Government of West Bengal Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health Diamond Harbour Health District Diamond Harbour, South 24 Parganas, PIN 743331 Phone: 03174 -256310. Fax: 03174-256311. e-mail id:
Memo No. CMOHIDHHDII 9 51- Date: 28/04/2017
Corrigendum Notice
In partial modification of the Recruitment Notice vide Memo No. CMOHlDHHD/1944 dated 27.04.2017 with reference to Memo No. HFWINUHM-24/2016/3651 dated 25.11.2016 in connection with the upper age limit for recruitment of contractual Medical Officer (Full-time) under NUHMwillbe66yearsinstead of63years.
All other content of the recruitment notice will remain same and un-altered.
Member Secretary t-" Committee for Selection of Contractual Employees Diamond Harbour Health District
Memo No. CMOH/DHHDI('152-/ r( ?>I) Date: 28.04.2017
Copy Forwarded for Information
- The Chairman, District Recruitment Committee, South 24 parganas & Diamond Harbour Health District & Hon'ble Mayor Kolkata Muncipal Corporation Sri Sovan Chattopadhyay
- Director of Health Services, Govt. Of West Bengal, Swasthya Bhawan, Salt lake,Kol-91, for information
- Mission Director & Commissioner HF&W Samity, NHM, Govt. of W.B, Swasthya Bhawan, Salt lake,Kol-91, for information
- Executive Director, WBSH & FWS, Swasthya Bhawan, Salt lake,Kol-91, for information
- AMD, NHM(In-Charge NUHM), Govt. of W.B, Swasthya Bhawan, Salt lake,Kol-91, for information
- Jt. DHS NCD, Govt. of W.B, Swasthya Bhawan, Salt lake,Kol-91, for information
- District Magistrate, South 24 Parganas, Alipur, Kolkata, for Information
- Additional District Magistrate, South 24 Parganas
- PO, NHM, Swasthya Bhawan, Salt lake,Kol-91
- ADHS-(NCD-2), STCP, Govt. ofW.B, Swasthya Bhawan, Salt lake,Kol-91, for information
11. Chief Medical Officer Of Health, South 24 Parganas, Tollyganj,Kol-33,for information 12-28. Superintendents/ACMOHs/BMOHs-Diamond Harbour Health District for information.
- DICO, South 24 Parganas with request to upload the notice in web-site.
- IT-Coordinator, Swasthya Bhawan with request to upload the recruitment section notice in web-site.
- DSM, South 24 Prganas with request to upload the notice in web-site.
Member Secretary Committee for Selection of Contractual Employees Diamond Harbour Health District
t.B-033 -2333 -0432, A 033 -2357 -7930, Email ID:; website:
Memo No. HFW/NUHM-24/2016j(~6>1 Date:2S./1 .2016
From : Sanghamitra Ghosh, Mission Director, NHM Government of West Bengal
To 1.Director, SUDA Department of Municipal Affairs, Govt. of West Bengal
- Joint Commissioner, Kolkata Municipal Corporation
- Chief Medical Officer of Health (all districts)
Sub: Age-limit of Medical Officers (Full-time & Part-time) under NUHM
Under NUHM the upper age limit for recruitment of contractual Medical Officer (Parttime and Full-time) was 63 years and they could continue up to 65 years. This is as per the upper age-limit of contractual staff, engaged by State Health and Family Welfare Samiti, which is fixed at 65 years, vide memo no. SHFWS/Meeting & Matter-!3/ECI2006/Pt-II/3831 dated 16.8.2013. Due to dearth of doctors, the issue of increasing the age limit for MOs under NUHM was under active consideration. After careful consideration it has been decided that the upper age-limit for recruitment of contractual MOs (Part-time and Full-time) under NUHM will be 66 years and they will be allowed to continue up to 68 years subject to medical fitness certificate from the concerned CMOBs of the districts and from the CMHO, in case of Kolkata Municipal Corporation. This is issued in supersession of all previous order regarding the upper age limit for recruitment of contractual Medical Officers (Part-time & Full-time) under NUHM,
Sanghamitra Ghosh
Memo No. HFWINUHM-24/2016136 q1/1 (f) Date: Q 5" 11.2016
Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to:
- Commissioner, (Kolkatal Howrah/ Bidhannagar/ Durgapurl Asansol/ Chandannagar/ Siliguri) Municipal Corporation
