All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur (Chhattisgarh)
G. E. Road, Tatibandh,
Raipur-492 099 (CG) www.aiimsraipur.edu.in
Admin/Recruitment/12/JR/2017/AIIMS.RPR/2475 Dated: 27-12-2017
AIIMS Raipur is an apex health care institute, being established by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India under the Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojna (PMSSY). With the aim of correcting regional imbalances in quality tertiary level health care in the country, and attaining self-sufficiency in graduate and postgraduate Medical education and training the PMSSY has set up 6 new AIIMS institutions in underserved areas of the country.
AIIMS, Raipur will conduct Walkin-Interview for the following post under Govt. of India Residency Scheme for 11 (eleven) months.
S.No. | Job Reference | Group | No. of Posts | Pay scale | UR | OBC | SC | ST |
1 | Junior Resident | A | 75 | Rs.15,600 39,100/-+ 5400/-(GP) per month plus usual allowances including NPA | 38 | 20 | 11 | 06 |
Inclusive of 03 posts for PwD |
Date of Walk-in Interview : 15-01-2018*
Reporting Time : 10:00 AM
Venue : Committee Room, 1st Floor, Medical College Building, Gate No. 5, AIIMS, Tatibandh, G.E. Road, Raipur (C.G.) -492099.
* Interview may be spilled over to the next day depending upon the number of candidates to be present on the scheduled day of interview. Therefore, candidates should be prepared to be available for interview for next day also, if necessary.
Age and all other qualifications will be counted as on date of walk in interview.
- The above vacancies are provisional and subject to variation. The Director, AIIMS, Raipur reserves the right to vary the vacancies including reserved vacancies as per the Govt. of India rules/circulars and requirements. The reservation will be followed as per Government of India Rules.
I. APPLICATION PROCESS: Advertisement and draft Application forms are hosted at www.aiimsraipur.edu.in.The duly filled application form along with the originals and self -attested photocopies of all relevant certificates relating to age, qualifications and experience(s) with a self-attested coloured passport size photograph and the requisite application fee should be brought at the time of Interview. Persons working in the Govt./Semi-Govt. Organizations/ Corporations/Autonomous Institutes etc. should submit their application along with NOC.
For General/OBC Candidates : Rs. 1,000/-(Rupees One Thousand Only) to be paid in favour of AIIMS Raipur payable at Raipur by way of Demand Draft/Bankers Cheque. The Application fee is non-refundable.
No application fee is required for Women/SC/ST/PwD (Persons with Disabilities) candidates.
III. NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE: Those who are working in Central/State Government/Semi Government Autonomous body have to submit No Objection Certificate from their respective organization along with their application.
- IV.
- ANNEXURES: Attested photocopies of Degrees, Certificates, Mark sheets, Age proof, Caste certificates etc. may be annexed to the hard copy of the application and the same shall be produced in original along with photocopy for verification at the time of interview.
- V.
- AGE:
- For eligibility to apply for the above said post, upper age limit as on date of Walk-in-Interview will be 30 years.
- Age relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC candidates.
- In the case of Persons with Disability (PWD) candidates, age relaxation up to maximum period of 5 years for General Category, 8 years for OBC category and 10 years for SC/ST category candidates.
- For eligibility to apply for the above said post, upper age limit as on date of Walk-in-Interview will be 30 years.
- The reservation for ST/SC/OBC candidates is as per Central Govt. rules and 3 % for PWD candidates (on horizontal basis).
For OBC Candidate: Candidates must attach certificate valid for the posts under the Central Government of India which mentions that the Candidate does not belong to Creamy Layer. Date of issue of Certificate should not be earlier than 1 year from the date of walk-in-interview.
- For SC, ST & OBC Certificate should be issued by Tehsildar or above rank authorities prescribed by Govt. of India in format of State/Central Government.
For Persons with Disability (PWD):
i. The candidate must possess a valid document certifying his/her physical disability is conforming to judgment of Supreme Court of India i.e.: With the approval of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India vide letter no. 18018/2/2009-ME(P-1) dated 17.02.2009 it has been decided that while providing reservation in admission to medical course in the first instance candidates with disability of lower limbs between 50% to 70% shall be considered and in case candidates are not available of such candidates in that category then the candidates with disability of lower limbs between 40% to 50% will also be considered for admission as per decision in the Writ Petition (Civil) 184/2005-Dr.Kumar Sourav Vs. UOI & others in the Supreme Court of India.
ii. The disability certificate should be signed by a duly constituted and authorized Medical Board of the State or Central Govt. Hospitals/Institutions & countersigned by Medical Superintendent.
iii. The constitution of the Medical Board will be one consultant each from disciplines of Orthopaedics, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation and Surgery.
