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No.MD/WZ/01/HR/OA Gr-III/2017/22713 Indore, Date:25.11.2017
Recruitment of Office Assistant Gr-III Batch 2017 on Regular Basis
Madhya Pradesh Paschim Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Co. Ltd., Indore, a successor company of erstwhile MPSEB intends to fill up the vacancies of 145 Nos. Office Assistant Gr-III (Regular) and invites applications from eligible candidates of MP Domicile for which the category wise vacancy position (including backlog) is as follows:
Designation |
Tentative No. of positions |
Category wise bifurcation of vacancies |
Horizontal reservation for PWD Candidates |
UR |
SC |
ST |
Office Assistant Gr-III (Regular) |
145 |
87 |
18 |
40 |
Nil |
Total posts: 69 22 for Orthopedically Handicapped 38 for Hearing Impaired 09 for Visually Handicapped |
Horizontal and Compartment wise Reservation for Women Candidates |
48 |
29 |
06 |
13 |
Nil |
PWD posts are included in open vacancy (without category) and as per the category of selected candidates, the category wise vacancy will be filled up.
Note: The vacancies are tentative and may change at a later date according to the need of the Company. The Company reserves the right to fill or not fill any of the vacancies.
- 1. Qualification Criteria:
- (i) The candidate should have graduate or any other equivalent degree from a State / Central Government recognized University / Institute with minimum second division.
- (ii) In addition to above the Candidate must possess a certificate of passing a computer examination (ANY ONE), as mentioned below:
(a) Diploma from University recognized by UGC, or
(b) Diploma from Open University recognized by UGC, or
(c) Diploma level examination from DOEACC, or
(d) Modern Office Management Course from Govt. Polytechnic College, or
(e) One year course in Computer Operator & Programming Assistant (COPA) from NCVT, New Delhi or SCVT, Madhya Pradesh.
Apart from above diploma(s) at clause no. 1(ii), following qualification shall also be accepted:
- (a) BE (CS/IT)/ MCA/ BCA/ MSc (IT/CS)/ BSc (IT/CS)/ M.Tech.(IT/CS)/ ME(IT/CS)
- (b) Polytechnic Diploma in Computer Science/ Computer application and Information Technology recognized by AICTE.
B.Sc/B.Com/Degrees having only one subject of computer shall not be accepted in place of diploma(s) mentioned at clause no. 1(ii).
(iii) Valid and qualified CPCT Score Card as on last date of online application.
- 2. Reservation
- (i) The reservation of posts meant for SC/ST/OBC/PWD category candidates of MP Domicile only. For application of reservation, the state level roster shall be followed.
- (ii) There will be Horizontal and Compartment wise Reservation for Women Candidates as per Govt of MP reservation rules.
- (iii) For availing the benefits of reservation/age relaxation, the candidates shall be required to produce relevant Certificate(s) issued by the competent authority.
- (iv) PWD Category candidates shall be required to produce Medical Certificate from District Medical Board. The minimum percentage of disability shall be 40%.
Total 69 posts are reserved for PWD candidates of MP Domicile. These 69 PWD posts are included in open vacancy (without category) and as per the category of selected candidates and vacant post in that particular category, these 69 vacancies will be filled up.
- (v) In Accordance to GoMP Gazette Notification Dated: 11.01.2010, candidates who belong to Sahariya, Bhariya and Baiga Scheduled Tribe Category will get appointment without following selection procedure. Applicant has to submit copy of online application form along with supporting documents at Corporate Office, Indore.
- 3. How to apply
(i) The candidates can apply through MP Online portal only (www.mponline.gov.in) or using the links provided on MPPKVVCL, Indore website: www.mpwz.co.in.
(ii) The scanned copy of following documents shall be uploaded by the applicant:
- (a) Higher Secondary or High School Examination certificate in support of date of birth.
- (b) Certificate of Degree OR final year/final semester degree marksheet.
- (c) Diploma as mentioned in clause 1(ii).
Candidates having qualifications other than diplomas mentioned at clause 1(ii) (a) to (e) shall upload their BE (CS/IT)/ MCA/ BCA/ MSc (IT/CS)/ BSc (IT/CS)/ M.Tech./ ME degree certificate or final year/semester marksheet or Polytechnic Diploma in Computer Science/ Computer application and Information Technology recognized by AICTE.
- (d) Valid and qualified CPCT Score Card as mentioned in clause 1(iii). Please ensure that CPCT Score Card is valid as on last date of online application.
- (e) Caste certificate (permanent), (in case of reserved category candidates) issued by the Sub Divisional Officer (SDO).
- (f) Domicile certificate issued by competent authority.
