University of North Bengal
Office of the Registrar
P.O.-Raja Rammohanpur, Dist:-Darjeeling, Pin-734013
Applications are invited from the eligible, qualified and bona fide Indian Citizens for recruitment to the following Officer posts in the university. The application should reach the Office of the Registrar within 31.01.2017.
1. Controller of Examination- 1 post, 2. Librarian -1 post, 3. University Engineer-1 post,
4. Medical Officer-1 post, 5. Secretary for P.G. Studies in Science-1 post
Detailed information, qualification and Application From will be available in the university portal (Recruitment Section) filled in Application Form along with the requisite fees must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar on or before 31.01.2017.
Advt.No 154/R-17 Dated: 06.01.2017 Registrar (Offg.)
Detailed Information (For Website only)
1. Controller of Examination-1 post (Unreserved)
[Pay Band: Rs.37, 400-67,000+ Grade Pay 10,000]
- a. Essential Qualification:
- i) Uniformly good academic record with a Masters Degree with minimum 55 % marks or its equivalent grade in the point scale wherever a grading system is followed.
- ii) Atleast 15 years of experience as Sr. Lecturer / Reader / Assistant Professor in the AGP of Rs. 7000/- and above or with 8 years of service in the AGP of Rs. 8000/- and above including as Associate Professor along with experience in educational administration in Academic Institutions like University, or in an institute of higher learning of which 5 (five) years must be in a University or in an Institute of Post Graduate study.
Comparable experience in research establishments and other institutions of higher learning.
15 (Fifteen) years administrative experience, of which 8 years shall be as Deputy Registrar or equivalent
- iii) Age not less than 40 years. Relaxable in the case of exceptionally qualified candidate.
- b. Desirable Qualification:
- i) A Doctorate Degree or published research work of merit.
- ii) High level of administrative experience in a Government or Quasi Government organization or a good background in administration and management in senior position.
- iii) It is essential to have experience in conduction of examinations either in institution of higher learning or in Service Commissions.
2. Librarian-1 post (Unreserved)
[Pay Band: Rs.37, 400-67,000+ Academic Grade Pay 10,000]
a.Essential Qualification:
- i) A Masters degree in Library Science / Information Science / Documentation with at least 55 % marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) and consistently good academic record as set out in UGC Regulations, 2010 and 2016.
- ii) At least 13 (thirteen) years of experience as Deputy Librarian in a University Library or18 (eighteen) years of experience as a College Librarian.
- iii) Evidence of innovative library service and organization of published work.
- iv) As per UGC regulation2016 the applicants need to have required API Score of 400 point in category II & III.
- v) Age not less than 40 years. Relaxable in the case of exceptionally qualified candidate.
b.Desirable Experiences
- A M.Phil / Ph.D degree in Library Science / Information Science / Documentation/ Archives and Manuscript Keeping.
3. University Engineer-1 post (Unreserved)
[Pay Band: Rs.15,600-39,100/-+Grade Pay Rs.8,000/-]
a.Essential Qualification:
i) Uniformly good academic record with a Bachelors degree in Engineering with minimum 55 % marks or its equivalent grade in the point scale wherever grading system is followed.
ii) At least 10 years experience in a position involving supervision, control and planning of construction work under Government / Quasi Government/ University / Institute of Higher Learning.
iii)Age not below 35 years. Relaxable in the case of exceptionally qualified candidate.
b.Desirable Qualification:
- A postgraduate degree in Civil, Mechanical or Electrical Engineering.
- Experience of 5 years in large scale industrial concern and in a position involving, decision making in planning, estimation, designing and supervision of construction.
4. Medical Officer-1 post (Unreserved)
[Pay Band: Rs.15,600-39,100/-+Grade Pay Rs.8,000/-]
a.Essential Qualification
i) An M.B.B.S. Degree recognized by the I.M.C.
ii)At least 10 years experience of medical practice in a Government / Military / Quasi Government hospital.
iii)10 years experience in hospital may be relaxed in case of private practice of reputation for 15 years.
iv)Age not below 35 years. Relaxable in the case of exceptionally qualified candidate.
b.Desirable Qualification:
- Post Graduate Degree in any of the branches of Medical Science or Diploma in Public / Tropical Medicines.