iv. PwD candidates who apply will be considered against seats in category in which he/she has applied i.e. GEN/SC/ST or OBC. Last seat/s in the respective category will be offered to PwD candidates, in case PwD candidate is not able to make on his/her their own merit.
VII. VENUE OF INTERVIEW: All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Tatibandh, G.E. Road, Raipur (C.G.) 492099. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the interview.
VIII. The engagement shall be for a period of 11 (eleven) months only. The posts are under residency scheme, Govt. of India and under no circumstances are linked to regular appointment and cannot be regularized at any stage.
- IX.
- The above temporary position shall carry pay in the Pay Band of `15600 39100 + 5400/-(GP) per month plus usual allowances including NPA.
- X.
- a.
- The candidates should have passed MBBS (including completion of Internship) or equivalent degree recognized by MCI.
- b.
- Only those candidates who have passed MBBS (including Internship) not earlier than two years before the start date of Junior Residency will be considered. It implies that those who have completed MBBS or equivalent course (including completion of internship) between 13/12/2016 to 14/01/2018 only will be considered.
- c.
- DMC/DDC/MCI/State Registration is mandatory before joining, if selected.
- d.
- Those who had joined Junior Residency anywhere else and whose services were terminated on account of unauthorised absence or any other disciplinary/ ground, will be ineligible to be considered for these JR post even if they otherwise qualify.
- a.
- Walk-in-Interview will be conducted for selection.
- b.
- After filling available posts, candidates called for interview shall be kept in the waiting list.
- c.
- Any vacancy arising because of non-joining by selected candidates in this selection or by resignation of candidates post will be offered to the candidates from the waiting list according to the merit. All applicants must provide phone numbers and email/fax no, for faster communication about such vacancies.
- d.
- For qualification/Reservation/Selection Procedure/Emolument/dates for Interview/ counselling and other details, please visit AIIMS, Raipur website: www.aiimsraipur.edu.in. Experience/Age/etc. will be counted as on date of interview.
- The candidate who is already in government service shall submit No Objection Certificate from the present employer at the time of Interview.
- Canvassing of any kind will lead to disqualification. The prescribed qualification is minimum and mere possessing the same does not entitle any candidate for selection.
- The appointment is purely on contract basis (under residency scheme, GoI) for a period of 11 months or till such time the regular appointments against these vacant posts are made, whichever is earlier, with effect from the date of joining. If the contract is not extended further, the same will lapse automatically. The appointment can also be terminated at any time, on either side, by giving one months notice or by paying one months salary, without assigning any reason or failure to complete the period of three months to the satisfaction of competent authority. The appointee shall be on the whole time appointment of the AIIMS and shall not accept any other assignment, paid or otherwise and shall not engage himself/herself in a private practice of any kind during the period of contract. He/She is expected to conform to the rules of conduct and discipline as applicable to the institute employees. The appointee shall perform the duties assigned to him/her. The competent authority reserves the right to assign any duty as and when required. No extra/additional allowances will be admissible in case of such assignment.
- If an appointee wishes to apply somewhere else or resign within the first 03 (three) months of joining, then neither he/she will be issued a No Objection Certificate (NOC) nor he/she will receive any Relieving Letter or Experience Certificate .
- The appointee shall not be entitled to any benefit like Provident Fund, Pension, Gratuity, Medical Attendance Treatment, Seniority, Promotion etc. or any other benefits available to the Government Servants, appointed on regular basis.
- The candidate should not have been convicted by any Court of Law.
- In case of any information given or declaration by the candidate is found to be false or if the candidate has will-fully suppressed any material information relevant to this appointment, he/she will be liable to be removed from the service and any action taken as deemed fit by the appointing authority.
- The decision of the competent authority regarding selection of candidates will be final and no representation will be entertained in this regard.
- Incomplete applications in any aspect will be summarily rejected.
- The Competent Authority reserves the right of any amendment, cancellation and changes to this advertisement as a whole or in part without assigning any reason or giving notice.
- Leave entitlement of the appointee shall be governed as per Govt. of Indias Residency Scheme.
- The appointee shall not be entitled to avail any allowances/facilities being extended to the regular/permanent faculty members of the AIIMS.
- All disputes will be subject to jurisdictions of Court of Law at Raipur.
Deputy Director (Admin) AIIMS, Raipur.

