P&T Colony, Seethammadhara, Visakhapatnam 530 013
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up of the following Backlog vacancy for the post of ASSISTANT-CUM-COMPUTER OPERATOR on regular basis in P&G Service:
Unit | Community Roster Points | To whom the applications should be submitted by the Candidate |
Corporate Office, Visakhapatnam | OC-PH-VH(W) -1 Post (Open) | The Chief General Manager (HRD) APEPDCL/Corporate Office / P&T Colony / Seethammadhara / Visakhapatnam |
W-Women Note: All posts in the P&G Service are kept outside the purview of localization in terms of Presidential Order.
Age | Educational Qualifications |
Minimum age 18 years and maximum age 40 years as on 01.07.2016. Relaxation in upper age limit upto 5 years for SC/ST candidates and upto 10 years for PH candidates is allowed. In respect of Ex-serviceman -3 years & length of service rendered in the armed forces. (The age relaxation for Ex-Servicemen is applicable for those who have been released from Armed Forces, otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency) | (1) Degree from a recognized University. Preference shall be given to 1st class graduates. (2) Diploma in computers. D.O.E.O Level OR P.G. Diploma in Computer Practices / Applications issued by Government Institutions / Universities / Institutions recognized by the Government for issuing such Certificates. |
- (i)
- If there is any deviation from the above qualification, the candidates shall produce the equivalency certificate from the authority issuing the qualification certificate viz Registrar of the University or Secretary of the institute for accepting his/her application.
- (ii)
- Candidates possessing one of the subjects as Computer in the Degree need not require to have certificate in Computer course.
- (iv)
- The degrees awarded to the courses offered under Distance Mode through study centers by other State Universities beyond the territorial jurisdiction of the respective state are not legally valid and they shall not be considered for recruitment.
- (v)
- Technical Degrees awarded under Distance Mode / CCC Mode are not valid since there are certain court cases pending in Honble High Court of A.P. & Telangana.
(iii) | The | Degrees/ | Diplomas | awarded | by | the | Universities/Institutions | that | are | ||||
recognized | by | the | U.G.C-AICTE, | D.E.C | (Under | IGNOU) | shall | only | be | ||||
considered. |
Selections will be made on the basis of the marks obtained in the qualifying academic examination as mentioned in the eligibility criteria, subject to qualify in the Proficiency on Office Automation with usage of computer and associated software test, conducted by APEPDCL. No person shall be eligible for appointment unless she qualifies in the test i.e. Proficiency in Office Automation with usage of computer and associated software test conducted by APEPDCL.
- Scale of Pay: Rs.18725-580-21625-715-25200-865-29525-1050-34775
- The candidates appointed shall be required to work within jurisdiction of APEPDCL or wherever necessary.
- The candidate will be governed by the rules and regulations applicable or as framed by the APEPDCL and as amended from time to time. The Tripartite Agreement entered into between the APSEB, Govt. of A.P and the Employees Associations is not applicable to these candidates and they shall at no stage be entitled to claim any right whatsoever arising out of the said Tripartite Agreement.
- (a)
- Eligible candidates may submit their applications so as to reach the Chief General Manager (HRD) / APEPDCL / Corporate Office / P&T Colony / Seethammadhara / Visakhapatnam by 5 PM on or before 29-07-2016.
- (b)
- Application received after the due date and time will be rejected summarily. The company will not be responsible for any postal delay.
- (c)
- The applications should be sent in a cover superscripted as: APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ASSISTANT-CUM-COMPUTER OPERATOR IN
- (d)
- The application should be submitted affixing recent passport size photo attested by a Gazetted Officer and two photos in an envelope separately.
- (e)
- (i) One set of copies of certificates attested by Gazetted Officer in support of items at serial Nos. 2,7,8,9,10,11 & 14 of the application should be furnished. If the application received is incomplete or if the Date of Birth certificate, Proof of qualification certificate and marks sheets as specified in eligibility, Study Certificate/ Residence Certificate as per the proforma, Caste Certificate (if any) are not enclosed, the application will be rejected and no correspondence on this will be entertained.
- (ii) Marks Sheets should invariably be submitted to evaluate the merit.
- (f)
- Fresh community certificate issued not earlier than six months from the date of application from the competent authority i.e., Revenue Officer not below the rank of Mandal Revenue Officer or other higher officers as specified by the Government shall be produced.
- (g)
- Applicants should fill in the application in the following format in their own handwriting. The format should be on thick white paper of A4 size.
- (h)
- The candidate should not furnish any false, tampered, fabricated information or suppress any material information while filling up the application form.
(i) Candidates called for verification of certificates will be required to furnish documentary proof (Originals) in evidence of the following as and when called for.
