(Ministry of Rural Development, Govt, of India) Rajendranagar, Hyderabad -500 030

NIRDPR is a premier Institute providing training, research and consultancy activities in rural development. NIRDPR needs qualified and experienced persons for the position of Project Assistant Manager (Accounts) -4 Nos. and Project Assistant (Accounts) -1 Nos. on short term contract basis. Consolidated remuneration Rs.25,000/-p.m for Project Assistant Manager and Rs.15,100/
p.m for Project Assistant.
AssistantRegistrar (E)
Detailed information for engagement of ProjectAssistants Manager (Accounts)
NIRDPR is a premier Institute providing training, research and consultancy services in the field of rural development. NIRD & PR proposes to engage the services of qualified and experienced persons on contract basis for the following positions at Hyderabad :
1. Project Assistant Manager (Accounts) -4 Nos. at NIRDPR, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad
Qualifications -MBA (finance)/ M.Com / CA orICWA(Inter)
Knowledge of Tally 9, MS Word and Excel are essential.
MBA (finance)/ M.Com : Atleast 08 years of experience in Accounts andTally9.
Relaxation of length of experience can be considered for deserving candidates with strong accounts experience and expertise in Tally.
CA/ICWA(Inter):Atleast 04yearsofexperienceinAccountsand Tally9.
The areas of work shall include verification of bills and preparation of payment vouchers and cash book, maintenance of ledgers/accounts, preparation of statement of Expenditure, BRS, Utilization Certificates as per Govt. of India Rules,
data entry and generation of reports in Tally 9, work relating to TDS and other statutory remittances.
Good communication skills in English & Hindi are desirable.
A. Consolidated Remuneration: Rs.25,000/-P.M.
NIRD Staff quarters which are within the NIRD Campus can be allotted, subject to availability and payment of charges as per norms.
C. Age: Preferably below 40 years as on the date of this advertisement. Age relaxation in case SC/ST and OBC candidates will be considered, as per norms, subject to production of prescribed certificate along with application.
Further, persons who have retired from Central Govt/State Govt/ PSUs/Govt Autonomous Bodies/ other Govt or semi-Govt entities will be preferred. Age limit is 63 years. Essential Qualification for such retired persons is B.Com or higher degree in commerce and good working knowledge of computers and Tally.
No. of vacancies are indicative. It may increase / decrease as per actual requirementof the Institute.
Term of engagement: The engagement is purely on temporary basis on contract which will be initially for a period of 1 year. Further extension can be considered based on performance and Institute's / project's requirement. The candidate should be willing to work upto late hours and on holidays as per emergent office requirements.
3. The positions offered are on temporary basis and do not envisage any form of regular appointment at NIRD & PR in future. Interested candidates can attend Walk-in-interview at 10.00 AM on Wednesday, April 19, 2017 along with their application in the prescribed application form at Annexure, recent colour passport size photograph and one set of photocopies of credentials at National Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad 500030. Candidates will have to attend the interview on their own expense and no TA/DA will be provided by the Institute. During interview, candidates will have to produce all original certificates for verification. Photocopies will not be considered. Candidates will have to report latest by 10.00 AM on 19.04.2016 and thosewhoreport latewillnot bepermittedtoattendtheinterview.Based onthe number of candidates, a screening test on accounts/Tally may be conducted.
Assistant Registrar (E)
APPLICATION PROFORMA (Please attach copies of education and experience certificate)
Paste recent
1. Name of Post : Project Assistant Manager (Accounts)
colour passport size
- Name of the candidate : photograph
- Father's/ Husband's name :
- Date of Birth / Age :
- Category to which belong : SC/ST/OBC/OC
- Ex-servicemen : Yes/ No
7.Details ofeducational qualifications fromSSC(10th)onwards
Name of the course | Name of the Board / University | Year of Passing | Division and Percentage secured | Specialisation, if any |
- Details of work experience in relevant area (Name of employer, type of organization, Name of Post, detailed job profile for each employment) (Attach additional sheet if required)
- Address for correspondence :
- Permanent Address :
- E-mail :
- Mobile No. :
I have read the terms and conditions of the job and I fulfill the eligibility criteria. I will be liable in case any declaration made by me is found to be false.
Date : (Signature) Place : (Name )
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Interviews | 19-Apr-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : National Institute Of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj
- Organization City, State : hyderabad, telangana
- Organization Website :
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results