The Food Corporation of India (FCI), established under Food Corporation Act, 1964 (Act No. 37 of 1964), one of the largest Public Sector Undertaking, dealing with food grain supply-chain management, invites applications for the direct recruitment of Watchmen for positioning in its offices and depots in Gujarat Region. Only ONLINE APPLICATIONS are invited from eligible candidates who fulfill the prescribed qualifications, age etc. as per the details indicated below.
The total number of vacancies may vary as per administrative exigencies and at the discretion of FCI Management.
Post |
Scale of Pay |
Age limit as on 01.12.2017 |
Minimum Educational Qualification |
SC |
ST |
UR |
Total |
(IDA Pattern) (Pre-revised) |
Watchman (Class IV) |
8,100-18,070/-* |
18 - 25 years** |
8th Standard Passed |
04 |
15 |
28 |
60 |
107 |
* Subject to revision w.e.f. 01.01.2017. **Relaxations as per rules.
Out of 107 total posts, the number of posts horizontally reserved for PwD Candidates and Ex-Servicemen are as below:
PwD |
Ex-Servicemen |
Category of disability identified for the post - HH, OH |
HH ( with suitable aids & appliances) - 02 |
27 |
SC Scheduled Caste; ST Scheduled Tribe; OBC Other Backward Class; UR Unreserved; PwD Persons with Disabilities; HH- Hearing Impaired; OH- Orthopedically Impaired; OL One Leg; BL- Both Legs
The vacancies against PwD & Ex-Serviceman represent horizontal reservation among SC/ST/OBC & UR (Ex-Servicemen who have already secured employment in civil side under Central Government in Group C & D posts on regular basis after availing the benefits of reservation given to Ex-Servicemen for their re-employment are NOT eligible for fee concession or for claiming benefits of reservation under ESM Category. However, they are eligible for age relaxation only.)
Persons with Disability of 40% and above, in HH categories, shall be eligible for applying for the above posts. They shall submit the disability certificate issued by
Medical Board duly constituted by the Central or State Government (Annexure-C appended). Candidates should specifically mention the nature of the disability and upload a self-attested copy of certificate issued by the authority mentioned above.
- 3.1 The prescribed qualification and age limit shall be reckoned as on 01/12/2017. The maximum age limit can be relaxed by 5 years in the case of SC/ST candidates and 3 years for OBC candidates.
- 3.2 There will not be any upper age limit in case of departmental (FCI) employee.
- 3.3 The upper age limit is relaxed by 10 years for PwD candidates belonging to Un-reserved category, 15 years for PwDs belonging to SC/ST and 13 years for PwD candidates belonging to OBC.
- 3.4 The aforesaid reservation and relaxation are not applicable to OBC candidates falling within the Creamy Layer.
- 3.5 Age is additionally relaxable by 5 years for those applicants who had ordinarily been domiciled in the Kashmir Division in the State of Jammu and Kashmir during the period 01-01-1980 to 31-12-1989. Any applicant intending to avail the relaxation under this category shall have to submit a certificate from the District Magistrate in Kashmir Division within whose jurisdiction she/he had ordinarily resided or any other authority designated in this behalf by the Govt. of Jammu & Kashmir to the effect that she/he had ordinarily been domiciled in the Kashmir Division of the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from 01-01-1980 to 31-12-1989.
- 3.6 For Ex- Servicemen the Upper Age limit shall be relaxed as on 01/12/2017 by allowing the deduction of length of actual Military Service from his actual age and the resultant age should not exceed the maximum age limit prescribed for the Post by more than 3 years in case of Un-reserved, 8 years in case of SCs/STs, 6 years in case of OBC candidates.
NOTE I: Ex-Servicemen who have already secured employment in civil side under Central Government in Group C & D posts on regular basis after availing the benefits of reservation given to Ex-Servicemen for their re-employment are NOT eligible for fee concession or for claiming benefits of reservation under ESM Category. However, they are eligible for age relaxation.
NOTE II: The period of Call up Service of an Ex-Serviceman in the Armed Forces shall also be treated as service rendered in the Armed Forces for purpose of age relaxation.
NOTE III : For any servicemen of the three Armed Forces of the Union to be treated as Ex-Servicemen for the purpose of securing the benefits of reservation, he must have already acquired, at the relevant time of submitting his application for the Post/Service, the status of Ex-Serviceman and/or is in a position to establish his acquired entitlement by documentary evidence from the competent authority that he would complete specified term of engagement for the Armed Forces within the stipulated period of one year from the closing date.
