Advt. No. KNC/2018/NT/01 Date:- 05.03.2018
Applications are invited for the following regular/permanent Non-Teaching posts in the pay scale mentioned below with usual allowances permissible under the University of Delhi/UGC rules. The fee for each application is Rs. 200/- for UR/OBC candidates and no fee applicable for female/women, SC/ST & PwD candidates. DETAIL OF VACANCIES
For complete details, instructions/general conditions, eligibility criteria Scheme of Exam, Schedule of Exam and application form, please visit the college website www.knc.edu.in/ Delhi University Website www.du.ac.in . The prescribed application form accompanied by self-attested copies of all the required certificates must reach the college office on or before 15.03.2018. Any change in above posts, if any, will be posted on college website only. Any Addendum/dedendum/corrigendum shall be posted on the college website only. PRINCIPAL |
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KAMALANEHRUCOLLEGE (UNIVERSITYOFDELHI) August Kranti Marg, New Delhi-110049. PART-IGeneral Instructions to applicants
- 1. A separate application form has to be submitted for each post. Application form available on the College website i.e., www.knc.edu.in / Delhi University website i.e., www.du.ac.in .
- 2. Before filling up the form, candidates are advised to carefully go through the Advertisement available on the college website and confirm their eligibility with regard to qualification/experience/age etc., before submitting the application form.
- 3. Consequent upon adoption of self-certification provisions as required by the Govt. of India, the College shall process the application entirely on the basis of information/documents submitted by the candidates. In case the information/documents are found to be false/incorrect by way of omission or commission, the responsibility and liability shall lie solely with the candidate. Application received without complete information or without requisite fee shall be rejected.
- 4. Candidates should possess the prescribed educational qualification and experience before filling the form or as on last date. It is the responsibility of the candidate to assess his/her own eligibility for the post for which he/she is applying in accordance with the advertisement. If it is detected at any time in future (during the process of selection or even after appointment) that the candidate was not eligible as per the prescribed qualification, experience, etc., which could not be detected at the time of selection for whatever reason, his/her candidature/appointment shall be liable to be cancelled/terminated as per rules.
- 5. As per directives of the University of Delhi vide its OM No. Estab. IV/047/2016/01/RR-OM dated 02.12.2016, it has been decided to discontinue interviews for recruitments to all Group C, Group D (which are now reclassified at Group C) posts and for non-gazetted posts of Group B Category and all such equivalent posts in the light of DoPT OM No. 39020/01/2013-Estt (B)-Part dated 29.12.2015.
- 6. All the posts will be filled as per the Recruitment Rules of the University of Delhi/UGC. The qualifications and other service conditions shall be such as prescribed by the University of Delhi/University Grant Commission from time to time.
- 7. The upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment shall be relax-able in case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes (Central List) and Persons with Disabilities etc., in accordance with the orders issued in this behalf from time to time by the Central Government and adopted by the University/University Grant Commission.
- 8. The upper age-limit prescribed for direct recruits shall also be relaxable up to a maximum of five years or the number of years (in completed years) whichever is less provided they rendered regular service in same or allied field in organization(s) under Government Departments/Statutory or Autonomous bodies/Universities/affiliated or constituent
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colleges under the University/Public Sector Undertakings rendered at least three years regular service in the same or allied field.
- 9. The upper-age limit will also be relaxed to the extent of service rendered by them in respect of persons who are already working on contract/daily wages/ad-hoc basis in the University/Colleges provided they have put in atleast one year of service. (The relaxation will be subject to other applicable rules and also production of relevant experience certificate from the University of the concerned college where the applicant has served).
- 10. The upper age-limit as prescribed for direct recruits shall not be insisted upon in the case of departmental candidates, provided they have rendered at least three years regular service.
- 11. The applicants should not cross the upper age-limit on the date of advertisement even after relaxation in upper age-limit as per the rules.
- 12. Application fee is to be deposited as per details given below through Demand Draft in favour of The Principal, Kamala Nehru College. along with application form.
S.N. |
Category |
Amount |
1. |
200/- |
2. |
SC/ST/PwD and female/Women |
No Fee |
- 13. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/Persons with Disabilities categories should keep ready a self-attested copy of certificate issued by Competent Authority in the prescribed format as stipulated by the Government of India. In case of candidates belonging to OBC category, certificate should specifically contain a clause that candidate does not belong to creamy layer section excluded from the benefits of reservation for Other Backward Classes in Civil post & services under Government of India.
- 14. Candidates serving in Government/Public Sector Undertakings (including Boards)/Autonomous bodies/Universities/Colleges are required to send their applications through proper channel.
- 15. Canvassing in any form will be treated as disqualification.
- 16. Applications which do not meet the criteria given in the advertisement &/ or incomplete application are liable to be summarily rejected at any stage.
- 17. Candidates should not furnish any particulars that are false, tampered, fabricated or suppress any material/information while submitting the application are self-Certified copies/testimonials.
- 18. The numbers and nature of posts advertised may increase or decrease/vary as per Delhi University/University Grant Commission rules, and the College reserves the right to fill or not to fill up some or all the posts advertised, if the circumstances so warrant.
- 19. The College reserved the right to withdraw any advertised post(s) at any time without giving any reason.
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- 20. The College shall not be responsible for any delay/loss due to postal or technical reasons.
- 21. Candidates called for written test & skill test shall do so at their own expenses. No TA/DA shall be paid.
- 22. There will be reservation of 4% for Persons with Disability Candidates.
- 23. Candidates already working are required to submit No Objection Certificate along with application.
- 24. Applications, received after the stipulated time, will not be entertained under any circumstances.
- 25. The college shall verify the antecedents or documents submitted by the Candidate at the time of document verification for appointment during the tenure of the service. In case, it is detected that the documents submitted by the candidate are false or the candidate has suppressed relevant information, then his/her services shall be terminated without prejudice to any other action initiated by the college.
