Schedule of Walk in Interview for Junior Research Fellow/Project Assistant
Applications are invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow/Project Assistant on contract basis to work on the SERB-sponsored research project entitled Fluorescence characteristics of conjugated Lanthanide metallopolymers for light emitting applications, sanctioned to
Dr. Devender Singh, Assistant Professor at the Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak124001, Haryana (MDU).
Details are as below:
Position | -Junior Research Fellow/Project Assistant Inorganic/ Organic/ Physical Chemistry (01 post) |
Duration | The duration of the fellowship is for three years/till completion of the project. |
Essential Qualification | M.Sc. Chemistry/ Inorganic/ Organic Chemistry (minimum 55% or equivalent CGPA) |
Desirable | Working experience in a chemical research laboratory; Knowledge of Synthetic Chemistry. The candidate with NET will be preferred. |
Fellowship | As per DST-SERB or Universitys rules |
How to apply | Interested candidates are requested to send their CV mentioning: Telephone/mobile number, e-mail address, qualification details, research experience etc and all supporting documents by post to the office of Dr. Devender Singh, Assistant Professor at the Maharshi Dayanand University Rohtak-124001, Haryana (MDU). OR By email: devjakhar@gmail.com . |
Date of Walk-in-interview: 31.05, 2018 at 11:00 am in office of HOD/Dr. Devender Singh, Assistant Professor at the Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak-124001, Haryana (MDU).
N.B. The above post is purely temporary with the project. No T.A and D.A or any other allowances will be paid for attending the interview.
Cancellation of fellowship:
Fellowship is liable to cancellation in case of: a) misconduct, b) unsatisfactory research work, and c) fellow is found ineligible later.
The advertisement has also been displayed on the university website www.mdurohtak.ac.in.
For any further information on the project, the candidates may contact the project investigator;

Dr. Devender Singh
Principal Investigator DST-SERB Project (EMR/2016/006135) Department of Chemistry,
M.D. University, Rohtak-124001, Haryana.
Copy to: 1. Head, Department of Chemistry for display on the notice board. 2. Director, Computer Centre, M.D.University Rohtak for display over the MDU website. 3. All Heads of Department of Chemistry of nearby Universities for display on notice board.
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Interviews | 31-May-2018 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Maharshi Dayanand University
- Organization City, State : haryana, haryana
- Organization Website : www.mdurohtak.ac.in
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