Date of Advertisement: 31.01.2018
AGRICULTURAL AND PROCESSED FOOD PRODUCTS EXPORT DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY(Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. of India)3rd Floor, NCUI Building, 3 Siri Institutional Area,August Kranti Marg, (Opp. Asiad Village), New Delhi-110 016
APEDA, an Autonomous Body under Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. ofIndia is the apex organization engaged in the work related to the development of export trade ofagricultural products and processed food from India.
Applications are invited from dynamic, effective and experienced eligible officials working inCentral Government Ministries / Departments, Autonomous Bodies, Public Sectors Undertakings,State Government Departments and State Government Public Sectors Undertakings on DeputationBasis for one post of Manager Accounts in Pay Level 7(Pre Revised Pay Scale of Rs. 9300-34800,with Grade Pay of Rs.4600) on deputation basis.
Name ofthe post | Agelimit | Pay Level | No. of postsandreservatiposition on | Essential qualification and Experience |
ManagerAccounts | Notabovethof e age40 years | 7Pay Level | One (General) |
i) (a) Persons holding analogous postsOr![]() |
Last Date for submission of Application: 26.02.2018 17:30 Hrs. General Conditions:
- A candidate shall submit only one application. Submission of more than one applicationmay lead to rejection.
- Mere submission of the application does not confirm any right on the applicant to be calledfor interview/test.
- Application should be submitted strictly in the prescribed format only and all columnsshould be typed in block / capital letters.
- Application should be sent in a cover superscribed as APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF MANAGER ACCOUNTS by registered post /speed post/in person addressed to theGeneral Manager (P&A) at the address given above so as to reach on or before due date.
- The Competent Authority reserves the right to cancel any application/candidature at itsdiscretion and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained from the applicant.
- The initial period of deputation shall be three (03) years, which can be extended foranother two years, with the approval of Competent Authority.
- Eligible Candidate(s) who are willing may submit their application in Prescribed Proformaat Annexure A through Proper Channel. However, they may send an advance copy oftheir application so as to reach this office before the due date.
- The Applications should be forwarded to General Manager (P&A), AGRICULTURAL ANDPROCESSED FOOD PRODUCTS EXPORT DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (APEDA), 3rd Floor,NCUI Building, 3 Siri Institutional Area, August Kranti Marg, (Opp. Asiad Village), NewDelhi-110 016 latest by 26.02.2018 -17:30 Hrs along with following documents:
No Objection Certificate of parent department for the appointment of the applicant tothe post applied for.
Vigilance Clearance, Integrity Certificate and details of penalties imposed, if anyduring the last 10 years on the officer. This should be duly signed by Authorised Officer
- i.e. Head of Officer / HoD.
- (iii) ACRs/ APARs dossier/ Attested copies of the ACRs/ APARs of the applicant for thelast five years.
Vigilance Clearance, Integrity Certificate and details of penalties imposed, if anyduring the last 10 years on the officer. This should be duly signed by Authorised Officer
- Incomplete / unsigned applications received and those received after the last date forreceipt of application will summarily be rejected without any communication to thecandidate.
- TA DA for appearing in the skill test/interview shall be given to candidates belonging toSC
ST category as per Govt. rules.
- Wrong declaration / submission of false information or any other action contrary to lawshall lead to cancellation of the candidature at any stage.
General Manager (P&A)

Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 31-Jan-2018 | |
Applications | 26-Feb-2018 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Agricultural And Processed Food Products Export Development Authority
- Organization City, State : , central government
- Organization Website :
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results