labour relations & laws, Public relations, Recruitments, Establishments in Administrative wing.
Position :- Consultant Campus Development :-
- 1. Number of Position 01
- 2. Minimum Qualifications:
a. Masters Degree in Civil/Electrical/Architectural Engg. with at least 55% of the marks or its equivalent grade of B in the UGC seven-point scale from a recognized University/Institution.
b. Nine years of experience as Assistant Professor in the AGP of Rs.6000/- and above with experience in educational administration OR 5 years of administrative experience as Assistant Registrar or in an equivalent post.
Comparable/equivalent experience of handling/planning/execution of large construction plan in a capacity of supervising official in a responsible capacity in Government or Semi-Government Organization I University I Institutions of national standing etc., or other institutions of higher education.
Desirable knowledge of Auto CAD.
3. Job Description:- The candidate is expected to have experience of worked in a Government or Semi-Government Organization I University I Institutions of national standing etc., in the following areas; with sufficient computer literacy and ability to work independently:
The consultant has to assist the University in campus development matters, providing guideline and helping in construction and infrastructure development, liaising with local authorities and co-ordinated handling of engineering related issues.
Annexure II
- 1. Eligibility
1.1 As specified for different posts at annexure - I
2. Age Limit:
2.1 Preferably below 65 year of age on the last date for receipt of application.
3. Remuneration:
3.1 The monthly consolidated fixed remuneration of Consultants is Rs.70, 000 (rupees Seventy
Thousands only) per month.
3.2 For retired Government servants, remuneration shall be calculated and fixed on the basis of last pay Drawn by the Consultant on the date of his superannuation from Govt. Department (Pension + DA).
3.3 The Consultant shall not be entitled to any allowance such as DA, transport facility, residential accommodation, CGHS/Medical Facility, Medical reimbursement etc.
4. Nature of Engagement :
4.1 The engagement of Consultant will be purely on contract basis for 12 months and it will not confer any right for regular appointment to any post in the University/ organization.
4.2 The Consultant will be appointed initially for a period of one year which may be extended for further similar term. This continuation in his/ her services shall be subject to assessment of his/ her performance at the end of the tenure of one year contract period.
5. Scope of Work/Job Responsibility:
5.1 As specified for different posts at annexure - I
6. Working Hours :
6.1 The Consultant shall be required to observe the normal office timing and may also be called upon to attend the office on Saturday, Sunday or any holiday in case of exigencies of work.
6.2 He will be required to make his services be available on Holidays/ weekends as and when called upon to do so in exigencies for which no additional remuneration shall be paid. However, he can avail compensatory off on subsequent working days during next 2 (Two) months.
7. Leave:
7.1 The Consultant shall be entitled to avail 8 days of Leave in a calendar year which he can avail at his convenience.
7.2 The un-availed leave in a calendar year can not be carried forward to next calendar year.
8.0 The engagement as Consultant in case of a retired Government Servant shall not be considered as a case of re-employment.
9. Tax Deduction at Source:
9.1 The Income Tax or any other tax will be deducted at source as per Government Rules. Necessary TDS Certificate will be issued to them.
10. Confidentiality of data and documents:
10.1 No one shall utilize or publish or disclose or part with, to a third party, any part of the data or statistics or proceedings or information collected for the purpose of his assignment or during the course of assignment for University without the express written consent of University.
10.2 The Consultant shall be bound to hand-over the entire set of records of assignment to the
University before the expiry of the contract, and before the final payment is released by the University.
10.3 The Consultant would be required to sign a non-disclosure undertaking.
11. Conflict of interest:
11.1 The Consultant shall in no case represent or give any opinion or advice to others in any matter which is adverse to the interest of the University nor will he indulge in any activity outside the terms of the contractual assignment.
11.2 The Consultant shall not claim any benefit/compensation/absorption/regularization of service with this University.
12. Termination of Agreement:
12.1 The University may terminate the contract to which these terms apply, if:- (i) The Consultant is unable to address the assignment work.
(ii) Quality of the assignment work is not to the satisfaction of the Controlling
Officer/Competent Authority in the University.
(iii) The Consultant is found lacking in honesty, integrity, in the event of incidence in violating moral turpitude, or acts which are not in conformity with the CSS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 applicable to the Central Govt. Employee.
(iv) The Competent Authority in the University may also terminate the contract at any time without giving any notice and also without assignment of a consultant any reason.
