National Mission on Himalayan Studies (NMHS)Call for Research Proposals for 2016-17
The Himalaya is young, gigantic and diverse mountain system which is the glory of India on several planes, spiritual and philosophical as well as materialistic, economic and ecological. The Indian Himalayan Region (IHR) is a complex and highly vulnerable region because of difficult terrains, severe weather conditions, large forest land, sparse population and dispersed habitations including far-flungsmall villages difficult to approach, agro-pastoral economy with tiny and scattered land holding more so on slopes with shallow and gravely soil, low productivity, small and under-developed markets, long international borders, poor connectivity and inadequate general infrastructure.
Government of India attaches the highest priority to protect the Himalayan ecosystem and has recently launched National Mission on Himalayan Studies (NMHS) as a Central Sector Grant-in aid Scheme which will provide much needed focus in addressing the key issues relating to conservation as well as enhancement and sustainable management of natural resources in the Himalayan region. TheMission aims to build natural and human capital through innovative studies and related knowledge interventions that do not overlap with other existing initiatives in the region. Details of the scheme (NMHS) are available at the websites of NMHS (www.nmhs.org.in), MoEF&CC (www.moef.nic.in) and
G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment and Sustainable Development (www.gbpihed.gov.in).
Research proposals are invited from scientists/academicians/organizations having prior research experience in Himalayan Studies. Multi-centric interdisciplinary research proposals will be encouraged. This new scheme is aimed to foster quality action-oriented and field based research on the issues related to Himalayan Environment and Development and providing science-based recommendations for policy and practice. Women-centric projects are welcome under the NMHS.
Broad Themes for studies, pilots and intervention: For the year 2016-17, prioritized Broad Thematic Groups (BTGs) for inviting projects under NMHS include (1) Environmental Assessment & Management, (2) Sustainable Infrastructure & Energy Security, and (3) Supplementary Livelihood Options. Details of identified thematic areas can be seen in the web sites of NMHS www.nmhs.org.in, MoEF&CC: www.moef.nic.in; and GBPNIHESD: www.gbpihed.gov.in
The selection of studies, pilots and interventions will be based on their potential to be actionable. Three categories are visualized. These are as follows:1) Small Grants (not more than Rs.50 lakhs each): Targeted action oriented research for solving location specific problems. 2) Medium Grants (not more than 500 lakhs each): Pilots for stand-alone projects, potentially upscalable project and those currently lacking in extension outreach. 3) Large Grants (over 500 lakhs each): Supports implementation of doable, achievable and feasible ideas at a scale and size that is commensurate with the budget of the scheme.
Who can apply: Indian scientists/academicians/organizations with research background in HimalayanStudies and having regular position are invited to participate in this new scheme. Practitioners actively involved in field-based activities related to Himalayan Environment and Development are also encouraged to apply in collaboration with academic and research institutions. Interested researchers are required to submit research proposals in their area of expertise along with Endorsement Certificate from the Head of the Institution and detailed bio-data of PI and Co-PI. The detailed guidelines and the project proposal format are available on the websites of NMHS www.nmhs.org.in, MoEF&CC: www.moef.nic.in; and GBPIHED: www.gbpihed.gov.in.
Project duration: The project duration will be for three (3) years, which may be extended for anothertwo (2) years depending upon the progress of work and project requirement.
Where to apply: Ten (10) copies of research proposal in prescribed format should be sent to NMHS-Nodal Officer (Er. Kireet Kumar, Scientist G and Nodal Officer, NMHS-PMU, GBPNIHESD),
G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment and Sustainable Development, Kosi-Katarmal, Almora (Uttarakhand) 263643 by speed post. The envelope may be super-scribed with Proposals under NMHS: 2016-17. A soft copy of the proposal should also be mailed to: nmhspmu2016@gmail.com with a copy to Shri A.K.Das, Deputy Secretary (CS-I), MoEF&CC, New Delhi (ak.das59@nic.in).
Last date of proposal submission is: 20th January 2017.
Administrative Officer
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Applications | 20-Jan-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : National Mission On Himalayan Studies
- Organization City, State : almora, uttarakhand
- Organization Website : www.nmhs.org.in
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