- 26. The application form with Admit Card duly filled by candidate alongwith the self-attested copies of all testimonials must reach to The Principal, Kamala Nehru College, August Kranti Marg, New Delhi-110049 on or before 15.03.2018.
PART-IIELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS AS PER DU/UGC RULES AND REGULATIONS S.No. 1Name of the Post :-Professional Assistant Age Limit for Direct Recruitment - 35 Years Essential Qualifications:-
- 1. M.Lib.Sc./MLISc. or equivalent with 50% marks.
(OR) Masters Degree in Arts/Science/Commerce or any other discipline with 50% mark and B.Lib.Sc./B.L.I.Sc. with 50% marks.
- 2. Computer Science paper at Graduate/PG level or six month computer science course from recognized institution.
- 1. To perform under the overall supervision of the In-charge of the cell/unit/section and assisting them in routine work;
- 2. Membership and Circulation work: Performing, supervising and of staff; issuing the No Dues/Clearance Certificates;
- 3. Acquisition Work: Completing and verification of the bibliographical details of books and other of the documents before processing the same for purchase and approval by A.L/D.L./Librarian; maintenance of records and correspondence; Receiving books on approval and on confirmed order and bills and checking with Purchase orders; Initiating correspondence within the University and with suppliers; accessioning of books whenever required; maintaining the budgetary allocations and reconciliation of accounts with Finance Division; Initiation of notes for advances, adjustments. Opening of LC, foreign DD etc.
- 4. Periodicals work: Soliciting suggestions for renewal and inviting/receiving of subscription of periodicals and their processing; Completing and verification of bibliographical details before placing order for subscription of periodicals and electronic databases; Placing orders for subscription of periodicals, electronic databases; maintaining and controlling the budgetary allocations; issuing reminders for non-receipt of loose issues of periodicals; passing the bills for payments; display of loose issues; tendering work for binding of books and periodicals; placing the orders for binding of sets of periodicals.
- 5. Technical Processing Work: Classification, cataloguing and preparing the data sheets; subject indexing; metadata preparation and content development; editing of cataloguing and classification entries; downloading and uploading data of the processed books; Database maintenance and rectification;
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- 6. Maintenance of Statistics of various nature; report generation both manual as well computerized;
- 7. Reference and Referral Work: Attending the Reference queries both and providing information services both from print as well as web-resources; bibliographical services on demand and in anticipation; assisting in the orientation/information literacy and competency programmes; Inter-library loan services and maintenance of records; upkeep and development of reference collection;
- 8. Providing the Internet Access services, attending to e-mails and undertaking the maintenance of the Hardware/software/other peripherals;
- 9. Performing Opening and Closing work;
- 10. Secretarial Work: Maintenance of files, records, registers, stationery items, consumables required in the cell/unit/section.
- 11. Stock verification of books, periodicals and other document and permanent store items.
- 12. Maintenance of legal documents.
- 13. Maintenance of the Library Buildings.
- 14. Attending morning, evening and holiday duties as supervisors of shift.
- 15. Any other job assigned from time to time.
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S.No. 2Name of the Post :-Junior Assistant Age Limit for Direct Recruitment - 27 Years Essential Qualifications:-
- 1. A Senior Secondary School Certificate (+2) or its equivalent qualification from a recognized Board /University / Institution with at least 50% marks or a Graduate from a recognized University.
- 2. Computer typing speed of 40 w.p.m. in English or 30 w.p.m. in Hindi typewriting through computers.
Desirable Qualifications:-
- 1. Degree/Diploma in Computer Application/Science and knowledge of operation of latest packages relating to Pay roll, Accounts, MIS etc..
- 2. Diploma in Office Management and Secretarial Practice.
- 1. The incumbent is expected to work under the close supervision of Section Officer or Assistant Registrar/Assistant Controller of Examination. He should posses an aptitude for drafting/noting in English, office procedure, Data Processing in a computerized environment and is expected to provide support service in one or more functions related to Educational Administration/Examinations/General Administration/House Keeping/Establishment/HR Legal/Purchase/Accounts & Finance/Project management/Public Relations.
- 2. All the candidates for direct recruitment will be required to appear in a written test to adjudge their ability of expression and knowledge relating to their work. The selection being based on the performance of the candidates in written test and.
- 3. The scheme of the examination including weightage of marks for written test and etc., as prescribed by the University from time to time with the approval of the Executive Council in this regard.
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S.No. 3Name of the Post :-Junior Assistant cum Care Taker Age Limit for Direct Recruitment -30 Years Essential Qualifications:-
- 1. A Senior Secondary School Certificate (+2) or its equivalent qualification from a recognized Board /University / Institution with at least 50% marks or a Graduate from a recognized University.
- 2. Computer typing speed of 40 w.p.m. in English or 30 w.p.m. in Hindi typewriting through computers.
Desirable Qualifications:-
- 1. Degree/Diploma in Computer Application/Science and knowledge of operation of latest packages relating to Pay roll, Accounts, MIS etc..
- 2. Diploma in Office Management and Secretarial Practice.
- 1. The incumbent is expected to work under the close supervision of Section Officer or Assistant Registrar/Assistant Controller of Examination. He should posses an aptitude for drafting/noting in English, office procedure, Data Processing in a computerized environment and is expected to provide support service in one or more functions related to Educational Administration/Examinations/General Administration/House Keeping/Establishment/HR Legal/Purchase/Accounts & Finance/Project management/Public Relations.
- 2. All the candidates for direct recruitment will be required to appear in a written test to adjudge their ability of expression and knowledge relating to their work. The selection being based on the performance of the candidates in written test and.
- 3. The scheme of the examination including weightage of marks for written test and etc., as prescribed by the University from time to time with the approval of the Executive Council in this regard.
