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132-B, Bhamburda, Bhosale Nagar, Pune-411007
Advt. No. MAURB/MCAER/Advt.26 (D)/420/2017 Dated: 27th November, 2017
Applications in prescribed format are invited for the Total 09 vacant posts in the cadre of Professor in the pay band of Rs. 37,400 67,000 + AGP Rs. 10,000/-to be filled in by nomination in the Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli of Maharashtra State.
Details regarding above mentioned posts and the requisite educational qualification, experience, evaluation, powers and duties, proforma of application and other details are available on the following websites
Last date for submission of the Application to The Chairman, Maharashtra Agricultural Universities Recruitment Board, (MCAER), 132/B, Bhamburda, Bhosalenagar, Pune-411007, Maharashtra State, (India) shall be on or before 01/01/2018 upto 5.00 p.m. The applicant needs to mention The name of the post and Category under which applied for on the envelope containing the application form.
Sd/-Pune Chairman Date: 27/11/2017. Maharashtra Agricultural Universities Recruitment Board, Pune
132-B, Bhamburda, Bhosale Nagar, Pune-411007
Advt. No. MAURB/MCAER/Advt.26(D)/420/2017 Dated: 27th October, 2017
Applications in prescribed format are invited for the Total 09 vacant posts mentioned below in the pay band of Rs. 37,400-67,000 + AGP Rs. 10,000/-to be filled in by nomination in the Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli .
A) Faculty of Agriculture -
B) Faculty of Agril. Engineering
C) Faculty of Fisheries
Applicant must have ability to initiate, organize and co-ordinate the teaching, research and extension education. For every information given, applicant must provide documentary evidences (Please see instructions carefully). In addition, the applicant has to submit Academic Performance Indicator (API) based on the Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS) as appended in Appendix III.
The minimum requirement of educational qualifications and experience for
eligibility for the above posts are mentioned below (Please also refer to Statutes 41 of
Maharashtra Agricultural Universities Statutes, 1990 as amended up-to-date).
1) A Ph.D. in respective discipline; A minimum 11 years experience in teaching or research or extension education, out of which at least 3 years experience shall be in the cadre of regular Associate Professor or its equivalent.
2) Experience of guiding at least 2 post graduate students. 3) Contribution to educational innovation, design of new curricula and courses and technology mediated teaching-learning process. 4) Ability to initiate, organize and co-ordinate teaching, research and extension
education. 5) Evidence of at least 10 published papers in recognized journals having NAAS rating. 6) A minimum score as stipulated in the Academic Performance Indicator (API) based
on Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS).
6. Upper age limit for the candidates applying for the post of Professor is 45 years as on
January, 2018. However, this limit is not applicable to the candidates employed in any Agricultural University within Maharashtra State. Upper age limit is relaxable by five years in respect of candidates belonging to SC, ST, NT, DT and SC converted to Buddhism who are domiciled in Maharashtra and those who are not employed in any Agricultural University of Maharashtra (As per Maharashtra Agricultural Universities [Krishi Vidyapeeths] Statutes 1990, Statute 42).
Date: 27th November, 2017
Maharashtra Agricultural Universities Recruitment Board, Pune
CiEihhE+,+xSixi{ J Eil ={v Ex nhi + +.
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Maharashtra Council of Agricultural Education and Research
Sr. No.
Name of the Post
No. of Post (s)
Professor of Plant Pathology
Professor of Agricultural Economics
Professor of Horticulture
Professor of Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry
Professor of Agril. Botany
Associate Director of Research (Agril. Botany)
Sr. No.
Name of the Post
No. of Post (s)
Professor of Electrical and other Energy Sources
Sr. No.
Name of the Post
No. of Post (s)
Professor of Fish Biology
Professor of Fish Engineering
prescribed i.e. 01st January, 2018 upto 05.00 PM.(Advance copy will not be considered by MAURB, Pune.)
