F.No.4-68/2017-NIHSAD Dated: 27/11/2017
Walk-in-interview for enggagement/hirning of Four (04) temporary positionns of YP-II under CRP on Vaccines and Diagnos stics Project and Two (02) Project Assistants undeunder DBT-NER-ADMaC Project.
Walk-in interview will be he held on 19.12.2017 at 10:00 AM for engagement of four (04) temporary positions of YP-II under CRP on Vac ccines and Diagnostics Project and Two (02) Projec ct Assistants under DBT-NER-ADMaC Project at this Institutee. The eligible candidates fulfilling the following reequirements may submit their advance applications by e maill ( ao.nihsad@icar.gov.in ) up to 18.12.2017 in the fo ormat enclosed herewith.
1. | Name of the post and projects | Young 1. 2. 3. 4. g Professional-II under following CRP Projects Development of NS3 specific monoclonal An diagnostic (PI-Richa Sood) Period (Oct 2017 M Development of recombinant nucleoprotein bas Influenza antibody detection ( PI S. Bhatia ) March 2019). Development of antibody based rapid test for d influenza virus in poultry ( PI G. Venkatesh) Per March 2020). Development of DNA strip test for subtyping of a (PI S.B. Sudhakar ) Period (October 2017 Sept ntibody based BVDV March 2019). sed ELISA for Avian ) Period(Oct 2017 detection for H5 avian riod (October 2017 avian influenza viruses. tember 2018). |
A | No. of position | Four (004) |
B | Qualifications | Gradua or M.Sc. i Prefere ation or Post Graduation in Veterinary Sciences. . in Microbiology / Biotechnology as per ICAR guide ence will be given to the candidates having work exp elines perience. |
C | Duration | For pr 31.03.2018 on nee For pro and ext of the c roject 1, 2 & 3 The engagement will initially b 2018 and extendable for a period of 01 (one) year (up eds of the projects and performance of the candidate. oject 4 The engagement will initially be for a pe xtendable till 30.09.2018 based on needs of the pro candidate. be for a period up to upto 31.03.2019) based eriod up to 31.03.2018 ojects and performance |
D | Remuneration | Rs.25000/000/= only consolidated. |
E | Age Limit | The m maxim minimum age under young professional category mum 45 years with relaxation as per rules. will be 21 years and |
2. | Name of the post and project | Projec and M ct Assistants under DBT NER Advanced Anima Management Consortium (ADMaC) Project al Disease Diagnostics |
A | No. of position | Two (0 02) |
B | Qualifications | Essent life sci Desira Practic Powerpo ntial Degree:M.Sc. in Microbiology or Biotechno iences degree. able:-Exposure of working in research environment. cal knowledge in computer applications especially point. hnology or an equivalent . MS Word, Excel and |
C | Duration | Up to 2424th April 2019. |
D | Remuneration | Rs.8000 8000/= per month fixed (No HRA) |
E | Age Limit | 30 yea ars for men and 35 years for women |
Terms & conditions:
1) Candidates should bring & submit their applications along with self attested copies of certificates of educational qualifications/experience etc. and a recent passport size photograph in the prescribed format at the time of verification of documents.
2) Selection will be as follows:a) Verification of documents:-All the candidates appearing for walk-in-interview should be present at this office for verification of original certificates and other documents, from 10.00 AM to 11.00 AM on 19.12.2017 and the candidates coming after 11:00 AM will not be allowed for the interview. b) The Interview will be held at 11:00 AM on 19.12.2017.
3) Experience certificate in original, if any, should be produced at the time of verification of certificates. 4) Candidates who wish to appear for both YP-II and Project Assistants are requested to submit their applications separately in the prescribed format. 5) Candidates failing to provide the necessary documents for verification of their eligibility will not be allowed to appear for interview. 6) No objection certificate from employer should be produced at the time of walk-in-interview in
case he/she is in employment elsewhere. 7) Candidates should bring their dissertation/ thesis in original at the time of interview. 8) General DBT/ICAR guidelines for Contractual Employment will be applicable. 9) The engagement of Young Professional II/ Project Assistant will be purely temporary on
contractual basis and the selected incumbent shall not have any right to claim for regular
appointment under ICAR-NIHSAD, Bhopal (M.P). 10) No TA/DA will be paid to any candidate for attending the walk-in-interview. 11) Those who are interested to serve at least for a period of 12 months may attend the interview. 12) Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidates. 13) For other instructions in the matter, candidates are advised to be in touch with the Institute
website www.nihsad.nic.in 14) The decision of the Director, NIHSAD, Bhopal will be final in selection.