() ,
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur (Chhattisgarh)
G. E. Road, Tatibandh,
Raipur-492 099 (CG) www.aiimsraipur.edu.in
,El jk;iqj esa 11 X;kjg eghus gsrq tqfu;j jslhMsUV jslhMsUlh Ldhe] Hkkjr ljdkj in gsrq vkosnu izi= &2017 Application Form for the post of Junior Resident in AIIMS, Raipur under residency
scheme, Govt. of India for 11 (eleven) months 2017
Affix Passport
foKkiu la-@Advertisement No. Admin/Recruitment/12/JR/2017/AIIMS.RPR/2475 Size self
vkosfnr in@Applied for
Junior Resident
colour photograph
Mention attempts for 1st year: 2nd Year: 03rd year: 04th year: MBBS
Overall aggregate percentage in MBBS:
1-uke Li"V v{kjksaesa@Name in block letters :

2-firk@ifr dk uke Li"V v{kjksaesa@ Father / Husbands Name in block letters:

3-v LFkk;h irk/(a) Permanent Address:


c Mkd dk irk/ (b) Postal Address:


4.laidZ fooj.k @Contact Details:,l-Vh-Mh-dksM lfgr Qksu ua-/
Phone No. With STD Code
eksckbZy ua-@Mobile No.:

5. izek.ki= ds vuqlkj tUefrfFk@ fnukad@Date ekg@Month o"kZ @ Year
Date of Birth with documentary evidence

lk{kkRdkj dh frfFk dks vk;q o"kZ @ Year ekg@Month fnu@Day
Age as on date of interview

6. D;k vki@Are youtUels@By Birth vf/kokl }kjk/By Domicile v tUe ls Hkkjrh; ukxfjd gS vFkok vf/kokl }kjklcaf/kr in fpfUgr djsatUe ls vf/kokl }kjk
(a) A citizen of India by birth and or by domicile? (Tick the relevant column)

By Birth By Domicile
;fn vki vf/kokl }kjk Hkkjrh; ukxfjd gS rks izek.k&i= layXu djsa@
If citizen of India by domicile, attach documentary evidence
7. D;k vki vtk@vttk@vfio ls lacaf/krgS? gka@ugha Are you a SC/ST/OBC Candidate? (Yes/No)
;fngka] rks oxZ dk mYys[k djsa izek.k&i= layXu djsa vfio Dh n'kk esa Hkkjr ljdkj ds rgr vkjf{kr inksa ij fu;qfDr ds fy, vHkh gky esa oS/k mi;qDr izkf/kdkjh }kjk tkjh izek.k&i= gksuk pkfg,@

If yes, mention the Category (attach documentary evidence) In case of OBC, the certificate should be issued by the appropriate authority recently valid for appointment to the post reserved under Govt. of India.
- fyax@Gender: iq:"k@Male efgyk/Female lacaf/krijfpUgyxk,a@Tick the relevant)
- Person with disability (PWD)/ fodykaxrk (Yes/No)