NOTE IV: An Ex-Serviceman or PwD (HH and OH) category candidate who qualifies on the basis of relaxed standards viz. age limit or qualifications, etc. is to be counted against reserved vacancies and not against general vacancies subject to fitness of such candidate for selection. In so far as cases of Ex-Servicemen are concerned, deduction from the age of Ex-Servicemen is permissible against the reserved or unreserved posts and such exemption cannot be termed as relaxed standards in regard to age.
NOTE V: Every Ex-serviceman who has put in not less than three years service in the Armed Forces of the Union shall be exempt from the minimum educational qualifications.
EXPLANATION I: An Ex-Serviceman means a person who has served in any rank whether as a combatant or non-combatant in the Regular Army, Navy, Air Force of the Indian Union, and who retired from such service after earning his/her pension. This would also include persons who are retired/retire at their own request but after having earned their pension; or
- i. who has been relieved from such service on medical grounds attributable to military service/circumstances beyond his control and awarded medical or other disability pension; or
- ii. who has been released, otherwise than on his own request from such service as a result of reduction in establishment; or
- iii. who has been released from such service after completing the specific period of engagement, otherwise than at his own request or by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency, and has been given a gratuity; and includes personnel of the Territorial Army of the following categories, namely: -
- a) Pension holders for continuous embodied service,
- b) Persons with disability attributable to military service; and
- c) Gallantry award winners.
EXPLANATION II: The persons serving in the Armed Forces of the Union, who on retirement from service, would come under the category of Ex-Serviceman may be permitted to apply for re-employment one year before the completion of the specified terms of engagement and avail themselves of all concessions available to Ex-Servicemen but shall not be permitted to leave the uniform until they complete the specified term of engagement in the Armed Forces of the Union.
- 3.7 Age Relaxation in Case of Widows/Divorced Women/Women judicially separated and who are not remarried is upto 35 years, 38 Years and 40 Years for Unreserved, OBCs and SCs/STs respectively.
Mode of selection comprises of two stages as under:
Mode of Written test |
Offline |
Duration of test |
120 Minutes |
Pattern of test |
Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions |
Number of questions |
120 |
Total Marks |
120 (one mark each) |
Negative Marking |
All Questions carry 01 (one) mark and there will be 0.25 negative marking on each wrong answer. |
Syllabus for Written test |
Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, General Awareness, General English and General Hindi (8th standard level) |
Question Paper for Written Test |
Trilingual (Hindi, English and Gujarati) except General English/Hindi. The candidate has to choose his/her language for written test while applying. |
S.No. |
Events |
Standards |
Male |
Female |
1 |
Running |
1500 Meters in 06 Min.15 Sec. |
800 Meters in 04 Min.30 Sec. |
2 |
Long Jump |
3.65 Meters in 3 chances |
2.6 Meters in 3 Chances |
3 |
High Jump |
1.2 Meters in 3 chances |
0.90 Meters in 3 Chances |
Note VII:
- i. FCI reserves the right to introduce additional phase of written examination/screening test in compelling circumstances for screened candidates on the basis of performance in Written Test and decision regarding calling such number of candidates shall be decided by FCI only.
- ii. The number of candidates shortlisted for Physical Endurance Test will be in the ratio of 1:3. The venue of the Endurance Test will be informed through website www.fcijobportalgujarat.com. The candidates are advised to keep visiting the website regularly.
- iii. Physical Endurance Test (PET) is of qualifying nature only.
- iv. The final merit list will be decided on the basis of Written Test subject to qualifying the Physical Endurance Test. Only those candidates who are qualified in the Physical Endurance Test will be considered for final selection.
- v. The candidates should furnish a Fitness Certificate from a Registered Civil Surgeon
- along with eye/vision test to attend the endurance test without which the candidature shall be liable to be cancelled.
Eye Sight:
Visual Acuity unaided (Near Vision) |
Uncorrected Visual Acuity (Distant Vision) |
Refraction |
Colour Vision |
Remarks |
Better Eye |
Worse Eye |
Better Eye |
Worse Eye |
N6 |
N9 |
6/6 |
6/9 |
Visual correction of any kind is not permitted even by glasses |
In right handed person, the Right eye is better eye and vice versa. Binocular vision is required |
Format prescribed for furnishing Medical/Eye test certificate is appended at
- vi. In case the requisite numbers of candidates are not available to fill up the vacancies, then at the discretion of the Competent Authority, an additional list for Physical Endurance Test may be drawn based on merit of Written Test.
