BaaaartaIya iviva&aana iSiSaxaa EvvaM AnausaMaMDaana saMssTaana pauNNao
ADVT. NO.: 68/20017 (WWalk-in Inteerview on TTuesday, NNovember 14, 2017)
[Position under Funded PProject purrely on Temmporary a nd Contracctual Basiss]
Indian Institute of Science EEducation aand Research Pune is a premier autonommous Institutioon establishhed by the MMinistry of Human Resource Devvelopment, Governmeent of India, for promotionn of high quuality sciencce educatioon and reseearch in thee country.
Indian NNationals fuulfilling folloowing adveertised criteeria may atttend Walk--in Intervieww on Tuesdayy, Novembeer 14, 20177 at 9.30 AMM at Semin ar Room NNo. 32, Secoond Floor, Main building, IISER Punne, Dr. Hommi Bhabha RRoad, Punee - 411 0088:
Name o | of the Post | PProject Ass | sistant / Pr | roject Fello | ow | |||||
Numberr of posts | 001 (One) | |||||||||
Minimum Qualifica m Education ation nal | M w M.Sc. in G with Physic Geology / G s / Mathem Geoinforma matics at B. atics or rel Sc. level lated discipplines | |||||||||
Name off the Projecct | g Numerical glaciers in I modeling ndian Hima and field alaya unde studies of er INSPIRE debris cov E Faculty aw vered ward | |||||||||
Fundingg Agency | DDepartmentt of Sciencee & Technoology (DST)) | |||||||||
Project CCode | 331815222 | |||||||||
Preferennce | S F G l Solid backg Familiarity w GRASS. B anguages l ground in r with open Basic know like C etc. P remote sen source GIS wledge of Prior expos nsing and G S softwares f compute sure to glac GIS techno s like QGIS er program cier basics. ology. S and mming | |||||||||
Job Reqquirement | A p Analyzing r performing remote-sen numerical s sing data o simulations on Himalay s of glacier yan glaciers dynamics. s and | |||||||||
Tenure oof the appoointment | UUp to Januaary 31, 2018 | |||||||||
Consolid emolum dated fixed ents per month | S 2 G Starting fro 25,000/- + GATE or eq om Rs. 16,0 30% HRA quivalent sc 000 + 30% A per mont corecard. % HRA per th with val r month OR lid CSIR N R Rs. NET / | |||||||||
Age | NNot More thhan 28 yearrs as on cloosing date oof advertiseement | |||||||||
Date of & Repo Walk-In In rting Time nterview | TTuesday, NNovember 14, 2017 at 09.30 AMM |
At the time of interview, applicants need to bring duly filled prescribed application form (available below advertisement link), self attested photocopies of certificates in support of educational qualification, experience, date of birth and support of information submitted in the application form and one recent passport size photograph.
The applicant must also bring all the original certificates at the time of interview for the purpose of verification
General Information / details about the post
- Appointment is purely temporary and will be liable for termination without any notice or compensation.
- The appointed person shall have no claim of appointment / absorption in IISER Pune.
- The qualification prescribed should have been obtained from recognized Universities / Institutions.
- The prescribed educational qualifications are the bare minimum and mere possession of same does not entitle candidates to be considered in each stage of the selection process. Where number of candidates appearing for walk-in interview is large, it will not be convenient or possible to interview all eligible candidates. Based on the recommendations of the Screening Committee, the Project Leader may restrict the number of candidates to be considered for the interview to a reasonable limit after taking into consideration qualifications and experience over and above the minimum prescribed in the advertisement. Therefore, it will be in the interest of the candidates, to mention all the qualifications and experience in the application
- No TA/DA will be admissible for appearing for the interview.
- Please note that written examination may be conducted for short listing of candidate(s) for Interview if large number of applicants attends the Interview.
- Selected candidate will have to join duty immediately on receipt of the offer.
- Reservation as per Government of India norms will be followed.
- No interim enquiries / correspondence / communication of any sort will be entertained on the matter.
10.Canvassing in any form and / or bringing any influence, political, or otherwise, will be treated as a disqualification for the post applied for.
Advt. No. 68/2017/IISER-P/Rect/Proj/30.10.2017 Registrar
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 30-Oct-2017 | |
Interviews | 14-Nov-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Indian Institute Of Science Education And Research
- Organization City, State : pune, maharashtra
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