West Bengal State Electricity Transmission Co. Ltd. (A Govt. of West Bengal Enterprise) Registered Office: Vidyut Bhavan, Block-DJ, Sector-II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata-700091 |

Engagement of Graduate (Elect.)/Technician (Elect.) Apprentice Trainees As per Apprentices Act, 1961 & Apprenticeship Rules 1992 (as amended from time to time)
The West Bengal State Electricity Transmission Company Limited (WBSETCL), a Government of West Bengal Enterprise, engaged in the business of Transmission of Electricity in the State of West Bengal, invites applications from Indian Nationals as Graduate & Technician Apprentices under the Apprentices Act, 1961 for imparting training as per provisions of the said act, at its Sub-Stations located at different places across West Bengal as given below:-
Sl. No. |
Apprentice-ship Trade |
Vacancies |
Category |
Eligibility/ Qualification |
UR |
SC |
ST |
1. |
Graduate Apprentice (Electrical) |
16 |
10 |
3 |
0 |
2 |
1 |
Graduation in Electrical Engineering (04 years full time course) from any institute recognized by the AICTE. |
2. |
Technician Apprentice (Electrical) |
37 |
22 |
7 |
1 |
4 |
3 |
Diploma in Electrical Engineering or Technology (03 years full time course) from any institute recognized by the West Bengal State Council of Technical Education. |
Total |
53 |
32 |
10 |
1 |
6 |
4 |
*Note: Only candidates having enrolled themselves under the National Apprentice Training Scheme (NATS) portal (www.mhrdnats.gov.in ) shall be eligible to apply.
B. AGE LIMIT: As on 01.12.2017:
Sl. No. |
Discipline |
Min. Age |
1 |
Graduate Apprentice |
22 |
2 |
Technician Apprentice |
18 |
The applicants should NOT have completed three years after passing of the qualifying examination as on 01.12.2017 i.e, candidates having passed the Graduation/Diploma in Engineering in the year 2015, 2016, 2017 are only eligible to apply.
C. STIPEND: Monthly stipend will be paid as per the below mentioned prescribed rates governed by the Apprenticeship Act. This stipend will be paid directly into the bank account of the apprentices.
Sl. No. |
Discipline |
Stipend |
1 |
Graduate (Elect.) Apprentice |
Rs. 4984/- |
2 |
Technician (Elect.) Apprentice |
Rs. 3542/- |
D. PERIOD OF APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING: 12 months training commencing from execution of the Contract of Apprenticeship.
- i) Reservation:
- a) Reservation will be applied as per the provisions of the Apprentice Act, 1961 and Apprenticeship Rules 1992 as amended from time to time.
- b) Applicants belonging to SC/ST/OBC shall produce their caste certificate in the prescribed format issued by the Competent Authority of West Bengal. Those who will submit the necessary certificate of caste by the Competent Authority of outside West Bengal, they will be treated as unreserved candidates.
- c) When the prescribed no. of persons belongs either to the SC or to the ST are not available, the training places so reserved for them may be filled up by persons belongs to ST or, as the case may be, to the SC and if the prescribed training places cannot be filled even in the above manner, then the training places so lying unfilled may be filled up by persons not belonging to the SC or ST.
- d) In case of OBC candidates, the norms of the respective state have to be followed. If the prescribed training places cannot be filled from OBC candidates, then the training places so lying unfilled may be filled up by persons not belonging to the OBC.
- ii) Candidates who have previously undergone Apprenticeship Training or are presently undergoing Apprenticeship Training or presently in employment elsewhere are registered for Apprenticeship Training under the Apprenticeship Act elsewhere are not eligible to apply.
- iii) Selection Process:
- a) Eligible candidates are required to download the application format (no edited copy will be accepted) from WBSETCL website (www.wbsetcl.in ) and forward the filled in application along with all relevant self-attested documents to the below mentioned address through Speed Post.
General Manager (HR&A)
West Bengal State Electricity Transmission Company Ltd.
Vidyut Bhawan, 8th Floor, D-Block,
Block-DJ, Bidhannagar, Kolkata-700091
- b) Only hard copy of the filled in application along with all relevant self-attested documents received through speed post will be accepted. Application received through other means will not be entertained.
- c) In case of multiple applications the candidature shall be summarily rejected.
- d) The selection shall be made based on the merit. The marks obtained in the final examination i.e. in Graduation/Diploma in Electrical Engineering shall be the criteria for selection.
