Dis.No. 855/2018/A.
(Employment Notification)
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the following posts in Tamil Nadu Judicial Ministerial Service/Tamil Nadu Basic Serivce to fillup the vacany kept in the Courts of Vellore District. Hence, the eligible candidates may apply for the under mentioned post in the prescribed format along with copies of all the testimonials and certificates duly self attested to this office in the address mentioned below by register post only. After scrutinizing the applications, the eligible candidates list will be informed in the official website of this court and those eligible candidates are alone allowed to appear for the written examination and then personal interview will conduct for the candidates those who are selected in written examination.
Age as on 01012018.
(a)Minimum age limit :should have completed 18 years of age.
(b)Maximum age limit :
Sl. Category of Candidates No.
1. Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Caste (Aruthathiyars), Scheduled Tribes and Destitute Widows of all Casts.
2. Most Backward Classes / De notified Communities, Backward Classes and Backward Classes (Muslims)
3. "Others" (i.e., Candidates not belonging to Scs, SC(A)s, STs, MBCs/DCs, BCs and BCMs).

Maximum age limit
Below 35 Years
Below 32 Years Below 30 Years
Age relaxation concession will be made reference to the existing Government Rules / Government Orders.
I Name of the Post : STENO TYPIST GRADE III Temporary
- No. of Vacancy : 9 Nos.
- Scale of Pay : 2060065500 per month
(Level 10 in the revised levels of pay)
- Educational Qualification : SSLC Passed
- Technical Qualification : A pass in the Government Technical Examination in Typewriting and Shorthand
- By the Higher Grade in Tamil and English; or
- By the Higher Grade in Tamil and lower Grade in English; or
- Technical Qualification : A pass in the Government Technical Examination in Typewriting and Shorthand
(iii) By the Higher Grade in English and Lower Grade in Tamil.
4.Roster Turns for the Vacancies (40 and 48 to 55)

I Name of the Post : Computer Operator (Temporary)
- No. of Vacancy : 2
- Scale of pay : 2060065500 per month
(Level 10 in the revised levels of pay)
- Education Qualification : A pass in Bachelor's degree in Computer Science / Computer Applications from a recognized University of Indian Union or a Bachelor's degree in B.A., or B.Sc., or B.Com., from a recognized University of Indian Union with Diploma in Computer Application from a recognized University.
- Technical Qualification : Typewriting Junior Grade (Both in English and Tamil)
- Roster Turns for the Vacancies (from 2 and 5)
Sl. No.
Scheduled Caste (Arunthathiyar) (Women) 1
(Priority) (Destitute Widow) General Turn (Women) (NonPriority) (Destitute 1
II Name of the Post : Senior Bailiff
- No. of Vacancy : 15 Nos.
- Scale of pay : Rs.1950062000 per month
(Level 8 in the revised levels of pay)
- Education Qualification : SSLC Passed.
- Roster Turns for the Vacancies (from 44 to 58)
Sl.No Communal Rotation No. of . Vacancy

Communal Rotation No. of Vacancy

Communal Rotation
No. of


III Name of the Post : Xerox Operator
- No. of Vacancy : 20
Scale of Pay : Rs.1660052400 per month
(Level 3 in the revised levels of pay)
- Educational Qualification : SSLC passed
- Technical Qualification : Experience in operating of Xerox Copier Machine for a period of not less than 6 months
- Roster Turns for the Vacancies (from 6 to 25)

No. of Vacancy
No. of Vacancy

IV Name of the Post : Office Assistant
- No. of Vacancy : 21
- Scale of Pay : Rs.1570050000 per month (Level 1 in the revised levels of pay)
- Educational Qualification : 8th Passed
4.Roster Turns for the Vacancies (from 90 to 110)

No. of Vacancy

Sl.No. Communal Rotation No. of Vacancy


V Name of the Post : Night Watchman
- No. of Vacancy : 10
- Scale of Pay : Rs.1570050000 per month (Level 1 in the revised levels of pay)
- Educational Qualification : Write & Reading Knowledge in Tamil
4.Roster Turns for the Vacancies (from 103 to 112)
4 3
1 1