PROFORMA Application for the position of : Young Professional -II
Under Project titled : (i) Development of NS3 specific monoclonal.... | ||
(Tick specify) | (ii) Development of recombinant nucleoprotein.... | |
(iii) Development of antibody based rapid test..... | ||
(iv) Development of DNA strip test for subtyping.... |
1 | Name in block letters. | |||||||||||
2 | Fathers/Husbands Name. | |||||||||||
3 | Permanent Address. | |||||||||||
4 | Correspondence Address with Telephone No./Mobile/ e-mail address. | Telephone/Mob. No: e-mail ID: | ||||||||||
5 | Date of Birth & Age on date of interview. | DD | MM | YYYY | Age: | |||||||
6 | Nationality. | |||||||||||
7 | Whether belong to SC/ST/OBC. | |||||||||||
8 | Marital Status: | |||||||||||
9 | Details of Education/Professional/Technical Qualifications including Degree obtained, Percentage of marks secured, Subjects Studied, Place and Year of Passing (Starting from 10th onwards). Include title of dissertation work done if any. | |||||||||||
Qualification | Subject/Stream/ Branch | Institute/Place | Year of Passing | Maximum Marks | Marks obtained | Percen -tage | ||||||
a | 10th | |||||||||||
b | 12th | |||||||||||
c | Graduation | |||||||||||
d | Post-Graduation | |||||||||||
e | PhD | |||||||||||
Title(s) of dissertation : | ||||||||||||
10 | List of Publications, if any. | |||||||||||
11 | Details of experience, if any. | |||||||||||
12 | Details of present employment, if any. | |||||||||||
13 | Any other information. |
Declaration: I hereby declare that all the information furnished above is true, correct & complete to the best of my knowledge & belief.
Signature of Candidate
PROFORMA Application for the position of : Project Assistant Under Project titled : DBT-NER ADMaC Project
1 | Name in block letters. | |||||||||||
2 | Fathers/Husbands Name. | |||||||||||
3 | Permanent Address. | |||||||||||
4 | Correspondence Address with Telephone No./Mobile/ e-mail address. | Telephone/Mob. No: e-mail ID: | ||||||||||
5 | Date of Birth & Age on date of interview. | DD | MM | YYYY | Age: | |||||||
6 | Nationality. | |||||||||||
7 | Whether belong to SC/ST/OBC. | |||||||||||
8 | Marital Status: | |||||||||||
9 | Details of Education/Professional/Technical Qualifications including Degree obtained, Percentage of marks secured, Subjects Studied, Place and Year of Passing (Starting from 10th onwards). Include title of dissertation work done if any. | |||||||||||
Qualification | Subject/Stream/ Branch | Institute/Place | Year of Passing | Maximum Marks | Marks obtained | Percen -tage | ||||||
a | 10th | |||||||||||
b | 12th | |||||||||||
c | Graduation | |||||||||||
d | Post-Graduation | |||||||||||
e | PhD | |||||||||||
Title(s) of dissertation : | ||||||||||||
10 | List of Publications, if any. | |||||||||||
11 | Details of experience, if any. | |||||||||||
12 | Details of present employment, if any. | |||||||||||
13 | Any other information. |
Declaration: I hereby declare that all the information furnished above is true, correct & complete to the best of my knowledge & belief.
Signature of Candidate
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 27-Nov-2017 | |
Interviews | 19-Dec-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : National Institute Of High Security Animal Diseases
- Organization City, State : bhopal, madhya pradesh
- Organization Website : www.nihsad.nic.in
- Notification
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- How To Apply
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