Indian Institute of Management Sambalpur
C/o Silicon Institute of Technology, Silicon West, P.O. Sason, Sambalpur (Odisha) - 768200, India
(Under the aegis of Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)
Recruitment of CAO, Librarian, FA&CAO and AO
Recruitment Advertisement No: ADVT/IIMSBP/2018/Feb/03
Last date for receiving the application: 19.03.2018
IIM Sambalpur invites applications from the eligible Indian Nationals for the following posts on Contract/Regular:
S.No |
Name of Posts |
Pay Scale |
No. of Posts |
1. |
Chief Administrative Officer (On Contract) |
PB-3 (Rs. 15,600/- - Rs. 39,100/-) plus Grade Pay Rs. 7,600/- with allowances admissible to Central Govt. employees. |
01 |
2. |
Librarian (Regular/Contract) |
PB-3 (Rs. 15,600/- - Rs. 39,100/-) plus Grade Pay Rs. 7,600/- with allowances admissible to Central Govt. employees. |
01 |
3. |
Finance-Advisor & Chief Accounts Officer (Regular/Contract) |
PB-3 (Rs. 15,600/- - Rs. 39,100/-) plus Grade Pay Rs. 6,600/- with allowances admissible to Central Govt. employees. |
01 |
4. |
Administrative Officer (Regular/Contract) |
PB-3 (Rs. 15,600/- - Rs. 39,100/-) plus Grade Pay Rs. 5,400/- with allowances admissible to Central Govt. employees. |
01 |
The details of each position are as under:
1. Chief Administrative Officer One Post (On Contract)
Qualification & Experience: Post Graduate Degree in any discipline preferably in Management with good academic records from a recognized University/Institute.
Minimum 15 years of administrative experience of working as a head of administrative department of a Government of India/PSU/autonomous establishment/higher education academic institute OR 5 years of relevant experience in the pay band of PB-3 (Rs. 15,600/- - Rs. 39,100/-) with Grade Pay Rs. 6,600/- or equivalent. An additional qualification in law
or management is desirable. Experience in national institute of repute such as IIMs/IITs/IISER will be preferred.
Upper Age Limit: Preferably below 50 years.
Job Profile: The position calls for a person with maturity and integrity and above all a rich experience in similarly placed academic institutions. The CAO is required to lead a team of officers in the Institute and guide them in their day to day activities and to coordinate with the academic and administrative activities including personnel, general administration, estate management, engineering, construction, stores & purchase, contract services. He must have a thorough knowledge of GFR, FR & SR and relevant Central Govt. rules & procedures. He is also required to act as Nodal Officer of MHRD in matters of Grievances, SC/ST/OBC/Parliament Questions, etc. He will maintain liaison between Institute and outside authorities. He will also coordinate activities with faculty members and render necessary administrative support in discharge of their duties.
The post is initially on contract for two years and extendable depending on the performance and requirement of the Institute.
Pay Scale: PB-3 (Rs. 15,600/- - Rs. 39,100/-) plus Grade Pay Rs. 7,600/- with allowances admissible to Central Govt. employees.
2. Librarian - One Post (Regular/Contract)
Qualification & Experience: Masters Degree in Library Science/Information Science/Documentation with consistently good academic record. Minimum 15 years of relevant experience in Group- A post or in analogous posts or grade OR 5 years relevant experience in the pay band of Rs. 15,600- 39,100/- (PB-3) with Grade pay of Rs. 6,600/- or equivalent. One-year specialization in the area of Information Technology / Archives or Masters Degree in the same area. Desirable M.Phil / Ph.D degree in Library Science/Information Science/ Documentation/Archives. Experience in management institute of repute and universities will be preferred.
Upper Age Limit: Preferably below 50 years.
Job Profile: To set up and manage the library of the Institute, organize electronic resources, software, and assist the faculty and students to secure books, articles and other teaching and research materials. Acquiring, organizing, managing and distributing library resources and ensuring that library provision meets the needs of all its users, Selecting, developing, cataloguing and classifying library resources, Responsible for monitoring the financial regularization and maintenance of library accounts of the entire division, Planning and implementing the administrative and budgetary functions of library and information services, Management and training of staff and other supervisory duties, Training library users to effectively search the Library catalogue, Internet and other electronic resources, Establishing and implementing library policies and procedures, Liaising with departmental academic staff, external organizations and book suppliers, Responding to daily on-site requests for
information, Supporting independent research and learning, Developing IT facilities, Developing and manage cost effective library and information services, technology and media, Analyzing and evaluating library and information services, technology and media service requirements, Formulating and providing effective access to library collections and resources, Cataloguing and classification of print, audio- visual and electronic resources, Developing and maintaining special indexing systems and files for special collections, Maintaining inventories, compilation of data and generation of reports as required, Ensuring proper mechanism for maintaining circulation files, records and statistics, Organizing sharing of resources with other Libraries, Any other work associated with the improvement of Library services.
Probation: 02 (Two) years (In case of regular appointment)
Pay Scale: PB-3 (Rs. 15,600/- - Rs. 39,100/-) plus Grade Pay Rs. 7,600/- with allowances admissible to Central Govt. employees.
3. Finance-Advisor & Chief Accounts Officer One Post (Regular/Contract)
Qualification and Experience: Chartered Accountant/Cost Accountant OR M. Com with S.A.S or equivalent. Minimum 10 years of relevant experience or 5 years of relevant experience in the pay band of Rs. 15,600- 39,100/- (PB-3) with Grade pay of Rs. 5,400/- or equivalent in industry/Govt./Public Sector undertaking, having knowledge of Government financial, accounting, taxation & audit rules and procedures. Experience in Govt./PSUs will be preferred.