10-'kS{kf.kd ;ksX;rk@Educational Qualification:
ijh{kkdkuke @ Name of the Examination | fo"k;@fo/kk@ fof'k"Vrk @ Subject/ Discipline/ Speciality | fo'ofo|ky;@laLFkku@ egkfo|ky; @ University/ Institute/ College | ikB~;e dks iw.kZ djus dh frfFk @ Date of completion of course | vafre ijh{kk mkh.kZ djus dk ekg rFkk o"kZ@ Month & Year of Passing final examination | izkIrkad@ Marks obtained | ikB~;e dh vof/k @ Duration of Course |
vU; dksbZ ;ksX;rk @ Any other Qualification |
i;k lacaf/kr mikf/k;ksadks fpfUgr djsa@Please tick the relevant Degrees)
- Permanent M.C.I./D.M.C./DDC/:-State Registration No.
- Whether done any First Year Junior Residency at AIIMS or outside, if so mention the
Organization/Institution : Department : From : To : Total Working Period (in months) :
13. Department in Order of Preference
a) :
b) :
c) :
Please Note:
- Incomplete application will be rejected straight way.
- If it is found, that the applicant has suppressed any information or given wrong information his/her Junior Residency will be terminated forthwith without assigning any reason.
- The Junior Residents are entitled to leave at the rate of 2 days leave for every completed month.
fuEufyf[kr izek.ki=ksa@vfHkys[kksa dh Loizekf.kr izfrfyfi;ka uhps afn, gq, e esa layXu djsaA@
Attach self attested photocopies of the following certificates/documents in the order as mentioned below:
- tUefrfFk ls lacaf/krize.ki= @Certificate in r/o date of birth.
- bl vkosnu izi= ds -l-10 esa mfYysf[kr 'kSf{kd ;ksX;rk dh mikf/k izek.ki=@Degree certificates of the qualification as mentioned in Sl.No. 10 of this application form.
eSa lR; fu"Bk ls vfHkiqf"V djrk @djrh gw fd ij nh xbZ lwpuk] tgka rd eq>s irk gS] lR; rFkk lHkh rjg ls lgh gSAeSaus fdlh Hkh lwpuk dks ugha nqik;k gS eSa opu nsrk@nsrh gw fd blesa nh xbZ dksbZ lwpuk ;fn xyr ;k >wBh ik;h tkrh gS] rks eSa ykx wfu;eksa ds vuqlkj dh xb ZdkjZokbZ ds fy, mRrjnk;h gksaxk@gksaxhA
I solemnly affirm that the information furnished above is true and correct in all respects to the best of my knowledge. I have not concealed any information. I undertake that any information furnished herein is found to be incorrect or false, I shall be liable for action as per rules in force.
mEehnokj ds gLrk{kj@ Signature of the Candidate
fnukad@ Date
mEehnokj dk uke @ Name of the Candidate Li"V v{kjksa esa@in block letters mEehnokj ds gLrk{kj@ Signature of the Candidate
Sr. No. | Copy of the documents (self attested) | Please tick () |
1 | Certificate of Date of Birth (Class X or XII Certificate) | |
2 | MBBS Mark Sheets (All Semester) | |
3 | MBBS Degree | |
4 | Internship completion certificate | |
5 | Attempt certificates | |
6 | MCI/DCI registration | |
7 | MD/MS/DNB/PG Diploma certificate (for SRs only) | |
8 | MD/MS/DNB/PG Diploma mark sheets | |
9 | SC/ST/OBC/PH certificate issued by the competent authority (if applicable) | |
10 | Experience (if any)-No Objection Certificate | |
11 | Copies of any other relevant documents | |
12 | Aggregate percentage in MBBS | |
13 | Mention Attempts for MBBS: | |
i) | 1st Year | |
ii) | 2nd Year | |
iii) | 3rd Year | |
iv) | 4th Year |
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 27-Dec-2017 | |
Interviews | 15-Jan-2018 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : All India Institute Of Medical Sciences
- Organization City, State : raipur, chhattisgarh
- Organization Website : http://aiimsraipur.edu.in
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results