- vii. Endurance Test for PwD candidates is exempted.
- 5.1. All the appointments will be subject to the Rules and Regulations of the Corporation in-force from time to time.
- 5.2. CANDIDATES ARE REQUIRED TO SUBMIT THE ONLINE APPLICATION FORM ONLY ONCE. In case of multiple applications, the candidature shall be summarily cancelled. Also, no print/hard copy of the application form is to be sent.
- 5.3. Candidates who have completed and possess the minimum educational qualification by 01/12/2017 are only eligible to apply. Candidates who are appearing at the qualifying exam or their proof of passing /result is not declared by 01/12/2017 are NOT ELIGIBLE for applying for the post.
- 5.4. The Admit Card for the Written Test indicating the time and venue of examination for each candidate can be downloaded from www.fcijobportalgujarat.com prior to the date of examination. The Admit Card for Written Test WILL NOT be sent by post or e-mail. Candidates who are not able to generate their Admit Cards online at least one week before the date of the examination, should contact at e-mail ID support@fcijobportalgujarat.com . Intimation about shortlisted candidates will be posted on website for which candidate may keep in touch with website (www.fcijobportalgujarat.com ), support@fcijobportalgujarat.com and Helpline no. +91 8975611331
A candidate has to appear in all the phases of the recruitment process to be eligible for the selection. The candidates are advised to keep in touch with the website for further details and regular updates.
- 5.5. The post carries IDA pattern pay scale and usual allowances such as HRA, Leave Travel facilities etc. The scale carries DA on percentage basis. Gross emoluments would vary depending upon place of posting.
- 5.6. Other benefits like CPF, Gratuity, Leave Travel Concessions, Leave Encashment, Medical reimbursement, etc. shall be applicable as per the rules of the Corporation as amended from time to time.
- 5.7. Employees of the Central / State Govt. / Public Sector Undertakings and departmental candidates should also apply Online. Their candidature is subject to fulfilment of the essential eligibility criteria and ensure that they are in possession of No Objection Certificate from their employer at the time of document verification.
- 5.8. The candidate should select ANY ONE of the following examination centres while filling the online Application Form.
1 |
Ahmedabad |
2 |
Baroda |
3 |
Surat |
4 |
Gandhidham |
5 |
Rajkot |
6 |
Bhavnagar |
- 5.9. The location of the test centres are not final and the Management reserves the right to change or cancel any test centre. Corporation also reserves the right to divert candidates of any Centre to some other Centre to take the examination. In this scenario too, no TA will be paid to the candidate. The applicants should clearly give their preference of examination centres in the online application form. No change in the centre of examination will be allowed under any circumstances. Hence the candidates should select the centres carefully and indicate the same correctly in their applications.
- 5.10. The seniority of the Officials, appointed in the services of FCI within the Region will be determined by the order of merit in which they are finally selected for appointment. The selected candidates are liable to be posted anywhere within the jurisdiction of the Gujarat Region. The seniority of the officials will be maintained in the Gujarat Region.
- 5.10 No TA (Travelling Allowance) shall be paid for attending the Written Test/Physical Endurance Test/Document Verification. No compensation will be given to the candidate in case of any injury caused during Physical Endurance Test.
- 5.11 Candidates should satisfy themselves that they fulfil the required criteria before applying for the post. In case it is found that the information furnished by a candidate is defective in any manner or has deliberately suppressed information, the candidature will be summarily rejected as and when it comes to the notice of the Management. The candidates are advised to satisfy themselves fully about the correctness of the information furnished. If found ineligible at any stage, the candidature would be rejected.
- 5.12 Management reserves the right to conduct additional examination/Physical Endurance test or call for any additional documentary evidence in support of educational qualification & other criteria.
- 5.13 The issue of admit card for the written test does not confer any right of acceptance of candidature and should not be construed as an acknowledgement of fulfilling the eligibility criterion.
- 5.14 At the time of document verification process, if a candidate is unable to produce all the original documents for whatsoever reason, his/her candidature would be rejected. Under no circumstances, additional time would be provided. Thus, only those candidates are advised to apply who can produce all the relevant documents in original at the time of verification of documents.