5. Secretary for P.G. Studies in Science-1 post (Unreserved)
[Pay Band: Rs.15,600-39,100/-+Grade Pay Rs.8,000/-]
a.Essential Qualification:
i)Uniformly good academic record with a Masters Degree with minimum 55 % marks or its equivalent grade in the point scale wherever a grading system is followed.
ii)At least 10 years of experience as Lecturer / Assistant Professor in the AGP of Rs.6000/- and above with experience in educational administration in Academic Institutions like University, Research Establishment and /or in an institute of higher learning of which 5 (five) years must be in a University or in an Institute of Post Graduate Study.
Comparable experience in research establishments and other institutions of higher learning.
10 (ten) years administrative experience, of which 5 years shall be as Assistant Registrar or equivalent post.
iii)Age not below 35 years. Relaxable in the case of exceptionally qualified candidate.
b.Desirable Qualification:
i) A Doctorate Degree or published papers of high standard.
ii) Experience of at least 10 years in a fairly senior position in any academic institutions like a College or a University or a research organization.
Note :
- a. A relaxation of 5% in the marks may be provided for the candidates belonging to SC / ST / Persons with Disability categories.
- b. At the Masters level required to satisfy the minimum eligibility criteria.
- c. For assessing good academic record throughout the candidates career.
The marks in each case mean the qualifying marks without any grace marks and / or rounding off procedures.
Additional information to all candidates:
- i) Choice of Selection Committee may not necessarily be confirmed to those who apply formally.
- ii) The filledin downloaded application form must be accompanied by Crossed Bank Draft of Rs.1000/- for posts under Sl. No. 1 & 2 and Rs 800/- for posts under sl. No. 3 to 5 ( 50% for SC /ST / OBC / PWD) payable in favour of University of North Bengal at State Bank of India, NBU campus Branch, Siliguri.
- iii) No application other than prescribed application form will be considered.
- iv) Persons working in Govt. / Semi Govt. / Public Sector undertaking must apply through proper channel.
- v) Proof of belonging to SC or ST or OBC or Persons with Disability must be submitted along with the filled in Application Form and no claim in this regard will be entertained afterwards.
- vi) Separate Application Formsare to be submitted for separate posts.
- vii) Candidates must write the Name of the post applied for on the envelope.
- viii) Application by post, hand or by courier service will be accepted.
- ix) Application Form not properly filled in or incomplete in any respect or without requisite documents will be rejected.
- x) Filled-in application forms (two sets) along with two self addressed unstamped envelope (25x13 cm) and one copy of the recent passport size photograph (identical with the same pasted in the form) and other documents regarding proof of citizenship, age, qualification and experience etc. duly attested by the candidate must reach the Office of the Registrar on or before 31.01.2017.
- xi) The university shall not entertain any application after the last date and shall not be responsible for any postal delay.
- xii) The university shall reserve the right to cancel the process of the recruitment to any category of the above mentioned post (s) without showing reason whatsoever.
- xiii) Application fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
Registrar (Offg.)

Advertisement No. with date: |
Application for the post of: |
Caste: GEN/SC/ST/OBC-A/OBC-B/PWD (Please tick) |
Bank Draft No Date:Amt.. Drawn on Bank |

Paste here a recent photograph duly signed by the candidate
The Registrar (Offg.)
University of North Bengal
Dist. Darjeeling West Bengal, India PIN 734013
In response to your Advertisement No. dated .. published in
..., I hereby apply for the post of
. The requisite particulars in the prescribed proforma are submitted below.
Yours faithfully,

Date: (Signature of the applicant)
1. Name in full (in block letters) :
2. Address for communication
(in block letters) with PIN : ...
.. Phone No. (Mobile) ............................
E-mail: .
3. Permanent address : ..
with PIN Code

4. Date of Birth :
(as per Secondary or
equivalent certificate) : Date Month Year
5. a) Name of Father : .
b) Name of Mother : .
6. Nationality : ......
7. (a) Religion (b) Sex: Male / Female:.

8. Caste : GEN / SC / ST / OBC-A / OBC-B /PWD(Please tick the appropriate box)

9. Marital status: (a) Single / Married

(b) Name of the spouse (if married) :..........
10. Educational qualifications:
Examination passed |
Board/ University |
Year of passing |
Class/ Division |
% of Marks |
Subjects studied |
Any other information |
Secondary or equivalent ............... |
Higher Secondary or equivalent .
U.G. Degree (Mention Hons. / Major subject) |
P.G. Degree* |
M.Phil. |
Ph.D. |
Any other degree or Qualification |
* Mention subject Specialization :
11. (a) Title of Ph.D. thesis, if any :
(b) Date of award of Ph.D. degree :
& Name of the University / Institution
12. Publications:
(a) No. of papers in refereed research journals :(Specify in nos.)
