Recruitment Rally from 16 to 21 Jan 2018 at Bagalkot, Karnataka

1. A recruitment rally for enrolment into Army will be organized by Army Recruiting Office, Mangalore with effect from 16 to 21 Jan 2018 at District Stadium Bagalkot, Karanataka for male unmarried candidates of Bagalkot, Bijapur, Dharwad, Uttar Kannada, Dakshina Kannada, Udupi, Davanagere, Gadag, Haveri, Chikmagalur and Shivamogga Distt for Soldier General Duty, Soldier (Clerk/Stores Keeper), Soldier Tradesman, Soldier Technical.
2. Procedure. All candidates will register for Recruitment Rally Online at . Online application will remain open from 20 Nov 2017 to 31 Dec 2017. Only candidates who have registered Online will be allowed to participate in the Rally. All candidates will report at Rally site on the date and time as mentioned on the Admit Card. Admit card can be downloaded after 06 Jan 2018.
3. Venue. Venue of the rally is District Stadium, Bagalkot (Karnataka).
4. Online Registration. Instructions for filling online application are attached.
Ser No |
Category |
Minimum Education Qualification |
(a) |
Sol GD (Age as on 01 Oct 2018 17 to 21 Years) |
(i) Should have secured minimum 33% marks in each subject and 45% in aggregate in class X. In case of higher education, stipulation of percentage for aggregate is only waived off. or (ii) For State Education Board including CBSE (Grading System CBSE) Min of D grade (33-40) in each subject and overall aggregate of C-2 grade or 4.75 pts. or (iii) For Karnataka Board (SSLC/HSC) Min C grade in each subject. |
(b) |
Sol Clk/SKT (Age as on 01 Oct 2018 17 to 23 Years) |
(i) Should have secured 60% in aggregate and 50% in each subject in Cl XII. Should have studied English and Maths/Accts/Book Keeping in SSLC or Cl XII and secure min 50% in each of these subjects, in Class X or Class XII. (ii) If a candidate is graduate with Math and English as his subjects in graduation, he should have secured 50% in graduation in Math /English. A graduate not having English and Maths/Accts/Book Keeping, should have scored min 50% in English & Maths/Accts/Book Keeping in Class SSLC or Class XII. |
(c) |
Sol Technical (Age as on 01 Oct 2018 17 to 23 Years) |
(i) 10+2/Intermediate exam pass in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Maths and English with 50% marks in aggregate and 40% marks in each subject. In case for grading system C2 grading in each subject and aggregate pts 5. |
(d) |
Soldier Tradesmen (Age as on 01 Oct 2018 17 to 23 Years) |
(i) 10th/SSLC Simple pass (ii) 8th Pass for House Keeper and Mess Keeper. |
5. Physical Fitness Test. Candidates are advised to prepare themselves for under mentioned Physical tests :-
(a) 1.6 km Run. System of awarding marks in this test are as under :- |
(b) Pull Ups Chin Touch on Beam (Under Grip). Marks will be awarded as under:- |
Ser No |
Time |
Marks |
Group |
Ser No |
No of Pull Ups |
Marks |
(c) 9 Ditch. Mandatory for candidates to qualify, no marks will be awarded. |
All categories (Sol GD, Sol Clk/SKT, Sol Tech and Sol Tdn) |
(i) |
06 |
16 |
(d) Zig- Zag Balance. Mandatory for candidates to qualify, no marks will be awarded. |
(i) |
Up to 5 Mins 30 Secs |
60 |
Gp-I |
(ii) |
07 |
21 |
(ii) |
From 5 Mins 31 Secs to 5 Mins 45 Secs |
48 |
Gp-II |
(iii) |
08 |
27 |
(iv) |
09 |
33 |
(v) |
10 |
40 |
6. (a) Physical Measurement Test for Different Trades is as under :-
Ser No |
Category |
Ht in cms |
Wt in kgs |
Chest in cms |
(i) |
Sol General Duty. |
166 |
50 |
77/82 |
(ii) |
Soldier Clerk/Store Keeper |
162 |
50 |
77/82 |
(iii) |
Soldier Technical |
165 |
50 |
77/82 |
(iv) |
Sol Tradesmen |
166 |
50 |
77/82 |
7. Documents Required
(a) Two photocopies of SSLC /PUC/10+2/Intermediate/Diploma /Graduation certificate (Original Marks Sheets not required to be carried at Rally Loc).
