NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT & PANCHAYATI RAJ (An Organisation of the Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India) Rajendranagar, Hyderabad 500 030
NIRD&PR is countrys apex organisation for undertaking training and research in various aspects of rural development. NIRD&PR invites applications in prescribed format for one post of Garden Superintendent in Pay Band-II Rs.9300-34800 plus Grade Pay of Rs.4200/-. For details & online registration, visit www.nird.org.in . Last date 25.03.2017.
Sd/-Advt. No.5/2017 (Admn.A/A5/2017/96) Assistant Registrar (E)
NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT & PANCHAYATI RAJ (An Organization of Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India) Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030.
Advt. No.5/2017 (Admn.A/A5/2017/96)
- NIRD&PR is the country's apex organisation for undertaking training, research and action research and consultancy in all aspects of rural development.
- NIRD&PR invites applications in the prescribed format for non-academic Group
B post of Garden Superintendent. Eligibility for the post viz. qualifications, experience, age and scale of pay, etc. is as follows:
Essential :
i) Pass in HSLC/SSC/HSC or equivalent examination Desirable : Study of subjects like Botany/ Agriculture/ Horticulture at the under-graduate levels
Practical experience in maintenance and operations of Gardens and experience in supervision of garden labour.
Age: Below 30 years. Scale of Pay : Rs.9300-34800 plus Grade Pay of Rs.4200/-Note : Persons with disabilities Partially Deaf (PD) and One Arm affected (R or L) can
also apply for the post.
Compensation Package:
DA, HRA, and all other allowances as applicable to Central Government employees. Residentialaccommodationonpaymentofnormalrent inNIRDPR Campus willbeprovided, subject to availability.
General Conditions:
- Employed personnel should submit their applications through proper channel. Advance copies/ direct applications within prescribed due date will be considered. However, applicants will have to produce NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE from the employer at the time of interview.
- In case of serving personnel, pay certificate duly signed by the pay drawing authority should be attached along with details of experience and present status.
- Candidates with additional qualifications will be given weightage.
- Mere fulfilment of the qualifications prescribed does not entitle the candidate to be called for interview.
- In case of large number of applications, the Institute may shortlist the candidates as may be necessary.
- Residential accommodation in NIRDPR Campus will be provided subject to availability.
- Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply.
- Candidates claiming benefit of reservation are required to furnish copy of caste certificate prescribed by the Government of India for this purpose. Persons with different disabilities may also apply, subject to eligibility as per Government of India rules.
- No correspondence will be entertained from the candidates regarding postal delays, short-listing, reasons for not being called for interview, selection or appointment.
10.Separate application through online form should be submitted for each post.
11.Experience and qualification will be reckoned as on the last date of submission of application. Clear quality Xerox attested copies of all important certificates and documents must be uploaded with the online application.
12.Candidates belonging to OBC category should enclose Photostat copy of Caste Certificate issued from the concerned competent authorities as per the proforma of Govt. of India (which should not be more than 6 months old from the last date of submission of application) and which should be among other specially mention that he/she does not belong to the persons/sections (creamy layer) as mentioned in col. 3 of the schedule to the Dept. of Personnel & Training in the Govt. of India OM No. 36012/22/93-Estt.SCT) dated 08.09.1993 and OM dt.30.5.2014. Please visit www.ncbc.nic.in for details. Otherwise, the application will be summarily rejected without further consideration.
13.The prescribed qualifications and experience are minimum and the mere fact that a candidate possesses the same will not entitle him/her for being called for interview. More stringent criteria may be applied for short-listing the candidates to be called for interview. Applicants having higher qualification and merit will be given preference.
14.13.The statutory provision for relaxing of age, experience etc. prescribed in case of the candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC categories will be made applicable to them.
15.Institute reserves the right not to fill up any of the vacancies advertised, if the circumstances so warrant. The Institute reserves the rights to withdraw the advertised post(s) at any time without giving any reason. Any consequential vacancies arising at the time of interview may also be filled up from the available candidates. The number of positions is thus open to change. The Institute may relax the qualification/experience and age limit at its discretion at any stage in case of candidates with exceptional merit.
16.Canvassinginanyform willbetreatedas disqualification.
17. No correspondence will be entertained as regards short-listing, calling for interview, selection or appointment.
18.Candidates selectedarelikelyto be postedat any placeinIndia depending uponthe requirements of the Institute.
19.The Institute reserves the right to relax any of the requirements i.e. age, educational qualification, experience etc. in exceptional cases.
20.The Competent Authority reserves the right to decide to fill up or not to filling up these advertised posts.
21.The prescribedageofsuperannuationis 60years fortheemployees ofNIRDPR.
22.New pension scheme in accordance with the O.M.No.1 (13) EV/2001, Govt. of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, dated 15.03.2004, will be applicable with subsequent amendments made or will be made from time to time.
23.In case of any disputes/suites or legal proceedings against the Institute, the Jurisdiction shall be restricted to the Courts of Hyderabad.
24.The Institute shall verify the antecedents or documents submitted by a candidate at any time at the time of appointment or during the tenure of the service. In case, it is detected that the documents submitted by the candidates are fake or the candidate has clandestine antecedents/background and has suppressed the said information, then his/her services shall be terminated.
25.In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection which may be detected at any stage even after the issue of appointment letter, the Institute reserves the right to modify/withdraw/cancel any communication made to the candidates.
26.In case of any dispute/ambiguity that may occur in the process of selection, the decision of the Institute shall be final.
27.Candidates are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess at least the minimum essential qualification laid down in the advertisement.
28.Application incomplete in any respect and not accompanied by relevant certificates/documents/ photograph will be summarily rejected.
29. The candidates after submission of online application on direct recruitment shall take print out of application and keep it with themselves for future reference.
Hence candidates applying on direct recruitment are advised not to submit any hard copy of application form.
The appointment will be subject to the Provisions of the Institute rules and subject to the concurrence from the Government of India.
Interested candidates may apply through Online Registration available on the website www.nird.org.in on or before 25.03.2017 (5.30 PM).
Assistant Registrar (E)
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Applications | 25-Mar-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : National Institute Of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj
- Organization City, State : hyderabad, telangana
- Organization Website : www.nird.org.in
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results