fcgkj kgjh vk/kkjHkwr lajpuk fodkl fuxe fy0] iVuk fcgkj ljdkj dk ,d mie [kk| Hkou] f}rh; ry] njksxk izlkn jk; iFk] vkj0 CykWd] jksM ua0&2] iVuk&800001 Qksu ua-&0612&2506109] 2506213] QSDl ua-&0612&2506132 osclkbZV& http://buidco.in |
Invites Application for the Appointment of Project Engineer for the Development of Municipal Solid Waste to Energy (Electricity) and Land Fill Facility at Patna in Bihar on DBFOT Basis. |
No. BUIDCo/SIU-1/Yo-139/15-61 Date : 09.11.2017 |
Sl. No. |
Name of the Post |
Qualification |
Experience Required |
No. of Post |
Consolidated Remuneration (Minimum Per Month) |
Maximum Age Limit as on 01.11.2017 |
1 |
Project Engineer |
B. Tech Civil Engineering. Preferential qualification M. Tech Environmental Engineering. |
10 Years of experience in Project Planning, designing and management of at least 5 years Urban Infrastructure Projects out of 10 years experience. The candidate must have 5 years experience in handling of PPP Project as a Project Engineer or Independent Engineer. |
01 (UR) |
Rs. 50,000/- Per Month |
50 Yrs. |
General Instructuction :- 1.The name of the post applied for must be written on the envelope. 2.The Post is Non-practising and only project based post. 3.The Candidates will not be allowed to work any where after the recruitment in Project Engineer for the Development of Municipal Solid Waste to Energy (Electricity) and Land fill Facility at Patna. 4. The period of contract will be (01) one year, based on the performance of the employee to be extended further maximum till the project period. 5.Maximum allowances are included in emoulments. 6. The candidates working in Govt./Semi Govt. Sector should route there application through proper channel. 7. The detail Information and the application form can be downloded from website : http://buidco.in under Career. 8.The application form should contain two photographs, self attested copies of qualification/experience certificates, age proof certificate, Two self addressed envelop (25 X 10 cm) on which Rs. 25-25 postage stamps should be pasted. Application Fees should be attached with application form pay through Demand Draft (UR, OBC, BC-Rs. 500/- SC/ST- Rs. 250/-) in favour of MD, BUIDCo, payable at Patna issued by National Bank. The appliation form should be sent in specified format at the address -Bihar Urban Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd (BUIDCo), 2nd Floor SFC Building, Road No. -2, Daroga Rai Path, R Block, Patna - 800001, till date : 04.12.2017. 9.Completely filled application should be sent through registered/ speed post/courier only. 10.Incomplete application or the application not having proper data or without qualification/experience certificate or without attestation will not be considered. 11. Project Monitoring Committee, BUIDCo reverves the right to accept or reject the application without any information and the selection process may be cancelled in case of special circumstance, the last decision will be made by the Chairman PMC, BUIDCo. 12. The specified essential qualification is the minimum and it does not mean that all candidates having the minimum qualification will be shortlisted. 13. If education qualification, experience certificate, (Regarding Experience-Compulsorly attach related company's, organization's Bank Salary Statement/TDS/Form16 Certificate. If the applicant does not attach any of the above mentioned certicate or Statements or doucments alongwith their applications; they will not be selected for further pocess), age proof certificate, residential certificate, caste certificate etc. found false/invalid or fake then not only their contract will be terminated but criminal case will be lodged against them. The consolidated pay and all allowances made during such period against them will be reimbursed. 14. The candidates will be recruited on contract basis only for above mentioned project. After the recruitment they will not be entitled for the regularization of service. 15. PMC, BUIDCo reserves the right to shortlist candidates for interview. 16.Any disputes will be subject to the Patna Jurisdiction only. 17. The appointment will be terminated if the porject stops or is terminated for any reason. Sd../- General Manager (Administration), BUIDCo |
2nd Floor, SFC Building, Road No.-2, Daroga Rai Path, R Block, Patna-800 001. |

fcgkj kgjh vk/kkjHkwr lajpuk fodkl fuxe fy0] iVuk fcgkj ljdkj dk ,d mie [kk| Hkou] f}rh; ry] njksxk izlkn jk; iFk] vkj0 CykWd] jksM ua0&2] iVuk&800001 Qksu ua-&0612&2506109] 2506213] QSDl ua-&0612&2506132 osclkbZV& http://buidco.in |