Note (2): Executive Council Resolution No. 88 dated 16.11.2013 the post of Care Taker has been merged with the cadre of Junior Assistant and payment of caretaking allowance, in pursuance of UGC letter F.No. 20-1/2008(JCRC) dated 02.04.2013 and Office Memorandum 7(21)/2008-EIII(4) dated 22.09.2008.
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S.No. 4Name of the Post :-Semi-Professional Assistant Age Limit for Direct Recruitment -35 Years Essential Qualifications:-
- 1. Graduate in Arts/Science/Commerce or any other discipline or any other higher qualification with 50% marks.
- 2. B.Lib.Sc/B.L.I.Sc. With 50% marks.
- 3. Course in Computer Application at Graduate/PG level or Six months Computer Science course from a recognized institution.
- 1. Membership and Circulation Work: Registration of members (Manual or Integrated System); Maintenance of membership records; Issue, Return and Renewal of books, text books and other documents; Reservation/Recalling/Issuing of reminder of books, text books and other documents; Collection of over due charges; preparation of no dues/ clearance certificates; Maintenance of Inter-library loan transaction records.
- 2. Acquisition Work: Preparing purchase orders; Checking of duplication of books and other documents; Checking the purchase order of books, text books confirmed orders; filling of purchase orders; Bill preparation for payment; Certifying the Bills; Maintenance of Bill registers and expenditure register, Accessioning of Books; Transfer of books and other documents for technical processing.
- 3. Performing Data Entry operations;
- 4. Periodicals work: Order/renewal of periodical subscriptions wherever required; Attending typing, Xeroxing and Data Entry operations Registering the current issues of periodicals (manual and computerized); downloading and uploading periodicals data; Reminders for non-receipt of periodicals; Preparing bill for payment of subscription; adjustment of advance; Display of current issues of periodicals wherever required; preparing the loose issues of periodicals into a set for binding;
- 5. Performing the Scanning jobs and attending to e-mails;
- 6. Technical Processing work: Attending typing, Xeroxing and Data operations; Preparation and maintenance of shelf guides, bay guides; Spine label, book card, due date slip writing; downloading and uploading data of the processed books; filing of catalogue cards wherever required.
- 7. Preparation of binding list of books and periodicals; accessioning the bound volumes of periodicals; processing the bills of binders.
- 8. Preparing the list of documents for weeding out;
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- 9. Upkeep and providing services from the Theses and Dissertations, rare books and other reserved collection.
- 10. Assist in Reference/Referral services;
- 11. Library Services to users with special needs;
- 12. Performing the stock verification.
- 13. Secretarial Work: Data entry operations; noting, drafting, verification and scrutiny of records relating to library establishment, maintenance of files and records; staff salaries; other miscellaneous payments, stores, personal records, leave records etc;
- 14. Performing Morning, evening and holiday duties;
- 15. All other such jobs as may be assigned from time to time.
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S.No. 5Name of the Post :-Senior Technical Assistant Age Limit for Direct Recruitment -35 Years Essential Qualifications:- MCA Or M.Sc.(Computer Science/IT) Or B.Tech./B.E. (Computer Science / Information Technology / ECE) or equivalent degree with one year experience in relevant area. 11 of 28
S.No. 6Name of the Post :-MTS Computer Lab Age Limit for Direct Recruitment - 27 Years Essential Qualifications:-
- 1. Should have passed Matriculation (10th) or an equivalent examination with science subjects from recognized board.
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PART-III(SCHEME OF EXAMINATION AS PER DU RULES FROM TIME TO TIME) 1. Scheme of Examination for Direct Recruitment to the post of Professional Assistant The following shall be the scheme of Examination. Components of written test and its syllabus for recruitment to the post of Professional Assistant by direct recruitment:
A. Scheme of the Examination: Paper -I (MCQ) Library Aptitude, General Awareness etc. (150 questions) |
Time: 2 hrs.* |
Max. Marks: 300 marks (150 questions) |
Paper II Library System etc. |
Time: 3 hrs.* |
Max. Marks: 150 marks |
Skill Test Skills pertaining to subject matter of the concerned post would be assessed through a skill test to be conducted by the concerned department/institution under the direct supervision of University Librarian, Deputy Librarian, College Librarian/or equivalent rank. The skill test shall be conducted in a manner to check the practical knowledge of the candidate in handling various processes associated with Librarys functioning. |
Time: 1 hrs. |
The test will be of 50 marks. To qualify the candidate should obtain 25 marks. This will however be only qualifying in nature. |
Total Marks (300+150) |
450 marks |
*15 minutes extra per hour would be given to Visually Handicapped and Cerebral Palsy candidates.
Paper I |
DURATION: 2 hours |
(i) |
Library Aptitude# |
50 |
100 |
(ii) |
General Awareness |
25 |
50 |
(iii) |
Reasoning Ability |
25 |
50 |
(iv) |
Mathematical Ability |
25 |
50 |
(v) |
Test of Language English or Hindi |
25 |
50 |
150 |
300 |
B. Detailed Syllabus for Paper I: (i) Library Aptitude: Questions will be designed to test the knowledge and awareness on Library Information Science and recent development in the field of Library Science. The questions may be from all the spheres of library science. (#The candidate has to secure 50% marks in section (i) of this paper, 5% relaxation will be provided for SC/ST/OBC/PwD) (ii) General Awareness: Questions will be designed to test the ability of the candidates General Awareness of the environment and its relevance to the society. The questions will also be designed to test knowledge of the current events and of such matters of everyday observation as may be expected of an educated person. The test will include questions relating to India and her neighboring countries, especially pertaining to History, Indian Polity & Constitution, Art & Culture, Geography, Economics, General Policy, Science & Scientific Research, National/International Organizations /Institutions, events etc.
