ADVERTISEMENT NO.NITPY/01/2018/T/220118 Recruitment for Faculty Positions
Applications are invited from individuals who would like to contribute for thedevelopment of an Institute of National Importance at Karaikal, Puducherry for theFaculty position as follows:
A. Professor
NIT Puducherry may apply for
S. No. | Name of the Department | No. of Vacancies |
1 | Computer Science and Engineering | 4 |
2 | Electronics and Communication Engineering | |
3 | Electrical and Electronics Engineering | |
4 | Mechanical Engineering |
B. Associate Professor
S. No. | Name of the Department | No. of Vacancies |
1 | Computer Science and Engineering | 11 |
2 | Electronics and Communication Engineering | |
3 | Electrical and Electronics Engineering | |
4 | Mechanical Engineering | |
5 | Civil Engineering | |
6 | Mathematics |
C. Assistant Professor
S. No. | Name of the Department | No. of Vacancies | ||
1 | Computer Science and Engineering | # | ||
2 | Electronics and Communication Engineering | |||
3 | Electrical and Electronics Engineering | |||
4 | Mechanical Engineering | |||
5 | Civil Engineering | |||
6 | Science and Humanities (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, English) |
# There is no vacancy. Only serving faculty members ofmovement in higher Academic Grade Pay or Cadre.
D. Prescribed Minimum Qualification and Experience for Faculty Positions of National Institute of Technology Puducherry is as per Schedule E of Gazette Notification No. 651 New Delhi, Monday, July 24, 2017 of NIT (Amendment) Statutes, 2017, Regd. No.D.L.-33004/99-(ANNEXURE-A) and any other related MHRD notification.
Sl No. | Designation, Pay Band and Academic Grade Pay | Essential Qualification | Essential Requirements | Cumulative Essential Credit Points |
1 | Associate Professor Pay Band-4 with Grade Pay ofRs.9500 with a minimum pay of Rs.42800 | Ph.D. | Six years after Ph.D. of which at least three years at the level ofAssistant Professor with AcademicGrade Pay of Rs. 8000;orNine years total working experience, of which three years should be after Ph.D., with at leastthree years at the level of AssistantProfessor with Academic Grade Pay of Rs. 8000. | 50 |
2 | Professor Pay Band 4 with Grade Pay of Rs.10500 witha minimum pay of Rs.48000 | Ph.D. | Ten years after Ph.D. or thirteen years total working experience, outof which seven years should beafter Ph.D. At least three years atthe level of Associate Professor with Academic Grade Pay ofRs.9500 or four years at the level ofAssociate Professor with AcademicGrade Pay of Rs.9000 or combination of Rs.9000 andRs.9500 or equivalent in an Institution of repute or Research &Development Lab or relevantindust. | 80 |
E. Prescribed Minimum Qualification and Experience for serving Faculty Members of National Institute of Technology Puducherry is as per Schedule E of Gazette Notification No. 651 New Delhi, Monday, July 24, 2017 of NIT (Amendment) Statutes, 2017, Regd. No.D.L.-33004/99-(ANNEXURE-A); MHRD letter no.F.No.33-9/2011-TS III Dated 13th September 2017 -(ANNEXURE-B), Dated 6th October 2017 -(ANNEXURE-C), Dated 17th November 2017 -(ANNEXURE-D), Dated 30th November 2017(ANNEXURE-E), Dated 04th December 2017 -(ANNEXURE-F) and annexure enclosed therein -(ANNEXURE-G) and any other related MHRD notification.
1) Reservation Policy will be as per Government of India norms.
2) For existing faculty members who completed their Ph.D. along with their normalteaching load of Institute or quality improvement programme, the enrolment periodof Ph.D. will be counted as teaching experience.
3) For the departments which are not having any vacancy, movement in higherAcademic Grade Pay or cadre shall be carried out as per specified selection processbut it will be restricted to only for serving faculty members of the respectivedepartments.
F. Area of specialization in the Department concerned but not limited to:
Sl.No. | Department | Desirable Area / Specialization |
1 | Civil Engineering | Structural Dynamics, Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering,Geosurvey and GIS |
2 | Computer Scienceand Engineering |
Cloud computing, Automata formal languages, Theoreticalom uter Science, Parallel Processing, Graph Theory,![]() ![]() |
3 |
Electrical &lectronics![]() |
Power system Engineering, Power Electronics, Electricaldrives, Instrumentation |
4 | ngngElectronics &CommunicationEineeri | Embedded Systems, Applied Electronics, CommunicationSystems, Communication Engineering, CommunicationNetworksVLSI Sil Processi, , |
5 | ngngMechanicalEngineering |
gnangMechatronics, Industrial Robotics, MEMS, Industrial SafetyEngineering, Petroleum Engineering, Concentrating SolarPower Systems, Solar Thermal and Photovoltaic SystemsRefrigeration & Air Conditioning, Automobile Engineering![]() |
6 | Mathematics | nergyogyApplied Mathematics with specialization in Fluid Dynamics,timization Statistics. |
- Last date of receiving and submission of application is 27.02.2018 (till 5.30 PMonly).
- The eligible and interested candidates are required to a ply in the prescribedformat available at the Institute website www.n Ap
licants are required tosubmit the application form along with one latest passport size photograph dulypasted in the space prescribed in the application form and signed across on it (thestapled photograph will not be accepted) and self-attested copies of the certificatesof educational qualifications, date of birth, experience, caste/category certificate,identity proof (Election I-Card/UID Aadhar/PAN etc.), etc. by speed post/registeredpost mentioning on the cover Application for the post of .., in the Department of to the following address:
The Registrar, National Institute of Technology Puducherry, Thiruvettakudy, Karaikal -609 609, India.