(SEE RULE -4) I, Shri./Smt./Kum......................................................................son/daughter/wife of Shri..............................................................................................age.............years, resident of................................................................ ..District... City.. do hereby declare as follows
- That, I have filled my application for the post of.............................................................
- ..........................................................................................................................................
- That, I have filled my application for the post of.............................................................
- I have............................... (Number) living children as on today. Out of which number of children born after 28th March, 2005 is............................. (Mention dates of birth, if any).
- I am aware that, if any total number of living children are more than two due to the children born after 28th March, 2005, I am liable to be disqualified for the same post.
Place : ...................................
Date : ................................... Signature : ........................................
MAHARASHTRAAGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITIES RECRUITMENTBOARD Maharashtra Council of Agricultural Education and Research
132-B, Bhamburda, Bhosale Nagar, Pune-411007
Application for the post of _________________________
Name :
Post applied for :
Advertisement No.& Date : MAURB/MCAER/Advt.26 (D)/420/2017 Dated: 27th November, 2017
Demand Draft No. & Date :
RTGS/ NEFT/Fund Transfer : Receipt No. & Date

Instructions to the candidates
- The application should be filled by the applicant himself/herself.
- Answer each item clearly and completely.
- Incomplete application is liable to be rejected.
- The application pro-forma downloaded from website should be accompanied with the requisite fee (i.e. Rs.2000/-) (payable to Maharashtra Agricultural Universities Recruitment Board, Pune) as indicated in the Advertisement, at the time of submission of filled in application, or else, the application will be rejected.
APPLICATION FORMAT | Recent passport size photograph 3 cms x 3 cms | ||||||||||||||
Page No. | |||||||||||||||
Application for the post of | |||||||||||||||
Category of post to which applied. (Open or Reserved Category) (strike out whichever is not applicable) | SC / ST / OBC / OPEN | ||||||||||||||
Name of the University | |||||||||||||||
2 | Advertisement No. | ||||||||||||||
3 | Particulars of Application Fee Rs.2000/- | By DD No .............................., Date. By RTGS/ NEFT/ Receipt No. . Fund Transfer Date . | |||||||||||||
Name of the Bank | |||||||||||||||
4 | Name (in block letters) (Surname First) | ||||||||||||||
5 | Date of Birth | DD / MM / YY | |||||||||||||
6 | Gender | Male / Female | |||||||||||||
7 | A) Address for correspondence B) Telephone No. with STD code C) Cell No. D) Fax No. F) e-mail ID | ||||||||||||||
8 | Present regular post , Pay scale & AGP | ||||||||||||||
9 | (A) Category( SC/ST/ DT(A)/NT(b), NT(c), NT(d)/SBC/ OBC (of Maharashtra only)/ Open (B) Date and No. of Caste Validity Certificate | ||||||||||||||
10 | Do you belong to non-creamy layer? Applicable for DT(a), NT(b), NT(c), NT(d) / SBC / OBC | Yes No | |||||||||||||
11 | Are you seeking other Parallel Reservation? | Yes No | |||||||||||||
Category | |||||||||||||||
12. | Computer Competency Name of examination Passed | ||||||||||||||
13. | Educational Qualification (Commencing with SSC or equivalent) (details with attested copies of mark sheets & certificates of all the qualifications acquired) | ||||||||||||||
Sr. No. | Examination passed | University/ Board | Year of Passing | Division/ Class | Percentage of Marks/CGPA | Subject of Specialization | |||||||||
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | |||||||||
13.1 | |||||||||||||||
13.2 | |||||||||||||||
13.3 | |||||||||||||||
14. | Details of experience - | ||||||||||||||
Sr. No. | Name of University and department/Office | Post Held | Nature of appointment | Period | Experience | ||||||||||
From | To | Years | Month | Days | |||||||||||
Total Experience | |||||||||||||||
(Attach separate sheet) |
Page No | |||