- 5.15 Any attempt to influence the Corporation in any manner would result in disqualification and rejection of candidature immediately.
- 5.16 Candidates must ensure to have fulfilled all the eligibility criterion viz. age and qualification as on 01.12.2017.
- 5.17 Appointment of empanelled candidates will be subject to their being found medically fit, verification of character, antecedents and caste, wherever applicable.
- 5.18 Mere submission of application and fulfilling the eligibility criteria gives no right to any person for appearing in the test.
- 5.19 Filling up of these vacancies is subject to the outcome of any litigation affecting the recruitment. Any dispute/ court case is subject to jurisdiction of Gujarat State.
- 5.21 No correspondence will be entertained about the outcome of the application at any stage.
- 5.22 Applications not in the prescribed proforma or incomplete shall be summarily rejected.
- 6.1 Nationality: A candidate for appointment in the service of the Corporation shall be:
- i. a Citizen of India, or
- ii. a subject of Nepal, or
- iii. a subject of Bhutan, or
- iv. a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before the 1st January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India, or
- v. a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka and East African Countries of Kenya, Uganda and United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire and Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.
Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been given by the Competent Authority.
- 6.2 Candidates should indicate at the designated place in the Application Form whether they belong to one of the Minority Communities notified by Government namely, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jain or Zoroastrians (Parsis).
- 6.3 No person shall be eligible for appointment who has previously been dismissed, or compulsorily retired from the service of the Corporation or from a Department of a State or the Central Government or from any Public Sector Undertaking.
- 6.4 No person shall be eligible for appointment who has been convicted in a court of law for any offense involving moral turpitude.
- 6.5 The option should be exercised by the candidates carefully after going through the Advertisement and keeping in view fulfillment of eligibility conditions, educational qualification etc. prescribed for the posts. OPTION ONCE EXERCISED SHALL BE FINAL AND NO CHANGE WILL BE ALLOWED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.
- 6.6 Candidates are not permitted to use calculator, mobile phones and other electronic gadgets. They should not, therefore, bring the same inside the examination premises/venue.
- 6.7 For Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions paper, OMR Answer Sheets will be provided. OMR Answer Sheet has to be filled in with Black/Blue Ball Point Pen only as per the instructions given in OMR Answer Sheet. Candidates are required to complete all required information along with their caste category correctly on the OMR Answer sheet. In case of incomplete information, answer sheet will not be evaluated and awarded Zero marks. If any candidate belonging to a reserved category does not write their category properly in the OMR Answer Sheet, they will be treated as Unreserved (UR) category. OMR Answer Sheets are read by machine and, therefore, failure to comply with any of the instructions will result in the award of Zero marks. Candidates in their own interest should strictly follow the Instructions given on the Question Booklet/ OMR Answer sheet. No representation regarding non-compliance of instructions will be entertained.
- 6.8 Discrepancies in question paper should be brought to the notice at support@fcijobportalgujarat.com within 07 days from the examination date. Representation submitted thereafter will not be entertained. Any other mode of submission of representation shall not be entertained.
- 6.9 In view of a large number of applications, scrutiny of the eligibility, category and other aspects will not be undertaken before issuing call letters for Written Test.
- 6.10 Candidates in their own interest are advised to provide their Mobile Numbers and e-mail IDs accurately, as it may be used for all future correspondence.
- 6.11 It is mandatory for all the candidates to upload their Photograph and Signature as specified without any exception.
- 6.12 SC, ST, PwD, EX-SERVICEMEN AND WOMEN CANDIDATES are exempted from payment of Application Fee, subject to uploading of Caste / Disability / relevant Certificate / Undertaking from Appropriate Authority in support of his/her claim. However, Ex-
- Servicemen who have already secured employment in civil side under Central
Government in Group C & D posts on regular basis after availing of the benefits of reservation given to Ex-Servicemen for their re-employment are NOT eligible for fee concession or for claiming benefits of reservation under ESM category. However, they are eligible for age relaxation.