- e) All qualification certificates should be issued by a recognized Board/Institute/University Only. Wherever CGPA or letter grade in a qualifying degree is awarded, equivalent percentage of marks should be indicated in the application form as per norms adopted by the University/Institute. Candidates are required to submit a Certificate to this effect from the respective University/Institute with the application.
- f) Every candidate should have a valid email id & mobile no. This email id & mobile no. must be remain active till the end of the training programme i.r.o. the selected candidates.
- g) In case of non-delivery of any communication through mail or in any other mode in the mentioned email id or mobile no., WBSETCL will not be held responsible.
- h) The selected candidates have to submit medical fit certificate from a Gazetted Medical Officer before signing the contract.
- iv) TA/DA: No TA / DA will be paid to the applicants called for any stage of engagement.
- v) Registration of Contract: The Selected apprentices will have to sign contracts of apprenticeship training with the employer through online as per rules of the BOPT.
- vi) Termination of contract: After completion of such apprenticeship training for stipulated period, the Apprenticeship Contract shall automatically cease. There shall be No obligation on part of WBSETCL to offer any employment thereafter.
Any act of indiscipline on the part of the apprentices is subject to cancellation of the training.
- vii) Suppression of facts will lead to disqualification at any stage of the selection process.
- viii) Fooding/Lodging facility: There will be no fooding/lodging facility for the selected candidates.
- ix) Medical facility: There will be no medical facility for the selected candidates.
- x) Place of training: Selected candidates will be posted for training at Sub-statins across West Bengal.
- xi) Leave: An apprentice shall be entitled to such holidays as are observed in WBSETCL as per its holiday list. Beside this, they will enjoy the following leaves:
- a) Casual Leave: 14 days CL per year may be admissible to an apprentice (starting from the date of joining).
- b) Medical Leave: 10 days ML per year may be granted to an apprentice (starting from the date of joining).
- c) Extra-ordinary Leave: As per Existing rules of the Company.
- xii) Training Hours:
Sl. No. |
Days |
Duty Hours |
Lunch Break |
1 |
Monday to Friday |
10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. |
1.30 p.m. to 02.00 p.m. |
2 |
Saturday |
10.00 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. |
------------- |
3 |
Sunday |
Off-day |
-------------- |
- 1. Duly signed and filled in application form.
- 2. 02 copies of recent colour passport size photograph.
- 3. Enrolment number after registering themselves on the National Apprenticeship Training Scheme (NATS) web portal (www.mhrdnats.gov.in )
- 4. Certificate from the respective University/Institute about the norms of calculating marks in percentage in case of CGPA or letter grade was awarded.
- 5. Self-attested copies of:
- a. Date of Birth (matriculation certificate / mark sheet / admit card or Birth Certificate).
- b. Qualifying degree / diploma certificates with all semester wise / year wise mark sheets, as applicable.
- c. Caste Certificate (if applicable).
- d. Front page of the bank pass-book showing the Account No. & IFSC no.
Eligible candidates will be required to download the application form from the WBSETCL website (www.wbsetcl.in through Career link) and submit the filled in form to the above mentioned address with the requisite documents mentioned above via speed post in a sealed envelope and super scribe the envelope as APPLICATION FOR GRADUATE (ELECT.)/TECHNICIAN (ELECT.) APPRENTICE (whichever is applicable).
- 1. Before submission of application, the candidates should possess a valid:
- a. Enrolment number obtained after registering themselves with the NATS web portal (www.mhrdnats.gov.in).
- b. E-mail ID
- c. Mobile number
- 2. The application is liable to be rejected if the attached photograph is not clear and recognizable. Candidates are advised to attach their most recent colour photograph and retain sufficient numbers of the same photograph to be used at later stages of the selection process if called for.
- 3. Category (General/SC/ST/OBC(A)/OBC(B)) as submitted at the time of application cannot be changed thereafter and no benefit of other category reservation will subsequently be made admissible at any stage of the selection process. Category as mentioned at the time of submission of application shall remain unaltered during the entire training period.
- 4. Candidates must write their name as it appears in the educational certificate of Secondary or equivalent examination. In case of change of name at a later stage necessary legally accepted documentary proof is to be submitted at the time of verification of the documents.