15 | Experience of guiding PG students (2 for Professor, 3 for Head of the Department and Associate Dean). Furnish detailed list of the students. | ||
16 | Have you furnished Academic Performance Indicators (APIs) | ||
17 | Academic Performance (based on verifiable record) duly certified by IQAC Academic year wise | Year CAT-I CAT-II CAT-III 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Cumulative Total | |
18 | Languages proficiency (including foreign languages) | Sr. No. Languages Level of Knowledge Note : in the level of knowledge column, indicate Excellent / Good / Fair | |
Have you ever-faced any vigilance Enquiry or enquiry by anti corruption bureau or any other investigative organization. | YES / NO | ||
If any : please indicate in brief, the details of the vigilance Enquiry and outcome thereof (if exonerated, a copy of the order passed by the competent authority may be furnished) |
![]() |
19.1) Academic Qualification-(Maximum 2 Marks)
Sr. No. | Particulars | Marks Allotted | Marks Secured* | Documentary Evidence (Page No) |
i) | Ph. D. Minimum Qualification | |||
ii) | Additional degree /Diploma in any field from recognized institution | 1 mark each | ||
iii) | Post Doctoral Fellowship | 1 mark | ||
iv) | State/National /Professional Society Award/ Gold Medal / Fellowship | 1 mark each | ||
v) | Fellow of Professional Society | 1 mark each | ||
Total |
19.2) Employment record and experience (Maximum 3 Marks) 19.3) Service in Remote areas/ Affected areas (Maximum 0.5 Mark)
Sr. No. | Particulars | Experience | Marks Secured* | Documentary Evidence (Page No) | |
i) | 2 marks for every completed year of experience over and above the minimum experience required in the immediate lower cadre to the post applied. | A) | Minimum | ||
B) | Above Minimum | ||||
Total |
Sr. No. | Particulars | Marks Allotted | Marks Secured* | Documentary Evidence (Page No) |
i) | 0.5 mark for each completed year of service (Remote Area/Affected area to be defined by the individual University. | 0.5 mark for each completed year | ||
Total |
19.4) Significant contribution in relevant field and leadership (Maximum 2.5 marks)
Sr. No. | Particulars | Marks Allotted | Marks Secured* | Documentary Evidence (Page No) |
i) | Patent/Release of Variety/Technology/ Joint Agresco recommendations/ Design/ Product/ Process development / Farm development. | 1 mark each | ||
ii) | Farm development/Nursery Management/ Livestock Management/ Production of Seed/ Bio-fertilizers/ Bioagents/ Extension activities/ Development of teaching aids/practical manuals. | 1 mark per year | ||
Total |
19.5) Award / Recognition (Maximum 1 mark)
Sr. No. | Particulars | Marks Allotted | Marks Secured* | Documentary Evidence (Page No) |
i) | National & State level award | 1 mark each | ||
ii) | Best Paper/Poster Award | 0.5 mark each | ||
iii) | Member of the State/National Level Committee | 0.5 mark each | ||
iv) | Member of Professional Society | 1 mark each | ||
v) | Reviewer/Referee of journal | 0.5 mark each | ||
Total |
19.6) Externally funded projects/Inter Institutional Projects (Maximum 1.5 marks)
Sr. No. | Particulars | Marks Allotted | Marks Secured* | Documentary Evidence (Page No) |
i) | Competitive grant projects funded by agencies other than host University regular programme | 1 mark each | ||
ii) | Joint Project of the University with State/ Centre/ Public / Private Sectors | 1 mark each | ||
Total |
19.7) Summer/Winter School/ Refresher course/ Seminar / Symposia -(Maximum 1 mark)
Sr. No. | Particulars | Marks Allotted | Marks Secured* | Documentary Evidence (Page No) |
i) | Course Director / Coordinator / Convener | 1 mark each | ||
ii) | Resource Person | 0.2 mark each lecture | ||
Total |
19.8) Publications (Marks will be given for first three authors) (Maximum 7.5 marks) 19.9) Institutional Building -(Maximum 0.5 mark)
Sr. No. | Particulars | Marks Allotted | Marks Secured* | Documentary Evidence (Page No) |
i) | Articles in NAAS rated journals (Attach separate list along with Marks) | Marks as per NAAS rating | ||
ii) | Articles in Referred Journals other than NAAS | 1 mark each | ||
iii) | Conference/Technical Publication | 0.5 mark each | ||
iv) | Folder/Popular articles | 0.2 mark each | ||
v) | Books | 1 mark each | ||
Total |
Sr. No. | Particulars | Marks Allotted | Marks Secured* | Documentary Evidence (Page No) |
