,() All India Institute of Medical Sciences Raipur (Chhattisgarh)
G. E. Road, Tatibandh, Raipur-492 099 (CG)
No. Admin./Regular Group A & B/2014-RPR.AIIMS/1469 Raipur, Dated 16.09.2017
In reference to advertisement No. Admin./Regular Group A & B/2014-RPR.AIIMS Raipur dated 25th January 2014 for recruitment of various Group A and Group B posts on direct recruitment basis in AIIMS, Raipur, the On-line (Computer Based Test) CBT is tentatively scheduled to be held on 14th October 2017 (Saturday) for recruitment of the following Posts:
01 | Assistant Administrative Officer |
02 | Assistant Stores Officer |
03 | Junior Hindi Translator |
04 | Pharmacist Grade-I |
05 | Sr. Pharmacist |
06 | Librarian (Grade-III) |
Syllabus and Scheme of Examination for the same is mentioned in Annexure-I
The Admit Cards will be available on the website of AIIMS Raipur www.aiimsraipur.edu.in from 3rd October 2017.
Candidates who have applied for these posts should note that their candidature in the whole recruitment/selection process is PURELY PROVISIONAL pending final scrutiny of their eligibility as mentioned in the Advertisement No. Admin./Regular Group A & B/2014-RPR.AIIMS Raipur dated 25th January 2014. In case, it is found at any stage of selection process that the candidate does not fulfill the eligibility criteria and any information/documents provided by the candidate is found to be false or is/are not in conformity with the eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement including Age, Caste Category, disability, Sub-Category, Application Fee, Educational Qualification, Experience, etc. the candidature of such candidate will be rejected at any stage of selection process and recruitment of such candidate, if made shall stand automatically terminated even after appointment.
Candidates may send their queries at helpdesk.aiimsraipur@gmail.com
Candidates are advised to visit AIIMS Raipur website regularly for any updates related to the subject examination.
Deputy Director (Admin) AIIMS, Raipur (C.G.)
S. | Post Name | Essential Qualification | Proposed | No. of | Marks | Syllabus |
No | Scheme | Ques | ||||
tions | ||||||
1. | Assistant Administrative Officer | Essential Qualification: 1). Degree of recognized University or its equivalent. | a) General Intelligence & Reasoning | 15 | 100 | (a) General Intelligence &Reasoning : It would include questions of both verbal and non-verbal type. This component may include questions on analogies, similarities and differences, space visualization, spatial orientation, problem solving, analysis, judgement, decision making, visual |
2). 5 years of experience | b) General Awareness | 15 | memory, discrimination, observation, relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoning and figural classification, arithmetic number series, non-verbal | |||
as Office Supdt. or in equivalent posts; and | c) Quantitative Aptitude | 15 | series, coding and decoding, statement conclusion, syllogistic reasoning etc. The topics are, Semantic Analogy, Symbolic/Number Analogy, Figural Analogy, Semantic Classification, Symbolic/Number Classification, Figural | |||
working knowledge of | d) English | Classification, Semantic Series, Number Series, Figural Series, Problem | ||||
Govt. rules & regulations | Language and | 15 | Solving, Word Building, Coding & de-coding, Numerical Operations, | |||
Comprehension | symbolic Operations, Trends, Space Orientation, Space Visualization, | |||||
Desirable: | Venn Diagrams, Drawing inferences, Punched hole/pattern folding & un- | |||||
Post Graduate Diploma in Personnel Management / | e) Central Govt. Service Rules | 40 | folding, Figural Pattern folding and completion, Indexing, Address matching, Date & city matching, Classification of centre codes/roll | |||
Labour Laws / | numbers, Small & Capital letters/numbers coding, decoding and | |||||
Administrative Law. | classification, Embedded Figures, Critical thinking, Emotional Intelligence, | |||||
Social Intelligence, Other sub-topics, if any. | ||||||
(b): General Awareness: Questions in this component will be aimed at | ||||||
testing the candidates general awareness of the environment around him | ||||||
and its application to society. Questions will also be designed to test | ||||||
knowledge of current events and of such matters of every day | ||||||
observations and experience in their scientific aspect as may be expected | ||||||
of any educated person. The test will also include questions relating to | ||||||
India and its neighboring countries especially pertaining History, Culture, | ||||||
