ICAR-INDIAN INSTITUTE OF PULSES RESEARCH KALYANPUR, KANPUR 208 024 ( An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institute) Fax : 091-512-2580992 Phone : 2580 987 {EPABX Exchange} 2580994, 2580995 & 2582580 Ext. 205 |

i=kad% 5-130/ 2017 (R ) fnukad %
Hkkjrh; nygu vuqla/kku laLFkku] dkuiqj esa fuEu vLFkk;h in tks fd fuEu ifj;kstuk es gS] rRdky lk{kkRdkj okWd&bu&bUVjO;w }kjk Hkjs tkus gS A vr% lq;ksX;
ik= vH;FkhZ tks lHkh ;ksX;rk;sa iwjh djrs gksa] os kS{kf.kd] vuqHko izek.k ds lHkh nLrkost ewy izfr ds lkFk ,d lsV QksVksdkWih] lkFk gh ,d ikliksVZ lkbt ds uohure QksVks ds
lkFk fuEu of.kZr fnukad dks lk{kkRdkj esa lfEefyr gks ldrs gS A
dze l- |
vLFkk;h in dk uke |
Ikfj;kstuk dk uke |
vLFkk;h in dh la[;k |
vof/k |
ifjyfC/k;kWa |
;ksX;rk |
Lkk{kkRdkj dh frfFk dks vk;qlhek |
Lkk{kkRdkj dh frfFk ,oa le; |
1- |
Incentivizing Research in Agriculture |
01 |
upto March 2020 |
Rs. 25000/- + HRA p.m. |
Essential: M.Sc./ M.Tech /M.Sc. (Ag) in Biotechnology/ Life Science with 4/5 year of Bacheleor degree or Candidates with 3 years Bachelor degree and 2 years of Masters degree should have NET qualification OR Ph.D in Life Science. Desirable : At least 1 year work experience in area |
Max 35 years for male, 40 years for female candidates on date of interview |
12-12-2017 at 10.00 AM |
of Plant Molecular Biology and having knowledge of basic physiology. |
2 |
Research Associate |
01 |
Upto 31.3.2018 |
Rs. 38000/- + HRA p.m. for M.Sc. & Rs. 40000/-+HRA for Ph. D. |
Essential : Ph. D. in Agricultural Entomology/Entomology/ Ph.D. Degree in Zoology Specialized in Entomology or Masters degree in the relevant subject with 4/5 years of Bachelors degree Desirable : Basic and practial knowledge of computers |
Max 40 years for male, 45 years for female candidates on date of interview |
13-12-2017 at 10.00 AM |
3 |
Computer Operator |
01 |
Upto 31.3.2018 |
Rs. 9420/- per month consolidated |
Essestial : 10 +2 Desirable : Basic computer operation, typing knowledge on MS word, Excel, power point and internet surfing |
Max 35 years for male, 40 years for female candidates on date of interview |
14-12-2017 at 10.00 AM |
4 |
SRF (01 ) |
National Agriculture Innovation fund (ITMU) |
01 |
Initially till 31.3.2018 |
Rs. 25000/- + HRA p.m. |
Post graduation in Computer Science/Computer application with 4/5 year of Bacheleor degree or Post graduation in Business administration with 4/5 years of Bachelor degree or Candidates with 3 years Bachelor degree and 2 years of Masters degree should have NET qualification Desirable : Degree/diploma/Demonsrable experience of working on intellectual property management related issues in crop plants. |
Max 35 years for male, 40 years for female candidates on date of |
15-12-2017 at 10.00 AM |
5 |
Young Professional I & II Admin-01 Accounts-01 Dharwad-01 Phanda-01 Bas. Sci.-01 C. Pt. - 02 |
YP I (03) YP II (04) |
Initally for One year |
YP-1 15,000/- & YP-II 25,000/- p.m. |
For YP-I Essential: Graduate in Science or Agricultural Sciences Desirable: Working experience in computer/office automation and field works. For YP-II Essential: Maters Degree in Science or Agricultural Sciences Desirable: Working experience in computer/office automation and field works. For YP-II (02 post) Essential: MCA/M.Sc.(CS)/M.Sc. (IT) Desirable: 2 years experince in implementation of web based e-governance project prefereably in any Govt. organisation |
Max 35 years for male, 40 years for female candidates on date of interview |
16-12-2017 at 10.00 AM |
6 |
Junior Research Fellow |
Trancriptome dyanamics in host-viruses interaction to identify multivirus resistant genotypes in mungbean funded by SERB, DST, GOI, New |
01 |
upto 31 March 2020 |
25000+20% HRA/month (for first two years). 28000+20% HRA/month for third year. |
Essential: M.Sc. (Ag)/ M.Sc./ M.Tech. (Plant Pathology/ Biotechnology/ Plant Protection/ Microbiology). with 4/5 year of Bacheleor degree or Candidates with 3 years Bachelor degree and 2 years of Masters degree should have NET qualification |
Max 35 years for male, 40 years for female candidates on date of interview |
18-12-2017 at 10.00 AM |
Delhi |
Desirable : Practical knowledge of plant virology and molecular biology. |
krsZ %
- 1- mijksDr in iw.kZr;k vLFkk;h] le;c) ifj;kstuk ds gS rFkk ifj;kstuk lekfIr dh vof/k rd ds gSA
- 2- dk;ZLFky % : IIPR, Kanpur
- 3- lk{kkRdkj esa lfEefyr gksus ds fy, fdlh Hkh rjg dk ;k=k HkRrk ns; ugha gksxk A
- 4- lHkh vH;fFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd lk{kkRdkj ds r; le; ls 30 feuV igys t:jh vkSipkfjdrk,a iwjh djokus gsrq mifLFkr gksA
- 5- vk;q lhek esa vuqlwfpr tkfr ,ao tutkfr ds vH;fFkZ;ks dks ikap okZ rFkk vU; fiNMk oxZ ds vH;fFkZ;ks dks rhu okZ dh NwV nh tk;sxhA
- 6- lsokjr deZpkjh@ih-,p-Mh- LdkWyj vius fu;ksDrk@foofo|ky; ls tkjh vukifRr izek.k i= t:j lkFk yk;sa A
- 7- fdlh Hkh izdkj dk jktuSfrd leFkZu ;k vU; fdlh izdkj dk izHkko Mkyus dh fLFkfr esa ik= v;ksX; ekuk tk;sxk A
- 8- vH;fFkZ;ks dh la[;k vf/kd gksus ij lk{kkRdkj ds iwoZ fdlh vU; Ldzhfuax izfdz;k@ fyfr ijh{kk }kjk vH;fFkZ;ks dh Ldzhfuax dh tk ldrh gSA
- 9- funskd dk fu.kZ; vfUre ,oa loZekU; gksxkA
Lk{kkRdkj dh frfFk dks vU; ifj;kstukvksa dh fjfDr;ksa ds vk/kkj ij fjfDr;ksa dh la[;k ?kVkbZ ;k c |
ofjB izkklfud vf/kdkjh
izfrfyfi% izHkkjh] dEI;wVj vuqHkkx]@osclkbV] Hkk-n-v-la-] dkuiqj
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Interviews | 12-Dec-2017 | 18-Dec-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Indian Institute of Pulses Research
- Organization City, State : , uttar pradesh
- Organization Website : http://www.iipr.res.in
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