Walk in Interview
Following post is required to be filled on temporary basis on consolidated salary for a period of 15 months (project period). The post is required for MUHSMYLAN csr project on full time basis. The details of the post are as follow :
Post | Project Coordinator |
Eligibility | M.D. (PSM) |
Number of post | 01 |
The eligible candidates are requested to be present with the Prescribed Application form. (form are available on MUHS website )
For more details please visit the University website : The Interview is scheduled on date 02/04/2018, time : 02.30 pm at Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Vani-Dindori Road, Nashik 422 004.
Date : | / | /2018 | ||
Dr. Kalidas | D. Chavan | |||
Place : Nashik | Registrar |
Advertisement No. 01/2018
Name of the Post | Number of post | Qualification/ Experience | Monthly Salary |
Project Coordinator | 01 | Essential 1) M.B.B.S. Degree of any statutory University 2) Post Graduate Degree in M.D. P.S.M. of any statutory University 3) Computer literate : well versed with MS-Office 4) Proficiency in written and spoken English Age : Not more than 55 years Desirable 1) Having work experience in national / international Research Project / CSR Project | 50,000/-Consolidated |
Advt.No. 01/2018 General conditions and important instructions for applicants
- The post is purely on temporary basis for the purpose of project, subject to sanction form mylan funds.
- Being temporary post, he/she carry no retirement or other such benefits.
- The nature of duties / job of the post is not of permanent nature.
- The selected candidate shall be initially given appointment on the post for the period of 6 months. However can be given further extension of 9th months appointed for a period of 15 months of subject to satisfactory performance as per requirement of project
- Applicants should attend interview on his / her own expenses & should bring the prescribed application form dully filled along with him/her for onward submission to MUHS office Applications received through e-mail will not be considered.
- Attested photocopies of following documents should be attached along with the applications : a) Date of Birth / Proof of Age (School Leaving Certificate / S.S.C. Certificate) b) Education qualification ( s ) documents c) Computer literacy Certificate (MS-CIT or any equivalent Certificate) d) Experience Certificate
- A Recent passport size photograph duly self-attested should be affixed on the application.
- Applicants are required to be present at the venue of the interview at 11.00 a.m. for verification of original documents. It is mandatory to produce all the original required documents at the time of interview.
- The University reserve the right to fill or not to fill the post.
- Applicants who are not eligible will not be informed independently / individually. Applicants are not allowed to make enquiry in this behalf.
- Proficiency in Marathi, Hindi & English shall be essential.
- On verification, if it is found that the information received from an applicant is faulty / misleading and / or is based on faulty / forged certification shall be liable for action and the selection / appointment shall be immediately cancelled / discontinued.
13.Age should not be more than 55 years, age relaxation shall be applicable to the candidates having exceptionally excellent academic & Research background. 14.The selected candidates will be posted to the Students Welfare Deparment
- Any sort of canvassing directly or indirectly will be treated as disqualification and the application of such candidate shall be rejected at any stage.
- If any issue in this respect, it shall be fully and finally dealt & decided by the Honble Vice-Chancellor.
- The University reserve the right to cancel, amend or modify any clause of this advertisement.
Place : Nashik Sd/-
Registrar MUHS, Nashik
Duties & Responsibilities of the Project-Coordinator
1) To create health awareness & education among the community in Jalgaon & Nanded Districts.
2) To train & sensize health workers on basic screening procedure for cancer, HIV, Hepatitis-B & C to ensure early detection in the population of the District.
3) To sensitize health workers on the available modern contraceptive purchase & thereby enable the population in the District to have & make informed choice on the methods.
4) To conduct infrastructure analysis study to identify existing gaps in infrastructure & resources to perform the screening & basic treatment regimens within the District
5) To do work assigned by the authority.

Advt No..
Paste recent Passport Size photo duly self attested
By self
Post applied for : .............................................. 1) Name :____________________________________________________________________ (In Capital letters) Surname First Name Father's / Husband's Name 2) Address for Correspondence : ________________________________________________
___________________________________Pin Code _____________________
3) Contact Tel. Nos. : | STD code _________ ( Res.) _______________ (Off.) _____________ | |
E-mail ID____________________________ Mobile No. ________________ | ||
4) Date of Birth : | ( in words ) |
5) Ageas on: ___________________________ 6) Nationality : _____________________ 7) Religion : ___________________________ 8) Whether belong to SC/ST/VJNT/OBC/SBC Category:------------------------9) Caste :------------------------
(Please attach documentary proof.)
10) Sex: Male Female (Please Mark)
11) Marital Status: Married Unmarried (Please Mark)
12) Whether belongs to Ex-Servicemen-YES NO (Please Mark)
13) Educational Qualifications: (Mandatory to attach all necessary copies of attested Mark Sheets.)
Sr. No. | Examination Passed | Name of Board / University | Year of Passing | Subjects Taken | Percentage of Marks obtained | Grade |
1 | ||||||
2 | ||||||
3 | ||||||
4 | ||||||
5 |
14) No. of Publications: A) National:--------------------------------(Please attach list separately) B) International:----------------------------15) Experience: (Please attach attested copies of necessary Certificates)
Sr. | Name of the Institution | Post held | Period | Pay Band & Grade pay | Reason for leaving services (if any) | ||
No. | From | To | Total Period | ||||
1 | |||||||
2 | |||||||
3 |
16) Any other information, which you would like to provide : ------------------------------------------------
(Please attach separate sheet if necessary)
17) I Certify that the Foregoing information is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed / distorted. If at any time I am found to have concealed / distorted any material information my appointment shall be liable to be summarily terminated without notice / compensation.
Place :
Date : (Signature of the Candidate)
NOTE: Incomplete Application will be rejected and no correspondence will be entertained on this behalf.
Declaration of Small Family
FORM "A" (See Rule -04)
I, Shri/ Smt./ Kum. son/daughter/wife of Shri. ...., aged years, resident of do hereby declare as follows :
- That I have filled my application for the post of
- I have (Number) living children as on today. Out of which number of children born after 28th March, 2005 is .(Mention dates of birth, if any).
- I am aware that, if any total numbers of living children are more than two due to the children born after 28th March, 2006, I am liable to be disqualified for the same post.
Place :
Date : Signature of Applicant
Annexure B
('kklu fu.kZ; dz-izlq/kk 1614$345$iz-dz-71$18&v fn-09$03$2015)
Self-Declaration for Self Attestation
I ... Son / Daughter of.. aged ...., occupation resident of.. with UID No. . hereby declare that the copies attested by me are true copies of original documents. I am well aware of the fact that if the copies are found to be false, I shall be liable for prosecution and punishment under Indian Penal Code and / or any other law applicable thereto.
Place : Applicants Signature Date :
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 30-Nov-2017 | |
Interviews | 02-Apr-2018 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Maharashtra University of Health Sciences
- Organization City, State : nashik, maharashtra
- Organization Website :
- Notification
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- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
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- Job Vacancies List
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- Exam Syllabus
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- Previous Question Papers
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