(Govt. of Jharkhand, Undertaking)
Project Building, 4th Floor, Dhurwa, Ranchi - 834004

Ref. No. 10 Date: 27-01-2017
Urban Development and Housing Department (UD&HD), Government of Jharkhand invites application from interested professionals/candidates for the post mentioned below on purely contractual basis for "Jharkhand Urban Transport Corporation Limited (JUTCOL)".
SN |
Name of the Post |
Total No. of Post |
Consolidated Monthly Remuneration all Inclusive (Rs.) |
Essential Qualification & Experience |
Age Limit |
1 |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
1 |
1,50,000/- |
Graduation in Engineering and Post-Graduation in Business Administration/PGDBM from recognized institutions, with at least 60% marks or equivalent grade point average with 15 years of related experience. |
Age of the candidates should not exceed 55 years as on last date fixed for submission of the application. |
2 |
Chief Finance Officer (CFO) |
1 |
1,00,000/- |
(i)First Division in Graduation in commerce with CA/ICWA final from a recognized and reputed university/Institute. Or First Division in Graduation in Economics/Statistics with MBA Finance in regular course from a recognized and reputed university/Institute. And (ii) 10 years of professional Experience. |
Age of the candidates should not exceed 50 years as on last date fixed for submission of the application. |
3 |
Company Secretary (CS) |
1 |
75,000/- |
Candidate should be Members of ICSI (The Institute of Company Secretaries of India). Minimum Experience of 10 Years as a CS member of ICSI. Desirable Qualification: Candidate should be diploma/degree Holder in management or LLB from reputed institute/ University. |
Age of the candidates should not exceed 50 years as on last date fixed for submission of the application. |
4 |
Land Administration Officer |
1 |
50,000/- |
Full time Post graduation in any discipline with first division. 10 years of related experience. |
Age of the candidates should not exceed 50 years as on last date fixed for submission of the application. |
4 |
Steno cum PS to CEO |
1 |
25,000/- |
Graduation from recognized University with Shorthand writing. Shorthand Speed of 100 words/minute in English and 80 words/ minute in Hindi. Typing Speed of 40 words /minute in English and 35 words/minute in Hindi. 2 years experience as PS/ Equivalent in a repute organization. |
Age of the candidates should not exceed 45 years as on last date fixed for submission of the application. |
Steno cum PS to CFO |
1 |
25,000/- |
Steno cum PS to CS |
1 |
25,000/- |
Terms of Engagement:
- 1. The appointment of professionals will be purely on contract basis for a period of (3) Three Years, which may be extended twice (2 years + 2 Years) after the annual review of performance, and desired output. However the contract may be terminated in the case of unsatisfactory service in one months notice.
- 2. The successful candidate will have to sign a contractual agreement in the prescribed format along with service bond of 3 years in favor of JUTCOL.
- 3. The contract shall not confer any rights or claim of extension/absorption in the Company.
- 4. Applicants who are in employment with Government, Semi-Government, Autonomous Bodies, Public Sector Undertakings and other Government sponsored institutions should route their application through proper channel.
- 5. Last date for receipt of Application: 10-02-2017, till 15:00 Hrs.
- 6. The scope of work, detail job description, requisite qualification and experience for different category of post mentioned in Appendix A, please visit Notice/Recruitment section of the website www.jharkhand.gov.in (http://www.jharkhand.gov.in/web/guest/notices and http:// www.jharkhand. gov.in /web/guest/recruitment)
- 7. The selection of the candidate will be completely on the basis of Essential Qualification, Additional qualification, Experience and Interview. The decision of the Company is final and binding. The Company reserves its rights to accept or reject any applications, without assigning reasons there for.
- 8. How to apply: Duly filled application along with self attested copy of the proof of age, qualification and experience should be sent through the registered post/speed post/courier to the Project Director, Jharkhand Urban Infrastructure Development Company Limited (JUIDCO Ltd.) , 3rd Floor, Pragati Sadan (RRDA Buildong), Kutchary Chowk, Ranchi-834001. The application form made available by hand shall not be entertained. Original Qualification Certificate and Proof of previous employment have to be produced during the time of interview.
Incomplete applications shall not be considered and no interim correspondence shall be entertained. Canvassing in any form shall be considered a disqualification for employment in the Company.
- 9. The list of shortlisted candidate will be uploaded on the website: - www.jharkhand.gov.in and the candidate will be intimidated about the date of interview.
- 10. On behalf of Jharkhand Urban Transport Corporation Limited, the department reserves the right to cancel/postpone the recruitment wholly or partially if so required. No claim will be admissible in case of such cancellation/postponement.