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(iii) Reasoning Ability: The syllabus of General Intelligence includes questions of both verbal and non-verbal types. Test may include questions on analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization, problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship, concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series etc. (iv) Mathematical Ability: The test of Arithmetical and Numerical Ability will cover Number System including questions on Simplification, Decimals, Fractions, L.C.M., H.C.F., Ratio & Proportion, Percentage, Average, Profit & Loss, Discount, Simple & Compound Interest, Mensuration, Time & Work, Time & Distance, Tables & Graphs, etc. (v) Test of Language English or Test of Language Hindi: In addition to the testing of candidates understanding of the English or Hindi Languages, its Vocabulary, Grammar, Sentence Structure, Synonyms, Antonyms and its correct usage etc. would also be tested. C. Paper - II: The questions will be designed to test the ability of the candidates knowledge and awareness on Library and Information Science and recent development in the field and on the following subjects.
Topic |
Marks allocated |
Knowledge and application of Library and Information Science Procedures, rules & Regulations. Knowledge of Computers with special reference to knowledge of Library Software Packages of Word Processing, Data Analysis Packages. |
Section 1 - MCQ 100 marks (50 questions) Section 2 Descriptive 50 marks (5 questions) |
D. Skill Test: The skill test shall be qualifying in nature and no additional credits for the same shall be allocated. The skill test shall be conducted in a manner to check the practical knowledge of the candidate in handling various processes associated with Librarys functioning. The candidates may be tested for his/her skills in:
- Search in electronic data bases(online)
- Knowledge of specialized, open source application software for libraries like Digital Library Software etc.
- Knowledge of any Indian/Foreign language as opted by the candidate from the list given below:
Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Malyalam, Kannad, Odiya, Bengali, Assamese, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, French, German, Spanish and Russian. Note:
- 1. The question paper should be bilingual (English and Hindi) and the applicant will have the option to respond in either of the languages. However, the same medium of language must be used throughout.
- 2. The questions in the written test will be of the level of degree/diploma/examination which is defined as the minimum eligibility for the respective post.
- 3. The minimum overall qualifying marks for Paper I and Paper II shall be 45% for the unreserved posts and 40% for the posts reserved for OBC category and 35% for the posts reserved for SC/ST/PwD category.
However, section (ii), (iii), (iv) & (v) of the paper will be evaluated only if a candidate obtains 50% marks in the section (i) of the paper, 5% relaxation will be provided for SC/ST/OBC/PwD.
- 4. Answer script of Paper-II of a candidate would be evaluated only if the candidate qualifies in Paper-I.
- 5. There shall be negative marking for wrong answers in Paper I to the tune of 1/4thof marks allocated per question.
- 6. Merit shall be drawn only for candidates who qualify Paper I, Paper II and skill test, if any, separately. The Merit shall be drawn on the basis of combined scores of Paper I and Paper II only.
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- 7. In case of bunching/bracketing of candidates in the results of the written test, the priority/merit list would be decided as follows:
- (a) The candidate having more marks in aggregate in the examination/degree/diploma which is defined as the minimum eligibility for the respective post will be given preference.
- (b) In case of further bunching/bracketing of candidates, candidate senior in age will be given preference.
- (c) In case option at (a) and (b) is exhausted, it will be decided through draw of lots.
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2. Scheme of Examination for Direct Recruitment to the Post of Junior Assistant The following shall be the scheme of Examination, components of written test and its syllabus for recruitment to the post of Junior Assistant and equivalent by direct recruitment: A. Scheme of the Examination:
Written Test |
Type of Examination |
Time:* |
Max marks: |
Paper-I |
MCQ Type |
3 hours |
200 (200 questions) |
Paper-II |
Essay & Comprehension test |
1 hour |
100 |
Total Marks |
300 |
*15 minutes extra per hour would be given to Visually Handicapped and Cerebral Palsy candidates. B. Test components:
Paper-I |
DURATION: 3 hours |
(i) |
General awareness |
50 |
50 |
(ii) |
Reasoning ability |
50 |
50 |
(iii) |
Mathematical ability |
50 |
50 |
(iv) |
Language English or Hindi |
50 |
50 |
200 |
200 |
Paper-II |
DURATION: 1 hour |
Essay, comprehension & letter writing |
100 |
100 |
On spot typing test |
Qualifying speed shall be at least 40 words per minute, which will be tested on a computer (PC).* |
*PwD candidates for whom complete exemption for type test is provided as per guidelines issued by Central Government, will be exempt from the skill test. C. Syllabus: Paper I: (i) General Awareness: Questions will be designed to test the ability of the candidates General Awareness of the environment and its relevance to the society. The questions will also be designed to test knowledge of the current events and of such matters of everyday observation as may be expected of an educated person. The test will include questions relating to India and her neighboring countries, especially pertaining to History, Indian Polity & Constitution, Art & Culture, Geography, Economics, General Policy, Science & Scientific Research, National/International Organizations /Institutions, events etc. (ii) Reasoning Ability: The syllabus includes questions of both verbal and non-verbal types. Test may include questions on analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization, problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship, concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series etc. (iii) Mathematical Ability: The test will cover Number System including questions on Simplification, Decimals, Fractions, L.C.M., H.C.F., Ratio & Proportion, Percentage, Average, Profit & Loss, Discount, Simple & Compound Interest, Mensuration, Time & Work, Time & Distance, Tables & Graphs, etc. (iv) Test of English or Hindi: In addition to the testing of candidates understanding of the English or Hindi Languages, its Vocabulary, Grammar, Sentence Structure, Synonyms, Antonyms and its correct usage etc. would also be tested.