- Chairperson, (Alipurduar, Bankura, Baduria, Basirhat, Bolpur, Suri, Bishnupur, Burdwan, Kalna, Katwa, Coochbehar, BaJurghat, Gangarampur, Darjeeling, Diamond Harbour, Arambag, Baidyabati, Bansberia, Bhadreswar, Champdany, Dankuni, Hooghly Chinsurah, Konnagar, Rishra, Serampore, Uttarpara Kotrang, Uluberia, Jalpaiguri, Jhargram, English Bazar, Old Malda, Azimganj-Jiaganj, Berhampur, Dhulian, Jangipur, Kandi, Chakdah, Gayeshpur, Haringhata, Kalyani, Krishnagar, Nabadwip, Ranaghat, Santipur, Ashoknagar Kalyangarh, Bangaon, Baranagar, Barasat, Barrackpore, Bhatpara, Dumdum, Garulia, Habra, Halisahar, Kamarhati, Kanchrapara, Khardah, Madhyamgram, Naihati, New Barrackpore, North Barrackpore, North Dumdum, Panihati, South Dumdum, Titagarh, Ghatal, Kharagpur, Medinipur, Contai, Haldia, Panskura,Tamluk, Purulia, Rampurhat, Baruipur, Budge Budge, MaheshtaJa, Rajpur Sonarpur, Islampur, Kaliaganj, Raiganj)
- P.A. to Director of Health Services, Govt. of West-Bengal
- P.A. to Mission Director, NHM, Govt. of West-Bengal
- Dy DHS, Admin, Govt. of West-Bengal
- IT Cell for Web posting
- Guard file
Sanghamitra Ghosh
Government of West Bengal Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health Diamond Harbour Health District DiamondHarbour, South24Parganas,PIN743331 Phone: 03174-256311. e-mail
Memo No. CMOHIDHHD/1944 Date: 27.04.2017
Recruitment Notice
Applications are hereby invited from eligible candidates to be recruited for various contractual posts under Diamond Harbour Heath District as per Terms of Reference provided in detail on the DepartmentWebsite and with Employment Bank Government of West Bengal attached with this notice herewith.
Applications will be received online through the website from 28.04.2017 11.00AM to 12.05.2017 5.00 PM.
Applicants during applying online must have scanned Passport Photograph, Scanned Signature and Draft Details with them to complete the online application.
Posts against which recruitment will be done are mentioned below:
1) Laboratory Technician under State Thalassemia Control Programme Posts-02 (SC-01, UR-01) 2) General Nurse Midwife under State Thalassemia Control Programme Posts-02 (SC-01, UR-01) 3) ICTC Lab Technician under West Bengal State Aids Prevention & Control Programme Posts-05 ((UR-03, SC-01, ST-01)
4) Laboratory Technician Blood Bank under West Bengal State Aids Prevention & Control Programme Posts-02 (SC-01, UR-01)
5) Medical Technologist Laboratory for Blood Bank under Government of West Bengal Posts-06 (UR-03, SC-01, ST-01, OBC-A-01) 6) Medical Technologist Laboratory under Government of West Bengal Post-01 (ST-01) 7) Medical Technologist (Radio Diagnostics) under Government of West Bengal Post-01 (ST-01)
8) Medical Technologist (ECG)) under Government of West Bengal Posts-04 (UR-02, SC-01, ST-01) 9) Senior Tuberculosis Laboratory Supervisor (STLS) Posts-02 (UR-01, SC-01) 10) Immunization Volunteer under RCH 11 Programme Posts-01 (UR-01)
11) Contractual Female Attendant Nutritional Rehabilitation Centre under RCH Program NHM Posts: 01 (ST-01)
12) Facility Manager (Quality Assurance) under Government of West Bengal Post: 01 (UR-01)
13) Medical Officer under National Urban Health Mission Post-01 (UR-01)
14) Lab Technician under National Urban Health Mission Post-01 (UR-01)
15) Contractual Laboratory Technician Blood Bank Post-01 (SC-01)

Degree in Medical Laboratory Technology (BMLT) from any University/Institution recognised by the Central/State Government.
OR Post Graduate Degree or Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology MSC in MLT/PGDML T) from any university 11nstitution recognised by the Central or State Government.
3) Working Knowledge of Computers
I) 6 Months Post Qualification experience in Testing of Blood and or preparation of blood components( in a licensed blood bank) in case of candidates having degree/ Post Graduate degree or Post Graduate Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology (MSC In MLT)/PGDML T/BML T) 2) One year post qualification experience in the testing of blood and or preparation of blood components (in a licensed blood bank) in case of candidate having diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology or Diploma in Laboratory Techniques (DMLT/DLT)
All the above mentioned qualification and experience should be completed before the closing date of on-line application.
After Original testimonial verification, only shortlisted candidates will be called for Practical Computer Test, Written Test and Interview.
General Information for the Applicants! Candidates
Only online Applications will be accepted. Application forms not properly filled in or incomplete Application forms are liable to be cancelled. If the Online Application details submitted by the applicant differ with the original testimonials that application shall be liable to be cancelled.
