BaaaartaIya iviva&aana iSiSaxaa EvvaM AnausaMaMDaana saMssTaana pauNNao
ADVT. NO.: 09/20018 (APPLY ON OR BEEFORE MAARCH 18, 22018)
[Posittions under Funded PProjects puurely on Teemporary aand Contraactual Bassis]
Indian Institute of Science EEducation aand Research Pune is a premier autonommous Institutioon establishhed by the MMinistry of Human Resource Devvelopment, Governmeent of India, for promotionn of high quuality sciencce educatioon and reseearch in thee country.
Institute invites appplications frrom Indian nationals hhaving exceellent acadeemic recordd and relevantt work expeerience for tthe following positionss purely on temporary and contractual basis unnder the funnded projeccts:
Post -1 | Scientist C |
Numbeer of Posts | 1 (One) |
Name oof the projeect | Centre of Excellencee in Epigen etics (Ph ase-II) |
Funding Agency | Departmennt of Biotecchnology (DDBT), New Delhi |
Projectt code | 30816265 |
Minimu and Ex um Qualifica xperience ations | Ph.D in L institute w (above 60 evidenced scientific in Minimum human / mouse / ra Life Scienc with a cons 0%) and d from thes nstitution a 3 years o mouse em at brain as m ces from a sistent first relevant r sis work c nd/or public of Post-Do mbryonic st model syste a recognize t class aca research e carried out cations. octoral exp tem (ES) c ems. ed universi ademic rec experience in a repu perience us cells and / ity / cord as uted sing / or |
Desirabble | Hands on biology a transgenic The candi author art fields. experience nd associa c and knoc date should ticles in p e with neur ated techn ckout anim d have pub peer-review robiology / niques. Ex mals would blished at le wed journa molecular xperience w be prefer east three ls in relev cell with red. first vant |
Job Reequirementss | The incum of the Cen mice and in the vario The incum projects al mbent is exp ntre, especi also work ous scientif mbent is als long with th pected to o ially involvin along with fic research so expected he theme of oversee res ng ES cells the team o h projects a d to develo f the Centre search proje s and knock of research at the Instit op independ e. ects kout hers tute. dent |
Tenuree of appointment | Initially for period su incumbent r a period ubject to t and contin of one yea satisfactor nuation of th ar, extenda ry perform he project. able for furt mance of ther the |
Consolidated emooluments | Rs. 74,8000/- per monnth |
Age | Not more than 35 years as on closing date of advertisement |
Last date of application | March 18, 2018 |
Post 2 | Post-Doctoral Fellow (RA-III) | ||||
No. of posts | 1 (One) | ||||
Name of the project | DBT Programme Support for Fetal Programming Research | ||||
Funding Agency | Department of Biotechnology (DBT), New Delhi | ||||
Project code | 30814158 | ||||
Minimum Qualifications and Experience | Ph.D in Life Sciences from a recognized university / institute with a consistent first class academic record (above 60%) and relevant research experience as evidenced from thesis work carried out in a reputed scientific institution and/or publications. Ph.D Degree should be awarded no earlier than July 2014. Candidate should have minimum 3 years of Post-Doctoral experience. | ||||
Preference | Hands on experience in using animal models, advanced molecular biology techniques including quantitative RT-PCR, ChIP and NGS library preparation. Practical experience in immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy will be a useful qualification. Candidate should have published at least two first author articles in peer-reviewed journals in relevant fields. | ||||
Consolidated emoluments | Rs. 40,000/- + 30% HRA per month | ||||
Tenure of appointment | Initially for a period of one year which may be extended subject to satisfactory performance of the incumbent and continuation of the project. | ||||
Age | Not more than 34 years as on closing date of advertisement | ||||
Last date of application | March 18, 2018 |
Interested candidates should send the application by email in the prescribed format available below this advertisement (convert into PDF Format) addressed to bio_app@iiserpune.ac.in on or before March 18, 2018. Please mention name of the Post and Project Code in the subject line.
The list of the shortlisted candidates for selection process with details of date, time and venue will be put up on the Institute website below this advertisement and candidates will be informed by e-mail only.
The print out of the application form sent by email signed and dated by the applicant along with recent passport size photograph and photocopies of relevant certificates and other testimonials in support of age, qualification, experience etc. will be collected at the time of selection process. Applicant must bring all the original certificates at the time of selection process for the purpose of verification, along with one set of photocopies.
General Information / details about the posts
- The appointment is purely temporary and will terminate automatically without any notice or compensation on termination of the project.
- The appointed person shall have no claim of appointment / absorption in Funding Agency or in IISER Pune.
- The appointment of the applicant will be governed by the terms and conditions of the funding agency particularly applicable to the said project.
- The qualification prescribed should have been obtained from recognized Universities / Institutions.
- Relaxation in age, educational qualification and or experience may be considered in case of exceptionally meritorious applicants, with prior approval of the competent authority.
- The prescribed educational qualifications are the bare minimum and mere possession of same does not entitle candidates to be called for interview. Where number of applications received in response to this advertisement is large, it may not be convenient or possible to interview all the candidates. Based on the recommendations of the Screening Committee, the Project Investigator may restrict the number of candidates to be called for the interview to a reasonable limit after taking into consideration qualifications and experience over and above the minimum prescribed in the advertisement. Therefore, it will be in the interest of the candidates, to mention all the qualifications and experience in the relevant field at the time of applying.
- No TA/DA will be admissible for appearing for the interview.
- Selected candidates will have to join duty immediately on receipt of the offer.
- Reservation as per Govt. of India norms will be followed.
10.No interim enquiries / correspondence / communication of any sort will be entertained on the matter.
11.Canvassing in any form and / or bringing any influence, political, or otherwise, will be treated as a disqualification for the post applied for.
Advt. No. 09/2018/IISER-P/Rect/Proj/01.03.2018 Registrar
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 01-Mar-2018 | |
Applications | 18-Mar-2018 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Indian Institute Of Science Education And Research
- Organization City, State : pune, maharashtra
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