Invites Application for the Appointment of Project Engineer for the Development of Municipal Solid Waste to Energy (Electricity) and Land Fill Facility at Patna in Bihar on DBFOT Basis. |
No. BUIDCo/SIU-1/Yo-139/15-61 Date : 09.11.2017 |
Sl. No. |
Name of the Post |
Qualification |
Experience Required |
No. of Post |
Consolidated Remuneration (Minimum Per Month) |
Maximum Age Limit as on 01.11.2017 |
1 |
Project Engineer |
B. Tech Civil Engineering. Preferential qualification M. Tech Environmental Engineering. |
10 Years of experience in Project Planning, designing and management of at least 5 years Urban Infrastructure Projects out of 10 years experience. The candidate must have 5 years experience in handling of PPP Project as a Project Engineer or Independent Engineer. |
01 (UR) |
Rs. 50,000/- Per Month |
50 Yrs. |
Note: Please see Detailed General Instructions, Application Form, Application Fee and others instruction given in http://buidco.in under career section. Last date for submission of application: 04.12.2017. Sd./- General Manager (Administration), BUIDCo |
2nd Floor, SFC Building, Road No.-2, Daroga Rai Path, R Block, Patna-800 001. |

Application Form for the Appointment of Project Engineer for the Development of Municipal Solid Waste to Energy (Electricity) and Land Fill Facility at Patna on DBFOT Basis.
Application Form
Self Signed Photo
- 1. Advertisement No. : __________________________________________
- 2. Name of the post applied for : __________________________________________
- 3. Name of the applicant : __________________________________________
- 4. Father's/Husband's Name : __________________________________________
- 5. Date of Birth : Date____ Month ____ Year_________
- 6. Age on (01.11.2017)* : YY.........MM......DD.....
- 7. Category* : UR/ BC-I/BC-II/SC:___________________
- 8. Nationality :___________________
- 9. Marital Status :___________________
- 10. Contact No (with code) :___________________
Mob :_______________________
- 11. E-mail :_______________________________________________
- 12. Address : (With Pin Code)
(A). Permanent: _____________________________________________________________
(B). Correspondence: _________________________________________________________
- 13. Qualification:(attach attested photo copy)
Sl. No. |
Examination Passed |
Name of University/ Board |
% of Marks obtained |
Year of passing |
Remarks |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4 |
- 14. Details of Experience:(attach attested photo copy)
Sl. No. |
Name and address of Institution/Organization |
Post held/job responsibility |
Period |
Field of experience |
Years of experience* |
From |
To |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
Note - (*) Mandatory Field
- 15. Any special qualification/experience regarding post applied for:
_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________
15. Professional Membership
16. Last Salary drawn
17. Language known Read Write Speak
Hindi -
18. Whether involved in any criminal case / law suit at any time? If yes, please give current status
19. Please give your views about the following two statements
- i) I want to join BUIDCo because
- ii) How would I contribute to BUIDCos growth
20. Have you been interviewed for any post in BUIDCo earlier? Yes/ No
If yes, provide the details
Post .
Date of Interview
Result .
21. (a) Prizes /Scholarships received:
(b) Vocational Training :
(c) Subjects of Special Interest of graduation /post graduation
(d) Interest and achievements in extra-curricular activities
22. Bank Draft Details:-
Bank Name Branch Name .... Amount in Rs. Date.. DD No
23. List of Attached Documents :-
- (a) ....
- (b)
- (c)
- (d)
- (e)
- (f)
I hereby declare that statements made by me in this form are true and complete. If I am appointed and the company finds
at any time that any part of the information given by me is incorrect or false or that I have concealed any relevant information, I
agree that my appointment shall be liable to summary termination without any notice or compensation and I am liable to refund the
expenses incurred by the Company on my training etc.
Place: .
Date: Signature of the Applicant
*Separate sheet can be used if required
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 09-Nov-2017 | |
Applications | 04-Dec-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Bihar Urban Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited
- Organization City, State : patna, bihar
- Organization Website : http://www.buidco.in
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results