- If proper signature and photograph are not uploaded at the time of online application that application shall also be liable to be cancelled.
- The Essential qualification mentioned are the minimum and mere possession of the same does not entitle the candidate to claim selection. All the essential qualification must be completed within the last date of online application.
- Experience will be calculated after obtaining the required qualification for the above mentioned position, till the last date of online application.
- Caste Certificate issued before the last date of online application, by the competent authorities of West Bengal only will be accepted.
- Hard Copy/print copy of the online registration form (printed within the last date of on-line application), should be retained by all applicants for document verification purpose. Without registration form, no candidates will be entertained for original testimonials verification by the authority.
- On-line registration No. should be retained by all applicants for future reference. Employer is not liable to give any information regarding the On-line registration no. In future.
- No rounding off of marks will be granted. Proportionate marking upto 2 decimal points will be considered.
- Application fees of Rs. 100 for Un-Reserved Category and Rs. 50 for Reserved Categories in the form of Demand Draft to be issued from any Nationalised Bank after the date of publication of Advertisement is to be paid in favour of " Member Secretary DHFWS Diamond Harbour Health District" payable at Service Branch, Kolkata. The Draft should be enclosed along with the hard copy/print copy of the filled up On-line application form of the candidate and all relevant photocopies of Age Proof Residence Proof Caste Certificate all Relevant Mark sheets and Certificates and ExperienceTestimonials afterselfattestationwithdate.Allofthementioneddraft application form and relevant self attested photocopies must be sent to the address as mentionedbelowwithin 13th May,2017at5PMbypostpreferablybyspeedpostor registeredpost. Use of Staplerpin or stitchingin case of demand draft, isnot allowed. Addressfor sending draft: the office ofthe CMOH,Diamond Harbour Health District, P.O&P.S-Diamond Harbour, Pin-743331,THE ENVELOPE MUST BE SUPERSCRIBED WITH THE NAME OF THE POST APPLIED FOR,IF A CANDIDATE APPLIES FOR MULTIPLE POSTS SHEIHE WILL BE SELECTED FOR ONLY ONE POST AT THE DESCRETION OF THE RECRUITMENT COMMITTEE WHOSE DECISION WILL BE FINAL
- Applicant must mention their On-line registration No, Name of the Position, Date of Birth, Name, Guardian's Name and caste category on the back of the Draft and In front of the envelope. No application will be accepted without submission of the required demand Draft. The amount taken as application fees in the form of DemandDraft will not berefunded.
- Thedecision of the competent Authoritiesregardingthe engagement is final.
Applicants are requested to visit at the URL "Recruitment" regularly for information/instruction issued from time to time. No other correspondence will be done from this end.
Committee for Selection of Contractual Employees Diamond Harbour Health District
Memo No. CMOHIDHHDI1944 If (3/) Date: Q7.04. ?.Ol 7
Copy Forwarded for Information
The Chairman, District Recruitment Committee, South 24 parganas & Diamond Harbour Health District&Hon'ble Mayor KolkataMuncipal Corporation SriSovanChattopadhyay
- DirectorofHealthServices,Govt. OfWestBengal,SwasthyaBhawan,Saltlake,Kol-91,forinformation
- MissionDirector&CommissionerHF&WSamity,NHM,Govt. ofW.B, SwasthyaBhawan,Saltlake,Kol91, for information
- ExecutiveDirector,WBSH&FWS,SwasthyaBhawan,Saltlake,Kol-91,forinformation
- AMD,NHM(ln-ChargeNUHM),Govt. ofW.B,SwasthyaBhawan,Saltlake,Kol-91,forinformation
- Jt.OHSNCO,Govt.ofW.B,SwasthyaBhawan,Saltlake,Kol-91,forinformation
- District Magistrate, South 24 Parganas, Alipur, Kolkata, for Information
- Additional District Magistrate, South 24 Parganas
- PO,NHM, SwasthyaBhawan,Saltlake,Kol-91
- ADHS-(NCD-2), STCP,Govt. ofW.B, SwasthyaBhawan,Saltlake,Kol-91,forinformation
11. Chief Medical Officer Of Health, South 24 Parganas, Tollyganj, Kol-33,for information 12-28. Superintendents/ACMOHs/BMOHs-Diamond Harbour Health District for information.
- DICO,South 24 Parganas with request to upload the notice in web-site.
- IT-Coordinator, Swasthya Bhawan with request to upload the recruitment section notice in web-site.
- DSM, South 24 Prganas with request to upload the notice in web-site.
Member Secretary Committee for Selection of Contractual Employee Diamond Harbour Health District
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 28-Apr-2017 | |
Applications | 28-Apr-2017 | 12-May-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : National Health Mission
- Organization City, State : kolkata, west bengal
- Organization Website :
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results