General Instructions
- 1. Eligibility of a candidate and satisfaction of any other Short-listing criteria shall be
considered as on date of closing for a particular position.
- 2. Candidate must enclose non-refundable application fee of Rs. 500 (Exempted for SC/ST/PH candidates) in the form of a Online Chalan available at University Website or Demand Draft drawn on any nationalized bank in favor of The Registrar, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur (C.G.) payable at Bilaspur (C.G.). Application fees once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
- 3. The University will not be responsible for postal delay in receipt of the application forms of the candidates.
- 4. Application incomplete in any respect, without substantial proof of statements/information filled in application form shall not be considered.
- 5. No deletion / alteration will be permitted in the application form after its submission.
- 6. Candidates should send self attested copies of certificates and mark-sheets from matriculation onwards in support of their qualifications. Originals should not be sent along with the application but these must be produced at the time of interview/interaction and joining. The University shall verify the antecedents or documents submitted by a candidate at any time at the time of engagement or during the tenure of the engagement. In case, it is detected that the documents submitted by the candidates are fake or the candidate has a clandestine antecedents/background and has suppressed the said information, then his engagement shall be terminated.
- 7. In case of any dispute/ambiguity that may occur in the process of engagement of consultant , the decision of the University shall be final. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of evaluation, which may be detected at any stage even after the issue of engagement letter, the University reserves the right to modify/ withdraw/ cancel any communication made to the candidates.
- 8. Applicants who are in employment should route their applications through proper channel.
- 9. Candidates are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess at least the minimum essential qualifications laid down in the advertisement. No interim correspondence shall be entertained. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification. No correspondence will be entertained from candidates regarding postal delays, and reasons for not being called for interview/interaction.
- 10. The Evaluation Committee may decide its own method of evaluating the performance of the candidates in interview/interaction.
- 11. The prescribed qualifications and experience will be minimum and the mere fact that a candidate possessing the same will not entitle him for being called for interview/interaction. The University will have the right to restrict the candidates to be called for interview/interaction to a reasonable number on the basis of qualifications and experience higher than the minimum prescribed or by any other condition that may deem fit. More stringent criteria may be applied for short-listing the candidates to be called for interview/interaction.
- 12. Officer under the Central / State Governments / Universities /Recognized Research Institutions / Semi Government, Statutory or Autonomous Organizations holding analogous posts and fulfilling the eligibility conditions may also apply.
- 13. Retired Government servants from Central Govt./State Govt/Central/State Universities/Other Statutory Autonomous bodies/Govt. Sectors/Govt Recognized Organization are also encouraged to apply
- 14. The Chairman Evaluation Committee shall have the power to lay-down the procedure in respect of any matter not mentioned ABOVE.
- 15. In cases of any disputes any suites or legal proceedings against the University, the jurisdiction shall be restricted to the Courts in Bilaspur CG which is the headquarter of the University.
- 16. The University reserves the right to extend the last date for receipt of applications and also reserves the right to revise/reschedule/cancel/suspend the process without assigning any reason. The decision of the University shall be final and no appeal shall be entertained in this regard.
- 17. The University reserves the right not to engage any person against any position without giving any reason.
- 18. All the engagements are subject to verification of various certificates, credentials, academic/Professional qualifications, experience, conduct, medical fitness followed by police verification of the engaged person.
- 19. No educational qualification shall be considered unless supported by Degree Certificate or Provisional Degree Certificate along with mark sheets. Only a grade card/mark sheet will not be treated as proof of eligibility of the Degree, unless it specifically and unconditionally indicates that the student is eligible for award of degree.
- 20. Experience Certificate from employer must mention Pay Scale, GP, Duration, Post and all other work experience related details which candidate has claimed in his/her application. It is the responsibility of the candidate to provide conclusive documentary proof(s) in support of experience claimed without which no weightage shall be given.
- 21. Any details or update shall be declared & displayed from time to time on University website only. Candidates are advised to visit University website and keep informed regarding updates.
- 22. Duly filled-in applications in the prescribed format should reach the Registrar, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur (CG) throughout the duration of the advertisement by registered/Speed post only.
- 23. The Above positions are not regular employment and does not entitle any privileges or benefits of regular employment.
Important Dates
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya - A Central University
- Organization City, State : bilaspur, chhattisgarh
- Organization Website : http://ggu.ac.in
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results