i) | Lab/Farm/Workshop development/ Rector / Monitor/ NSS Programme Officer / NCC Incharge/ Students Welfare activities/ Monitoring and coordinating of teaching or Research or Extension activities | 0.5 |
19.10) International Exposure ( Maximum 0.5 mark)
Sr. No. | Particulars | Marks Allotted | Marks Secured* | Documentary Evidence (Page No) |
i) | International trainings/ Symposia/ Seminars/ Workshop/ Study tour/ Visiting Professor within country or abroad | 0.5 mark each | ||
ii) | Experience of working in International Institute within India or abroad | 0.5 mark per year of experience | ||
Total |
* Mention the number as the case may be.
I declare that, the entries made in the columns of this proforma are correct, complete and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Nothing has been either concealed or misrepresented by me.
Place :
Date: Signature of applicant
I do hereby declare that, all the statements made in the application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that in the event of any particulars/information given above being found false or incorrect, my candidature for the post is liable to be rejected or cancelled and in the event of my misstatement or discrepancy in the particulars being detected after my appointment, my services shall liable to be terminated forthwith without any notice".
Date :-Signature of applicant

Statute 42. Age limit.Upper age limit for the posts of Director, Dean, Associate Dean and other equivalent posts shall be 50 years. Upper age limit for the posts of the Head of Department, Professors and other equivalent posts shall be 45 years. There shall be no upper age limit for the person employed in any University within the meaning of the Act.
Provided that, the upper age limit prescribed for appointment to any of the said posts in the University services under the relevant Statutes shall be relaxable by five years in respect of candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled tribes, Nomadic Tribes, Denotified Tribes and Scheduled Castes converts to Buddhism who are not employed in any University within the meaning of the Act.
Statute 80. Powers and duties of the Professors.
- (1)
- The Professors shall have powers to supervise the work of his section.
- (2)
- He shall be responsible for the maintenance, management and proper utilisation of the land, farms, laboratories, equipments stores, etc. kept at his disposal.
- (3)
- He shall be responsible to the Head of Department for the Planning and Organisation of teaching, conduct of examinations, supervision of teaching load of individual staff members working under him.
- (4)
- He shall be responsible to the Head of Department for his own personal research work. He shall also prepare the annual research programme of the academic staff members working under him. The annual research programme so formulated shall be submitted to the Head of Department or Associate Dean for approval.
- (5)
- He shall be responsible for submitting the annual report to the Head of department of the research work done by him and by the academic staff members alongwith the results obtained and paper published. He shall also submit annual report to the Head of Department on seminars and conferences attended in respect of each of the staff member.
- (6)
- He shall be responsible for participating extension education work on direction from the Head of Department, Associate Dean, Dean and concerned Directors.
- (7)
- He shall advise the students as per the advisory system and as a guide through himself and through the Associate Professor/Reader/Assistant Professor working under him in accordance with the Act, Statutes, Rules, regulations, syllabi and instructions from superior authorities from time to time.
- (8)
- He shall be responsible for maintaining the discipline amongst the students and staff under him.
- (9)
- His shall perform such other duties as may be conferred or imposed on him by the Statutes, Regulations and by the superior authorities.



Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 27-Nov-2017 | |
Applications | 01-Jan-2018 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Maharashtra Agricultural Universities Recruitment Board
- Organization City, State : pune, maharashtra
- Organization Website : https://www.maharashtra.gov.in
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results