(An Institute of National Importance)
Tel : +91-1972-224108, Fax :+91-1972-223834, M:+91-9882487678
Dr. R.K. Vats
Associate Professor

Department of Mathematics
National Institute of Technology
Hamirpur (H.P.)-177 005
Applications are invited for two posts under the CSIR funded Project detail mentioned below:
Title of the Project |
Solution of Various forms of Differential and Integral Equations through concept of Fixed Point Theorems |
File Number |
25(0268)/17/EMR-II, Dated 27/04/2017 |
Tenure of the Project |
36 Months from date of commencement of the project. |
Number of Posts |
TWO (One JRF/SRF/RA and One Project Assistant) |
Name of the Post with Salary |
Essential Qualification |
Upper Age Limit |
Research Associate (RA) @Rs.36,000/-pm plus HRA/MA |
Possessing Doctorate (Ph.D) in the thrust area of project |
35 Years |
Senior Research Fellow (SRF) @ Rs.14,000/-pm plus HRA/MA |
PossessingM.Sc Degree in Mathematics and at least two years of Research/Teaching experience as evidence from published papers in standard refereed SCI/Scopus indexed journals |
32 Years |
Junior Research Fellow (JRF) @Rs.12,000 /-pm plus HRA/MA |
PossessingM.Sc Degree in Mathematics with 55% marks and passing NET/GATE test in Mathematics |
28 Years |
Project Assistant @ Rs. 5,000/-pm |
M.Sc . Degree with or without NET/GATE test certificate/experience |
28 Years |
Age Relaxation |
Upper age limit is relaxable upto 5 years for SC/ST/OBC/Women and Physically handicapped candidates |
Eligible and interested candidates are requested to send their Curriculum Vitae along with self attested copies of supporting documents/certificates (with contact number and email id) by email or post to the address given below by 16th April, 2018. Candidates recruited may register for pursuing full-time Ph.D programme in Department of Mathematics, NIT, Hamirpur(An Institute of National Importance)-177005, Himachal Pradesh as per the Institute rule. Short listed candidates will be called for the interview. The date and time for the interview will be informed to the candidates only through e-mail or display on our Institute website No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
(Dr. R. K. Vats)
Principal Investigator
CSIR (Project)
Deptt. of mathematics.
NIT, Hamirpur (H.P.)
Contact No.: 9882487678
Name (in block letters) : |
Affix a Passport size Photograph
Fathers Name : |
Address for correspondence: (complete Address with pincode) |
Mobile: __________________________ E-mail: _______________________________________ |
Category (Gen./OBC/SC/ST): |
Date of Birth : (dd/mm/yyyy) |
Educational Qualification: |
(in following given order , starting from High School onwards) |
S.No |
Degree |
Board/University |
Year |
Percentage Marks/ CGPA |
Division |
Subjects |
Details of GATE /NET Qualification (if qualified) |
Qualification Year : Validity: Discipline: Rank: Score: Marks obtained: |
8. |
Experience (Teaching/Industry/Research) |
(Starting from latest) |
S.No. |
Organization |
Duration |
Salary |
Nature of Work |
Title of M.Phil./M.Sc./Ph.d. Dissertation |
Professional Skills (Give details of hands on experience on simulation software and knowledge of hardware/experimental skills related to project) |
How the above position is helpful in meeting your career goal (max. 250 words) |
12. |
Details of Research Publications (if any) |
Please attach separate sheet |
13. |
Any other relevant information: |
14. |
References (Two) (Name of two referees who are familiar with your academic and research background) |
I hereby declare that the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that my candidature will be cancelled if any information is found incorrect at any given period of time.
Signature with Name and Date
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Applications | 16-Apr-2018 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : National Institute Of Technology
- Organization City, State : hamirpur, himachal pradesh
- Organization Website :
- Notification
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- Important Dates
- How To Apply
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- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
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