Empanelment of National Resource Persons-under DAY-NRLM
Deen Dayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) under the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) aims at creating efficient and effective institutional platforms of the rural poor enabling them to increase household incomes through sustainable livelihoods and improved access to financial and public services. The NRLM functions ina mission mode for target based time bound delivery of outcomes following a demand driven approach which would allow the states to formulate their own poverty alleviation plans on the basis of available allocation, resources and skills.
NRLM (RC), NIRD&PR has empanelled 281 Resource persons at the National level including North Eastern states to support the various capacity building activities of NRLM and utilizing their knowledge, exposure, expertise and experience for NRLM process, trainings, preparation of modules, filed visits, documentation of case studies, best practices and handholding support to SRLMs as per their demand.
Theme 1: Financial Inclusion
NRLM facilitates universal access to the affordable cost-effective reliable financial services to the poor. These include financial literacy, bank account, savings, credit, insurance, remittance, pension and counselling on financial services. The core of the NRLM financial inclusion and investment strategy is making poor the preferred
clients of the banking system and mobilizing bank credit
In order to facilitate bank linkages, State Level Bankers Committees (SLBC) would constitute exclusive sub-committees for SHG bank linkages and financial inclusion in NRLM activities. Similarly, District Level Coordination Committees and Block Level Coordination Committees would review SHG-Bank linkages and NRLM.
The Mission units are also expected to use the services of the field level customer relationship managers such as Bank Mitra/Sakhi.
Further, institutions of the poor are expected will be guided to constituting community-based recovery mechanisms (sub-committees on bank linkage and recovery of loans) , vibrant book keeping system and audit.
NRLM works towards increasing the portfolio of products of savings, credit, insurance (life, health and assets) and remittance through the institutions of the poor directly or in partnership with mainstream financial institutions using various institutional mechanisms and technologies.
In addition to the above, it has been decided to empanel a pool of National Resource Persons and to attach these NRPs to the training colleges of banks in Mumbai, New Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru and Hyderabad for systematic training of bank officials on DAY-NRLM.
Essential criteria
Bachelor or Masters Degree or equivalent in Social Science, Management,
Engineering, Science, Agriculture Science, Veterinary, Forestry, Horticulture, preferably from reputed institutions like IIMs, IITs, SLM, FMS, IRMA, IIFM, TISS, XISS, XIMB etc.,
- Minimum 7 years relevant work experience with large scale poverty alleviation programs/Rural Development programs in various states.
- Public/Private/Co-operative sector Bank officials/Retd, Bank officials, NABARD
- officials, RBI officials etc.,
- Public/Private/Co-operative sector Bank officials/Retd, Bank officials, NABARD
- Above mentioned experience should be with any one or more the NRLM empanelled non-profit Capacity Building Agencies (CBAs) such as IFMR, IMTRI, Neeti, ISMW, GIZ, BASIX, CARE, SEWA, DHAN, PRADAN, MYRADA, SRIJAN, AKRSP, Reach India Trust, officials worked/ working in State/National level Poverty Alleviation Projects etc.,
- Good participatory training and facilitation skills with proven ability and experience in delivering trainings in Hindi/English, development of modules, manuals and kit etc.,
- Proven skills on going and mentoring trainers as well as field staff
- Excellent reading, writing and communication skills
- Having experience of designing participatory trainings and capacity building modules and materials in the areas notified
- Having a comprehensive understanding on NRLM processes and activities
- Willing to travel extensively across the states or the country even sometimes in short notice
Theme 2: Gender
NRLM (Resource Cell), National Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj(NIRD & PR) has empanelled 242 Resource Persons at the National level, including North Eastern States, to support various capacity building activities of NRLM and for utilizing their knowledge, exposure, expertise and practices and hand holding support to State Rural Livelihood Missions (SRLMs).
In addition to the above, it has been decided to empanel a pool of resource persons for Gender Sensitization and creation of awareness on gender related issues, vulnerability of women and men, government schemes, acts, rights and entitlements of women. Facilitation of Social Action through Social Action Committees to address the Gender based social issues and Gender trainings,
Empanelled Resource Persons on gender will need to work on capacity building of SRLM Staff and develop State and Block Level Trainers. They shall also need to travel to field areas to support the capacity building of community cadres by the State and Block Level Trainers. While necessary capacity building materials and tool kits are already developed, the experience of the NRPs and the continuous field level feedback will need tobe incorporated into developing freshcapacity buildingresources.