Upper Age Limit: Preferably below 50 years.
Job Profile: Act as the drawing and disbursing officer of the Institute, Preparation and presentation of Annual Budget Estimates and Revised Estimates of the Institute to the Finance Committee of the Board of Governors of the Institute, Regulation of the individual claims as per Central Government rules and orders, Payment of contractors bills as per G.F.R. and Central Government orders, Maintenance of accounts of the Institute in the format prescribed by the Controller and Auditor General of India, Preparation of final accounts of the Institute and ensuring completion of Audit of the same by C & AG, Reply to Audit queries and issuing of replies, securing audit report each year from the Auditors and arrange submission of the same to the Ministry for placing it on the table of both houses of the Parliament, Maintenance of P.F. accounts of the employees, investment of P.F. balances as per Central Government rules, Regulation of Pension and Gratuity claims of the employees of the Institute as per Central Government rules, Act as Head of the Accounts department, To advise other Heads of Departments, CAO, Dean and Director regarding financial matters, interpretation of various rules and regulations, Managing short term and long term investments of the Institute, Preparation of half-yearly accounts of the Institute, Ensuring timely conduct of internal audit and responding to audit queries.
Probation: 02 (Two) years (in case of regular appointment)
Pay Scale: PB-3 (Rs. 15,600/- - Rs. 39,100/-) plus Grade Pay Rs. 6,600/- with allowances admissible to Central Govt. employees.
4. Administrative Officer- One Post (Regular/Contract)
Qualification and Experience: Post Graduate Degree with good academic record and with relevant work experience of 10 years out of which minimum 02 years experience in executive functions such as handling PGP Office, general administration and various other related activities in higher educational institutes preferably in institutes of national repute such as IIMs/IITs/IISERs.
Upper Age Limit: Preferably below 45 years.
Job Profile: To supervise academic administration for various academic programmes. To supervise the functions of Purchase, Stores, General Administration, Maintenance, Communication, Transport and other administrative areas as required.
Probation: 02 (Two) years (in case of regular appointment)
Pay scale: PB-3 (Rs. 15,600/- - 39,100/-) plus Grade Pay - Rs. 5,400/- with allowances as admissible to Central Government Employees.
Candidates should read carefully the requisite minimum essential qualifications and experience given in the advertisement before applying for the relevant post.
- 1. The applicant must be a citizen of India
- 2. The appointment is in IIM Sambalpur, which is an Institute of national importance under Ministry of Human Resource Development
- 3. Cut off for determining the age will be first day on which the advertisement for the positions is published in the newspaper/Institute website.
- 4. Good knowledge of computer applications (MS Word, Excel, Tally, ERP, etc.) is an essential requirement.
- 5. The Institute reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason whatsoever.
- 6. The Institute solely reserves the right not to fill the advertised position without assigning any reason.
- 7. The decision of the Competent Authority at IIM Sambalpur in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of any/all applications, fixing the eligibility criteria, equivalence of qualifications, mode of screening/selection, conduct of test/examination/interview, will be final and binding on the candidates.
- 8. The prescribed essential qualifications are the minimum. Mere fulfilling of the minimum advertised qualification and experience requirements does not automatically entitle an applicant to be called for the selection process.
- 9.Applicants working in Govt./Semi Govt./Public Sector undertaking will be requiredto submit No Objection Certificate from their employer at the time of interview.Candidates on selection are required to submit relieving letter from their employer(Govt./Public/Private) at the time of joining the Institute, without which they will notbe allowed to join.
- 10.Degree/Diploma as referred above should have been awarded from recognizedInstitute/University.
- 11.If applying for more than one position, separate application will be required to be filledin and sent by the candidates.
- 12.Only shortlisted candidates will accordingly be informed regarding date, time andvenue for selection process.
- 13.No correspondence whatsoever, will be entertained from candidates regarding conductand result of interview and reasons for not being called for interview.
- 14.Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
- 15.Any subsequent amendments/modifications etc. if any, will be notified in theInstitutes website (www.iimsambalpur.ac.in) and may be referred by the interestedcandidates.
- 16.The application form without the self-attested copies of all relevant certificates (bothexperience and education) will be rejected.
- 17.The applications should be sent by Registered/Speed Post only. Hand delivery ofapplications will not be accepted.
- 18.The Institute shall not be responsible for any postal delay.
- 19.Candidates are required to bring interview call letters at the time of interview alongwith the copies of the relevant certificates in original for verification.
- 20.Incomplete applications will be rejected summarily.
- 21.Institute strives to have a workforce which reflects gender balance. Women candidatesare encouraged to apply.
- 22.Candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria may submit their completed application onthe prescribed Application Form along with the self-attested copies of testimonialsand latest passport size photograph to Chairman (Administration), IndianInstitute of Management Sambalpur, C/o Silicon Institute of Technology, SiliconWest, P.O. Sason, Sambalpur (Odisha) 768200 through Registered/Speed Postonly in a sealed envelope super scribed Application for the post of (Name of thepost applied) in IIM Sambalpur on or before the last date, which is 19.03.2018.
Date: 19th February 2018
To download the Prescribed Application Form (Click Here)
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 19-Feb-2018 | |
Applications | 19-Mar-2018 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Indian Institute Of Management
- Organization City, State : sambalpur, odisha
- Organization Website : www.iimsambalpur.ac.in
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results