Geography, Economic Scene, General Policy & Scientific Research. | ||||||
(c): Quantitative Aptitude: The questions will be designed to test the | ||||||
ability of appropriate use of numbers and number sense of the candidate. | ||||||
The scope of the test will be computation of whole numbers, decimals | ||||||
,fractions and relationships between numbers, Percentage. Ratio & | ||||||
Proportion,Square roots, Averages, Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, |
Partnership Business, Mixture and Alligation, Time and distance, Time & | ||||||
Work, Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra & Elementary surds, | ||||||
Graphs of Linear Equations, Triangle and its various kinds of centres, | ||||||
Congruence and similarity of triangles, Circle and its chords, tangents, | ||||||
angles subtended by chords of a circle, common tangents to two or more | ||||||
circles, Triangle, Quadrilaterals, Regular Polygons , Circle, Right Prism, | ||||||
Right Circular Cone, Right Circular Cylinder, Sphere, Hemispheres, | ||||||
Rectangular Parallelepiped, Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or | ||||||
square base, Trigonometric ratio, Degree and Radian Measures, | ||||||
Standard Identities, Complementary angles, Heights and Distances, | ||||||
Histogram, Frequency polygon, Bar diagram & Pie chart | ||||||
(d) English Comprehension: Candidates ability to understand correct | ||||||
English, his basic comprehension and writing ability, etc. would be tested. | ||||||
The questions in Parts A, B, & D will be of a level commensurate with the | ||||||
essential qualification viz. Graduation and questions in Part C will be of | ||||||
10th standard level. | ||||||
(e)Central Govt. Service Rules: Questions relating to CCS(Leave) Rule, | ||||||
CCS(Conduct) Rules, General Service Condition, Office Procedures, | ||||||
Types of correspondence, RTI Act, 2005, LTC, Travelling Allowance etc. | ||||||
2. | Assistant | Essential: | a) General | 15 | 100 | (a) to (d) : --Same as that of AAO |
Store Officer | (A) i) Masters Degree in | Intelligence & | ||||
Economics/ Commerce/ | Reasoning | (e) :-Economics Definition; Demand & Supply, Cost, Efficiency and | ||||
Statistics. | b) General | 15 | Scarcity, introduction to microeconomics and macroeconomics; Basics of | |||
ii) Three years experience | Awareness | statistics for business & economics-Questions on these and other related | ||||
in handling stores, | c) Quantitative | 15 | topics to be of Graduation level. | |||
preferably medical stores | Aptitude | |||||
in Govt., Public or Private | d) English | 15 | (f) e-Procurement (e-tendering) ; GeM; General Financial Rules, 2017 | |||
Sector. | Language and | |||||
OR | Comprehension | |||||
(B) i) Bachelors Degree in | e) Basic | 15 | ||||
Economics/ Commerce/ | Economics | |||||
Statistics. | f) Latest Govt. | 25 | ||||
ii) Post-graduate Degree/ | initiatives in public | |||||
Diploma in Material | procurement | |||||
Management of a | policy. | |||||
recognized | ||||||
University/Institution or | ||||||
equivalent. | ||||||
iii) Three years | ||||||
experience in handling | ||||||
stores, preferably medical | ||||||
stores in Govt., Public or | ||||||
Private Sector. | ||||||
3. | Junior Hindi | Essential: | a) General Hindi , | 30 | 30 | a) General Hindi , |
Translator | Master's degree of a | b) General English | b)General English Questions in this component will be designed to test | |||
recognized University in Hindi/English with English/Hindi as a main subject at the degree level OR Master's degree of a recognized University in any subject with Hindi as a medium of instruction and examination with English as a compulsory subject at degree level; OR Bachelor's degree with Hindi and English as main subjects or either of the two as medium of examination and other as a main subject plus recognized Diploma/ Certificate Course in Translation from Hindi to English & vice versa or two years' experience of translation work from Hindi to English and vice versa in Central/State Government offices, including Government of India Undertakings/ Autonomous Bodies. | c) Translation from Hindi to English and vice versa | 30 20 | 30 40 | the Candidates understanding and knowledge of Hindi & English Languages and will be based on error recognition, fill in the blanks (using verbs, preposition, articles etc.), vocabulary, spellings, grammar, sentence structure, synonyms, antonyms, sentence completion, correct use of words, phrases and idioms, ability to write language correctly, precisely and effectively. c) Translation of small paragraphs consisting of 3-4 sentences from Hindi to English and vice versa Questions in this part should be designed to test the knowledge of translation. | ||