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Paper II: Essay, comprehension & letter writing: This test is meant for testing the applicability and correct usage of the language, where the candidates would be assessed through essay writing, comprehension and letter writing, situation test analysis etc. Skill Test: The typing test shall be a skill test, which shall be qualifying in nature and no additional credits for the same shall be allocated. Note:
- 1. The question paper should be bilingual (English and Hindi) and the applicant will have the option to respond in either of the language. However, the same medium of language must be used throughout.
- 2. The questions in the written test will be of the level of degree/diploma/examination which is defined as the minimum eligibility for the respective post.
- 3. The minimum qualifying marks for Paper I and Paper II separately shall be 45% for the unreserved posts and 40% for the posts reserved for OBC category and 35% for the posts reserved for SC/ST/PwD category.
- 4. Answer script of Paper-II of a candidate would be evaluated only if the candidate qualifies in Paper-I.
- 5. There shall be negative marking for wrong answers in Paper I to the tune of 1/4thof marks allocated per question.
- 6. Merit shall be drawn only for candidates who qualify Paper I, Paper II and skill test, separately. The Merit shall be drawn on the basis of combined scores of Paper I and Paper II only.
- 7. In case of bunching/bracketing of candidates in the results of the written test, the priority/merit list would be decided as follows:
- (a) The candidate having more marks in aggregate in the examination/degree/diploma which is defined as the minimum eligibility for the respective post will be given preference.
- (b) In case of further bunching/bracketing of candidates, candidate senior in age will be given preference.
- (c) In case option at (a) and (b) is exhausted, it will be decided through draw of lots.
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3. Scheme of Examination for Direct Recruitment for Junior Assistant (Cum Care Taker) Scheme of Examination:
Objective Type (Paper I) Multiple Choice Questions pertaining to the subject matter of the concerned post. The questions will be upto the level of 10thClass/ Secondary. |
Time: 3 hrs. |
Max. Marks: 300 marks (150 questions) |
Skill Assessment Skills pertaining to subject matter of the concerned post would be assessed. ( The manner in which the skills are to be assessed may be determined by the examiner/ group of examiners appointed for the purpose) |
Time: 1/2 hrs. |
The test will be of 50 marks. To qualify the candidate should obtain 25 marks. This will however be only be qualifying in nature. |
Total Marks |
300 |
- 1. The question paper should be bilingual (English and Hindi) and the applicant will have the option to respond in either of the language. However, the same medium of language must be used throughout.
- 2. The questions in the written test will be of the level of degree/diploma/examination which is defined as the minimum eligibility for the respective post.
- 3. The minimum qualifying marks for Paper I shall be 45% for the unreserved posts and 40% for the posts reserved for OBC category and 35% for the posts reserved for SC/ST/PwD category.
- 4. There shall be negative marking for wrong answers in Paper I to the tune of 1/4thof marks allocated per question.
- 5. Merit shall be drawn only for candidates who qualify for Paper I and Skill Test separately. The Merit shall be drawn on the basis of scores of Paper I only.
- 6. In case of bunching/bracketing of candidates in the results of the written test, the priority/merit list would be decided as follows:
- (a) The candidate having more marks in aggregate in the examination/degree/diploma which is defined as the minimum eligibility for the respective post will be given preference.
- (b) In case of further bunching/bracketing of candidates, candidate senior in age.
- (c) In case option at (a) and (b) is exhausted, it will be decided through draw of lots.
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4. Scheme of Examination for Direct Recruitment to the post of Semi Professional Assistant The following shall be the scheme of Examination, components of written test and its syllabus etc. for recruitment to the post of Semi Professional Assistant by direct recruitment.
- A. Scheme of the Examination:
Written Test |
Paper -I (MCQ) Library Aptitude, General Awareness etc. (150 questions) |
Time: 2 hrs.* |
Max. Marks: 300 marks (150 questions) |
Paper II Library Operations etc. |
Time: 3 hrs.* |
Max. Marks: 150 marks |
Total Marks (300+150) |
450 marks |
*15 minutes extra per minute would be given to Visual Handicapped and Cerebral Palsy candidates.
Paper I |
DURATION: 2 hours |
(i) |
Library Aptitude# |
50 |
100 |
(ii) |
General Awareness |
25 |
50 |
(iii) |
Reasoning Ability |
25 |
50 |
(iv) |
Mathematics Ability |
25 |
50 |
(v) |
Test of Language English or Hindi |
25 |
50 |
150 |
300 |
- B. Detailed Syllabus for Paper I:
(i) Library Aptitude: Questions will be designed to test the knowledge and awareness on Library Information Science and recent development in the field of Library Science. The questions may be from all the spheres of library science. (#The candidate has to secure 50% marks in section (i) of this paper, 5% relaxation will be provided for SC/ST/OBC/PwD) (ii) General Awareness: Questions will be designed to test the ability of the candidates General Awareness of the environment and its relevance to the society. The questions will also be designed to test knowledge of the current events and of such matters of everyday observation as may be expected of an educated person. The test will include questions relating to India and her neighboring countries, especially pertaining to History, Indian Polity & Constitution, Art & Culture, Geography, Economics, General Policy, Science & Scientific Research, National/International Organizations /Institutions, events etc. (iii) Reasoning Ability: The syllabus of General Intelligence includes questions of both verbal and non-verbal types. Test may include questions on analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization, problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship, concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series etc. (iv) Mathematical Ability: The test of Arithmetical and Numerical Ability will cover Number System including questions on Simplification, Decimals, Fractions, L.C.M., H.C.F., Ratio & Proportion, Percentage, Average, Profit & Loss, Discount, Simple & Compound Interest, Mensuration, Time & Work, Time & Distance, Tables & Graphs, etc. (v) Test of Language English or Test of Language Hindi: In addition to the testing of candidates understanding of the English or Hindi Languages, its Vocabulary, Grammar, Sentence Structure, Synonyms, Antonyms and its correct usage etc. would also be tested.