* As per the High Court's Cicular in ROC.No.5054/1999/C3, dated:26.07.2000, female staff members should not posted for night duty. Hence, Men alone are eligible for the post of NightWatchman.
No. of Vacancy
Last Date: All the applications with passport size photos affixed on the Right margin of the application, in the space provided, as mentioned self attested copies of all education certificates, priority certificates if any (Physically challenged, Destitute Widow, Intercaste marriage & others) and other certificate alone should be submitted through registered post only and the same should reach this office on or before 12022018 till
5.45 P.M. along with a self addressed envelope by affixing Postal Stamp for Rs.25/(Rupees Twenty Five Only) to the under mentioned address.
"The Principal District Judge, Principal District Court, Vellore632 009."
(The applications received after the last date will not be entertained under any circumstances)
The Principal District Jude, Vellore has been vested with the authority to select the qualified and eligible candidates, to postpone the interview. if circumstances need to annul the advertisement without any prior intimation.
The | applicants | are | strictly | instructed | to | follow | the | |||||||
instructions | issued | along | with | this | notification. | Failure | in | |||||||
following | the | instructions | will | lead | to | the | rejection | of | the | |||||
application. |
Sd/S.Ananthi, Place:Vellore. Principal District Judge, Date:24012018. Vellore.
Instructions to the Candidates
- All applications should be submitted in the prescribed format through Register post only, Separate application should be submitted for each post, if more than one application received for the one post will leads to rejection.
- Only copies of certificates should be submitted along with the application and all the copies of certificates should duly be self attested by the applicant, Original Certificates need not be sent along with the applications. The applications received without copy of relevant certificates will be rejected without any prior intimation.
- All the columns in the application should be duly filled in and incomplete application will be summarily rejected. If any of the claims of the applicant is found to be false, the candidature of the applicant will be cancelled without any notice.
- Applicants who intend to claim priority shall submit the copy of certificate with regard to the priority should be enclosed with the application.
- The unsigned applications and the applications received without mentioning the post for which applied will lead to the rejection of the application.
- The applicants are informed to enclose a self addressed envelope by affixing Postal Stamps for Rs.25/(Rupees Twenty Five Only).
- A postal cover sent by an applicant should contain only one application. Applications of several candidates should not be sent in one postal cover.
- All further communications / Memo / Intimation for interview should be made only through website ecourts.gov.in/vellore and ecourts.gov.in/tn/vellore. No communication will be sent to the applicants individually, other than the communication made in the website, and so the applicants are advised to observe further communication in the website.
- The post of StenoTypists are purely temporary. At the time of appointment of TNPSC Candidates, the temporary candidates will be ousted from service without any notification.
- Concession of the Age relaxation will be made reference to the existing Government Rules / G.Os.
Sd/S.Ananthi, Principal District Judge, Vellore.

Passport size photograph to be affixed

Name of the post for which applied
(a)Name of the Applicant (in Tamil) as per the
Certificate (b)Name of the Applicant (in English) as per the
Certificate (IN BLOCK LETTERS) Father / Husband's Name
Date of Birth
Male/Female/Third Gender
Educational Qualification
Technical Qualification
Community (Choose prior)
Caste (Mention SubCaste)
Nationality & Religion
Martial Status
Permanent Address
Experience (if any)
Preference (If Yes, Choose and attach the copies
of the Certificates)
(a) Destitute Widow)
Yes / No
(b) Physically Handicapped
Yes / No
(c) ExServicemen/ Dependant
Yes / No
(d) Intercaste Marriage
Yes / No
(e) Discharged Government Employees
Yes / No
prior to 01.06.1981.
(f) Person whose Land have been
Yes / No
acquired for Government.
(g) Repatriation (Burma/Srilanka and
Yes / No
East African Countries)
(h) Retrenched employees of the Census
Organization without less than 6
Yes / No
months Service
(i) Persons who served in the
Territorial Army for more than 6
Yes / No
Whether studied in Tamil Medium (If yes, attach the : copies of certificate Whether any case is pending in the Police Department :

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16
Place: Date: Signature of the Applicant
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 24-Jan-2018 | |
Applications | 12-Feb-2018 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Principal District Court
- Organization City, State : vellore, tamil nadu
- Organization Website :
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results