No. F.No. 229-12(LG)/2017 Tech.



KOLKATA 700 053

Applications are invited for the purely temporary posts of 01 RA-III, 06 RA-I, 08 JRFs, 06 JRAs and 12 Field Assistants, initially for one year but extendable maximum upto three years based on performance and requirement in ZSI, under the project entitled Conservation of Threatened Vertebrate Fauna in Indian Himalayan Region through Long-term Monitoring and capacity Building funded by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India through National Mission of Himalayan Studies.
Project Objectives:
- Study on vertebrate fauna in the Indian Himalayan Region and developing spatial database;
- To study the population viability of selected threatened species in Indian Himalayan Region for developing long-term conservation strategies;
- To set long-term monitoring protocol for threatened vertebrate faunal groups in different parts of Indian Himalayan Region and to develop adaptive management strategies for long-term conservation of those species through community engagement;
- To enhance capacities of different stakeholders (including Forest & Wildlife department staff, local Institutions/ colleges, local NGOs and local communities) for monitoring and conserving threatened vertebrate fauna in the Indian Himalayan Region through capacity building programs and use of modern science, technological tools and approaches;
- Investigating whether ethno-zoological knowledge and practices can be a conservation measure for threatened vertebrate fauna in IHR.
Job requirements:
1. Molecular Study and DNA Barcoding- Sequencing and DNA barcoding Himalayan fauna
2. Capacity Building and Awareness- Different activities with local communities to create awareness on conservation of threatened species in Himalayas, Multi-stakeholders National Level Workshops, Multi-Stakeholders State Level Workshops (in 5 States) with State Forest Departments, Community engagement through local workshops, street plays etc. for local people to educate them on importance of threatened species and how to monitor and report them, need assessment survey in each study sites for knowledge gap analysis,
3.Organizing capacity building workshop (Level A, for forest staff, participants from Institutions/colleges, local NGOs in each study sites every year refresher training from 2nd year onwards,
4. Preparation of Training materials for level A participants, Organizing capacity building workshop (Level B>, for enforcement agencies and other government line departments-1 batch in each study
sites every year, refresher training from 2nd year onwards, Training materials for Level B participants (n=180), Pre and Post training evaluation in all study sites.
Place of Work: The selected candidates (RAs, JRFs, JRAs, FAs) will have to travel extensively in the Lahaul & Spiti District, Himachal Pradesh, Trans Himalayas, Uttarkashi District, Uttarakhand, Western Himalayas, East Sikkim District, Sikkim, Central Himalayas, Darjeeling District, West Bengal, Central Himalayas, North Kameng District, Arunachal Pradesh, Eastern Himalayas, East Siang District, Arunachal Pradesh, Eastern Himalayas, and may be posted for a longer duration, based on requirements or any other places as per the project requirements including HQ at Kolkata.
Research Associate (RA-III) @ Rs.40,000/- + HRA @ 24% per month
Research Associate RA-I @ Rs.36,000/- + HRA @ 24% per month
Junior Research Fellow (JR) @ Rs.16,000/- + HRA @ 24 % or Minimum @ Rs.5,400/- for first two years and Rs.18,000/- + HRA @ 24% or Minimum @ Rs.5,400/- for 3rd year,
Junior Research Assistant (JRA) @ Rs.16,000/- + HRA @ 8% or Minimum @ Rs.1,800/- for first two years and Rs.18,000/- + HRA @ 8% or Minimum @ Rs.1,800/- for 3rd year
Field Assistants @ Rs.12,000/- per month (consolidated)
Essential Qualification Desirable Experience for the posts:
1. Research Associate (RA-III) 1 (One) post
Qualification: M. Sc. & Ph.D in Zoology/Life Sciences/Wildlife/Environmental Sciences/Biodiversity & Conservation/Geo-Informatics or equivalent with at least two years of research experience/teaching experience after obtaining the PhD degree.
Desirable Experience: Prior work experience in the Indian Himalayan Region/ Knowledge / experience / interest in taxonomy/ecology/DNA Barcoding/Molecular phylogeny/climate change with at least one publication in SCI journal. Proven experience in Data analysis, GIS, Bioinformatics, Science writing and communication, organising workshops, seminar, symposium, training programme etc.
Age Limit: The upper age limit is 40 years as on 15th February 2018. Age relaxation as per Govt. of India rules.
2. Research Associate (RA-I) 06 (Six) posts
Qualification: M. Sc. & Ph.D in Zoology/Life Sciences/Wildlife/Environmental Sciences/Biodiversity & Conservation/Geo-Informatics or equivalent. Candidate with Ph.D. thesis submitted may also apply. However, if found suitable, they will be offered SRF and upon awarding the degree of PhD will be offered the post of RA-I.