Sd/- Chairman cum managing Director
Jharkhand Urban Transport Corporation Limited
Name of the Post and Qualification required
Appendix A
- 1. Chief Executive Officer
Graduation in Engineering and Post-Graduation in Business Administration/PGDBM from recognized institutions, with at least 60% marks or equivalent grade point average.
(i) Not less than 15 years of given post-qualification experience in managerial capacity in an equivalent or similar position in a reputed organization, of which not less than 5 years in urban sector. International engagement will be considered as an added advantage. In addition to technical competence, equal importance will be given to strategic thinkers, with a developmental mind set, an effective personality and an ability to build external and internal relationships.
(ii) Candidate should have experience of working in construction projects of Railways /Metros and other transport related works.
(iii) Candidate should be conversant with international competitive bidding, computerized environment working and latest transportation technologies etc.
(iv) Adequate experience in planning, designing, supply, testing & commissioning of civil engineering works for underground/elevated metro/rail projects in urban & suburban environment including consultancy works related to urban rail projects.
(v) Candidates with experience of working of modern urban rail systems will be preferred.
- 2. Chief Finance Officer
First Division in Graduation in commerce with CA/ICWA final from a recognized and reputed university/Institute.
First Division in Graduation in Economics/Statistics with MBA Finance in regular course from a recognized and reputed university/Institute.
(i) Not less than 10 years of post-qualification experience in managerial capacity in an equivalent or similar position in a reputed organization.
- 3. Company Secretary
Candidate should be Members of ICSI (The Institute of Company Secretaries of India). Minimum Experience of 10 Years as a CS member of ICSI.
Desirable Qualification: Candidate should be diploma/degree Holder in management or LLB from reputed institute/University.
- 4. Land Administration Officer
Full time Post graduation degree in any discipline with first division.
10 years of Experience related to land identification, Acquisition of private land, transfer of Govt. Land, online transfer of forest land, land De-notification etc.
- 5. Steno cum PS to CEO
Graduation from recognized University with Shorthand writing Speed of 100 words/ minute in English and 80 words/ minute in Hindi.
Typing Speed of 40 words /minute in English and 35 words/minute in Hindi.
2 years experience as PS/Equivalent in a repute organization.
- 6. Steno cum PS to CFO
Graduation from recognized University with Shorthand writing Speed of 100 words/ minute in English and 80 words/ minute in Hindi.
Typing Speed of 40 words /minute in English and 35 words/minute in Hindi.
2 years experience as PS/Equivalent in a repute organization.
- 7. Steno cum PS to CS
Graduation from recognized University with Shorthand writing Speed of 100 words/ minute in English and 80 words/ minute in Hindi.
Typing Speed of 40 words /minute in English and 35 words/minute in Hindi.
2 years experience as PS/Equivalent in a repute organization.
Paste Recent Passport Size Photograph |
Position Applied For: ______________________________
Name of the Candidate* |
(First Name) |
(Surname) |
Address* |
Permanent |
Present |
Mobile/Phone No.* |
Telephone-Residence |
Telephone-Office |
Email Id.* |
Date Of Birth: (DD/MM/YY) |
Category*: (ST/SC/BC1/BC 2/General) |
Sex: (Male/Female)* |
Qualification |
University/Institution |
Main Subjects |
Completion Year |
Division/ Grade |
Marks % |
Course Name |
Duration |
Institution |
Course Details |
Name & Address of Employer |
Designation |
Duration |
Experience |
Brief Description of Responsibilities |
Name & Designation of Reporting Authority |
From |
To |
Years |
Months |
Total Experience |
S.No. |
Computer Skills |
Detail |
Other Skills/Competencies |
- 6. LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY (Please Tick The Appropriate Column)
Language |
Ability To Converse |
Ability To Read |
Ability To Write |
Poor |
Fair |
Good |
Poor |
Fair |
Good |
Poor |
Fair |
Good |
English |
Hindi |
Other (Please Specify) |
- 7. ANY OTHER INFORMATION (May Be Provided By Applicant To Strengthen Candidature)
- 8. REFERENCE (Two Persons To Whom You Have Professionally Reported)
Reference 1 (Name, Official Address, Phone & Email) |
Reference 2 (Name, Official Address, Phone & Email) |
I do hereby declare that all statements made in the application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any information being found false or incorrect at any point of time, my candidature/ appointment may be cancelled/ terminated without any notice.
Place: (Signature of the Applicant)
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 27-Jan-2017 | |
Applications | 10-Feb-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Jharkhand Urban Transport Corporation Limited
- Organization City, State : ranchi, jharkhand
- Organization Website : www.jharkhand.gov.in
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results