(b) Affadavit on Rs 10/- Non Judicial Stamp paper in English from all candidates as per proforma attached.
(c) Fifteen copies of latest passport size colour photographs. (Polaroid camera photos and Computer photos will not be accepted)
(d) Nativity/Permanent Residence certificate and Caste Certificate from Tehsildar/Deputy Commissioner in original in English. Full name and designation of the officer issuing certificate must be recorded legibly. Certificates in Kannada will not be accepted.
(e) Pre Police verification (name of police station will be clearly reflected for verification of candidates)
(f) Discharge Book and Relationship certificate in original from respective records offices mentioning date of birth and Part II order No in case of Sons of ex-servicemen, serving personnel and war widows etc. Signing authority should mention his Personal No, Rank and Name in signature block.
(g) NCC A, B & C cert in ORIGINAL in case of NCC candidates.
(h) Photocopy of PAN Card and Aadhar Card.
(j) District & State level Sports certificates issued from Govt Federations/ SAI should be within 2 years from date of screening and obtained 1st or 2nd position.
(k) Certificate of Business professional programmer issued by DOEACE Society if applicable.
(i) All signatures in respective documents will have full name, designation of officer signing with date and official round stamp in English/Hindi.
(k) Army enrolment being a Central Govt organization, all documents are required in Hindi or English language only.
8. Medical Acceptability for Recruitment of Candidates with Tattoos. Permanent body tattoos are only permitted on inner face of forearms i.e. from inside of elbow to wrist and on reverse side of palm/back (dorsal) side of hand. Permanent body tattoos on any other part of body is not acceptable. Tribes with tattoo marks on face of body as per their existing custom and traditions will be permitted on case to case basis.
9. Written Exam. Common Entrance Exam (CEE) will be held at ARO Mangalore as per date and time specified on Admit Card issued after successful completion of medical tests.
10. Producing Fake Documents & giving False Information. Producing fake documents and giving false information will be liable for termination of service despite any number of years of service rendered by individual.
11. For further details contact No 0824-2458376 between 0800 hours to 1600 hours daily.
(1) Candidate to open and Click on Apply / Login link in JCO/OR enrolment. (2) Registration page will open. If registered earlier, enter username and password to login else click on REGISTRATION button for new registration. (3) An instruction page will open up. Read the instruction and click on CONTINUE button. (4) For registration a candidate to fill up Personal details, Education details, E-mail ID, valid Mob No, Suitable password and Save. (5) One Time Password (OTP) will be sent on e-mail ID and Mob No. Enter OTP and click on SUBMIT button. (6) Candidate will be directed to eligibility page. Candidate to check ARO linking with District and Tehsil, Height, Date of Birth i.e. Age, Marital Status and Special Category, if any for correctness. (7) Click on CHECK ELIGIBILITY button. (8) Check and validate eligible categories as per qualification and click on relevant APPLY button. (9) A webpage with detailed instructions will open up. Click on CONTINUE button. (10) JCO/OR Application form will open up having following menus :-
Instruction |
Personal Information |
Communication Details |
Details |
Education Details |
(11) Click on Personal information and fill up personal details. Uploading photograph and signature is optional. Click on SAVE & CONTINUE button. (12) Click on communication details and fill up permanent and correspondence address. Click on SAVE & CONTINUE button. (13) Click on DETAILS and fill up Category, Sports Level Achieved / Sports Achievements, NCC Qualification and Special Category, if any. (14) Click SAVE & CONTINUE button. (15) Click on EDUCATIONAL DETAILS and fill up the data. (16) Click on ADD button. On clicking ADD button, updated education details will appear in a table alongwith SAVE & SUBMIT button. (17) Click on SAVE & SUBMIT button. A page will open with Roll No of candidate. Candidate to note it down for future reference as it will be used for tracking application. (18) CANDIDATE WILL LOGIN WEBSITE AGAIN AFTER 01 Jan 2018 FOR ADMIT CARD. TAKE A PRINTOUT OF ADMIT CARD WITH DETAILS OF REPORTING DATE AND VENUE AND NOT WAIT FOR E-MAIL/SMS. (19) Candidate can also check profile from My Profile in dashboard menu. (20) In case of any query or issues faced while registering and applying online, please send all relevant details and snapshots, wherever applicable to ( ). (21) Paste latest photo on admit card. 22. Report to rally location on scheduled date and time.
