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Mo. 7000318486, Email: kvkbhatapara@gmail.m
No/KV1(NICRA/SRF/201 7-1
walk-in -Interview for senior Research Fellows
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bhatapara (Raipur) requires Senior Research Fellows in a newly
initiated project on "National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA)". Interested eligible
candidates are invited in the below mentioned discipline and walk-in for Re-interview with all the
required original documents (given below in table) of academic records (with two attested copies), Experience Jertificate, Document indicating age along with biodata, publication and two passport size f atest photograph on l0l1}l20l7 at 10:00 am in the office of the Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bhatapara,
Baloda Bazar Road,Village: Khapradih, P.O. Bhatapara, PIN-493118, District: Balodabazar-Bhatapara
Name of the Post No. of Post Senior Research Post-Graduation in any one bf the Rs. 25,0001plus HRA for
Fellows(S.R.Fs.) following disciplines Farm Machinery and Power Engineering/ Soil Water Itt and 2"o year Conservation Engineering/ Irrigation & Rs. 28,000/-
Drainage Engineering/ Agricultural plus HRA from
processing and Food engineering/ Agro 3'o year
meteorology/ Agronomy/ Soil science/
Horticulture/ VeterinarY
' Age limit-for male candidate- 35 yrs and for female-40 yrs
. The candidate with relevant experience will be given preference
Terms and conditions-The post is purely temporary and the appointment shall be co-terminus with the duration of the project. The be terminated any time without any notice to the candidate. The selected
.uniidut" wili not have any claim for any kind of appointment in IGKV. The Principal lnvestigator reserves the right to fill or not to fill the vacancy without assigning any reason thereof'
The candidates are requested to present with all original documents, filled application form and one set, self attested photocopy of the entire documents as per filled application form of SRF before the selection committee for walk in interview on date l0 october,2017 at 10.00 am at Krishi vigyan Kendra, Bhatapara. No separate interview call letter wilt be issued. Selected candidates shall be
engaged on contractual basis and shall be required to join the duties immediately. No TA/DA shall be
paid for attending the interview.
4fusr. Scienfist' and Head '7 KVK-Bh atapara

Office of the Sr. Scientist and Head

For office use only
No./Date ____________________
Latest Passport size photograph
- Name in full (in block letters) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Fathers/Husbands name -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Address :
(i) Present address (for correspondence) : -----------------------------------------------------------
E-mail address --------------------------------------------Mobile No. ----------------------------
(ii) Permanent home address : -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date of birth -----------------------------------------------Age ----------------------------------------(According to Matriculation Certificate) (Enclose Copy) (As on --------------------)
- Are you a bonafide resident of Chhattisgarh Yes/No
(If Yes please attach a copy of Domicile Certificate)
- Place of birth (with name of Village/City, District and State) --------------------------------------
- (a) Mother tongue -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (b) Other language (s) which the applicant can speak, read and write fluently ---
- (a) Mother tongue -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Category (UR-Un Reserved/ SC-Scheduled Caste/ ST-Scheduled Tribe/OBC-Other Backward Classes)
(if belong to SC/ST/OBC Category, please enclose a certificate from competent authority)
9. What the applicant is married? (Yes/NO) ---------------------------------------------------
- (a)
- If you are married, marriage date ----------------------------------------------------------
- (b)
- The number of children living ----------------------------------------------------------
- (c)
- If you have more than two surviving child of the last child birth -------------------------------------
9. If you are Disabled, Type of disability (Please enclose a certificate from competent authority)
- (a)
- Asthibadit :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (b)
- Vision impaired: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (c)
- Deaf :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10.Examination passed : (Please enclose copies of certificate/degree & marks-sheet/Transcript etc. for each of the examinations)
Examinations | Name of | Name of the | Subject (s) | Division | Year of | Percentage | Enclosure Number | ||
the degree/ | University/ | (Major) | obtained | Passing | of | Certificate/ | Mark sheet | ||
diploma | Institute | marks/OGPA | Degree | transcript | |||||
obtained | |||||||||
(i) | High School | ||||||||
(ii) | Higher Secondary/Inter | ||||||||
mediate/ pre-University | |||||||||
(iii) | Bachelor degree | ||||||||
(iv) | Master degree | ||||||||
(v) | Doctoral degree | ||||||||
(vi) | Any other | ||||||||
examination (s) |
11. Academic Excellence (Enclose copy of certificates)
- (i)
- Medal at UG/PG/Ph.D.
- (a)
- Gold Medal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (b)
- Silver Medal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (c)
- Bronze Medal ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (ii)
- Academic Awards ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(iii) National Fellowships by (JRF/SRF, etc.) ----------------------------------------------------
12. Publications : Research/Extension (attach complete list in bibliographic form and reprints for proof)
Publication | As first author (No.) | As co-author (No.) | |
(i) | Full length Research Paper/Review article | ||
(ii) | Short notes | ||
(iii) | Published abstracts in seminars | ||
(iv) | Popular/Extension article | ||
(v) | Varieties/Technology/Patent developed/disseminated |
13.Experience: As RA/RF/SRF/JRF/TA/Farm Manager in any University/R&D
organization of repute/Central State Govt. etc. (In reverse chronological order, start from the
latest position held. (Enclose copy of appointment order/experience certificate for proof)
S.N. | Name of the Post held | Pay Scale | Organization | Period (from-to) | Experience Year/Month |
Total Experience Year/Month |
14. Performance in extra-curricular activities-NCC/NSS/Games and Sports/Cultural (Inter University Level) enclosed copy of certificate for proof.
- (i)
- (ii)
15. Additional Remarks, If any : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
I declare that the entries made in this application form are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Place ------------------------------Date -------------------------------Signature of the candidate
(in the case of those who are already in service) The applicant Shri/Ku./Smt./Dr. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
is holding a permanent/temporary post of ----------------------------------------------------in the scale
of pay ` --------------------------------------------------------------------and his/her present basic pay is
` -----------------------------per month. His/Her application is forwarded and he/she will be
relieved in case he/she is selected for the post applied for. Place ------------------------------Date ------------------------------Signature Designation of Officer (with official seal)
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 26-Sep-2017 | |
Applications | 10-Oct-2017 | |
Interviews | 10-Oct-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Indira Gandhi Agricultural University
- Organization City, State : raipur, chhattisgarh
- Organization Website :
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results