ICAR - Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) Santoshnagar, Saidabad PO, Hyderabad - 500 059 |

F.No. 1-22(4)/2017-2018/Estt.I Dated: February 20, 2018
Advertisement No. 4/2018
Temporary positions are proposed to be filled-up through Walk-in-Interview at this Institute under the following projects, initially for a period of one year, extendable subject to continuation of projects and budget availability:-
Name of the project: National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA)
Posi-tion Code |
Name of Position |
No. of positions |
Qualifications |
D-6 |
Young Professional II (Agricultural Economics) |
02 Nos. |
Essential: Masters Degree in Agricultural Economics / Economics / Applied Economics. Desirable: Experience in collection of primary data through farmer surveys / Proficiency in working with SAS and SPSS / MS-Excel. |
D-7 |
Young Professional II (Bio-informatics) |
02 Nos. |
Essential: Masters Degree in Bioinformatics / Plant Pathology with specialization in Bio-informatics. Desirable: Knowledge of Advanced Bioinformatic Analysis in plant genomes, proficiency in Computer and Data Analysis. |
D-8 |
Young Professional II (Soil Science / Agronomy/ Agroforestry) |
08 Nos. |
Essential: Masters Degree in Soil Science / Agronomy (7 Nos.) / Agro-Forestry / Forestry (1 No.) Desirable: Field experience and well versed with Soil and Plant Analysis. |
D-9 |
Young Professional II (Meteorology) |
01 No. |
Essential: M.Sc. / M. Tech. In Meteorology / Agricultural Meteorology / Atmospheric Sciences Desirable: Experience in Automatic Weather Station (AWS) Database Maintenance, Weather Data quality checking weather based Crop Analysis. |
D-10 |
Young Professional II (Soil and Water Conservation) |
01 No. |
Essential: Post Graduation in Agriculture Engineering with specialization in Soil and Water Conservation / Land Water Management / Water Resources. Desirable: Knowledge in Computer Operations / Data Management and Modeling. |
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Posi-tion Code |
Name of Position |
No. of positions |
Qualifications |
D-11 |
Young Professional II (Remote Sensing and GIS) |
01 No. |
Essential: M.Sc. / M. Tech. in GIS / Remote Sensing / Geomatics with Graduation in Geography / Geomatics / Geology / Civil Engineering / Computer Sciences. Desirable: Work experience of GIS Remote Sensing Applications. |
D-12 |
Young Professional I (Agriculture) |
01 No. |
Essential: B.Sc. (Agriculture) Desirable: Work Experience in Field and Laboratory. |
D-13 |
Young Professional II (Plant Biochemistry) |
01 No. |
Essential: Masters Degree in Plant Biochemistry / Agriculture Biochemistry / Plant Physiology / Biochemistry with specialization in Crop Plants. Desirable: Exposure to Biochemical Tools and Techniques in Plant Sample Analysis and Assay of Enzymes. |
D-14 |
Young Professional II (Agriculture Microbiology) |
02 Nos. |
Essential: Masters Degree in Agriculture Microbiology / Microbiology / Plant Pathology with specialization in Plant Microbes. Desirable: Experience in use of Biochemical Tools and Techniques on Plant Associated Microorganisms. |
D-15 |
Young Professional II (Agricultural Biotechnology) |
02 Nos. |
Essential: Masters Degree in Agricultural Biotechnology / Molecular Biology and Biotechnology / Genetic Engineering with specialization in Plant Biotechnology. Desirable: Experience in Molecular Markers, Gene Cloning / Plant Phenotyping. Knowledge of Advanced Bioinformatic Analysis in Plant Genomes. |
D-16 |
Young Professional II (Computer Science) |
01 No. |
Essential: B.Tech. / B.E. in Computer Science Engineering / Information Technology Engineering. Desirable: Knowledge of SCADA, Development of DSS Modules, DBMS programming in C, C++, Java, .net, Visual Basic. |
D-17 |
Young Professional I (Computer Science ) |
02 Nos. |
Essential: B.Sc. (Computers) Desirable: Work Experience in file / data Management, MS-Office; Certificate in English Lower Typewriting from a recognized Board of Technical Education. |
D-18 |
Young Professional I (ERP) |
02 No. |
Essential: Graduation in Computer Science and Applications Desirable: Work Knowledge on Oracle and Java Platforms; Knowledge in handling databases preferably SQL and operating user interfaces, office automation packages like Payroll, Bill Processing, Purchases, Finance and Accounts; Good communication skills. |
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Name of the project: National Agriculture Innovation Fund (NAIF)
Positi-on Code |
Name of Position |
No. of positions |
Qualifications |
D-19 |
Young Professional I (IPR) |
01 No. |
Essential: Bachelors degree in Agriculture/ Horticulture/ B. Tech. in Agricultural Engineering/ B.V.Sc. Desirable: PG diploma in IPR and Patent Management or Law; Experience in Intellectual Property Rights, patent searches, processing patent applications, drafting license agreements, technology commercialization, promotion and marketing of products, good command over English and Computer skills. |
D-20 |
Office Assistant (Taxation/Insurance) |
01 No. |
Desirable: Experience in handling Taxation/Insurance matters (Income Tax, Goods & Services Tax and GSLIS), online filing of IT and GST returns, EPF and New Pension Scheme. |
Remuneration |
Young Professional-II |
` 25,000/- per month consolidated |
Young Professional-I |
` 15,000/- per month consolidated |
Office Assistant (Tax/Ins.) |
` 15,000/- per month consolidated |
Age limit |
All positions |
21-45 years as on the date of interview. |
Dates of interview |
Position Codes D-6 to D-12 |
12.03.2018 |
Position Codes D-13 to D-15 |
13.03.2018 |
Position Codes D-16 to D-20 |
14.03.2018 |
The positions are purely temporary and co-terminus with the project. Eligible candidates may report for walk-in-interview between 1000-1030 hrs on the dates mentioned against the positions, at ICAR-CRIDA, Santoshnagar, Hyderabad 500 059. Candidates reporting after 1030 hrs will not be entertained. Candidates possessing the prescribed essential qualification will only be considered. Candidates should bring alongwith them filled-in application form in the format provided herewith alongwith one set of self-attested copies of certificates related to qualifications / age / experience etc. All original certificates should be presented for verification. No documents other than pass certificate or provisional pass certificate will be accepted as proof of completion of a course. The date of interview shall be the crucial date for determining educational qualifications. No TA / DA will be paid for attending the interview.
In case of higher turnout of candidates, objective written test may be conducted for shortlisting candidates. Director, ICAR-CRIDA reserves the right to increase filling-up of positions upto 10% of the advertised number of positions. The decision of Director, ICAR-CRIDA shall be final and binding on the applicants.
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Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 20-Feb-2018 | |
Interviews | 12-Mar-2018 | 14-Mar-2018 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture
- Organization City, State : hyderabad, telangana
- Organization Website : http://www.crida.in
- Notification
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- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results