- Age: Proof of age as recorded in SSC certificate or equivalent.
- Original Certificates of academic/technical qualification
Year-wise marks sheets (as specified in the eligibility criteria)
- Permanent Community certificate issued by MRO in original or Original caste certificate issued by Revenue Officer not below the rank of MRO issued not earlier than 6 months from the date of notification.
- Physically Handicapped certificate indicating the minimum 40% of disability issued by District Medical Board.
- Study Certificate from IV to X Class (Annexure-II)
- Residential Certificate issued by the Officer of the Revenue Department not below the rank of Tahsildar in independent charge of Mandal as the case may be (In respect of candidate who has not studied in any Educational Institutions upto SSC) (Proforma in Annexure -III)
- N.O.C from the employer (if already working in any organization).
- Latest pass port size photo.
(j) Candidates will be required to appear for verification of certificates and Computer Proficiency Test at their own cost as and when conducted.
(k) Appearing for Computer Proficiency Test or calling the qualified candidates in the test to furnish documentary proof does not confer any right for appointment.
- (l)
- Physical Fitness certificate issued by a Medical Officer of the rank not less than that of Civil Surgeon in the prescribed proforma at the time of joining.
- (m)
- Candidates must make arrangements to see that communications addressed to them at the addresses stated in their applications are re-directed if necessary. Every effort will be made to take account of changes in candidates address but cannot accept any responsibility in this matter.
- (n)
- Applicant will be disqualified who attempts to canvas or to bring influence to bear on the Selection Committee / APEPDCL personally or by a letter. The same penalty will be imposed if any relative, friend, patron, official or other persons attempts to influence the Selection Committee / APEPDCL on behalf of the applicant.
- (o)
- The APEPDCL reserves the right to cancel the Notification/Recruitment process at any stage without assigning any reasons.
- (p)
- The decision of the Selection Committee/APEPDCL is final in selection and allotment of candidates. Selection of an applicant by the Competent Authority carries with it no guarantee of actual appointment.

(For Office Use Only) Application No Checked and the application is Admitted / Rejected for the following reasons: Checked by : (Initial of the Officer)
(To be filled in by the candidate Use CAPITAL LETTERS only) ==================================================================
1. Name of the Candidate:
NAME : ____________________________________________________
SURNAME :______________________________________________________
Affix latest Passport Size 2. Date of Birth : Date Month Year photograph attested by (in words _____________________________________________)
Gazetted Officer
- Fathers Name : _________________________________________
- Sex : (Male/Female) (Married/Unmarried)
- Present Address: ______________________________________________________
6. Permanent Address:_____________________________________________________
- Period of study from IV Class to X Class (Evidence should be produced)
- Educational Qualifications: (ACADEMIC / TECHNICAL) (Specify clearly class obtained and distinction with percentage of Marks)
- Whether belongs to: SC / ST (if Yes indicate the name of the Community and Sub-Caste)
- Physically Handicapped ( ) : Yes No (Differently abled)
Class | Name and Place of School | District | Duration of Study giving Month and Year |
IV | |||
V | |||
VI | |||
VII | |||
VIII | |||
IX | |||
X |
Details of qualification | Name of the Board/ University/Institution | Year of Passing | Percentage of marks |
Community | Sub-Caste |
If Yes indicate ( ) VH HH OH (VH Visually handicapped; HH Hearing Handicapped; OH Orthopedically Handicapped) (Proof in support to be enclosed).
Percentage of Disability: -------------------%
- Ex-Service Men/Women : Yes / No (Proof in support)
- Native District :
- Mother Tongue: (Do you know Telugu, if so state whether you can speak/read/write)
- Employment Reg.No. & Date: (If registered)
- Names of Two responsible persons from whom antecedents can be verified together with their addresses.
- (i) (ii)
- Names of Two responsible persons from whom antecedents can be verified together with their addresses.
- Have you ever been convicted? Yes / No If yes give details :
- Have you ever been involved in criminal cases? : Yes / No If yes give details
18. Are you working anywhere, if so furnish the details:
19. E-Mail-ID __________________________________________________
Telephone No. Mobile ______________________________________
Landline (Residence) ___________________________
I declare that I have not at anytime been pronounced unfit for Govt./erstwhile APSEB/ APTRANSCO/APGENCO/ APEPDCL & other DISCOMs services on any ground and that the particulars given in this application are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I understand that I am liable for termination of the appointment if proved otherwise. I am willing to serve anywhere in APEPDCL Offices/ in Rural areas.
