Application Form for Direct Recruitment basis
National Institute of Plant Health Management, Hyderabad
Affix Passport size Photograph
(An autonomous organization under the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare Government of India)

Date: 09 -01-2018
Advertisement No .01 /2018
National Institute of Plant Health Management invites applications for the following post. The gist of pay and the number of posts are given below:
S. No |
Name of the Post |
Direct / Deputation |
No. of Post |
Reservation for Direct recruitment as per Roster |
Scale of Pay / Pay in Pay Matric (7th CPC) |
Last Date for receipt of applications |
1 |
Lower Division Clerk |
Direct |
1 |
UR |
Level 2 (Rs. 19900- 63200) |
30 days from the date of publication of advertisement in Employment News |
The details of educational qualifications, experience, age and other eligibility criteria, duties for appointment on Direct Recruitment / Deputation basis (including relaxations, if any) for the posts along with application proforma may be accessed from web .
1 |
Lower Division Clerk 1 (UR) |
Direct recruitment |
Age limit |
Between 18 to 27 years |
The above vacancies are indicative and may vary as per actual requirement.
- A. General Terms and Conditions:
- 1. A candidate must either be a citizen of India or a subject of Nepal or a subject of Bhutan or a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before 01st January 1962 with intention of permanently settling in India or a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan Burma, Sri Lanka or East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India. Provided that a candidate other than citizen of India shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India.
- 2. Relaxation of upper age limit in respect of reserved categories such as SC/ST/OBC/PHE/Ex-servicemen etc., shall be given as per Government of India guidelines/orders. Age limit will be reckoned with reference to the closing date for receipt of the applications.
Indicative relaxation in age limit
Category |
Extent of Age relaxation |
Schedule Caste/Schedule Tribe |
5 years against reserved posts only. |
OBCs |
3 years against reserved posts only. |
PwD with minimum 40% disability |
10 years (15 years for SC/ST, 13 years for OBCs) in case of direct recruitment to Group C posts. 5 years (10 years for SCs/STs and 8 years for OBCs) in case of direct recruitment to Group A & B posts. Subject to maximum age not exceeding 56 years on the last date for receipt of applications. |
Central/ Govt. Servants |
Up to 5 Years (as per GOI norms) (10 years for persons belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes and 8 years for persons belonging to OBCs in respect of the posts reserved for them) |
Ex- servicemen or any other category |
As per Government of India norms. |
- 3. The upper age limit is relaxable for SC/ST/OBC candidates in respect of vacancies which are reserved for them. SC/ST/OBC Candidates have to produce a caste certificate in GOI prescribed proforma issued by the Competent Authority for claiming age relaxation. Copy of Caste certificate should be sent along with the application.
- 4. For OBC: If you belong to Creamy Layer, you are not eligible for consideration against posts reserved for OBC and therefore you may apply against UR posts. OBC certificate should have been issued on a date within 2 (two) years of the last date for receipt of application as stated in the advertisement. If you claim OBC and attach BC/MBC or any other certificate other than a valid OBC certificate (in GOI format), your application will be summarily rejected.
- 5. For PwD: The age concession to the persons with disabilities shall be admissible irrespective of whether the post is reserved for persons with disabilities or not, provided the post is identified suitable for the relevant category of disability.
A person who wants to avail of benefit of age concession under PwD would have to submit a Disability Certificate issued by a Competent Authority. If a person with disability is entitled to age concession by virtue of being a Central Government employee, concession to him/her will be admissible either as a person with disability or as a Central Government employee whichever may be more beneficial to him/her.
The Competent Authority to issue Physically Handicapped certificate shall be a Medical Board duly constituted by the Central or a State Government. The Central/ State Government may constitute Medical Board(s) consisting of at least three members out of which at least one shall be a specialist in the particular field for assessing Locomotor/ Cerebral / Visual / Hearing disability, as the case may be.
The definition of different categories of disabilities, for the purpose of age relaxation, will be same as given in DoP&Ts OM No. 36035/3/2004-Estt(Reservation) dated 29th December 2005 or as amended from time to time.