(use separate sheet for the list)
(b) No. of Books (Title/Publisher/Year) :. (Specify in nos.)
(use separate sheet for the list)
13. Participation in academic Seminar/Conference/Workshop :. (Specify in nos.)
with titles of papers presented (use separate sheet for the list)
14. Administrative / Professional experience : Years
(use separate sheet for the details)
15. Whether employed at present : Yes / No
If yes, give details of employment in chronological order :
Name of the Employer |
Post held with designation |
Whether Permanent/ Temporary |
From |
To |
Length of service |
Scale of pay & Pay drawn with D.N.I. |
Remarks |
16. Whether any disciplinary proceedings has ever been initiated against you Yes / No
If Yes please furnish the details
17. Research experience : Years
(a) Area(s) of Research :
(b) Place(s) of Research :
(use separate sheet for the details)
18. Teaching experience :
Level |
Designation |
College/University/ Institute |
No. of years |
Pass/Honours |
Under-graduate |
Post-graduate |
19. If selected, time required for joining :.
20. Details of fees paid: a. Bank Draft Nob. Date.c. Amountd. Drawn on Bank
21. Total API Score :
(Applicable only for the post of Librarian)
I declare that the above statements made by me are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I accept that in case any of
the information submitted above is found to be false or incorrect, or in case there is any suppression of fact, the application is liable to be rejected, and the university can take any disciplinary measure at any point of time of my service even if I am appointed by the university.
Date: (Full Signature of the Candidate)
Please enclose the following:
a. Attested copies of all testimonials to be submitted.
b. Front pages of five (5) best publications at the maximum may be submitted (for the post of Librarian)
c. A crossed bank draft of Rs. in favour of University of North Bengal payable at the State Bank of
India, NBU Campus Branch, must be enclosed with the application form.
d. Application to be submitted through proper channel including a no objection certificate from the present employer.
e. Two self-addressed envelopes of size 25 cms x13 cms.
The self appraisal score should be based on objectively verifiable criteria wherever possible and will be finalized by screening/ selection committee.
Sl. No. |
Nature of Activity |
Maximum API |
Self Appraisal |
Verified API Score (for office use only) |
Supporting Documents Tag No. (1, 2, 3) |
Score Allotted |
Score(to be given |
by the applicant) |
1 |
Student related co-curricular/extension / field |
20 |
based activities (such as extension work through |
NSS/NCC / other channels/ cultural |
activities/subject related events/ advisement and |
counseling/ exhibition/ educational/ industrial tour, |
etc.) - 15 per activity |
(Self declaration with examples ) |
2 |
Contribution to Corporate life and management of |
15 |
the department and institution through participation |
in academic and administrative committees and |
responsibilities- 10 per activity |
(Self declaration with examples ) |
3 |
Professional Development activities (such as |
15 |
participation in seminars, conferences, short term, |
training courses, talks, lectures, membership of |
associations, dissemination and general articles, |
not covered in Category III below) 10 per activity |
(Self declaration with examples ) |
Total Score: |
50 |
Minimum API Score Required: |
15 |
Sl. No. |
Engineering/ |
Faculties of Languages/ |
API Score Allotted |
Self- |
Verified API Score (for office use only) |
Supporting Documents |
/Sciences/ Medical |
Arts/ Humanities/ Social |
Appraisal |
Sciences |
Sciences/ /Management |
Score (to be |
submitted |
by the |
applicant) |
III(A) |
Category-A Journals* |
Category-A Journals* |
20/Publication per |
Research |
author |
publications |
Category-B Journals* |
Category-B Journals* |
15/ Publication per |
(Journals, |
author |
Periodicals, |
Conference |
Recognized and |
Recognized and reputable |
10/ Publication per |
reputable |
periodicals/media* |
author |
proceedings) |
and Editing |
periodicals/media* |
Journals and |
Full papers in |
Full papers in conference |
10/ Publication per |
Periodicals |
conference (seminar/ |
(seminar/ workshop/ |
author |
workshop/ symposium) |
symposium) proceedings, |
proceedings, etc |
etc (Abstract not to be |
(Abstract not to be |
