No. B.12028/3/2016-Admn.I (HRH Cell) VACANCY NOTICE
The National Institute of Health and Family Welfare (NIHFW) is an Autonomous / Apex Technical Institute funded by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare for promoting Health and Family Welfare Programmes in the country through Education & Training, Research & Evaluation, specialized services, consultancy and advisory service. Human Resources for Health (HRH) Cell have been established in the Ministry with the reorganization of the NHM/RCH-II project. The following post need to be filled up.
Post Name of the post No. of
Consolidated Salary in Rs. Code
Consultant (Software Developer) 1 Rs.45,000 Rs.60,000/-p.m.
The details are given below:
1. Name of the post: Consultant (Software Developer) No. of Post: 1 (One)
Salary: Rs. 45,000/--Rs.60,000/-per month (depending on qualification & experience)
Desired Qualification:
A. Qualification Essential: B.Tech/BE in Computer Science or MCA or equivalent qualification
from a recognized University Desirable: DBA/.NET/Java certification from industry recognized body.
B. Experience Essential: Minimum 3 years of experience in development of Web Portal and Web based database applications;
Desirable: Experience in providing technical support to government programs / departments.
C. Skills
Proficiency in Software modules development and web site creation;
Fluency in English and Hindi languages, both written and oral.
D. Competencies
High level of cross-cultural sensitivity, good and clear understanding to community
development trends and issues are highly desirable;
Ability to multi-task and deliver quality work on time;
Ability to work closely with multiple parties / people and build trust relationships;
Ability to navigate through organizational structures and staff and think
independently, where needed;
Ability to prioritize activities and goals on an on-going basis;
Motivated and committed to the Governments healthcare priorities.
Statement of Duties:
Undertake development of a web based portal under the direction of the Ministry for collection of data from professionals; Designing of the web portal to make it user friendly, interactive and appealing for the end user;
Undertake designing of forms for user registration, creation of unique login id for each user, retrieving passwords etc. to ensure authenticated and secure web access;
Undertake maintenance of web portal and meet requirements for back-end
support; Address queries and complaints regarding technical issues from end users; Analysis on usage and hits on the web portal to check for duplicity etc. Updating of portal as and when required; Provide any other technical inputs as directed by leadership.
Age limit: Upto 40 yrs.
The applications should reach NIHFW latest by 7/1/2017.
The need is immediate and only candidates who can join at short notice may apply.
Duration: Appointment will be initially for a period of one year. The contract may be renewed based on requirement and performance during the period.
Place of Duty: MoHFW, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.
Interested candidates may send their application in the prescribed form to the Dy. Director (Admn.), National Institute of Health & Family Welfare, Baba Gang Nath Marg, Munirka, NEW DELHI-110067. Candidates working in Central Govt./State Govt./Autonomous Bodies/Universities/PSUs are requested to apply through proper channel.
F.No. B.12028/3/2016-Admn.I(HRH Cell)
Pass port
The National Institute of Health & Family Welfare size
Baba Gang Nath Marg, Munirka, New Delhi-110067 photograph
Name of the Project : HRH Cell
- Name of the post applied for : _______________________________________
- Name of the candidate in full : _______________________________________
- Fathers Name : _______________________________________
- Address for correspondence : _______________________________________ With mobile phone and e-mail _______________________________________
- Permanent Address : _______________________________________ : _______________________________________
- Date of birth and present age : _______________________________________
- Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC : _______________________________________ / Minority / PWD (Please specify)
- Educational Qualifications :
Sr. No. | Qualification | Board / University | Year of passing | Max. Marks | Marks obtained | Percentage (%) |
9. Details of employment:
Post held | Name of Deptt. / Organisation | Salary drawing / drawn | From | To | Nature of duties performed |
- In case of Pensioner:
- Any other relevant information:___________________________________________________
Name of the Organization with full address | Post held | Scale of Pay / PB with Grade Pay | Amount of Basic Pension | Remarks |
Signature of the applicant Date:________________
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Applications | 07-Jan-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : National Institute of Health and Family Welfare
- Organization City, State : new delhi, delhi
- Organization Website : http://www.nihfw.org
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results