Passport size photo 3.5 x 4.5 cm
1. I, Name _____________ son of _______________ while applying for enrolment in Army solemnly affirm & state the following in my
respect :- (a) I belong to the following Caste/ Religion :- Caste __________ Sub Caste _________ Religion _______
(b) My Residential Address are as under :- (i) Permanent Address (Address as per Nativity/ Permanent Resident Certificate).
Fathers Name ____________ House No __________ Village/Mohalla _______ Tehsil _______ Distt ____ State ________
(ii) Postal Address. Fathers Name ______ House No ________ Village/Mohalla _______ Tehsil ________Distt ______ State ____
(b) I am married / umarried. (c) I hereby certify that I am not involved in any civ/criminal case OR Following court cases /FIR are pending against me :- (i) _______________ (ii) _______________
(e) Consent Cert. I am below 18 years and my parents give their consent, for attending the Army Rectruitment Rally. (if applicable)
Signature of Father ____________________
2. I give an undertaking that all documents submitted by me are correct. All docu issued by govt org / offices have been signed by authorized designated and government officials. If any docu at any stage is found fake. I am aware that I will be dismissed from service and FIR will be lodged against me.
Signature of Notary Signature of candidate
(1) Candidates to be self contained for food and water on the day of documentation, the day of screening and the days of medical examination. No candidate will be allowed to go out of the rally ground during the documentation/screening/medical tests. (2) Candidates are advised to report to the rally site strictly as per programme given on the Admit Card to avoid overcrowding at rally site. (3) Candidates are advised to take care of their documents/belongings against theft during rally. (4) Mobiles, tabs and calculators are not permitted at the rally site. (5) Candidate are advised to view the film on Recruitment Procedure at a Rally Site on You Tube (Join Indian Army, be a winner of life) prior to reporting for rally. (6) All rights are reserved with this ARO regarding cancellation of candidature at any stage during entire selection process. (7) Eligibility criteria may change without notice. Candidates are advised to keep themselves updated with details viz. Eligibility Conditions, Venue, Date etc. (6) Candidates are to appear for physical test at their own risk. Army will not be responsible for any injury or death caused to candidate during recruitment rally. (8) Candidates are advised to get their ear wax cleaned prior to attending rally. (9) No TA/DA or their expenses are admissible. (10) Candidates who are found using dope/drug for enhancing physical performance during recruitment rally will be declared unfit. (11) Candidates are advised to keep the rally and accommodation areas clean during the rally.
(1) Indian Armys recruitment process is Fair, Objective and Transparent. (2) No person / agent / tout at any stage has, any role to influence in recruitment. (3) Beware of touts/agents and lodge complaint against them if they try to contact you. (4) Do not handover your original education certificates/other documents to touts or any other person. (5) Do not fall prey to any individual, institute or organization who claim that they can HELP you get recruited. Such claims are completely false. (6) Report to nearest police authorities if approached by anyone with promise/ assurance of selection into Army by paying an amount. (7) No person can help you in physical, written or medical examination. (8) Only your own hard work, fitness and performance in screening tests and CEE will help you to join Indian Army. (9) There are No fees charged at any stage for Recruitment. (10) Recruitment process fully automated. (11) Military service is a volunteer service.
Note : No list is prepared to attend Rally. Admit card is the only valid document to attend Rally.
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Applications | 20-Nov-2017 | 31-Dec-2017 |
Admit Cards | 07-Jan-2018 | |
Interviews | 16-Jan-2018 | 21-Jan-2018 |
Notification Issued By
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