School of Tropical Medicine In collaboration with West Bengal State AIDS Prevention & ControlSociety (ASocietyPromotedbyMinistryofHealth&FamilyWelfare,GovernmentofIndiaand Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of WestBengal) (Care, Support and TreatmentDivision) MemoNo. STM/1935Notice Date:19.12.2017 Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for consideration of appointment for thepositions asmentionedinthe S T M , A R T C e n t r e oncontractualbasis.Theselectedcandidateswillbepostedat S T M , A R T C e n t r e underWBSAP&CS.Apanelwillalsobepreparedandwillremain valid for oneyear. Thelastdateofsubmissionofapplication(attachedproformawise)is0 5 .01.2018byaregistered/ ordinary post along with photo copy of supportive documents and 2 No. of recent colour passportsize photo duly singed by the applicant. Application Form should be made separately for each post ongood quality,whiteA4sizepaperONESIDEONLY.Theenvelopecontainingapplicationshouldbe superscripted clearly APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF AT .Oneself-addressedenvelopeofthesizeof25cmX11cm,with postal stamp of Rs.20/-affixed thereon should be accompanied with theapplication. Vacancy position at STM ART Centre are asfollows: | ||
NameoftheART Centre | Laboratory Technician | |
School of Tropical Medicine, Kolkata | Unreserved -1 |
Laboratory Technician | |
Eligibilty criteria: | Graduate/Diploma Holder in Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT). He/ She must be registered in the concerned state council. |
Desirable: | Three years working experience as Laboratory Technicianinany of thehospital. |
Age Limit: | 60 years |
Remuneration: | Rs. 13,000/-p.m. consolidated. |
Address of submission of application for STM ART Centres is mentioned below: | ||
Name of the ART Centre | To whom the application to be sent | Address |
ART Centre, School of Tropical Medicine | The Director | School of Tropical Medicine,108, Chittaranjan Avenue, Kolkata -700 073. |
Date of Interview / written test will be intimated to the eligible candidate later on. No TA / DA will be borne by the STM / WBSAP&CS for appearing at the interview / written test.
Sd/-Director School of Tropical medicine
To The Director School of Tropical Medicine, 108 C R Avenue Kolkata 700073
Sub:-Application for thepostof
Paste one passport size colour photograph duly signed by the candidate
on contractual basisat
Sir, | ||||||
In response | to | your advertisement notice No. | STM/1935dated19.12.2017for the postof | |||
________ | I | prefer myself | as | acandidate. |
Mybio-date is givenbelow:-
Name of the Candidate: (in capital letter) | |
Fathers / Husbands Name: | |
Permanent Address: (including Flat No. / Block / Road / Municipality / City / Town / P.O. / P.S. / District & Pin code) | |
Present Address: (including Flat No. / Block / Road / Municipality / City / Town / P.O. / P.S. / District & Pin code) | |
Contact No. (Mobile + Land Line) | |
E-mail No. | |
Date of Birth: (give attested supporting documents) | |
Age on 1stJanuary 2018 | |
Caste: (give attested supporting documents) | |
Religion: | |
Nationality: |
Sex: | |||||
Photo Identity proof (give attested supporting documents) | |||||
Education Qualification: (give attested supporting documents) | |||||
Name of the Examination | Board / University | Year of Passing | Marks obtained | Percentage of marks (%) | Grade / Division |
Others Qualification: (give attested supporting documents) | |||||
Working Experience: (give attested supporting documents) | |||||
Declaration: I, hereby declare that all statements made in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and in the event of any information being found false, my candidature is liable to be cancelled. Further, I promise to produce all the original documents before the Competent Authority when called for.
Yours faithfully,
Signature of the candidate Place:
ADMIT CARD Staff Recruitment Examination (on contractual basis) 2018For the postof
At | ||
(For office useonly) | ||
Roll No. : |

Date of Examination/Interview: _________________________________________ Time of Examination/Interview:Venue:
(To be filled by the candidate)
Name of the Candidate (in blockletter):
Fathers / HusbandsName:
Signature and date with stamp of the head of the Selection Committee
ADMIT CARD Candidates copy Staff Recruitment Examination (on contractual basis) 2018 For the postof
At (For office useonly)
RollNo.: Date of Examination/Interview: Time of Examination/Interview: Venue:
(To be filled by the candidate)
Name of the Candidate (in blockletter):
Fathers / HusbandsName:
Signature and date with Stamp of the head of the Selection Committee
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 19-Dec-2017 | |
Applications | 05-Jan-2018 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : West Bengal State AIDS Prevention and Control Society
- Organization City, State : kolkata, west bengal
- Organization Website : http://www.wbhealth.gov.in/wbsapcs
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results