4/1, Siri Institutional Area, August Kranti Marg, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110 016 Tel.26566107 Fax: 26967256 E-mail:-gmpers.cwhc@nic.in Website :- www.cewacor.nic.in

Advertisement No. CWC/I-Manpower/DR&Dep/2017/01
Vacancies on Deputation Basis
Central Warehousing Corporation, a Schedule-A Mini Ratna, Category-I CPSU under the Administrative control of Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution providing scientific storage facilities for agricultural inputs, produce and other notified commodities besides providing logistics infrastructure like CFSs/ICDs, Land Custom Stations, Air Cargo Complexes etc. for import- export cargo requires to fill the following posts by deputation for a period of 03 years. The necessary exemption from the rule of immediate absorption has already been communicated by the Administrative Ministry vide letter No. 9-20/2017-SG-I dated 14.06.2017 and DPE vide OM No. 23(6)/2006-GM dated 09.06.2017.
S. No. | Post Name | Pay Scale (IDA) | Maximum Age limit as on 01.04.2017 |
1. | General Manager (G) 01 Post | 43200-66000 E-7 | 56 Years |
- To be overall Incharge of Division(s) in the Corporate Office of the Corporation such as Personnel, Commercial, Inspection, Purchase, Publicity, Project etc. The Head of the Division shall report and provide executive assistance to the Functional Directors/Managing Director and also to represent on behalf of Managing Director/Functional Directors in various meetings/forums.
- To maintain liaison with various Ministries/Departments of the Govt. of India, State Govt., Public Sector Undertakings, Cooperatives, other Institutions, bulk depositors etc.
- To formulate business policy, render advice/guidance for development (including requirements of trade and industry as per emerging trends), expansion and diversification of the business i.e. warehousing, containerization/Logistics, CFS/ICDs, rail side warehousing, ICPs/PFT etc. To review procedures related to operations, fixation of storage charges, tendering process, supervision charges etc. To discharge various administrative/financial powers including defending court cases on behalf of the Corporation and signing of Vakalat Nama etc as delegated from time to time.
- To work as Regional Manager in the Regional Offices of the Corporation, primarily responsible for commercial and general administration of the region and of all the Central Warehouses/CFSs/ICDs/ICPs etc within the region. As Regional Manager to ensure that the Warehouses/CFSs/ICDs/ICPs, PCS functions in a viable & profitable manner and to develop the business of the region. He/she has to ensure implementation of policy directives and other functional requirements such as quality control, general administration etc. He/she has to maintain liaison with various State Govt. at appropriate level and with the bulk depositors and other stake holders and to maintain good public relations.
- To maintain cordial industrial relations
- Any other work as assigned from time to time.
1. General Manager (Genl) Officers from All India Services or Central Services Class-I or Central Secretariat Service Class-I in the pay scale of Rs. 12000-375-16500 (Pre-Revised 15600-39100 with Grade Pay 7600)(Revised to CDA pay matrix level at 12 of 7th CPC)/ 32900-58000 (IDA) with 04 years experience in the relevant field. Officers of Public Institutions at equivalent Senior Management Level with 04 years of experience in the relevant field may also be considered for appointment alongwith other candidates.
Note: For the above post the candidate should have 4 year relevant experience in the scale as mentioned above or higher pay scale.
Age Limit: For the above mentioned posts, the candidate should have atleast 4 years of service left for superannuation as on 01.04.2017.
Officers, who fulfill the above conditions may send their bio-data alongwith relevant documents in the prescribed format (copy enclosed) through proper channel addressed to the Dy. General Manager(Pers), Central Warehousing Corporation, Corporate Office, 4/1, Siri Institutional Area, August Kranti Marg, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016 so as to reach on or before 31.07.2017. The application shall be suprscribed as application for the post of General Manager (Genl) on deputation basis.
An advance copy of application may also be sent but the N.O.C. of the organizations where the candidates are serving is required to be sent/produced at the time of the interview or application through proper channel from the organization where candidate is serving, should be received by the date of interview, failing which the candidature of such candidates shall not be considered and they shall ipso facto not be allowed for the interview.
CWC would request the organizations to send the latest vigilance status and copies of ACR/APAR for the last five years of the shortlisted candidates for considering their candidature prior to date of interview.
It would, however be in the interest of the candidate to apply through proper channel at the initial stage itself.
Advertisement No. CWC/I-Manpower/DR&Dep/2017/01
Affix your recent passport size photograph
1. | Name of Applicant (IN CAPITAL LETTERS) | : | ||
2. | Fathers/Husbands Name | : | ||
3. | Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) | : | ||
4. | Age as on 01.04.2017 (supporting Documents to be enclosed) | Years | Month | |
5. | Gender | : | Male | Female |
6. | Whether Physically Handicapped(Y/N) If yes, nature of Disability and its Degree. Supporting documents to be attached. | : | ||
7. | Mailing Address (With Pin Code) | : | ||
8. | Permanent Address (with pin code) | : |
9. | Email ID & Contact No. | : | ||||||||||||
10. | Educational Qualifications (Start from 10th onwards, supporting documents to be attached) | |||||||||||||
1 | Academic Qualification | Name of Board/ University | Year of Passing | Subject (s) | %age of marks obtained | Class/ Division | ||||||||
11. | Experience: (Attach proof) | |||||||||||||
Organization | Post held/ Desiga nation | Adhoc or Regular | Period | Pay scale & current Basic Pay + DA | Perks if any | Nature of duties | ||||||||
(It is mandatory to provide all the informations required in the application form)
Declaration :
Certified that the information furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and in case the same is found false or incorrect my candidature/appointment may be cancelled/terminated at any point of time.
Date ------------------------------
Place --------------------------
Signature of the candidate
* The ACRs of last five years and vigilance status is to be attached while application is being forwarded by the department.
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Applications | 31-Jul-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Central Warehousing Corporation
- Organization City, State : new delhi, delhi
- Organization Website : http://cewacor.nic.in
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results