- 6. For Central/Govt. Servants: A candidate claiming to belong to the category of Central Government servant and seeking age relaxation would be required to produce a Certificate issued after the date of advertisement from his/her Employer on the Office letter head to the effect that he/she is a regularly appointed Central Government Servant serving continuously for more than 3 years in the Government and not on casual/adhoc/daily wages/hourly paid/contract basis employee.
The age relaxation will be admissible to such of the Government servants as are working in posts which are in the same line or allied cadres and where a relationship could be established that the service already rendered in a particular post will be useful for the efficient discharge of the duties of the post(s) recruitment to which has been advertised.
- 7. Essential qualification: The prescribed essential qualifications are the minimum and the mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for written test and / or skill test. All applicants must fulfill the essential requirements of the post and other conditions stipulated in the advertisement. They are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess the essential qualifications and experience laid down for various posts. No enquiry asking for advice as to eligibility will be entertained.
- 8. All the claimed Educational qualifications shall be from a recognised University / Institute only. Self-attested copies of all educational qualifications along with date of birth proof, experience, age relaxation and other certificates are required to be enclosed invariably. The application will be summarily rejected if a) certificates are attached, but column is not filled; or b) the column is filled but certificates are not attached. Letter of Appointment, Pay Slip, Office Memorandum, Office Order, Joining Report, or any such document(s) will not be accepted as document in support of knowledge or experience. Certificate in support of knowledge and experience should be in proper format i.e. should be on the organisations letterhead; bear the date of issue; specify period of work(including Job roles and responsibilities; clearly stating nature of work, salary drawn with pay scale and grade pay, if any; name and designation of the issuing authority along with signature etc.
- 9. General relaxation: Age and qualifications can be relaxed in exceptional cases by the Institute.
- 10. Only candidates willing to take-up residence (throughout their service) within a radius of 3km of NIPHM can apply.
- 11. Please visit NIPHM website for the details of duties to be performed and for downloading the prescribed application proforma.
- 12. The applications in prescribed proforma (through proper channel in case of Central/ State Governments/ Universities/ Recognized Research Institutions/ PSUs / Statutory Semi-governments or Autonomous organizations candidates) should reach the Registrar, National Institute of Plant Health Management, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad 500 030, Telangana, within 30 days from date of publication in Employment newspaper by 5.30 p.m. Persons working in Govt. service should apply through proper channel only. In case it takes time to obtain clearance from the Head of Department, an advance copy of the application may be sent on or before the closing date. However the application through proper channel should reach NIPHM by the time of scrutiny, else the advance copy will not be considered.
- 13. Candidates will be shortlisted for Written test / skill test on the basis of the information provided by them in their applications, they must ensure that the information is true. If at any subsequent stage or at the time of written test/ skill test any information given by them or any claim made is found to be false, their application / candidature will be liable to be rejected and they shall be debarred permanently.
- 14. In the event of number of applications being large, NIPHM reserves the right to shortlist the candidates/ restrict the candidates to be called for written test/ skill test to a reasonable number by adopting reasonable criteria (applied uniformly) as recommended and decided upon by the Competent Authority.
- 15. The Institute reserves the right not to fill up any or all advertised posts, cancel the advertisement in whole or in part at any stage without assigning any reason and the decision of the Institute in this regard shall be final.
- 16. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection which may be detected at any stage even after the issue of offer of appointment, the Institute reserves the right to withdraw/cancel/modify any communication made to the candidates.
- 17. In case of any dispute with regard to screening of the applications, the decision of Director General, NIPHM shall be final.
- 18. The Medical facilities applicable to government employees will be extended to the deputationists.
- 19. In the case of direct recruitment the selected candidates will be governed by the New Pension Scheme, 2004, Govt. of India.
- 20. The Probation period for direct recruits will be two years as per the rules in force.
- 21. Appointment of candidates will be subject to receipt of prescribed Medical fitness certificate from a Civil Surgeon / District Medical Officer.
- 22. No correspondence will be entertained with the non-shortlisted or non-selected candidates.
- 23. Canvassing in any form is not accepted and will lead to the disqualification of such candidates.
- 24. In case of any disputes/suites or legal proceedings against the Institute, the Jurisdiction shall be restricted to the Courts of Hyderabad.