4 | Pharmacist Gr. I | Essential: Degree in Pharmacy from a recognized University/ Institution. Desirable: Experience in manufacture/ storing/ | (a) Subjectknowledge of concerned post (Pharmacist) (b) General Aptitude and Gen. Awareness - | 80 15 | 100 | (a) Syllabus for Bachelor of Pharmacy prescribed by Pharmacy Council of India available on the website of PCI http://pci.nic.in/GeneralInformation/AboutPCI/Syllabus_B_Pharm.pdf (b) Same as that of AAO |
testing of transfusion | (c) Basic Computer | 05 | (c) Introduction to MS Windows, MS Office, Basics of Internet etc. | |||
fluids in a reputed hospital | Knowledge | |||||
or industry | ||||||
5. | Sr. Pharmacist | Essential: Degree in Pharmacy from a recognized University/ Institution. 3 years' experience in | (a) Subjectknowledge of concerned post (Pharmacist) (b) General | 80 | 100 | (a) Syllabus for Bachelor of Pharmacy prescribed by Pharmacy Council of India available on the website of PCI http://pci.nic.in/GeneralInformation/AboutPCI/Syllabus_B_Pharm.pdf |
manufacturing, testing, | Aptitude and Gen. | 15 | (b) Same as that of AAO | |||
storage or distribution of | Awareness - | |||||
transfusion fluids in a | (c) Basic Computer | 05 | (c) Introduction to MS Windows, MS Office, Basics of Internet etc. | |||
reputed hospital or | Knowledge | |||||
industry. | ||||||
6. | Librarian Gr. | Essential: | a) General | 15 | 15 | (a) to (d) : Same as that of AAO |
III | B.Sc. Degree or | Intelligence & | ||||
equivalent from a | Reasoning | |||||
recognized University AND | b) General Awareness | 15 | 15 | |||
Bachelor's Degree or | c) Quantitative | 15 | 15 | |||
equivalent in Library | Aptitude | |||||
Science from a | d) English | 15 | 15 | |||
recognized University or | Language and | |||||
Institute. | Comprehension | |||||
Desirable: | e) Subject | 40 | 40 | (e) Library Methods and Techniques | ||
Two years 'experience of | Knowledge of the | |||||
acquisition of books, | concerned post | Library and Society: Laws of Library Science; Types of Libraries; Library | ||||
periodicals, and | (Library methods | Associations, Systems and Programmes; Library Movement and Library | ||||
documentation work in a | and techniques) | Legislation in India; Organizations and Institutions involved in the | ||||
library of standing or | development of Library and Information Services-UNESCO, IFLA, FID, | |||||
repute. | INIS, NISSAT, etc.; | |||||
Typing speed of 30 words | ||||||
per minute in English or | Library Management: Collection development -Types of Documents and | |||||
25 words per minute in | Selection Principles, Acquisition Procedure, Acquisition of Journals and | |||||
Hindi. | Periodicals, Preparation of Documents for use; Library Personnel and | |||||
Library Committee, Library Rules and Regulations; Library Finance and | ||||||
Budget; Principles of Library Management, Library Organisation and | ||||||
Structure; Use and Maintenance of the Library -Circulation, Maintenance, | ||||||
Shelving, Stock Verification, Binding and Preservation, Weeding out, etc.; | ||||||
Library Classification Theory and Practice: Canons and Principles, Library | ||||||
Classification Schemes -DDC, CC, UDC; | ||||||
Library Cataloguing Theory and Practice: Canons and Principles; Library |
Cataloguing Codes -CCC and AACR; Reference and Information Sources: Bibliography and Reference Sources -Types of Bibliography; Reference Sources-Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Ready Reference Sources, etc.; Sources of Information -Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Documentary, Non-Documentary; E-Documents, E-Books, E-Journals, etc.; Information Services: Concept and need for Information; Types of Documents; Nature and organization of Information Services, Abstracting and Indexing Services; Computer based Information Services -CAS, SDI; Information Technology: Basics Introduction to Computers; Use of computers in Library housekeeping, Library Automation; Software and software packages; Networks -DELNET, NICNET, etc.; National and International Information Systems -NISSAT, NASSDOC, INSDOC, DESIDOC, etc. |
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 16-Sep-2017 | |
Admit Cards | 03-Oct-2017 | |
Examinations (Mains) | 14-Oct-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : All India Institute Of Medical Sciences
- Organization City, State : raipur, chhattisgarh
- Organization Website : http://aiimsraipur.edu.in
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results