- 5. Candidates shortlisted for verification would be required to furnish documents regarding proof of Date of Birth, Qualification, Category, Application slip etc., as per intimation to be given to the shortlisted candidates.
- 6. While filling the application, candidates must carefully follow all necessary steps as referred above. Incomplete application / application not fulfilling any eligibility criteria will be rejected summarily. No further communication will be entertained from any applicants in this regard.
- 7. Candidates can download the application form at www.wbsetcl.in from 22.12.2017. Filled in application form with the requisite documents through speed post will be accepted on & form 22.12.2017 to 19.01.2018.
Candidates should ensure that their applications reach the above mentioned address on or before 05.00 p.m. on 19.01.2018. WBSETCL will not be responsible for late receipt of the application.
No other mode of submission will be entertained.
- 8. All correspondence with candidates shall be done through E-mail / WBSETCL website only. All information regarding Verification of documents, Call letters, etc. shall be provided through E-mail / WBSETCL website only. No hardcopy mailing shall be done by the WBSETCL. Responsibility of receiving, downloading and printing of any correspondence shall be that of the candidate. The WBSETCL will not be responsible for any loss of e-mail sent due to invalid / wrong E-mail ID provided by the candidate or delivery of e-mails to SPAM / BULK mail folder etc.
1. Before applying the candidate should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility criteria and other norms mentioned in the advertisement.
- 2. Applicants are required to apply through offline mode only i.e. filled in application form with requisite documents should be submitted via speed post within the stipulated time period i.e. from 22.12.2017 to 19.01.2018. Candidates are advised to keep in touch through the WBSETCL website for details and updates relating to this employment notification, if any.
- 3. SC / ST / OBC(A) / OBC(B) the purpose of this notification means applicants belonging to Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe / Other Backward Classes category candidates respectively. Candidates applying from states other than West Bengal shall be treated as General category candidates.
- 4. Date of Birth will be taken as that mentioned in the birth certificate issued by the Competent Authority / Certificate or Admit card of Class X or equivalent examination. No other proof of date of birth shall be accepted.
- 5. Having successful submission of application does not entitle one to be eligible to appear for documents verification or any subsequent step(s). Verification of credentials shall be done prior to final selection and in case any deviation from or non-conformity with the desired qualification candidature of the candidate shall be summarily rejected.
- 6. Candidature of candidates is liable to be rejected at any stage of the selection process or even after execution of the Contract of Apprenticeship, if any information provided by the candidate is found to be false or is found not to be in conformity with the eligibility criteria so mentioned in the advertisement. Screening and selection of candidates will be based on the details provided by the candidate, hence it is necessary that the applicants furnish accurate, full and correct information. Furnishing wrong / false / incomplete information will lead to disqualification and the WBSETCL will NOT be responsible for any consequence arising out of furnishing such wrong / false information by the candidate.
7. Request for change of mailing address / category / discipline / qualification once declared in the application form will not be entertained.
8. Candidates should apply for any ONE discipline only. Applications made for more than one discipline may render all the applications of the candidate invalid.
- 9. Candidates who had undergone or is undergoing training or is presently in employment after attainment of qualification shall NOT be eligible for being engaged as Graduate/Technician Apprentice.
- 10. The applicants should NOT have completed three years after passing of the qualifying examination as on 01.12.2017 i.e, candidates having passed the Graduation/Diploma in Engineering in the year 2015, 2016 & 2017 are only eligible to apply.
- 11. Any canvassing or personal follow up with an intention of inducing the process of selection of apprentice by and on behalf of any candidate shall lead to immediate cancellation of candidature.
- 12. The WBSETCL reserves the right to withdraw / cancel the advertisement / selection process if circumstances so warrant without assigning any reason thereof.
- 13. Candidates prior to applying on the WBSETCL website have to enrol themselves on the NATS website (http://www.mhrdnats.gov.in ).
- 14. In case of any dispute, the legal jurisdiction shall be that of the Honble High Court, Calcutta.
1 |
Submission of application form will commence from |
22.12.2017 |
2 |
Last date of submission of application form |
19.01.2018 |
3 |
Date of Documents Verification |
Will be announced on WBSETCL website www.wbsetcl.in |
Director (HR&A)
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 18-Dec-2017 | |
Applications | 22-Dec-2017 | 19-Jan-2018 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : West Bengal State Electricity Transmission Company Limited
- Organization City, State : kolkata, west bengal
- Organization Website : www.wbsetcl.in
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results