Government of India
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change ZOOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA M-Block, New Alipore, Kolkata 70 053
Advt. No. 01/2016/JBB/Tech. 21.12.2016
Applications are invited from interested and eligible candidates for JUNIOR PROJECT FELLOWS (JPFs) in Zoological Survey of India for the Project on Faunal Diversity of Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary and Saranda Forest Division (Jharkhand), India sponsored by the Jharkhand Biodiversity Board. The position is initially for a period of one year and extendable and purely on temporary basis and will be terminated on completion of the project.
Name of the Post | No. of Post | Educational Qualification | Desirable Qualification | Remuneration |
Junior Project Fellow | 2 (Two) | Master degree in Zoology / Life Sciences with Zoology as a major subject in undergraduate/post graduate course from a recognised University with minimum 60% marks. | Research experience in taxonomy, systematics, zoology or allied subject, field survey experience in wildlife, wildlife photography, knowledge of Computer and basic field data collection. | Rs. 16,000/+ Admissible HRA (As per rules) |
JPFs are expected to undertake extensive field surveys in the mountains, forests, wetlands and therefore, required to be physically fit to undertake research in terrain and hostile conditions.
General Instructions:
- Age Limit: Age shall not be more than 28 years of age as on last date of application, 21.01.2017. Upper age limit is relaxed up to 5 years for candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC-Non Creamy Layer (NCL)/Women/ Physically Challenged applicants.
- Candidate will be shortlisted on the basis of their qualification and experience. Mere possession of qualification and experience may not entertain a candidate called for interview or selection.
- At the time of the verification of original documents (even after selection), if it is found that an attempt has been made by the applicant to wilfully conceal, misrepresent or canvass the facts, such applicant will not be considered for selection and due action will be implemented.
- Candidate will have to join immediately after their selection.
- The application form can be downloaded from the Zoological Survey of India website http://zsi.gov.in.
- Candidates should submit the duly filled-in applications with attested true copies of testimonials of educational qualifications, research experience, proof for date of birth etc., along with copies of mark sheets of all examinations and No Objection Certificate from present employer (if employed) to The Director, Zoological Survey of India, M-Block, New Alipore, Kolkata by Speed Post/Registered Post super scribed on the top of the envelope Application for the post of JPF: Project on Faunal Diversity of Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary and Saranda Forest Division (Jharkhand), India within one month from date of publication of the advertisement.
- The Director, Zoological Survey of India reserves the right of selection or rejection of a candidature including cancellation of the advertisement without assigning any reason.
Director, Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata

Government of India Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change ZOOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA
Project on Faunal Diversity of Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary and Saranda Forest Division (Jharkhand), India
Application for the post of JUNIOR PROJECT FELLOW
1. Advertisement number | : |
2. Name in full (in block letters) | : |
3. Sex and Date of Birth | : |
4. Nationality | : |
5. Fathers /Husband name | : |
- Address for correspondence including phone fax & email :
- Whether SC/ST/OBC (attach certificate) :
- Educational / Professional Qualifications from Matriculation onwards
- Details of Previous Employment, if any
- Present pay scale, position held, basic pay and total emoluments drawn:
- Title of Dissertation/ Thesis including a One Page Summary:
- List of Publications:
- Enclose copies of three best scientific publications:
- Name and complete addresses of three referees:
- Any other information:
Sl.No. | Examination passed | Year | School/College/ University | Subjects | Marks obtained |
Sl. No. | Name of the Post | Name of the Institution/ Organisation | Duration | Title of Work | |
From | To | ||||
I hereby declare that all the information furnished above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I shall abide by the terms and conditions specified in the project.
Applicants signature with date
Fellowship: A Junior Project Fellow will be paid a Fellowship of Rs.16,000/-per month. The tenure of J.P.F. will be for a period of one year, however extendable based on performance.
At the end of every year, the progress report of the Junior Project Fellow will be assessed by the Director, Zoological Survey of India, on the basis of published/accepted paper(s) etc. and if found satisfactory and recommended, the fellowship may be converted into Senior Project Fellowship of Rs.18,000/-per month for a further period depending on yearly progress. In case the progress is not considered satisfactory, the Junior Research Fellowship will be terminated automatically after the tenure of 2 years is over. The termination of tenure will be intimated two months in advance. A Senior Project Fellow is paid a fellowship of Rs.18,000/per month. The duration of Senior Project Fellowship will be for three years only.
H.R.A.: House rent allowance will be allowed as per the rules of ZSI. In no case it should exceed the rates payable to Central Government Employees in that area. The basis for calculating HRA will be the actual stipend of the Research Fellow.
Report: The Junior Project Fellow shall present monthly and yearly reports on the progress of his /her work, through the supervisor and the Officer in Charge of Division/Section/Centre of ZSI HQ/Regional Centre, in the prescribed proforma.
The JPF shall, at the expiry of the tenure/project submit a comprehensive report of the work done during the entire period of fellowship, through the supervisor, to Director, Zoological Survey of India in the published work (manuscript, reprints).
If a JPF wishes to leave the fellowship before the end of the tenure, it should be with the prior approval of Director, ZSI.
The JPF can be terminated, if the Director, ZSI is not satisfied with the progress or conduct of the Research.
For the rules regarding selection, payment of funds, utilization of the contingent grant, submission of progress report, tenure, publications and the patents, leave for temporary or paid, lectureship, research, job etc. the general rules applicable to JPFs & SPFs will apply as per rules of MoEFCC.
The Director, ZSI may send whenever considered necessary its officers from HQ for reviewing the work of the fellows, inspection of accounts, attendance, etc., in ZSI Regional Centres where the Project Fellows are placed.
Any kind of paid or honorary, part-or-full-time employment or private practice even in honorary capacity is not permissible during the tenure of Fellowship.
The stipend of Project Fellow is exempt from the payment of income tax under 10(16) of IT Act.