- 6.13 Formats prescribed for furnishing certificates for SC/ST, OBC, PwD, Serving Defence Personnel and Ex-servicemen are appended at Annexures A, B, C, D and E respectively. Candidates may note that these Certificates/Documents shall be required to be sent along with other essential enclosures in case of their shortlisting on the basis of the Written Examination/Physical Endurance Test at the designated address which shall be informed / notified through the designated website www.fcijobportalgujarat.com SC/ST/PwD/Ex-servicemen or Serving Defence Personnel Candidates who are seeking Fee Exemption must upload the relevant document/certificates as stated above as a proof of Exemption from application fee. Female Candidates are required to upload any certificate mentioning the gender and/or photograph like School Certificate / Caste Certificate / College ID card / Aadhar card / Voter ID card / Driving License / Passport etc.
Male Candidates belonging to unreserved and OBC categories are not exempted from Application fee, hence they are not required to upload any Certificate/Document/Undertaking at this stage.
- 6.14 RESOLUTION OF TIE CASES: In the case of a tie, the merit will be decided by Date of Birth, i.e. the candidate older in age will get preference. If the tie still persists, the tie will be resolved by referring to the English alphabetical order of names i.e. a candidate whose first name begins with the alphabet which comes first in the English alphabetical order will get the preference.
- 6.15 Qualifying in the Written Test and Physical Endurance Test for the post without fulfillment of eligibility conditions will not confer any claim to the candidate for final selection to the post.
- 6.16 Candidates should comply with additional instructions of FCI, if any.
- 6.17 Candidates, who fulfill all the eligibility criteria, will be issued Offer of Appointment as per merit list and as per vacancies.
- 6.18 Before registering/submitting applications on the website, the candidates should follow the instructions given in advertisement/website and possess the following:
- a) Valid e-mail ID and Mobile No.: The e-mail ID and mobile number entered in the Online Application Form should remain valid/active until the recruitment process is completed. No change in the e-mail ID and Mobile No. will be allowed once submitted. The candidate himself/herself will be responsible for wrong or expired e-mail ID and mobile Number.
- b) PHOTOGRAPH: One recent coloured passport size photograph preferably with a white background, not more than three months old is to be SCANNED AND UPLOADED in the space earmarked in the Online Application Form. The size of the file for photograph should be between 3kb-40kb.
- c) SIGNATURE: Signature (in Black ink) against a white background is to be SCANNED and UPLOADED in the space earmarked in the Online Application Form and as per the guidelines given on website. Candidates must ensure that the signatures are identical throughout the Recruitment process at all stages and/or places. If any variation is found between the signatures, the candidature is liable to be cancelled. The candidate is advised to confirm that his uploaded signature is clearly visible/ identifiable at the appropriate place. The size of file should be between 3kb-40kb.
- d) CERTIFICATE FOR EXEMPTION OF APPLICATION FEE: SC/ST/PwD/Ex-servicemen or Serving Defence Personnel/Women Candidates who are seeking fee Exemption must upload the relevant document/certificate as stated above as a proof for Exemption from application Fee. The size of scanned file should be between 20kb-150kb.
- 6.19 No original Certificates / Documents are required to be sent in connection with the Application unless directed to do so. Candidates may also note that Self-attested Photostat copies of requisite Certificates/Documents shall be required to be sent/uploaded to the designated address/website in case of their short listing on the basis of the written Examination / Physical Endurance Test which shall be informed/notified through the designated website http://www.fcijobportalgujarat.com/ . Original certificates will, however, be scrutinized/verified at the time of Document verification stage.
- 6.20 No printed/ hard copy of the filled Application Form is required to be sent.
- 6.21 The issue of Admit Card for the Written Test or short listing for Document verification/Physical Endurance Test does not confer any right of acceptance of candidature and should not be construed as an acknowledgement of fulfilling the eligibility criteria for the post. It does not give the indefeasible right to an individual for employment with FCI.
- 6.22 In the case of any clarification on the recruitment process, please e-mail at support@fcijobportalgujarat.com or call on helpline number: +91 8975611331 from 10:00 AM 06:00 PM on working days. No other form of communication shall be entertained. However, the pendency of any such query will not affect in the extension of scheduled dates of the recruitment process.
- 6.23 The decision of the Corporation in all matters relating to the conduct of examination and preparation of merit list will be final and binding on the candidates and no inquiry/correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
Candidates except as specified above, applying for the post are required to submit
APPLICATION FEE of Rs. 250/- (Rupees Two hundred and fifty only) through any one of the following modes of payment:
- Credit Card, Debit Card, Internet Banking, IMPS and UPI (BHIM). The additional bank charges for all such transactions is to be borne by the candidates in addition to the Application Fee of Rs. 250/-). The last date for making the Payment of Application Fee through this mode is 29.01.2018.