- Crucial date of fixing eligibility criteria, upper age limit, etc. shall be last date ofreceipt of application.
- Person with disability (PWD) may apply and PWD Certificate issued by theCompetent Authority will be accepted.
Fresh appointment beyond the age of 60 years is discouraged except in the case of facultwith exceptionally brilliant research career and with ongoing or approved externallfunded research projects.
One year, this may be extended by the BOG, on the recommendation of Director.
- Interested Serving faculty members of the NIT Puducherry should apply for higherAcademic Grade Pay or cadre.
- The Institute shall retain complete applications for non-shortlisted candidates onlyfor three months, after shortlisting.
- Candidates who wish to apply for more than one post should apply separately foreach post in the prescribed manner.
- Candidates shall indicate two references of eminent persons in the field/professionwho maybe contacted by the Institute for recommendations.
- The number of vacancies indicated in the notification is tentative. The NITPuducherry reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of advertisedposts to be filled at the time of selection process. Further, the NIT Puducherry alsoreserves the right NOT to fill any of the posts advertised.
- The Institute reserves the right to restrict the number of candidates to be called forinterview.
- Mere fulfilling the prescribed conditions would not entitle the candidates to becalled for presentation and interview.
- All qualifications, experience and preferred age limit will be considered as on thelast date of receiving of applications.
- The shortlisted candidates may be required to appear for presentation/seminarbefore the selection committee.
- Applications of candidates serving in Govt. / Semi Govt. / PSUs/ Universities/Educational Institutions are required to be either forwarded through PROPERCHANNEL or should furnish a NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE (NOC) from thecompetent authority at the time of presentation/interview. They must, however,send advance copy of the application form before the closing date of application.
- Relevant Caste/Category certificates are required to be submitted at the time ofapplication and at the time of presentation/interview.
- Original documents along with one set of self-attested copies and four passport size recent photographs of the candidate will have to be produced at the time ofinterview for verification.
- The Institute reserves the right to offer a lower post and /or AGP than that appliedfor by any candidate based on the recommendation of selection committee.
- The applicants are required to visit the Institute website regularly. The names ofshortlisted candidates for further participation in the selection process shall bedisplayed on Institute website.
- No correspondence whatsoever will be entertained from candidates regarding reason for not being called for interview/outcome of interview.
- The candidate is responsible for the correctness and authenticity of the information provided in the application. If it is found at a later date that any information given inthe application is incorrect/false, the candidature/appointment is liable to becancelled/ terminated.
- All proofs mentioned in the application form should be enclosed along with theapplication. If proofs are not attached, the credit points will not be considered.
No TA/DA will be paid for attending the presentation and interview.
1) Self-attested copies of certificates along with mark statements of 10/SSLC, 12th/HSLC/Intermediate, graduate, post-graduate, doctorate level programs as proof ofeducational qualification claimed. In the absence of degree certificate, provisional degree certificate along with mark sheets will be accepted.2) Self-attested copies of certificate(s) for the entire experience claimed, clearly mentioning the duration of employment (date, month and year) indicating the basic pay andconsolidated pay. The certificate(s) should also mention the nature of duties performed/experience obtained in the post(s) with duration(s). Experience certificate should berelevant to the post.3) The Following Original Documents, Certificates are to be produced along with selfattested copies at the time of Interview, including other items as specified on the Institutewebsite for candidates called for interview, failing which the candidate would not beallowed to appear in the Interview:
- (i)
- Birth Certificate / Matriculation/ 10Standard or equivalent certificate issued byCentral/ State Board indicating date of Birth in support of their claim of age. Where dateof birth is not available in certificate/ mark sheets, issued by concerned EducationalBoards, School leaving certificate indicating date of Birth will be considered.
- (ii)
- NOC and experience Certificate(s) from the Head(s) of Organization(s) Department(s)for the entire experience claimed, clearly mentioning the duration of employment (date,month & year) indicating the basic pay and consolidated pay. The certificate(s) shouldalso mention the nature of duties performed/experience obtained in the post(s) withduration(s).
(iii) Caste/category certificate by candidate seeking reservation as in the prescribedProforma only from the competent authority indicating clearly the candidates Caste,the Act/ Order as per Central Govt. List under which the Caste is recognized as SC/ST/OBC (Non -Creamy layer).
- Please ensure that no column is wrongly filled or kept blank as the information furnishedtherein would be used to determine the eligibility of candidates to be called for interview.
- Please ensure that all the qualifications and experiences in the relevant field (over andabove the minimum qualifications and experiences prescribed) are mentioned in theApplication Form.
- Please ensure that copies of following documents/certificates are provided in support ofclaims made /information given in the Application Form:
- Degree certificates along with Marks Sheets of all years in support of EducationalQualifications.
- Experience Certificate(s).
- Order/ letter in respect of equivalent Educational Qualifications/Experience claimed,indicating the authority (with number & date) under which it has been so treated.
- Caste and Category certificates in prescribed Proforma of Govt. of India.
- Degree certificates along with Marks Sheets of all years in support of EducationalQualifications.
- Please ensure that copies of following documents/certificates are provided in support ofclaims made /information given in the Application Form:
- Please ensure that nothing other than the claims made in the Application Form shall beconsidered, however proof of such claims are to be shown in original at the time ofPresentation and Interview.
Registrar (i/c)
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Applications | 27-Feb-2018 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : National Institute Of Technology
- Organization City, State : , puducherry
- Organization Website :
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results