Registered istered Office: BijuleeBhawan, Paltanbazar, Guwahati ti-781 001, Assam CIN:U40101AS2003SGC0 01AS2003SGC007239 Tel.No.: 0361-2739502, Fax No.03612739546/22 e-mmail:apgcl_md@yahoo.com, Website: www.apgcl.org
Special recruitmrecruitment drive for Persons with Disabi ability (PWD)
Applications are invit invited from candidates(who are permanent residentsident of Assam) having

(3) Service conditions: As applica
: As applicable as per companys rules as well as the r ell as the rules that may be prescribed by the compan
- (4)
- Application fee: Bank Dra Draft/IPO drawn in favour of DGM (F&A), AP APGCL (Non-refundable)
Rs. 500/-(Rupees five hundre hundred) only for General Category/OBC/MO MOBC candidates and Rs.
ed fifty) in case of SC/ST candidates.
- (5)
- e candidate will have to appear in the viva-vocevoce to be notified in due
Eligible and intere interested candidates would be required to appl apply in prescribed format
ebsiteebsite www.apgcl.org. No other means/mode ode of application shall be accepted. The candidates are required to submit the self attested copie copies in support of age, caste, educational qualification, ation, residence, work experience (If any) and ph physical disability etc. The application along with Bank Bank Draft/IPO drawn in favour of DGM (F&A F&A), APGCL are required to be sent to the Gener eral Manager (HR), APGCL, 3rd FLOOR, OR, BIJULEE BHAWAN,
PALTAN BAZAR, GUW WAHATI-1 latest by 28th August, 2017by regregistered post. Envelope containing the application on should be clearly be super-scribed AppApplication for the post of Lower Divisional Assistant Cum istant Cum Typist/Peon on the top of the envelop nvelope.
All correspondence with ca with candidates shall be done through the communica communication address furnished in the application form onl nly by registered post.
C. General Instruction:
- Before applying the candidate should read all the instructions to ensure about his/her eligibility. Candidates who do not fulfill the eligibility criteria need not apply.
- Candidates working in Govt./Semi-Govt./Public Undertakings should produce No Objection Certificate from their present employer along with the application, failing which he/she shall not be considered for candidature.
- APGCL reserves the right to cancel recruitment for any or all of the posts without assigning any reason thereof.
- Bringing influence at any stage of the selection process will disqualify the candidate.
- 5.
be rejected.
- Certificates of SC/ST/OBC/PWD should have been issued by the appropriate Authority.
- While applying the candidates should enter their full name as it appears in the admit card of HSLC/School Certificate etc.
- Candidates should give clear and complete postal address, mobile nos. and e-mail address for correspondence; APGCL will not be responsible for any postal delay/wrong delivery/nondelivery of any communication at any stage of the recruitment process.
- Only completed application forms will be accepted. In case of non submission of the supporting document the candidature of the candidate shall be rejected. Candidates should retain their duplicate copy of Bank Draft/IPO as they can be asked to produce it in future.
- Incomplete application/ application enclosures/application without photograph/application without application fee/application not fulfilling the eligibility criteria will be summarily rejected. No communication in this regard will be entertained from APGCL.
- The decision of APGCL, in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance, rejection of the application, issue of call letters, verification of the testimonials and selection will be final and
binding on the candidates and no enquiry or correspondence will be entertained in this connection.
IMPORTANT DATE: Last date of receipt of application form 28th August 2017 along with requisite fees
General Manager (HR) APGCL, BijuleeBhawan, Guwahati-1.

Registered Office: Bijulee Bhawan, Paltanbazar, Guwahati-781 001, Assam
CIN:U40101AS2003SGC007239 Tel.No.: 0361-2739502, Fax No.03612739546/22 e-mail:apgcl_md@yahoo.com, Website: www.apgcl.org
Advt. no. MD/APGCL/Esstt/2017/1037/46 DT.11/08/2017 Special recruitment drive for Persons with Disability (PWD) (AMENDED)
Applications are invited from candidates(who are permanent resident of Assam) having requisite qualifications for filling up the following reserved vacancies in Assam Power Generation Corporation Limited.
Sl. No. | Name of the vacant Posts | No. of Posts | Educational Qualification | Reserved for PWD candidates | Pay Band |
1. | Lower Division Assistant Cum Typist | 2 Nos. | Minimum HSSLC passed and completed at least 6 (six) months course on computer. | Locomotor Disability/Hearing Impaired | Rs. 6380/--Rs. 23000/-Grade Pay: Rs. 2200/ |
2. | Peon | 2 Nos. | Minimum Class VIII passed | Hearing Impaired | Rs. 4720/--Rs. 18000/-Grade Pay: Rs. 1500/- |
A. Terms and Conditions:
- (1)
- Age: (According to HSLC/School Certificate): Not less than 18(eighteen) years and not more than 43 (forty three) years on 31stAugust,2017.
- (2)
- Domicile: The candidate must be a domicile of Assam and should have proficiency in Assamese/Hindi.
- (3)
- Service conditions: As applicable as per APGCLs rules as well as the rules that may be prescribed by the Corporation.
- (4)
- Application fee: Not required.
- (5)
- Selection procedure:To be notified in due course. Please keep in touch with APGCLs website :www.apgcl.org.
B. How to Apply:
Eligible and interested candidates would be required to apply in prescribed format available in APGCLs website www.apgcl.org. No other means/mode of application shall be accepted. The candidates are required to submit the self attested copies in support of age, caste, educational qualification, Permanent Residence Certificate (PRC),work experience (if any) and physical disability certificate etc. The application are required to be sent to the GENERAL
GUWAHATI-781001 through registered postto reach him latest by September, 2017.APGCL will not be responsible for any Postal Delay. Envelope containing the application should clearly be super-scribed Application for the post of Lower Divisional Assistant Cum Typist/Peon on the top of the envelope.
All correspondence with candidates shall be done through the communication address furnished in the application form only by registered post.
C. General Instruction:
- Before applying the candidate should read all the instructions to ensure about his/her eligibility. Candidates who do not fulfill the eligibility criteria need not apply.
- Candidates working in Govt./Semi-Govt./Public Undertakings should produce No Objection Certificate from their present employer along with the application, failing which he/she shall not be considered for candidature.
- APGCL reserves the right to cancel recruitment for any or all of the posts without assigning any reason thereof.
- Bringing influence at any stage of the selection process will disqualify the candidate.
- If at any stage, it is detected that the candidate has given false information; his candidature will be rejected.
- Certificates of SC/ST/OBC/PWD should have been issued by the appropriate Authority.
- While applying the candidates should enter their full name as it appears in the admit card of HSLC/School Certificate etc.
- Candidates should give clear and complete postal address, mobile nos. and e-mail address for correspondence; APGCL will not be responsible for any postal delay/wrong delivery/nondelivery of any communication at any stage of the recruitment process.
- Only completed application forms will be accepted. In case of non submission of the supporting document the candidature of the candidate shall be rejected.
- Incomplete application/ application without enclosures/application without photograph/application not fulfilling the eligibility criteria will be summarily rejected. No communication in this regard will be entertained from APGCL.
- The decision of APGCL, in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance, rejection of the application, issue of call letters, verification of the testimonials and selection will be the final and binding on the candidates and no enquiry or correspondence will be entertained in this connection.
6th September2017
Last date of receipt of application form
APGCL will not be responsible for any Postal delay
General Manager (HR) APGCL, Bijulee Bhawan, Guwahati-1.
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 11-Aug-2017 | |
Applications | 06-Sep-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Assam Power Generation Corporation Limited
- Organization City, State : , assam
- Organization Website :
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
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