Essential criteria
Bachelor or Masters Degree or equivalent in Social Science, Management,
Engineering, Science, Agriculture Science, Veterinary, Forestry, Horticulture, preferably from reputed institutions like IIMs, IITs, SLM, FMS, IRMA, IIFM, TISS, XISS, XIMB etc.,
- Minimum 7 years relevant work experience with large scale poverty alleviation programs in various states
- Above mentioned experience should be with any one or more NRLM empanelled non-profit Capacity Building Agencies (CBAs) such as CARE, PRIA, ASMITA, Bhoomi, CWS,PRADAN, MYRADA, SRIJAN, AKRSP, Reach India Trust.etc., officials worked/ working in State/National level Poverty Alleviation Projects etc.,
- Good participatory training and facilitation skills with proven ability and experience
in delivering trainings in Hindi/English, development of modules, manuals and kit
- Proven skills on going and mentoring trainers as well as field staff
- Excellent reading, writing and communication skills
- Having experience of designing participatory trainings and capacity building modules and materials in the areas notified
- Having a comprehensive understanding on NRLM processes and activities
- Willing to travel extensively across the states or the country even sometimes in short notice
Theme 3: Human Resources
In addition to the above, it has been decided to empanel a pool of resource persons for HR specifically in the area of Organizational Development (OD)
Empanelled Resource Persons will need to work on capacity building of SRLM Staff and preparation of HR manual, preparation of model HRM, recruitment of staff, induction and immersion and procurement, staff capacity building, performance appraisal, development of staff promotion policy, grievance redressal mechanism, development of performance management system, HR systems, HR processes and HR audit.etc.,
Essential criteria
Masters Degree /post graduate diploma with HR specialization from reputed
university/institutions like IIMs, IITs, SLM, FMS, IRMA, IIFM, TISS, XISS, XIMB etc.,
- Minimum 7 years relevant work experience on HR/OD in reputed organization
- Should have passion for HR/OD work
- Should have good understanding of social development, poverty issues and willingness to live and work with the community.
- Good participatory training and facilitation skills with proven ability and experience in delivering trainings in Hindi/English, development of modules, manuals and kit etc.,
- Proven skills on going and mentoring trainers as well as field staff
- Excellent reading, writing and communication skills
- Having a comprehensive understanding on NRLM processes and activities
- Willing to travel extensively across the states or the country even sometimes in short notice
The interested persons can send their latest updated resume / CV with options above
theme and interested state and area of expertise to nrlmcellnirdhr@gmail.com latest by 19th
June, 2017.
Empanelment would be completed as per the norms of NRLM-MoRD and based on the qualifications, experience, and expertise of the resource Persons. The resource fee to NRPs would be paid as per approved norms of NRLM-MoRD.
Director, NRLM (RC)
National Institute of Rural Development &Panchayati Raj
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad 500 030 National Rural Livelihoods Mission Resource Cell
Application for the theme of:
Native / Preferred State:
Name :
- Fathers Name :
- Date of Birth and age as : (as on 01st November, 2016)
- Address for Correspondence :
- e-Mail :
- Contact No. :
- Educational Qualification : (In descending order, up to SSC/Class X)
- Total Experience (in years):
Degree/ Diploma Certificate | Year of passing | College/ Institute | Board/University / Institution | Subjects | Marks / Division |
(Latest first)
S. No | Name of Organisation / Place | Designati on | Tenure (From and To &Years and Months) | Responsibility/ Assignment | Achievement |
- Relevant Experience (in years):
- Languages:
- Computer Proficiency:
- Any other information, applicant may like to give (but not more than 100 words):
- References (Two):
Language | Read | Write | Speak |
HINDI | |||
Other language | |||
Name | Designation and Organisation | Address with contact number |
Attach CV (not more than 3 pages).
I hereby declare that all the statements made in this application form and enclosures are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Date: Name: Place: Signature:
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Applications | 19-Jun-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : National Institute Of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj
- Organization City, State : hyderabad, telangana
- Organization Website : www.nird.org.in
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