Station: Date :
Signature of the Candidate
I hereby certify that the candidate whose photo is affixed has signed in my presence and that the particulars stated above are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Station: Signature: Date : Name and Office Seal :
The following photocopies of documents shall invariably be submitted along with filledin Application Form:
1) Age: Proof of age as recorded in SSC certificate or equivalent
2) | Provisional/ Original Degree Certificate. | ||||||||||
3) | All Academic / Technical qualifications. | ||||||||||
4) | Year-wise Marks sheets. | ||||||||||
5) | Residence | Certificate/School | Study | Certificate | (as | per | proforma | enclosed). | |||
Residence certificate will | not | be accepted, if | a | candidate has studied in any |
Educational Institution up to S.S.C or equivalent examination, such candidates have to produce study certificates invariably.
6) Community Certificate
7) Self Addressed Envelope of 11 X 5 duly affixing Postal stamps worth Rs.10/(Ten Only).
8) Two Passport size Photos attested by a Gazetted Officer in addition to the photos affixed on the application in an envelope (without 2 photos application will not be accepted)
9) Physically Handicapped Certificate specifying the percentage of Handicapped certified by a Civil Surgeon of any Govt. Hospital (Medical Board). 10) Ex-Servicemen certificate.
A) Photocopies of certificates attested by a Gazetted Officer in support of items 2,7,8,9,10,11 & 14 of the application form should be furnished. B) A copy of Permanent/latest (6 months below) Caste Certificate issued by Competent Authority is to be enclosed, failing which application will be rejected.
Serial No.
S.C. | Seal of the | District Code: |
S.T. | Issuing Office | Mandal Code: |
B.C. | Village Code: | |
Certificate No: |
(1) This is to certify that Sri/Smt/Kum____________________________________________ Son/Daughter of Sri.____________________________________________ of Village/Town __________________________ Mandal ___________________ District________ of the state of Andhra Pradesh belongs to ___________Community which is recognized as (*) S.C./S.T./B.C. sub-group ________________.
The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950 The Constitution (Schedule Tribes) Order, 1950
G.O.Ms.No.1793, Education, dated 25.9.1970 as amended from time to time (BCs)/SCs, STs list (modification) Order, 1956 S.Cs and S.Ts (Amendment) Act, 1976.
- (2)
- It is certified that Sri/Smt/Kum._________________________________ is a native of________________ Village/Town __________________ Mandal __________ District of Andhra Pradesh.
- (3)
- It is certified that the place of birth of Sri/Smt/Kum._________________________ is _____________ Village/Town _____________ Mandal_______________ District of Andhra Pradesh.
- (4)
- It is certified that the date of birth of Sri/Smt/Kum.___________________________
is _____________ Day _____________ Month ______________ Year__________________
(in words) _____________________________ as per the declaration given by his her/ father/
mother/guardian and as entered in the school records where he/she studied.
Signature: Date: Name in Capital Letters: Designation: (seal)
Explanatory Note:-While mentioning the community, the Competent Authority must mention the sub-caste(in case of Scheduled Castes) and sub-tribe or sub-group(in case of Scheduled Tribes) as listed out in the S.Cs and S.Ts (Amendment) Act, 1976.
NOTE: Should be obtained from the Head of Educational Institution(s). Name of the candidate: Name of the School: Admission No.
Class | Name and Place of School | District | Duration of Study giving month and year |
IV | |||
V | |||
VI | |||
VII | |||
VIII | |||
IX | |||
X or SSC |
STATION: Signature of the Head of the DATE: Educational Institute(s)
(To be produced by such candidates who have not studied in any educational institution during the whole or any part* of the relevant 4/7 years period but claim to be local candidates by virtue of residence for Post Codes for which there is reservation for Local Candidates)
It is here by certified
- (a)
- That Sri/Smt/Kum ___________________________________________________ S/o. W/o.D/o.________________________________ appeared for the first time for the Matriculation (S.S.C) Examination in _______________ (Month) ____________ (Year).
- (b)
- That he/she has not studied in any educational institution during the whole/or part of the 4/7 consecutive academic years ending with the academic years ending with the in which he/she first appeared for the aforesaid examination.
- (c)
- That in the 4/7 years immediately preceding the commencement of the aforesaid examination he/she resided in the following place / places namely;
Sl.No. | Village | Mandal | District | Period |
1 | ||||
2 | ||||
3 | ||||
4 | ||||
5 |
STATION: | Officer of Revenue Department not |
below the rank of Mandal Revenue | |
DATED: | Officer holding independent Charge |
of a Mandal. |
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Applications | 29-Jul-2016 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Andhra Pradesh Eastern Power Distribution Company of Limited
- Organization City, State : , andhra pradesh
- Organization Website : https://apepdcl.gov.in
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results