Government of India
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change ZOOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA M-Block, New Alipore, Kolkata 70 053
Advt. No. 02/2016/JBB/Tech. 21.12.2016
Recruitment of FIELD ASSISTANT (FA)
Applications are invited from interested and eligible candidates for FIELD ASSISTANT (FAs) in Zoological Survey of India for the Project on Faunal Diversity of Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary and Saranda Forest Division (Jharkhand), India sponsored by the Jharkhand
Biodiversity Board. The position is initially for a period of one year and extendable and purely on temporary basis and will be terminated on completion of the project.
Name of the Post | No. of Post | Educational Qualification | Desirable Qualification | Remuneration |
Field Assistant | 3 (Three) | Graduate degree in Zoology / Life Sciences with Zoology as a subject from a recognised University with minimum 50% marks. | Research experience in taxonomy, systematics, zoology or allied subject, field survey experience in wildlife, wildlife photography, knowledge of Computer and basic field data collection. | Rs.8,000/(Consolidated) |
Field Assistant are expected to undertake extensive field surveys in the mountains, forests, wetlands and therefore, required to be physically fit to undertake research in terrain and hostile conditions.
General Instructions:
- Age Limit: Age shall not be more than 28 years of age as on last date of application, 21.01.2017. Upper age limit is relaxable for candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC-Non Creamy Layer (NCL)/Women/ Physically Challenged applicants as per Govt. of India rules.
- Candidate will be shortlisted on the basis of their qualification and experience. Mere possession of qualification and experience may not entertain a candidate called for interview or selection.
- At the time of the verification of original documents (even after selection), if it is found that an attempt has been made by the applicant to wilfully conceal, misrepresent or canvass
- the facts, such applicant will not be considered for selection and due action will be implemented.
- At the time of the verification of original documents (even after selection), if it is found that an attempt has been made by the applicant to wilfully conceal, misrepresent or canvass
- Candidate will have to join immediately after their selection.
- The application form can be downloaded from the Zoological Survey of India website http://zsi.gov.in.
- Candidates should submit the duly filled-in applications with attested true copies of testimonials of educational qualifications, research experience, proof for date of birth etc.,
along with copies of mark sheets of all examinations and No Objection Certificate from
present employer (if employed) to The Director, Zoological Survey of India, M-Block, New Alipore, Kolkata by Speed Post/Registered Post super scribed on the top of the envelope Application for the post of FA: Project on Faunal Diversity of Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary and Saranda Forest Division (Jharkhand), India within one month from date of publication of the advertisement.
7. The Director, Zoological Survey of India reserves the right of selection or rejection of a candidature including cancellation of the advertisement without assigning any reason.
Director, Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata

Government of India Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change ZOOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA
Project on Faunal Diversity of Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary and Saranda Forest Division (Jharkhand), India Application for the post of FIELD ASSISTANT
1. Advertisement number | : |
2. Name in full (in block letters) | : |
3. Sex and Date of Birth | : |
4. Nationality | : |
5. Fathers /Husband name | : |
- Address for correspondence including phone fax & email :
- Whether SC/ST/OBC (attach certificate) :
- Educational / Professional Qualifications from Matriculation onwards
- Details of Previous Employment, if any
Sl.No. | Examination passed | Year | School/College/ University | Subjects | Marks obtained |
Sl. No. | Name of the Post | Name of the Institution/ Organisation | Duration | Title of Work | |
From | To | ||||
15. Any other information:
I hereby declare that all the information furnished above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I shall abide by the terms and conditions specified in the project.
Applicants signature with date
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 21-Dec-2016 | |
Applications | 20-Jan-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Zoological Survey of India
- Organization City, State : , west bengal
- Organization Website : http://zsi.gov.in
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results