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C. Paper - II: The questions will be designed to test the ability of the candidates knowledge and awareness on Library and Information Science and recent development in the field and on the following subjects.
Topic |
Marks allocated |
Knowledge and application of Library and Information Science Procedures, rules & Regulations. Knowledge of Computers with special reference to knowledge of Library Software Packages of Word Processing, Data Analysis Packages. |
Section 1 - MCQ 100 marks (50 questions) Section 2 Descriptive 50 marks (5 questions) |
- 1. The question paper should be bilingual (English and Hindi) and the applicant will have the option to respond in either of the languages. However, the same medium of language must be used throughout.
- 2. The questions in the written test will be of the level of degree/diploma/examination which is defined as the minimum eligibility for the respective post.
- 3. The minimum overall qualifying marks for Paper I and Paper II shall be 45% for the unreserved posts and 40% for the posts reserved for OBC category and 35% for the posts reserved for SC/ST/PwD category.
However, section (ii), (iii), (iv) & (v) of the paper I will be evaluated only if a candidate obtains 50% marks in the section (i) of the paper, 5% relaxation will be provided for SC/ST/OBC/PwD.
- 4. Answer script of Paper-II of a candidate would be evaluated only if the candidate qualifies in Paper-I.
- 5. There shall be negative marking for wrong answers in Paper I to the tune of 1/4thof marks allocated per question.
- 6. Merit shall be drawn only for candidates who qualify Paper I and Paper II, separately. The Merit shall be drawn on the basis of combined scores of the two papers.
- 7. In case of bunching/bracketing of candidates in the results of the written test, the priority/merit list would be decided as follows:
- (a) The candidate having more marks in aggregate in the examination/degree/diploma which is defined as the minimum eligibility for the respective post will be given preference.
- (b) In case of further bunching/bracketing of candidates, candidate senior in age will be given preference.
- (c) In case option at (a) and (b) is exhausted, it will be decided through draw of lots.
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5. Scheme of Examination for Direct Recruitment for the post of SENIOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANT The following shall be the scheme of examination, components of written test and its syllabus for the post of SENIOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANT
- A. Scheme of Examination:
Paper -I (MCQ) Test of General Science and awareness (Level-Post graduate) |
Time: 2 hrs.* |
Max. Marks: 300 marks (150 questions) |
Paper II Subject specific laboratory based practical questions |
Time: 3 hrs.* |
Max. Marks: 150 marks |
Skill Test Skills pertaining to subject matter of the concerned post would be assessed through a skill test to be conducted by the concerned department under the direct supervision of HOD/Dean of concerned Faculty/Principal of College. The skill test shall be conducted in a manner which will elicit the ability of the candidate in handling various scientific/ humanities experiments/tests, as the case may be in a typical laboratory setup of the concerned department. This skill test is aimed to check the practical knowledge of the candidate in terms of various Dos and Donts in a laboratory related to various hazards, precautions etc. |
Time: 1 hr. |
The test will be of 50 marks. To qualify, the candidate should obtain 30 marks. This will, however, be only qualifying in nature. |
Total Marks (300+150) |
450 marks |
*15 minutes extra per hour would be given to Visually Handicapped and Cerebral Palsy candidates.
Paper I |
DURATION: 2 hours |
(i) |
General science# |
60 |
120 |
(ii) |
General awareness |
20 |
40 |
(iii) |
Reasoning ability |
20 |
40 |
(iv) |
Mathematical ability |
30 |
60 |
(v) |
Test of Language English or Hindi |
20 |
40 |
150 |
300 |
- B. Detailed Syllabus for Paper I:
(i) General science: Questions will be designed to test the knowledge of science, laboratory equipment and lab practice. The questions may be from all the spheres of science, however, emphasis would be on the field of science pertaining to the department for which the candidate is being assessed. In case of appointment in departments under the Faculty of Arts/Social Sciences/Mathematical Sciences questions pertaining to the subject matter of the concerned department may also be included. (#The candidate has to secure 50% marks in section (i) of this paper, 5% relaxation will be provided for SC/ST/OBC/PwD) (ii) General awareness: Questions will be designed to test the ability of the candidates General Awareness of the environment and its relevance to the society. The questions will also be designed to test knowledge of the current events and of such matters of everyday observation as may be expected of an educated person. The test will include questions relating to India and her neighboring countries, especially pertaining to History, Indian Polity & Constitution, Art & Culture, Geography, Economics, General Policy, Science & Scientific Research, National/International Organizations /Institutions, events etc.
21 of 28
(iii) Reasoning ability: The syllabus of General Intelligence includes questions of both verbal and non-verbal types. Test may include questions on analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization, problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship, concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series etc. (iv) Mathematical ability: The test of Arithmetical and Numerical Ability will cover Number System including questions on Simplification, Decimals, Fractions, L.C.M., H.C.F., Ratio & Proportion, Percentage, Average, Profit & Loss, Discount, Simple & Compound Interest, Mensuration, Time & Work, Time & Distance, Tables & Graphs, etc. (v) Test of Language English or Test of Language Hindi: In addition to the testing of candidates understanding of the English or Hindi Languages, its Vocabulary, Grammar, Sentence Structure, Synonyms, Antonyms and its correct usage etc. would also be tested.
- C. Paper - II: Subject specific laboratory based practical questions.
The paper will cover the following areas:
Topic |
Marks allocated |
Subject specific laboratory based practical questions Knowledge of Computers with special reference to knowledge of word processing, data analysis packages |
Section 1 - MCQ 100 marks (50 questions) Section 2 Descriptive 50 marks (5 questions) |
- D. Skill Test:
The skill test shall be qualifying in nature and no additional credits for the same shall be allocated. This skill test is aimed to check the practical knowledge of the candidate in terms of various Dos and Donts in a laboratory related to various hazards, precautions etc. Note:
- 1. The question paper should be bilingual (English and Hindi) and the applicant will have the option to respond in either of the languages. However, the same medium of language must be used throughout.
