, . .02/2017/1
. . (Self Attestation) ( ) . .
:-(08.11.2017 )

I. - --12
- .15700 50000 ( 7 )
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II. - - -1
- .15700 50000 ( 7 )
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III. - - -1
- . 15700 50000 ( 7
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- . 15700 50000 ( 7
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- ( ) (5)
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30.11.2017 05.45 . , , , , -639 007.
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/ . : 08.11.2017 : . .
CHIEF JUDICIAL MAGISTRATE COURT, KARUR Employment Notification No.2/2017/A1
Applications are invited to fill up the following posts in Tamil Nadu Basic Service in Criminal Courts of Karur District from the eligible candidates having the undermentioned eligibility criteria. The eligible candidates may apply for the undermentioned posts in the prescribed format along with copies of all the testimonial and certificates duly self attested by the applicants. The applications shall be submitted through Registered post with Acknowledgement. Age as on 08.11.2017 (i.e., age as on the date of notificaiton)

Age relaxation concession will be made with reference to the existing Government Rules / Government Orders.
I. Name of the post : Office Assistant - 12 posts
- Scale of Pay : Rs.15700 50000 (Pay as per the Tamil Nadu Revised Pay rules 2017)
- Educational Qualification:- VIII Std Passed. Candidates having Light (or) Heavy
- -Vehicle Driving License in force will be given preference
- Educational Qualification:- VIII Std Passed. Candidates having Light (or) Heavy
- Roster Turn for the vacancies (6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17) SC (P) MBC & DC (N.P.) (W) (D.W.) BC (N.P.) (W) (D.W.) GT (N.P.) BC (N.P.) GT (N.P.) SC (N.P.) (W) (D.W.) MBC & DC (N.P.) BC (N.P.) BC (Muslims) (P)
S.C. (N.P) M.B.C. & D.C (N.P)
II. Name of the post : Watchman -1 post
- Scale of Pay : Rs.15700 50000 (Pay as per the Tamil Nadu Revised Pay rules 2017)
- Educational Qualification:- Candidate must be able to read and write in Tamil
- Roaster Turn for the vacancies (1)
1. M.B.C. & D.C (N.P) (W) (D.W.)
III. Name of the post : Masalchi - 1 post
- Scale of Pay : Rs.15700 50000 (Pay as per the Tamil Nadu Revised Pay rules 2017)
- Educational Qualification:- Candidate must be able to read and write in Tamil
- Roaster Turn for the vacancies (5) GT (N.P.) (W) (D.W.)
Note: SC-Scheduled Caste, ST-Scheduled Tribe, BC-Backward Class, SC (A) -Scheduled Caste (Arunthathiyar), MBC & DC -Most Backward Class & De-notified Candidate, GT-General Turn, N.P.-Non Priority, P-Priority, DW-Destitute Widow, W-Women, TM -Tamil Medium
Last Date : -
All the applications with passport size photos affixed and duly self attested on the right margin of the application in the space provided, as mentioned should be submitted along with self attested copies of all the testimonials, certificates on or before 30.11.2017 till 5.45 P.M. to the under mentioned address through Registered post with Acknowledgment.
The Chief Judicial Magistrate, Chief Judicial Magistrate Court, Combined Court Building, Thanthonimalai, Karur - 639 007.
(The applications received after the above mentioned last date will not be entertained under any circumstance)
The Chief Judicial Magistrate, Karur has vested with the authority to select the qualified and eligible candidates, to postpone the interview, if circumstances need to cancel the advertisement without any prior intimation. The applicants are strictly instructed to follow the instructions issued along with this notification. Failure in following the instructions will lead to the rejection of the application.
Dated:- 08.11.2017 (S/d) P. Parthasarathy, Place :- Karur. CHIEF JUDICIAL MAGISTRATE, KARUR.