- (g) Certificate of disability in case of PWD category candidates issued by District Medical Board.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Candidates must note their APPLICATION NUMBER generated after filling the application form before proceeding for payment as application number will be required for further process.
4. Application Fee
(i) Application fee for Unreserved / OBC candidates of MP domicile shall be Rs. 1000/- per candidate and for SC/ ST/ PWD candidates of MP domicile shall be Rs. 800/- per candidate.
(ii) One time edit facility will be available to the candidates for which the portal charge will be Rs.60/-.
- (iii) Payment of application fee can also be made in cash at MP Online kiosk.
- 5. Age Limit
The minimum age of candidates should be 21 years and maximum age (as on 31.07.2017) is as under:
S. No. |
Applicant |
Age Limit for MP Domicile applicants (in years) |
1 |
Male Applicants (Unreserved) |
40 |
2 |
Male/Female Applicants (Employees of Govt./ Corporation/ Board/Autonomous Institutes and Home Guards) |
45 |
3 |
Male Applicants (Reserved Category-SC/ST/OBC) |
45 |
4 |
Male Applicants (Reserved Category-Employees of Govt./Corporation/Board/Autonomous Institutes and Home Guards) |
45 |
5 |
Female Applicants (Unreserved Category) |
45 |
6 |
Female Applicants (Reserved category-Employees of Govt./Corporation/Board/Autonomous Institutes and Home Guards) |
45 |
7 |
Female Applicants (Reserved Category-SC/ST/OBC) |
45 |
The maximum age limit for Ex-Serviceman/PWD candidates of M.P. Domicile will be similar to reserved category candidates of M.P. Domicile.
- 4. Selection Procedure
- (i) Online application will be invited through MP Online.
- (ii) After payment of application fee, one time edit facility will be available to the candidates for which the portal charge will be Rs.60/-. Please note that edit facility will be available only for one time.
- (iii) The eligible candidates shortlisted on the basis of the details filled in online application form will have to undergo an ONLINE test of 02 hours duration, comprising 100 objective type questions (04 marks each) based on basic mathematics, accounts, basic computer, english grammar & vocabulary and general knowledge, logical reasoning, aptitude in the ratio of 60:40. One mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.
- (iv) The selection will be done on the basis of merit list prepared, based on the marks obtained in ONLINE test.
- (v) The question paper will be in English and Hindi. However, the questions related to English grammar and vocabulary will be in English language only.
- (vi) The selected candidates will be called for documents verification at Companys headquarter. If at any stage of selection or after selection, any document found to be false/ fake/forge, the candidature will be immediately cancelled.
- (vii) The Online test shall be conducted by MP Online at Indore. In case of large number of applications test centres may be arranged in other cities of M.P.
- (viii) Admit Cards for online test will be available online on www.mponline.gov.in. and link will also be available on Companys website www.mpwz.co.in Candidates may download the admit card from the MP Online website and produce a copy of the same for appearing in the online test.
- (ix) The presence of the candidates at various test centres shall be marked and recorded in an appropriate manner as may be decided by the Company.
- (x) The information regarding objection calling will be provided on MP Online website.
- (xi) MP Online portal charges for objection calling will be Rs.600/- per question. If objection is found valid then the amount paid by the candidate shall be refunded to him/her in the bank account provided by him/her in the application form.
- (xii) Based on the online assessment test, an overall merit list will be prepared. The category wise merit list of SC/ST/OBC/Handicapped/Female candidates of M.P Domicile shall also be prepared separately. After filling the posts of Handicapped Category the remaining posts will be filled from common merit list and then from category wise merit list.
- (xiii) The candidates shall be engaged as Office Assistant Gr-III on regular basis from the merit list as per the Companys requirement. If same marks have been secured by more than one candidate then determination of merit shall be as under-
(a) The older candidate shall be given preference as per date of birth.
(b) In case of same date of birth, preference will be given to candidates securing higher marks in the qualifying exam i.e. Graduation Degree.
(c) In a situation when both the above conditions are similar for more than one applicant, then preference will be given to candidates securing higher marks in the Class 10th Examination.
- (xiv) The validity of the merit/waiting list shall be one year from the date of declaration of result. However, the recruitment process may be closed for operation of waiting list by issuing specific order even before one year. After issuance of specific order of closure of the process, the claim of any candidate shall not be entertained.
7. Training
The candidates selected shall have to undergo 06 months training. They shall be required to execute a bond on non judicial stamp paper worth Rs. 500/- to complete the training and serve the Company for 03 years after completion of training. If the performance of a candidate during training is not found satisfactory, his/her appointment shall be liable for cancellation. After successful completion of training, the candidates shall be given regular appointment as Office Assistant Gr. III as the case may be. During the training period He/She shall be paid stipend.