- 2. The questions in the written test will be of the level of examination/degree/diploma which is defined as the minimum eligibility for the respective post.
- 3. The minimum overall qualifying marks for Paper I and Paper II shall be 45% for the unreserved posts and 40% for the posts reserved for OBC category and 35% for the posts reserved for SC/ST/PwD category.
However, section (ii), (iii), (iv) & (v) of the paper I will be evaluated only if a candidate obtains 50% marks in the section (i) of the paper, 5% relaxation will be provided for SC/ST/OBC/PwD.
- 4. Answer script of Paper-II of a candidate would be evaluated only if the candidate qualifies in Paper-I.
- 5. There shall be negative marking for wrong answers in MCQ based questions to the tune of 1/4thof marks allocated per question.
- 6. Merit shall be drawn only for candidates who qualify Paper I, Paper II and skill test, separately. The Merit shall be drawn on the basis of combined scores of Paper I and Paper II only.
- 7. In case of bunching/bracketing of candidates in the results of the written test, the priority/merit list would be decided as follows:
- (a) The candidate having more marks in aggregate in the examination/degree/diploma which is defined as the minimum eligibility for the respective post will be given preference.
- (b) In case of further bunching/bracketing of candidates, candidate senior in age will be given preference.
- (c) In case option at (a) and (b) is exhausted, it will be decided through draw of lots.
22 of 28
6. Scheme of Examination for Direct Recruitment for the post of MTS-LABORATORY (COMPUTER) The following shall be the scheme of examination, components of written test and its syllabus for the post of MTS LABORATORY
- A. Scheme of Examination:
Written Test |
Objective Type (MCQ) General Science and Awareness (150 questions) |
Time: 3 hrs.* |
Max. Marks: 300 marks |
Total Marks |
300 marks |
*15 minutes extra per hour would be given to Visually Handicapped and Cerebral Palsy candidates.
Objective Type (MCQ) |
DURATION: 3 hours |
(i) |
General Science# |
60 |
120 |
(ii) |
General Awareness |
20 |
40 |
(iii) |
Reasoning Ability |
20 |
40 |
(iv) |
Mathematical Ability |
30 |
60 |
(v) |
Test of Language English or Hindi |
20 |
40 |
150 |
300 |
- B. Detailed Syllabus:
(i) General Science: Questions will be designed to test the knowledge of science, laboratory equipment and lab practice. The questions may be from all the spheres of science, however, emphasis would be on the field of science pertaining to the department for which the candidate is being assessed. In case of appointment in departments under the Faculty of Arts/Social Sciences/Mathematical Sciences questions pertaining to the subject matter of the concerned department may also be included. (#The candidate has to secure 50% marks in section (i) of this paper, 5% relaxation will be provided for SC/ST/OBC/PwD) (ii) General Awareness: Questions will be designed to test the ability of the candidates General Awareness of the environment and its relevance to the society. The questions will also be designed to test knowledge of the current events and of such matters of everyday observation as may be expected of an educated person. The test will include questions relating to India and her neighboring countries, especially pertaining to History, Indian Polity & Constitution, Art & Culture, Geography, Economics, General Policy, Science & Scientific Research, National/International Organizations /Institutions, events etc. (iii) Reasoning Ability: The syllabus of General Intelligence includes questions of both verbal and non-verbal types. Test may include questions on analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization, problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship, concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series etc. (iv) Mathematical Ability: The test of Arithmetical and Numerical Ability will cover Number System including questions on Simplification, Decimals, Fractions, L.C.M., H.C.F., Ratio & Proportion, Percentage, Average, Profit & Loss, Discount, Simple & Compound Interest, Mensuration, Time & Work, Time & Distance, Tables & Graphs, etc. (v) Test of Language English or Test of Language Hindi: In addition to the testing of candidates understanding of the English or Hindi Languages, its Vocabulary, Grammar, Sentence Structure, Synonyms, Antonyms and its correct usage etc. would also be tested. 23 of 28
- 1. The question paper should be bilingual (English and Hindi) and the applicant will have the option to respond in either of the languages. However, the same medium of language must be used throughout.
- 2. The questions in the written test will be of the level of degree/diploma/examination which is defined as the minimum eligibility for the respective post.
- 3. The minimum overall qualifying marks for written test shall be 45% for the unreserved posts and 40% for the posts reserved for OBC category and 35% for the posts reserved for SC/ST/PwD category.
However, section (ii), (iii), (iv) & (v) of the paper will be evaluated only if, a candidate obtains 50% marks in the section (i) of the paper, 5% relaxation will be provided for SC/ST/OBC/PwD.
- 4. There shall be negative marking for wrong answers in MCQ based questions to the tune of 1/4thof marks allocated per question.
- 5. Merit shall be drawn only for candidates who qualify written test.
- 6. In case of bunching/bracketing of candidates in the results of the written test, the priority/merit list would be decided as follows:
- (a) The candidate having more marks in aggregate in the examination/degree/diploma which is defined as the minimum eligibility for the respective post will be given preference.
- (b) In case of further bunching/bracketing of candidates, candidate senior in age will be given preference.
- (c) In case option at (a) and (b) is exhausted, it will be decided through draw of lots.
