National Mission on Himalayan Studies (NMHS)
Call for Proposals for Himalayan Research Fellowships for 2016-17 The Himalaya has been recognized amongst the important and sensitive ecosystems of the globe, which is facing several challenges due to natural and anthropogenic causes. Considering its uniqueness, the research and development efforts in this mountain system require special attention to ensure sustainable development of the region. Promoting high quality research with adequate field data support is the need of the hour to find solutions for the prevailing environmental problems.The Indian Himalayan Region (IHR), due to its remoteness and inaccessibility, most often remains deprived of such young talents and a huge gap in quality research is created. Recognizing the above gap, the National Mission on Himalayan Studies (NMHS) through the Himalayan Research Fellowships scheme seeks to fill this gap and create a cadre of young trained Himalayan environmental managers, ecologists and socio-economists and help generate information on physical, biological, managerial and human aspects of Himalayan environment and development.The research may be undertaken in any of the identified Thematic Areas of the NMHS.
TheHimalayan Research Fellowships scheme is executed through various Universities/Institutions working in IHR for which the financial support will be provided under the NMHS. It is envisioned that the NMHS will be successful in attracting the best available talents from the country to work on the specific research problems of the IHR.
Who can apply: Proposals are invited from the Heads of therecognized Universities/Institutions working in Indian Himalayan Region (IHR)for starting NMHS Himalayan research fellowships at their Institution attwo levels i.e., Himalayan Research Associates (NM-HRAs) and Himalayan Junior Research fellowships (NM-HJRFs). The terms and conditions of the fellowships will be as per the norms of MoEF&CC/DST/UGC. In addition to the fellowship amount for each fellowship an amount of Rs. 1.5 lakh per annum will be admissible as contingency grant. Further,10% of total agreed grants for each Institute will be admissible to meet the expenses of managing the fellowships. It is proposed to award total 50 NM-HJRFs and 25 NM-HRAs in 2016-17.The details of salient feature of the scheme, identified thematic areas andMoEF&CCguidelines for fellowships are available on the websites of NMHS: www.nmhs.org.in; MoEF&CC: www.moef.nic.in; & GBPNIHESD:www.gbpihed.gov.in.
FellowshipNumbers and duration: The maximum number of fellowships to any organization will not exceed 5 JRFs and 2 RAs. The fellowships will be awarded for a maximum period of three (3) years.
Where and how to apply: Five (5) copies of proposal indicating (i) Name of University / Institution, ii) Mandate and area of operation, iii) NMHS thematic areas to be covered through research fellowships with detailed justification, iv) the number of fellowship requested and detailed financial requirementsand v) road map(including objectives, research questions to be addressed, approach to be followed, activities/work components, timelines and derivable) for implementation of each fellowship under the programshould be sent to NMHS-Nodal Officer (Er. Kireet Kumar, Scientist G and Nodal Officer, NMHS-PMU, GBPNIHESD), G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment and Sustainable Development, Kosi-Katarmal, Almora (Uttarakhand) 263643 by speed post. The envelope may be super-scribed with "Proposals for fellowships under NMHS:2016-17. A soft copy of the proposal should also be mailed to: nmhspmu2016@gmail.com with a copy to Shri A.K.Das, Deputy Secretary (CS-I), MoEF&CC, New Delhi (ak.das59@nic.in ).
Last date of Proposal Submission is 20thJanuary 2017.
Administrative Officer
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Applications | 20-Jan-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : National Mission On Himalayan Studies
- Organization City, State : almora, uttarakhand
- Organization Website : www.nmhs.org.in
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