included) |
included) |
Popular articles |
Popular articles |
3/ Publication per |
published in |
published in newspapers/ |
author [max -30] |
newspapers/ |
Professional magazines |
Professional magazines |
Referring: |
Referring: |
(i) 5/Journal Paper |
(i) Journal Papers |
(i) Journal Papers |
(ii) 3/ Conference |
(ii) Conference Papers |
(ii) Conference Papers |
Paper |
(iii) Books |
(iii) Books |
(iii)10/ Book |
[max -30 for one or |
more wok(s) under |
referring] |
Editor of |
Editor of Journals/ |
5 each |
[max-10] |
Journals/Periodicals |
Periodicals |
Member of Board of |
Member of Board of |
3 each |
[max-9] |
Editors of Journals/ |
Editors of Journals/ |
Periodicals |
Periodicals |
III(B) |
Text or Reference |
Text or Reference Books |
50/sole Author |
Research |
Books Published by |
Published by International |
30/ per author in |
publications |
International Publishers |
Publishers with an |
case of multiple |
(books, |
with an established |
established peer review |
Authors |
chapters in |
peer review system |
system |
10 / chapter in an |
books, etc.) |
edited book in case |
of sole Author |
6/ chapter in an |
edited book per |
author |
in case of |
multiple Authors |
Subject Books by |
Subject Books by National |
25/sole Author |
National //State level |
/State level publishers and |
15/ per author in |
publishers and State |
State /Central Govt./ |
case of multiple |
/Central |
University/ College/ |
Authors |
Govt./University/College |
institutional Publications |
5/chapter in an |
/ Institutional |
edited book in case |
Publications |
of sole Author |
3/ chapter in an |
edited book per |
author |
in case of |
multiple Authors |
Chapters contributed to |
Chapters contributed to |
(i)International |
edited knowledge |
edited knowledge based |
Publishers: |
based volumes |
volumes published by |
10/ chapter in an |
published by |
(i)International Publishers |
edited book in case |
(i)International |
(ii) Indian Publishers |
of sole Author |
Publishers |
6/ chapter in an |
(ii) Indian Publishers |
edited book per |
author |
in case of |
multiple Authors |
(ii) Indian |
Publishers: |
5/ chapter in an |
edited book in case |
of sole Author |
3/ chapter in an |
edited book per |
author |
in case of |
multiple Authors |
Peer reviewed |
Peer reviewed |
25 per Monograph |
Monographs |
Monographs |
Translation work |
Translation work |
20 per book |
10/ published work |
other |
than book |
Editing of volumes |
Editing of volumes |
15/ volume in case |
of sole editor |
10/ volume per |
editor in case of |
multiple editors |
III(C) |
III(C)(i) |
(a) Major Projects |
(a)Major Projects amount |
20/ Project per |
Sponsored |
amount mobilized |
mobilized with grants |
investigator |
projects |
with grants above Rs. |
above Rs. 5 lakhs |
carried |
30 lakhs |
out/ongoing |
(b)Major Projects |
(b)Major projects amount |
15/ project per |
amount mobilized with |
mobilized with grants |
investigator |
grants of Rs. 5 lakhs |
above Rs.3 lakhs up to |
up to Rs. 30 lakhs |
Rs.5 lakhs |
(c)Minor projects |
(c)Minor projects amount |
10/ project per |
amount mobilized with |
mobilized with grants of |
investigator |
grants of Rs. 50,000 to |
Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 3 lakhs |
Rs. 5 lakhs |
III(C)(ii) |
Amount mobilized with |
Amount mobilized with |
10/ every Rs. 10 |
Consultancy |
minimum of |
minimum of Rs.2 lakhs |
lakhs and Rs. 2 |
Projects |
Rs.10 lakhs |
lakhs respectively |
carried |
per project |
out/ongoing |
consultant |
III(C)(iii) |
Completed project |
Completed project report |
20/major project |
Completed |
report |
(acceptance from funding |
and 10/minor |
projects: Quality |
(acceptance from |
agency) |
project per project |
evaluation |
funding agency) |
investigator or |
consultant |
III(C)(iv) Project |
Patent/Technology |
Major Policy document of |
30/national level |
outcome/ |
transfer/product/Process |
Govt. Bodies/ Govt. |
patent/ technology |
outputs |
recognized public or private |
transfer/product/ |
institutions, societies and |
process /major |
agencies , etc. at central |
policy document at |
and state level |
state level, and |
50/ international |
level patent/ |
technology |
Transfer /product/ |
process /major |
policy document at |
national level per |
project investigator/ |
consultant/ author of |
policy document |
III(C)(v) |
Honorary Consultancy |
Honorary Consultancy to |