- 1. Candidate may access the online application portal by clicking on the link mentioned in the website: (www.fcijobportalgujarat.com )
- 2. Candidate may view various section viz. Advertisement, press release, sample documents (Caste certificate format/PH certificate Format/Ex-service-men certificate format/declaration etc.), helpline number, contact details, along with link to proceed for registration and further processing of the form.
- 3. First time user shall click on the new registration link and fill the details correctly as mentioned. After completing the registration part candidate will receive the user ID and password, through SMS on the registered mobile number/through E-mail on the registered mail address. Candidates are requested to note down the User ID and password also. Candidates are advised to take a print of the Registered Application Form for their records and future reference.
- 4. After registration part the candidate may continue the form filling process or may log out from the registration part.
- 5. The candidates already registered shall click on existing user link and fill the correct user ID and Password for continuing the form filling process. In case of incorrect User ID/Password click on the forgot password link.
- 6. The candidates are requested to fill the correct details asked regarding name/age/sex/caste/address/educational qualification and other relevant fields mentioned in the application portal. Candidates are advised to upload the relevant documents/photographs in the desired format only.
- 7. Once the details are correctly filled the candidate may proceed for the fee payment.
- 8. Once a candidate clicks on SUBMIT button, a page will open having some important instructions for payment, a Payment Reference Number and a Link to make payment of Application Fee.
- 9. Candidates may please note that unless they make the payment of Application Fee, their application will be treated as INCOMPLETE. Candidates who want to pay at later stage can use this Payment Reference Number for re-login and making the pay ment in order to complete his Registration.
- 10. Once a candidate clicks on button of making the payment, the Site will redirect them to the Payment gateway Site. There are various options available for payment on Payment gateway site viz. Credit Card, Debit Card, Internet Banking, IMPS and UPI (BHIM).
- 11. After making the successful Payment they will immediately be redirected to http://www.fcijobportalgujarat.com for generation of Registered Application Form. Candidates are advised to take a print of the Registered Application Form for their records and future reference.
- 12. Thus, the process for Registration of candidates who have to pay Application Fee gets completed. The Registration number and password will be used for downloading the Admit Card, prior to the date of examination which shall also be notified in the designated website i.e. www.fcijobportalgujarat.com .
- 13. Mode of payment: - ONLY ONLINE MODE.
NOTE VIII: SC/ST/PWD and female Candidates/Ex-serviceman (except as Note I) are exempted from the Application Fee. Hence, they may directly click on the submit button. If desired, candidate may edit the details before final submission.
Once form is submitted there shall be no provision for making changes in the application form.
Fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Candidates are therefore requested to verify their eligibility before applying and payment of the application fees.
Cheques, Money Orders, Postal Orders, Pay Orders, Bankers Cheques, Postal Stamps, Demand Drafts etc. will NOT be accepted, towards application fee.
1. |
Submission of Online Application Form will commence from |
30.12.2017 from 10:00 Hrs (IST) |
2. |
Application Fee To Be Paid: |
Rs. 250/- |
3. |
Last date for making the Payment of Application Fee through Credit Card, Debit Card, Internet Banking, IMPS and UPI (BHIM) |
29.01.2018 till 17:00 Hrs (IST) |
4. |
Last Date for Online Application |
29.01.2018 till 17:00 Hrs (IST) |
5. |
Availability of Admit Cards on website |
07 days prior to announced date of examination |
6. |
Date of Written Test |
11.02.2018 [TENTATIVE] |
Note IX: Corrigendum or Addendum to this advertisement, if any, shall be published ONLY on the websitewww.fcijobportalgujarat.com . Candidates, in their own interest are advised to keep in touch with the website www.fcijobportalgujarat.com for regular updates.
The Online registration will remain active from 30.12.2017 10:00 Hrs (IST) to 29.01.2018 17:00 Hrs (IST) only. In order to avoid last minute rush, the candidates are advised to apply early enough. FCI will not be responsible for network problems or any other problem in submission of online Application.
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Applications | 30-Dec-2017 | 29-Jan-2018 |
Admit Cards | 03-Feb-2018 | |
Examinations (Mains) | 11-Feb-2018 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Food Corporation Of India
- Organization City, State : ahmedabad, gujarat
- Organization Website : www.fcijobportalgujarat.com
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results