Nationaal Institute For Locomotor Disabilities (Divvyangjan)

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( & ( ? # , / > > , $ ) (Department of EEmpowerment of PwDs (Divyangjan), Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerrment, Govt. of India)
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,-700090 / B.T. Road, Bon-Hooghly, Kolkataa-700090 Phone: 2531-079, 2531-06/Tele Fax: 2531-8379/E-mail: and web: www.niohkol.nic.inw
No. RC-NIOH/Dehradun/2005/NIOOH/2731 Date: 27-10-2017
Institute invites expression of interest from eligible Indian Nationals baased on Dehradun forempanelment/engagement of Physiotherapist on session basis aat Regional Chapter-Dehradun, 116 Rajpur Road, NINIEPVD Campus, Dehradun-248001 for prroviding rehabilitationservice to the PwDs patient of thhe Centre. The details are as under:
Educational qualifications && Experience required:-Degree in Physiotherapy fromre n sed university/institutiion/colle e with 02 years experience inn the profession in aren
zed university/ institutiion/Colle
Remuneration: -Rs. 225/-perr session of two hours duration for 03 sessission per day subject tomaximum of Rs. 15000/-per mmonth.
Interested person may obtain prescribed format from Institute Office ((Kolkata & Dehradun)free of cost on any working daay (Except Saturday, Sunday & Holidays) ffrom 1st November to24th November 2017 for submmission of EOI along with requisite documments. The format mayalso be downloaded from instituute official website:
General Terms & Conditions:
The engagement shall be iniitially for six months, which may be extennded at the discretionof the competent authority bbased on good conduct and target orientedd performance of theincumbent.
- The engagement is purelyy contractual in nature and does not confer any right forregularization or permanentt absorption.
- The appointee will not be eentitled to any allowances, financial beneffits or concession etc.However statutory deductionon will be made according to rules.
- he candidate should not haave been convicted by any Court of Law.
- 5.
emporary out station dutiees may be given as and when required.
- Applications should neatlyy typed/hand written on A/4 size plainn paper as per theprescribed format. All Coluumns of the application form should filledd up and no columnshould be left blank.
- Applications received throuough e-mail/late/incomplete will not be considered and theInstitute will not be responsisible for any postal delay.
- The EOI duly completed inn all respects and signed by the candidattes in the prescribedformat along with self aattested photocopies of relevant enclosuosures in respect ofqualifications & experiencece etc. should reach to the Director, NaNational Institute forLocomotor Disabilities (Diivyangjan), B.T. Road, Bon-Hooghly, KolKolkata-700090 on or before 24th November 20117.
The EOI received within thee stipulated time and complete in all respecct shall be shortlisted
for Empanelment/ Engagemment.10.Institute reserves the right tto accept or reject any EOI without assigninng any reason.
Expression of Interest (EOI) No. | : | |
Position Applied for | : |
1 | Name in full (in Block Letters) | : | Affix self attested recent passport size photograph | |||||||||
2 | Father's/Husband's Name | : | ||||||||||
3 | Gender & Marital Status | : | ||||||||||
4 | Permanent Address including Pin code | : | ||||||||||
5 | Correspondence address including Pin code | : | ||||||||||
6 | Contact details (Phone No. & Email ID) | : | ||||||||||
7 | Date of Birth (Attested copy of proof of age to be attached) | : | Date | Month | Year | |||||||
8 | Nationality | : | ||||||||||
9 | Religion | |||||||||||
10 | (a) State your category (Gen/SC/ST/OBC/Ex-Serv) (attached certificate) | : | ||||||||||
(b) Whether belongs to PwD (Yes/No) (If yes, attach copy of certificate) | : | If yes, VH/HH/OH With % of disability |
11 Educational Qualifications beginning with 10th std. onwards (Attached copies of mark sheet & certificates)
Examination Passed | Year of passing | Marks details | % of marks | Div/ Class | Board / University | College/Institution | Subject Taken | |
Max marks | Marks obtained | |||||||
12 Professional / Technical Qualifications (Attached copies of mark sheet & certificates)
Examination Passed | Year of passing | Marks details | % of marks | Div/ Class | Board / University | College/Institution | Subject Taken | |
Max marks | Marks obtained | |||||||
13 Work Experience (Latest first and certificate of each experience to be attached)
Name and address of Organization | Designation & Job Type (Regular/ Contract) | Scale of pay & Grade Pay /Consolidated | Period of Service | Nature of work and level of responsibilities | |||
From | To | Year | Month | ||||
14 | Professional training undergone, if any, and details thereof | : | |
15 | Any other relevant information that you may like to furnish | : |
I hereby declare that I have read the provisions given in the advertisement and all the statements made and information given by me in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any information or part of it being found false or incorrect or suppressed before or after the test/interview or during the appointment period, my candidature/appointment shall automatically stands cancelled/repatriated/ terminated without any notice or compensation.
Date:-Signature of the Candidate
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 27-Oct-2017 | |
Applications | 01-Nov-2017 | 24-Nov-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : National Institute For Locomotor Disabilities
- Organization City, State : kolkata, west bengal
- Organization Website :
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results