5/ assignment per |
Consultancy |
to govt. bodies/ govt. |
govt. bodies/ govt. |
consultant |
(Honorary) |
recognized public or |
recognized public or |
[max-20) |
private institutions, |
private institutions, |
societies and agencies/ |
societies and agencies/ |
industries, etc. |
industries, etc. |
III(D) |
III(D)(i) |
Masters |
Degree |
Degree awarded only |
4 / candidate per |
Thesis or |
awarded |
supervisor |
equivalent |
only |
[max- 40] |
Work** |
III(D)(ii) |
M.Phil/ |
Degree |
Degree awarded only |
6/ candidate per |
M.Tech/ |
awarded |
supervisor |
M.E/ |
only |
Equivalent |
thesis** |
III(D)(iii) |
Ph.D. |
Course |
Course Work completed |
6/ candidate per |
Course |
Work |
only |
supervisor [max- |
Work- |
completed |
40] |
Project |
only |
III(D)(iv) |
Ph.D. |
Degree |
Degree awarded |
20/ candidate per |
awarded |
supervisor |
III(D)(v) |
Ph.D. |
Thesis |
Thesis submitted |
10/ candidate per |
submitted |
supervisor |
III(D)(vi) |
Ph.D. |
Registere |
Registered/Ongoing |
5/ candidate per |
d/Ongoing |
supervisor |
III(E)(I) |
Ph. D. |
5/ thesis per |
thesis |
examiner [max-30] |
III(E)(II) |
M.Phil/ |
3/ thesis per |
M. Tech |
examiner [max-20] |
or |
equivalent |
thesis** |
MA/MSc |
1/thesis per examiner |
or |
[max-20] |
equivalent |
thesis** |
III(F)(i)Organization## or |
( a) Not less than two weeks duration |
20 each event |
participation in Refresher |
courses/ Orientation courses |
(b) One week duration |
10 each event |
Methodology Workshops, |
Training, Teaching-Learning |
(c) less than one week duration |
5 each event |
Evaluation Technology |
Programmes, Soft Skill |
Development Programme, |
Faculty Development |
Programmes, etc. |
III(F) (ii) Presentation of |
(a)International/Foreign Conference, etc. |
10 each |
research papers (oral/ poster) |
(b) National |
7.5 each |
in conferences, Seminars, |
(c) Regional/State level |
5 each |
Workshops, etc.# |
(d) Local-University/College level |
3 each |
III(F)(iii) (a) Resource |
(b) International |
10 each event |
persons or chairing the |
(b) National |
7.5 each event |
session in Invited lectures |
(c) Regional/State level |
5 each event |
/invited presentations/ |
(d) Local-University/College level |
3 each event |
refreshers courses /training |
courses /study circles/ |
seminars /symposia/ |
conferences/ workshops/ |
academic courses, etc. |
(b) Organisation of (a) as |
above## |
III(G)(i) Recognition of |
International |
30 each (max-30) |
Research: |
National |
20 each (max-20) |
Prestigious Honours and |
Awards |
of national/international |
importance |
or recognized by the |
international |
agencies or the departments/ |
agencies of national/ state |
governments |
III(G)(ii) Post-doctoral |
15 each [max-30] |
Fellowships: Post-doctoral |
fellowships of at least 8- |
week/2 months duration |
received and availed of |
Total |
*Journals under Category-A and Category-B and Recognized and reputable periodicals/media to be decided by IQAC.
- ** Equivalent Work of Masters Thesis and M.Phil/ M.Tech/ M.E Thesis is to be decided by the University
- # If paper presented in Conference/Seminar/Workshop, etc. is published in the form of proceedings, the points would accrue for the research publications [III (A)] and not under presentation [III(E)(ii)]. Paper accepted in Conference/ Seminar/ Workshop, etc. may be reckoned as
equivalent to papers presented.
## Each of the organisers of the programmes shall get same score. However for each of these programmes if one opts to get score as organizer he/she shall not be entitled to get score in other capacity/ies.
### Copies of the relevant page/s from the original project application and the final project report showing the name(s) of the research investigator(s) have to be enclosed.
Sl. |
Category |
Criteria |
Minimum API (Cumulative) for Librarian 400 |
No. |
II |
Category - II |
Co-curricular, Extension, Professional Development, etc. |
Score: |
Score |
- II |
Category - III |
Research and Academic Contribution |
Score - III |
Total API Score (II+III) :
Signature of the Applicant
For Office Use

Signature of the
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 06-Jan-2017 | |
Applications | 31-Jan-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : University of North Bengal
- Organization City, State : , west bengal
- Organization Website :
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results