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PART-IV Schedule of Examination
SN |
Name of the Post |
Date &Time of Examination |
1 |
Professional Assistant (Library) |
20/03/2018 |
Paper -I 10.00 am to 12.00 noon Paper-II 1.00pm to 4.00 pm Skill Test 4.30 pm to 5.30 pm |
2 |
Junior Assistant |
20/03/2018 |
Paper -I 10.00 am to 1.00 pm Paper-II 2.00pm to 3.00 pm Skill Test 3.30 pm onwards |
3 |
Senior Technical Assistant |
20/03/2018 |
Paper -I 10.00 am to 12.00 noon Paper-II 1.00pm to 4.00 pm Skill Test 4.30 pm to 5.30 pm |
4 |
Junior Assistant (Cum Care Taker) |
21/03/2018 |
Paper -I 10.00 am to 1.00 pm Skill Test 2.00 pm to 2.30pm |
5 |
Semi-Professional Assistant |
21/03/2018 |
Paper -I 10.00 am to 12.00 noon Paper-II 1.00pm to 4.00 pm |
6 |
MTS-Computer Laboratory |
21/03/2018 |
Written Test 10.00 am to 1.00 pm |
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KAMALA NEHRU COLLEGE (University of Delhi) NAAC Accredited with A Grade August Kranti Marg, New Delhi 110049 Ph: 011-26494881, Fax: 011-26495964, E-mail: kamla.nehru_du@hotmail.com Website: www.knc.edu.in |
Form No. ______ |
Application Form for the Post of ___________________________________ DD No. _______________ Dated__________________ Fee_____________ Issuing Bank ___________________________________________________ In favour of ____________________________________________________

- 1. Name (in BLOCK LETTERS) .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
- 2. Fathers / Husbands Name .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
- 3. (i) Date of Birth (in figures) .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
(ii) Age .. .. .. Years
- 4. (i) Nationality .. .. .. (ii) Gender .. .. (iii) Marital Status .. ..
- 5. (a) Post held if any at the time of sending the application, date of appointment (whether permanent, on contract etc.) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
(b) Name of Employing authority .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
- 6. Do you belong to Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe/OBC/PWD? (Please tick)
(If yes, Please attach certificate) .. . .. .. .. .. .. ..
- 7. Address at which reply to this application, (if any, may be sent)
Postal Address |
Permanent Address |
Email ID:-.. Applicant Mobile No....................................................................
- 8. Academic Qualifications :-
Examination |
Year |
Subject |
Divi-sion |
% of marks obtained |
School / College attended |
Name of Board/ University |
Other Distinctions, if any |
26 of 28
- 9. Technical Qualification :
Computer Knowledge, if any : Typing Speed : 10. Experience :-
Name of the Institution/Organization |
Designation & Scale of Pay |
Period |
Remarks |
- 10. Self-attested copies of Certificates, Mark-sheets, etc., and should be attached with the application and the originals must be produced at the time of joining, if selected.
- 11. Except where otherwise indicated, applicants appearing for test/skill test shall do so at their own expense.
- 12. Applicants who are in employment should send their application through proper channel.
I declare that all the statement made in this application are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signature of Applicant) 11. Forwarded with the remarks that the facts stated in the above have been verified and found correct and this Institution / Organization has no objection to the candidature of the applicant being considered for the post. Designation .. .. .. .. .. Signature .. .. .. .. .. Address .. .. .. .. .. .. Head of the Institution / Organization .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. (with seal) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Dated .. .. .. .. .. .. Telephone No. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12. List of Enclosures (Please indicate total number of enclosures): 1. 2. 3. 4. 27 of 28
KAMALA NEHRU COLLEGE (University of Delhi) ADMIT CARD Written Test for the Post of ________________________________ (to be filled by the candidate)
Roll No.. Date of Examination Address of Centre: Kamala Nehru College, University of Delhi, August Kranti Marg, New Delhi-110084 |
(For Office Use) PARTICULARS OF CANDIDATE Name of Candidate : Fathers Name : Category : Email ID : Address of Candidate : .. .. Signature of Candidate Principal INSTRUCTION TO CANDIDATE FOR APPEARING THE WRITTEN TEST
- 1. On the basis of information supplied by you in the application form and the documents annexed with the application form you are provisionally allowed to appear in the written test as per schedule (Placed on college website). You are required to bring with you an ID-Card to establish your Identity. Mere appearing in the written test does not constitute any offer for employment your candidature is provisional and if it found, even after written test, that you are not eligible for this post, your candidature would be cancelled.
- 2. Reporting time at examination centre will be half an hour before the commencement of examination last entry in examination centre10 minutes prior to commencement of examination.
- 3. Watches calculators, Mobiles Phones, Log Tables, Electronic Gadgets with or without Built-in calculators, Blank or printer paper, written chits etc., are not allowed in the examination hall. Even possession and not necessarily use, will be treated as use of unfair means.
- 4. No candidates will be allowed to leave the examination hall without handing over his Question Booklet and Answer Sheet copy to the invigilator on duty.
- 5. Candidate should read the instruction given on Question Booklet as well as Answer Sheet very carefully before giving answer.
- 6. The Candidate has to show his Admit Card to the invigilator and other college officials as and when required.
- 7. Candidate without Admit Card or with Admit Card having Disfigured, Spoiled or Distorted Photograph shall not be allowed to appear for the examination.
- 8. If a candidate is found using any kind of unfair means his/her result will be cancelled and he/she may also be Disqualified in addition to other legal action.
- 9. It is the responsibility of the candidate to assess his/her own eligibility for the post for which he/she is applying in accordance with the advertisement. If it is detected at any time in future (during the process of selection or even after appointment) that the candidate was not eligible as per the prescribed qualification, experience, etc., which could not be detected at the time of selection for whatever reason, his/her candidature/appointment shall be liable to be cancelled/terminated as per rules.
- 10. Candidate should regularly check the college website www.knc.edu.in for further information and updation.
28 of 28
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 05-Mar-2018 | |
Applications | 15-Mar-2018 | |
Examinations (Mains) | 20-Mar-2018 | 21-Mar-2018 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Kamala Nehru College, University of Delhi
- Organization City, State : new delhi, delhi
- Organization Website : www.knc.edu.in
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results