tpz;zg;gg; gbtk; ............................. gjtpf;F
gh];Nghh;l | ||||||
msT | ||||||
Gifg;glk;; | ||||||
chpa Ra | ||||||
: | rhd;nwhg;gjJld;; | |||||
1 | (m)tpz;zg;gjhuhpd; | ngah; | (jkpopy;) | |||
(rhd;wpjopy; | cs;sgb) |
(A)Name ofthe Applicant (in English) (asperthe certificates)
2 je;ij / fzth; ngah; :
3 gpwe;j Njjp :
4 fy;tpj; jFjp : (8/10/12-k; tFg;G rhd;wpjo;fspd; efy;> khw;Wr;rhd;wpjo; efy; ;
fz;bgghf ,izf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. $Ljy; fy;tpj; jFjpf;F mjw;Fhpa fy;tpr; rhd;wpjo;fspd; ; ;
efy,izf;fggl Ntz;Lk;.
5 ,dg;gphpT (rhpahdij FwpaPaTk;) :L nra;
6 [hjp (cl;gphpTld;) :
7 Njrpa ,dk/;kjk; (Nationality / Religion) :
8 gpwggplk;
; :
9 jpUkzkhdtuh :
10 epue;ju Kfthp :
11 fzpdpapy; wtuh? :
mbg;gil Njh;r;rp ngw;Mk;;; vdpy; mjd; tptuk;/,yiy. Mk
12 Kd; mDgtk; :
13 Kd;Dhpik NfhUfpwP
uh? : Mk; vdpy; chpa rhd;wpjopd; efy; ,izf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;)
- Mjutw;w tpjit
- khw;Wj; jpwdhsp
- Kd;dhs; ,uhZt giltP;/rhh;e;Njhh;
- uh
- Kd;dhs; ,uhZt giltP;/rhh;e;Njhh;
- fyg;Gj; jpUkzk; nra;J nfhz;lth;
- kw;wit
14 jkpo; topf;fw;wtuh? Mk; vdpy; (chpa rhd;wpjopd; : efy; ,izf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;)
15 Ntiytha;; gjpT nra;Js;suh? :
g;G mYtyfj;jpyP(Mk; vdpy; ;;
vzizf; Fwpg;gpLf. chpa Mtzj;jpdefy; ,izf;fg;glNtz;Lk;)
16 tpz;; Nky; fhty; Jiwapy;
zg;gjhuhpdtof;F : VJk; epYitapy; cs;sjh?
17 ,izf;fg;gl;l rhd;wpjo;fspd; efy;fs; tptuk; :
ehs;: tpz;zg;gjhuhpd; ifnahg;gk; ,lk;:

tpz;zg;gjhuh;; ftdj;jpw;
fspd F
1 , . . .
2 (bySelfAttestation) . , .
3 ( / / / ) WWW . . . / /
ecourts gov in tn karur . . .
4 (by Self Attestation) . . .
5 .
6 , , , , .
7 . .
- / / .
- . , , .
- , , . WWW . . ./ /
- ecourts gov in tn karur .
- , , . WWW . . ./ /
- , .
- , .
- . .

