CSIR-IIIM Training Program 2017 (May-Session)
Training Program
Selected trainees will have to work under the supervision of IIIM Scientist/Technical Officer who will mentor him/her during their stay at IIIM, Jammu. Each student is supposed to work on project under the guidance of the Supervisor. On completion of the program, trainee will have to submit a Project Report of the work done. Trainees shall have no claim on the publications and IPR arising out of their work at IIIM, Jammu.
Students who have joined Master program (M.Sc./M.Pharma/M. Tech) in year 2016 or B. Tech/B. Pharma. (4 year) program in 2014 or Integrated B. Tech - M. Tech/ M. Pharma (5 year) program in 2013 are eligible to apply. Student who will complete their 2nd year of Masters Degree or 8th Semester of B. Tech. or 10th Semester of Five year Integrated B. Tech - M. Tech programme in May 2017 are not eligible to apply.
Trainees will be admitted from Masters Degree/B. Pharma/B.Tech in Chemical Sciences (Medicinal Chemistry, Natural Product Chemistry and Bioorganic Chemistry and allied areas), Biosciences (Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Pharmacy, Fermentation Technology and allied areas).
Preference will be given to students of Masters Degree students interested in 6 months/one year training duration. Few trainees from engineering/B. Pharma stream (4 years professional Degree) will be accepted for shorter duration (Duration not less than 60 days).
Selection process
Major selection criteria will be as under:
- 1. Nation-wide representation
- 2. Preference shall be given to students of Universities/Institutes.
- a) With whom IIIM Jammu has entered in to MoU.
- b) Students from public funded Institutes.
- 3 Academic Record of 12th class, graduation and semesters cleared at masters level.
- 4 A few seats are reserved for the children of CSIR-IIIM employees.
The number of trainees intake varies between 40 - 50 candidates for May session, and mainly depends upon the availability of bench space with different staff scientists of CSIR-IIIM.
Final selection list will be displayed on 10th May 2017 on IIIM Jammu website. Director IIIM, Jammu reserves the right to accept or reject any application without citing any reason. Decision of the Director CSIR-IIIM, Jammu will be final.
Joining: Selected candidates will have to join training on or after 11th May 2017.
Fee: training fee will be payable at the admission as under:
One year duration Rs. 60,000/-
Six Month duration Rs. 30,000/-
Two months duration (For B.E/B. Tech only) Rs.10,000/-
How to apply:
Prospective trainees interested in applying for the training Program 2017 (May Session) may download Application form CSIR-IIIM website.
Application complete with all respects (Hard copy) must reach to CSIR-IIIM by 30th April 2017.
Documents required to be attached along with the Application form are as under.
1 Completed Application Form
2 Marks Card and Diploma/degree Certificate of 12th Standard and Graduation
3 Marks Card of semesters cleared till April 2017.
4 Forwarding Letter from HoD/Registrar/Principal (in Original). Photocopy will not be accepted.
Select list will be displayed on CSIR-IIIM website on 10th May 2017. (Separate letter would not be sent to selected candidates, applicants are advised to visit CSIR-IIIM, website regularly for update).
Prospective trainees must submit hard copy of the applications along with requisite documents personally or through post. Incomplete application will be rejected without any notice.
Financial Support /Boarding/Lodging
CSIR-IIIM will not provide any financial support and boarding/lodging. All the selected candidates are required to self-finance their stay at CSIR-IIIM Jammu.
The candidates are expected to make their own arrangement for stay in Jammu during the training period, though CSIR-IIIM may consider specific requests only from outstation students, especially girl students for shared accommodation in CSIR-IIIM housing facility depending upon the availability of the accommodation.
Important Dates:
Last date of Applications receipt in IIIM: 30th April 2017.
Uploading of select list on IIIM, Jammu website 10th May 2017
(No separate letter would be sent from IIIM to the selected candidates)
Date of join IIIM on or after 11th May 2017
Mailing address for application:
Abdul Rahim
Coordinator training Program 2017 (May 2017 Session)
CSIR-Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine
Canal Road,
(Please mention on top of the envelope Application for Training Programme 2017 (May session).
It may be noted that the CSIR-IIIM will not be responsible for postal delay. Application must reach IIIM Jammu by or before due date.
Application for the Training Program 2017
CSIR-Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine, Jammu


Father/Mother Name:
Date of Birth:..//.Sex: Female/Male Recent Photo
Primary E-mail Address: ________________________________
Contact Address: _________________________________________________
Contact Ph. No. ______________________________________
Are you related to anyone in IIIM ____________________________________________________
If yes, the Name/designation of IIIM employee ____________________________________________________
Your relationship (son/daughter) with him/her ____________________________________________________
Academic Record (starting from 10th onward)
Course |
Name of College or University |
Year of Admission |
Year of passing |
Marks*/OGPA |
Passing % |
Rank/Division if any |
10th |
12th |
Degree |
Masters |
*:also show the total marks in brackets); passing %age should be marks scored out of the total possible (in case of OGPA also-convert it to %using the university formula) |

Additional Qualifications, if any
Achievements in extracurricular activities (Significant):

Presently pursuing the Degree & Major
(e.g., M.Sc. or B.Tech. or five year integrated
B.Tech-M.Tech.) Biochemistry/Biotechnology/
Life Science/Zoology/Chemistry etc.,)

Year/month of joining the college/institute

Expected Year/month of degree completion

Name of the College & Place
Name of the University

(College affiliation)
Signature of the candidate Signature of the HoD/Registrar
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Applications | 30-Apr-2017 | |
Admit Cards | 10-May-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine
- Organization City, State : jammu, jammu kashmir
- Organization Website : http://www.iiim.res.in
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results