8. Remuneration
(i) The Office Assistant Gr.III Trainee shall be paid a fixed monthly stipend @ Rs. 9010/- (B.P.Rs. 6510/-+G.P. Rs. 2500/-) per month during the training period.
(ii) On regular appointment as Office Assistant Gr.III after successful completion of training, he/she shall be absorbed in the pay scale having starting pay Rs. 6510/- p.m. plus grade pay Rs. 2500/- in pay band (Pay scale: 5200-20200) and other allowances as applicable from time to time. The appointed Office Assistant Gr.III shall be governed under the New Defined Contributory Pension Scheme.
9. Important Dates
S.No. |
Particular |
Date |
1 |
Date of publication of advertisement in the newspaper & Companys website |
26.11.2017 |
2 |
Date of inviting applications through M.P. Online |
27.11.2017 |
3 |
Last date of receiving online applications |
20.12.2017 |
4 |
Date of issue of Admit Card through M.P. Online |
27.12.2017 |
5 |
Date of written test |
05.01.2018 |
6 |
Objection on Question Paper/Answer Key |
09.01.2018-11.01.2018 |
7 |
Online Examination Result Declaration |
05.02.2018 |
8 |
Document verification |
Will be done by Dept. and intimated separately |
- Please note that the above dates are subject to change due to unavoidable circumstances and shall be notified ONLY on MP ONLINE and COMPANYs websites. Candidates are requested not to enquire personally about the dates and visit both the websites regularly.
- Score Card of all the candidates who will appear in Online test will be made available on MP Onlines website. It shall not be assumed by the candidate that he/she has been selected because Score card has been issued to him/her. It is just to convey the marks obtained in Online test.
10. General Conditions
- (i) The Candidate should be a domicile of Madhya Pradesh.
- (ii) Candidates working in the Government/ Semi Government/ Public Sector, satisfying the eligibility criteria of education and age shall have to produce N.O.C from their present employer at the time of joining, failing which they shall not be permitted to join.
- (iii) For Candidates belonging to PWD category: The percentage of disability should be indicated very clearly in the certificate. Degree of disability should be as per norms fixed by Govt. of M.P. for getting reservation under PWD category i.e. the minimum degree of disability for the post advertised would be 40%. The PWD candidate must be of MP Domicile.
- (iv) All SC/ST/PWD applicants of MP domicile will be reimbursed to and fro ordinary second class fare/ bus fare by the shortest route (where train route not available), as per the correspondence address indicated in the online application form, as per rule for appearing in the online test. Candidate should bring the following:
- (a) Admit Card Photocopy
- (b) Caste Certificate Photocopy
(c) Original travel Ticket (One side)
(d) M.P. Domicile Photocopy
- Any claim in this matter will not be considered by the Company in absence of any document.
- (v) Any dispute arising out of the selection process shall be dealt in the courts situated at Indore only.
- (vi) The candidates must produce original documents/ certificates at the time of joining for verification.
- (vii) The vacancies are tentative and may change at a later date according to the need of the Company. The Company reserves the right to fill or not fill any of the positions and also to increase/ decrease the positions.
- (viii) The applicants who have a third child born on or after 26.01.2001, are not eligible to apply unless twins are born after the first child.
- (ix) The selected candidate shall be required to work anywhere in the jurisdiction of the Company.
- (x) Company reserves the right to verify documents submitted by the applicant. If any of the information given by the applicant is found incorrect, his/her candidature will be cancelled at any stage of selection/ appointment and thereafter.
- (xi) In case the appointed candidate once joins the Company, no request for inter-company transfer will be entertained.
- (xii) If any of the information given by the candidate is found incorrect, his/her candidature will be cancelled at any stage of selection and appointment.
- I. Candidates are advised to visit Companys website www.mpwz.co.in and MP Online website www.mponline.gov.in regularly for updates related to recruitment process. Please be informed that any information related to recruitment process will be conveyed only on MP Online and Companys website.
- II. For payment related/technical errors in application form queries, contact on MP Online helpline no. which is available after APPLY ONLINE option on Mp Online website.
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 25-Nov-2017 | |
Applications | 27-Nov-2017 | 20-Dec-2017 |
Admit Cards | 27-Dec-2017 | |
Examinations (Mains) | 05-Jan-2018 | |
Exam Results (Mains) | 05-Feb-2018 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Madhya Pradesh Paschim Kshetra Vidyut Vitran Company Limited
- Organization City, State : indore, madhya pradesh
- Organization Website : http://www.mpwz.co.in
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results