- 25. Candidates are warned that they should not furnish any particulars that are false or suppress any material information in filling up the application form. Candidates are also warned that they should in no case correct or alter or otherwise tamper with any entry in a document or its attested/certified copy submitted by them nor should they submit a tampered/fabricated document. If there is any inaccuracy or any discrepancy between two or more such documents or their attested/certified copies, an explanation regarding this discrepancy should be submitted.
- 26. The vacancies are indicative and may vary as per actuals.
- 27. Incomplete / invalid applications if any column is left unfilled or lack of submitting adequate certificates / documents in support of candidature will lead to rejection of the application.
- 28. No interim correspondence: No correspondence whatsoever will be entertained from candidates regarding postal delay, conduct and result of test and reasons for not being called for test. Interim correspondence will not be entertained and replied to.
- 29. Institute will not be responsible for any sort of postal delay. Last date for receipt of applications is as stated in the advertisement.
1 |
Lower Division Clerk: |
Selection will be based on written test and skill test. Syllabus for the skill test and written test:
Lower Division Clerk: Correspondence, Data entry, various returns, maintenance of service books, preparation of duty rosters, casual leave cases, maintenance of Section Dairy, File Register, File movement Register, Indexing and Recording, typing, comparing, dispatch, preparation of arrears and other statements, submission of routine and simple drafts etc., maintenance of building registers, indent procurement and supply of stationery forms and binding materials, maintenance of stock account of forms, stationery, furniture cataloguing and other stores, scrutiny of various bills, preparation of vouchers, maintenance of incoming and outgoing diary, receipt and dispatch of letters, typing and maintenance of records.
Annexure I
APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF.on Regular Basis (Direct Recruitment)
1. Name :
(in Block letters)
2. Fathers/Husband Name :
3. Date of Birth (in Christian era) :
4. Age (as on date .. ) : Years..Months..Days..
- a. Present :
- b. Permanent :
- c. Email ID : 1.
- d. Mobile :
- e. Phone No. (STD/ISD code) :
(Enclose self-attested copies without which applications will not be considered for scrutiny).
REMARKS (Awards if any) |
(Enclose attested copies)
REMARKS (Awards if any) |
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Details of employment in the chronological order in the table indicated below. Enclose a separate sheet, duly authenticated by your signature, if the space below is insufficient. (Enclose attested copies )
Office/Instt./ Organisation |
Post held |
From |
To |
Scale of pay and basic pay therein |
Nature of duties performed |
- 8. Nature of present employment i.e. ad-hoc or :
temporary or quasi-permanent or permanent.
10. Additional details about present employment. :
Please state whether working under:-
(indicate the name of your employer against
the relevant column)
(a) Central Government :
(b) State Government :
(c) Autonomous Organization :
(d) Public Undertakings :
(e) Universities :
(f) Others :
11. Present Pay & Grade Pay / Pay Band :
12. Additional information, if any, which you would like :
to mention in support of your suitability for the post.
(This among other things may provide information with regard to
(i) Additional academic qualifications :
(ii) Professional training :
(iii) Work experience (over and above the prescribed) :
(enclose a separate sheet if the space is insufficient)
13. Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC/OC/
PH/Ex-Serviceman (Proof to be enclosed)
(OBC Candidates have to enclose latest caste certificate as per GOI norms for claiming age relaxation and for considering to the reserved OBC post)
14. Remarks
(The candidates may indicate information with regard to
(i) research publications and reports and special projects :
(ii) Awards/scholarship/official appreciation :
(iii) affiliation with professional bodies/institutions/societies and :
(iv) any other information. :
(enclose a separate sheet if the space is insufficient)
15. I certify that particulars furnished above are true.
16. I am willing to stay in the quarters if allotted or within 3km radius of NIPHM for entire length of service.
Date :
Place :
It is certified that particulars furnished are correct and no disciplinary case is either pending or contemplated against the officer and no penalty, major or minor, was imposed on the officer during the last 10 years and his integrity is beyond doubt.
Dated: Signature of the Head of Department
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Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 09-Jan-2018 | |
Applications | 08-Feb-2018 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : National Institute Of Plant Health Management
- Organization City, State : hyderabad, telangana
- Organization Website :
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results