(a) Last date of submission of application
(b) | Application | |
Fee | ||
(c) | Other | |
Conditions |
The duly filled in application in prescribed format (giving the testimonial in support of their qualification & experience) should reach the following address positively on or before 26/08/2017
The Chief Engineer (HR)
Chhattisgarh State Power Generating Company Limited,
Shed No.-3,
Vidyut Sewa Bhawan Parisar, Dangania,
Raipur (C.G.)492013 :Email: hr.cspgcl@cspc.co.in
The application received by registered post or speed post will only be accepted. Envelop should be clearly superscripted as
"Application for the post of Manager (Environment) OD contract".
Application fee of Rs. 1000/-. Non-refundable in the form of Demand Draft/Banker's Cheque drawn in favour of "Assistant Manager (CAU),CSPGCL,Raipur payable at Raipur should be accompanied along with the application. The candidate should write their Name, Complete mailing address and Phone / Mobile number on reverse side of Demand Draft/Banker's Cheque.
(a)CSPGCLwillnotberesponsible foranypostaldelayorloss in respect of receipt of application form/ delivery of admit card.
- (b)
- Interview shall be held at Chhattisgarh State Power Companies Head Quarters at Dangania, Raipur.
- (c)
- CSPGCL reserves the right to cancel the complete process ofrecruitment, ifrequired.
- (d)
- Duly filled application in prescribed format along with all the testimonials in support of qualification & experience should reach the 0/0 C.E. (HR) by the last date of submission.
- (e)
- Contract appointment shall be governed by the "Chhattisgarh Civil Sewa (Samvida Niyukti) Niyam, 2012 and its amendment 2014".
- (f)
- The appointee shall be governed by the CG Civil Service Conduct Rules 1965.
- (g)
- The appointee shall have to join the duty within 30 days of the issue oforder.
- (h)
- The appointee shall be posted under the administrative control ofthe Station Head.
- (i)
- The appointee will not be provided company's quarter and thefixedremuneration paidshallbeinclusiveofHRA.
- (i)
- The appointee shall be entitled for 18 days Casual Leave
Regd. Office: "Vidyut Sewa Bhavan" Dangania/ Raipur (e.G.)
ChiefEngineer (HR),ShedNo.03,Dangania, Raipur (e.G.) 492013 ~ ~ ~ (I1ro~o),~ W.-03,~, ~ (u"01l0) 492013 Tele: 0771-2574408, Fax: 0771-2574035, E-Mail: hr.cspgcl@cspc.co.in Website: www.cspc.co.injcspgcl
and 03 days Optional Leave in a calendar year.
- (k)
- As the proposed equivalent post of appointment IS EE, hence no vehicle shall be provided to the appointee.
- (1)
- The appointee shall be reimbursed telephone/mobile phone bills for discharging official duties as admissible to therank ofEEofCSPGCL.
- (m)For making officialjourney (within and outside State), TA/ DA as admissible to the officer of the rank of EE will be payable.
- (n)
- The appointee shall not be entitled for reimbursement of medical expenses. However he may avail the medical facility available at Dispensary/Hospital of Chhattisgarh State Power Companies.
- (0)
- The appointee shall be entitled to avail general holidays / optional holidays declared by the Power Companies.
(p)Theappointee willnotbeentitled foranykindofadvancest' like House Building Advance, Motor Cycle/Car/Computer Advance etc. during the contract period.
- (q)
- Income Tax as may be applicable shall be deducted at source.
- (r)
- The Contract shall be terminable on either side by giving one month's notice.
- (8)
- During the tenure of the contract appointment in CSPGCL the appointee shall not take any assignment from any other agency/ deptt.yfirrri/ company.
Note-Pleasevisitourwebsitewww.cspc.co.in regularlyforupdatedinformation.
Chief Engineer (HR)
CSPower Generating Co. Ltd., Raipur
Regd Office: "Vidyut Sewa Bhavan" Dangania, Raipur (e.G.)
ChiefEngineer(HR),ShedNo.03,Dangania, Raipur (e.G.) 492013 ~ ~ ~ (Jtro~O),~ w.-03, ~, ~ (YJOlfO)492013 Tele: 0771-2574408, Fax: 0771-2574035, E-Mail: hr.cspgcl@cspc.co.in Website: www.cspc.co.irr/cspgcl
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Important Notes:-(i) Before filling this form read the instructions carefully. (ii) All entries should be made in CAPITAL LETIERS(iii) The Application to be made strictly in the following format and to be filled in ENGLISHonly. (iv) Please see the bottom of the application form for documents to be enclosed.
Please mark (,f) tick in the appropriate box
Please affix
one recent
3. Date of Birth 4. Age As on (31/07/2017) passport size Photograph
self attested
5. Category 6. Nationality:-Indian IAny Other
of Experience
10. Particulars of Demand Draft
DD No. Date Name of Bank Branch Branch Code Amount (Rs.) Address
Candidate Name, Father's Name, address, telephone number, date of birth and category should be written on the reverse side of the Demand Draft
Format for Application
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 31-Jul-2017 | |
Applications | 26-Aug-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Chhattisgarh State Power Generation Company Limited
- Organization City, State : raipur, chhattisgarh
- Organization Website : www.cspc.co.in/cspgcl
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results