tpz;zg;gjhuh;; ftdj;jpw;
fspd F
1 tpz;zg;gq;fs; tiuaWf;fg;gl;l gbtjjpy; G+h;j;jp nraag;gl;L> xg;Gjy; ml;ilAld; $ba
;;gjpTj; jghy; %ykhf mDg;gg;gl Ntz;Lk;. xU tpz;zg;gjhuh; xd;Wf;Nkw;gl;l
F gjtpfSf;F tpz;zg;gk; nra;jhy; jdpj;; mDg;g
jdp tpz;zg;gq;fs; jdpjjdp Ntz;Lk;. jghy; ciwapd; Nky; vej gjtpf;F tpz;zg;gk; mDg;gg;gLfpwJ ;vd;gij njspthf Fwpg;gplg;gl Ntz;Lk;.
2 gh];Nghh;l; msT Gifg;glk; tpz;zg;gj;jpy; chpa ,lj;; ;lg;gl;L
jpyxlchpa Ra rhd;nwhg;gj;JlDk; (by Self Attestation) tpz;zg;gq;fs; mDg;gg;glNtz;Lk;. NkYk; Ra rhd;nwhg;gk; jtpu NtW ve;rhd;nwhg;gk; ngwj; Njitapy;iy
jtpjkhd ,Ug;gpDk;> tpz;zg;gjhuh;fs; Neh;Kfj;Njh;tpd; NghJ midj;J mry; rhd;wpjo;fs; kw;Wk; Mswpr; rhd;wpjOld; fye;J nfhs;sNtz;Lk;.
3 midj;J jfty; ghpkhw;wq;fSk; (Njh;T/ Neh;fhzYf;fhd miog;G/ tpz;zg;g ; Vw;fg;gl;lJ my;yJ kWf;;vd;w ,izajs
fg;gllJ) www.ecourts.gov.in/tn/karur tiyjsj;jpy; kl;LNk jfty;fs; ntspaplg;gLk.; NtW vej;tifahd KiwapYk; tpz;zg;gjhuUf;F jdpg;gll;Kiwapy; jfty;fs; njhptpf;fg;glkhl;lhJ. vdNt> tpz;zg;gjhuh;fs; Nkw;$wpa ,izajs tiyjsj;ij njhlh;e;J ftdpj;J jfty;fis mwpe;Jnfhs;SkhW njhptpf;fg;gLfpwJ.
4 midj;J rhd;whtzq;fspd; efy;fs; kl;LNk chpa Kiwapy; Ra rhd;nwhg;gkplL (by Self Attestation) tpz;zg;gj;Jld; ,izj;J mDg;gg;glNtz;Lk;. vf;fhuzk; nfhz;Lk; mry; rhd;whtzq;,izf;fg;glf; $lhJ. chpa rhdwhtzq;fspd; fs;
fs; ;efy;,izf;Neh;Tfspy; mej tpz;zg;gq;fs; ve;jtpj Kd;dwptpg;Gkpd;wp
fg;glhj ; epuhfhpf;fg;gLk;.
5 KOikahf G+h;j;jp nra;ag;glhj tpz;zg;gq;fs; kw;Wk; jtwhd jfty;fs; nfhz;Ls;s tpz;zg;gq;fs; Kw;wpYk; epuhfhpf;fg;gLk;.
6 tpz;zg;gjhuh; jdJ ,Ug;gpl rhd;W Fwpj;J Xl;Leh; chpkk;> thf;fhsh; milahs ml;il> FLk;g ml;il> Mjhh; ml;il> tq;fp fzf;fpd; Kjy; gf;fk; Mfpatw;wpy; VNjDk; xd;wpd; efypid tpz;zg;gj;Jld; ,izj;J mDg;g Ntz;Lk;.
7 Kd;Dhpik NfhUk; Neh;Tfspy; Kd;Dhpikf;fhd chpa rhd;wpjo;fspd; efy; ,izf;; mej;tpz;zg;gk; Kw;wpYk;
fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. jtWk; gl;rj;jpy epuhfhpf;fg;gLk;.
8 . krhy;rp; Mfpa gzpaplq;fSf;F Neh;Kf Njh;T elj;jg;gLk;.
9 gjtp epakd cj;juT jghy;fg;gLk;.
%yKk;> ,izajsk; %yKk; njhptpf;
Application Form | |||
For the post of ...................... | |||
1 | Name of the Applicant (as per the certificates) | : | Affix Passportsize photo with self attestation |
2 Father / Husband Name :
3 Date of Birth :
4 Educational Qualification : (8th /SSLC/+2 xerox copy of Mark sheet with Transfer Certificate. Additional educational qualification if any, xerox copy of certificate to be enclosed.
5 Community (tick correct community) : (OC/BC/MBC/SC/ST)
6 Caste (Sub - Class) :
7 Nationality / Religion :
8 Native Place :
9 Whether the applicant married :
10 Permanent Address :
11 Whether there is basic qualification in Computer. : Yes/No. If yes state the qualification
12 Experience if any. If so certificates to be attached :
13 Are you claim priority? : if yes, relevant certificates to be attached. 1). Destitute widow 2). Physically challenged person 3). Ex-serviceman or dependent of
Ex-serviceman 4). Intercaste marriage 5). others.
14 Do you studied in Tamil Medium if yes, copy of : certificate to be enclosed.
15 Are you registered your name in Employment : Exchange, if yes, furnish Registration No., Name of Employment and copy of Registration Card enclosed.
16 Is there any Criminal Case pending against the : applicant
17 Details of enclosures :
Date : Signature of the Candidate Place :

2 The passport size photograph of the candidates affixed on the application, should be self attested by the applicant. All the copies of certificates should duly be self attested. There is no need to get attestation from any Gazetted officer or any other authority, but the candidates should submit all the original certificates, testimonials and proof of identity at the time of interview. The photographs should not be stapled and the photograph should be affixed in the appropriate place.
3 All further communications (Memo / Intimation / Defective, Accepted or Rejected applications) in this regard will be communicated through website www.ecourts.gov.in/tn/karur No communication will be sent to the applicants individually. The communication is only made in the website and the applicants are advised to view the website continuously for further communication.
5 All the columns in the application should be duly filled up and incomplete applications will be summarily rejected. If any of the claim of the applicant is found to be false, the application will be cancelled without any notice.
7 On claiming priority, the copy of certificate with regard to the priority should be enclosed with the application duly self attested. Failure to adhere the same will lead to the rejection of the application.
10 For the post of Office Assistant oral interview or written examination and oral interview will be conducted as the number of applications received and the same will be communicated through website www.ecourts.gov.in/tn/karur. No communication will be sent to the applicants individually. The communication is only made in the website.
12 The applications with false claim, by suppressing information will be rejected and the candidates attempts any tampering alteration with documents or certificates will also be debarred from appearing for all future examinations and selections conducted by/ for the Criminal Unit of Karur District.

Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 08-Nov-2017 | |
Applications | 30-Nov-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Chief Judical Magistrate Court
- Organization City, State : karur, tamil nadu
- Organization Website : www.ecourts.gov.in/tn/karur
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results