Desirable Experience: Prior work experience in the Indian Himalayan Region/ Knowledge / experience / interest in taxonomy/ecology/DNA Barcoding/Molecular phylogeny/climate change with at least one publication in SCI journal. Proven experience in Data analysis, GIS, Bioinformatics,
Science writing and communication, organising workshops, seminar, symposium, training programme etc.
Age Limit: The upper age limit is 40 years as on 15th February 2018. Age relaxation as per Govt. of India rules.
3. Junior Research Fellows (JRF)08 (Eight) posts / Junior Project Assistants (JRA) 06 (Six) posts
Qualification: M. Sc. in Zoology/ Life Sciences/ any branch of biological Sciences with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks from a recognized University.
Desirable Experience: Experience /knowledge/interest on field data collection for DNA Barcoding/ Bioinformatics/Taxonomy/Molecular Phylogeny/ Ecology/GIS/ Climate change.
Age Limit: The upper age limit is 28 years as on 15th February 2018. Age relaxation as per Govt. of India rules.
In case of exceptional candidates, these may be relaxed. UGC/ CSIR NET JRF/ GATE qualified candidates would be awarded fellowship in line with DST norms, while otherwise competent/ suitable candidates would be provided fellowship as mentioned above which are likely to be amended as per ZSI norms.
4. Field Assistants 12 (Twelve) posts
Qualification: B.Sc. with Zoology as one of the subjects from a recognized university.
Desirable Experience: Field experience and knowledge of computer will be an added advantage. Candidates from Himalayan region will be given preference.
Age Limit: The upper age limit is 40 years as on 15th February 2018. Age relaxation as per Govt. of India rules.
General Instructions:
1. A viva voice interview will be held for selection of candidates at ZSI HQ, Kolkata/ ZSI, Northern Regional Centre, Dehradun/Guwahati.
2. Candidate will be shortlisted on the basis of their qualification and experience. Mere possession of qualification and experience may not entertain a candidate called for interview or selection. Although, there is indication for number of vacancy, the Director, ZSI reserve the rights for selection of any number of candidates.
3. Short listed candidates will be informed through email and speed post for appearing before an interview committee. ZSI will not provide any TA/DA/accommodation for candidates appearing for the interview.
4. At the time of the verification of original documents (even after selection), if it is found that an attempt has been made by the applicant to wilfully conceal, misrepresent or canvass the facts, such applicant will not be considered for selection and due action will be implemented.
5. Candidate selected will be liable to posted anywhere, and will have to join immediately after their selection within one week.
6. The application form can be downloaded from the Zoological Survey of India website http://zsi.gov.in.
7. Candidates should submit the duly filled-in applications with attested true copies of testimonials of educational qualifications, research experience, proof for date of birth etc., along with copies of mark sheets of all examinations and No Objection Certificate from present employer (if employed) to The Director, Zoological Survey of India, M-Block, New Alipore, Kolkata by Speed Post/Registered Post super scribed on the top of the envelope Application for the post of RA-III/RA-I/JRF/JRA/FA for the Project Conservation of Threatened Vertebrate Fauna in Indian Himalayan Region through Long-term Monitoring and capacity Building on or before 15th of February 2018. Application received, after the last date will be rejected and no representation thereto will be considered for the same.
9. The Director, Zoological Survey of India reserves the right of selection or rejection of a candidature including cancellation of the advertisement without assigning any reason.
Zoological Survey of India
Government of India
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
Conservation of Threatened Vertebrate Fauna in Indian Himalayan Region through Long-term Monitoring and capacity Building
1. Advertisement number :
2. Name in full (in block letters) :
3. Sex and Date of Birth :
4. Nationality :
5. Fathers /Husband name :
6. Address for correspondence including
phone fax & email :
7. Permanent Address :
8. Whether SC/ST/OBC (attach certificate) :
9. Educational / Professional Qualifications from Matriculation onwards
Sl.No. |
Examination passed |
Year |
School/College/ University |
Subjects |
Marks obtained |
10. Details of Previous Employment, if any
Sl. No. |
Name of the Post |
Name of the Institution/ Organisation |
Duration |
Title of Work |
From |
To |
11. Present pay scale, position held, basic pay and total emoluments drawn:
12. Title of Dissertation/ Thesis including a One Page Summary:
13. List of Publications:
14. Enclose copies of three best scientific Publications:
15. Name and complete addresses of three Referees:
16. Any other information:
I hereby declare that all the information furnished above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I shall abide by the terms and conditions specified in the project.
Applicants signature with date
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Applications | 15-Feb-2018 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Zoological Survey of India
- Organization City, State : , west bengal
- Organization Website : http://zsi.gov.in
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results