Job Description
indian institute of astrophysics announced job notification for the positions of mechanic 'a' in the department of department of science and technology and in section of , . This job position mechanic 'a' located in and in state central government. This job position is categorized as '' jobs.
The educational qualifications for this job position mechanic 'a' specified as SSLC with two years NCTVT certificate course (ITI) in the trade of Millwright mechanic/Machinist/Fitter. Eligibility conditions for job position mechanic 'a' mentioned as at least 60% marks from a Govt. recognized Industrial Training Institute. Desirable: Knowledge of Welding, maintenance of Instruments and Sheet metal work, Maintenance of mechanical equipments such as ultrasonic cleaners, baking chambers, chillers, dehumidifiers, AHUs, pumps etc. Conversant with engineering drawings.Operational knowledge of the drafting software “AutoCAD” is an advantage. and required experience levels for this job position mechanic 'a' are as follows Experience: (a) Essential: 2 years experience with One year National apprenticeship training certificate (NAC) or 3 years experience in a reputed research institute or in a medium scale industry doing high precision jobs, involving machine operations like, turning, milling, shaping, and grinding etc. on conventional machines. Conversant with interpretation of engineering drawings. OR Experience: (a) Essential: 2 years experience with One year National apprenticeship training certificate (NAC) or 3 years experience in a reputed research institute or in a medium scale industry carrying out assembly and integration of precision instruments. The candidate shall be well versed with fitting, grinding operations. Conversant with interpretation of engineering drawings..
The salary or payscale for mechanic 'a' is Pay Band 1 Rs.5200-20200 plus grade Pay Rs. 1900/-.
The total number of vacancies or positions are 3. Out of which for General/Un-Reserved/OC (Other Castes) vacancies are 1. For OBC (Other Backward Classes) total positions reserved are 2. For SC (Scheduled Castes) category job positions reserved are 0 and for ST (Scheduled Tribes) category job positions reserved are 0. For all other categories of reservations total positions alloted are .
The minimum and maximum age limits to apply for job mechanic 'a' is minimum age limit is 0 and maximum age limit is 30.
The more and other important information related to this job specified as Job description: Fabrication and manufacture of precision components/parts of Astronomical Instrumentation and developmental works. Assembly and integration of precision instruments. Maintenance of mechanical systems. Assist in the maintenance of clean room lab and required to attend the emergency maintenance and testing work during nights and should be willing to work on shift basis. Initial place of posting: Bengaluru (Karnataka)-1 Hosakote(Karnataka)-1 Kodaikanal (Tamil Nadu)-1
Important dates to be remembered related to this notification are as follows.
Date of Issue of Notificaition : . Applications will be issued from date and last date to submit applications is . The admit cards will be issued from to . The Priliminary Examinations will start from and will lasts upto date of .
The Preliminary Examinations Results will be announced on date . The Main Examinations will start from date and will ends on . The answer keys for mains examinations will be announced on . The results for Main Examinations will be declared or announced on date . Job Interviews for this job positions mechanic 'a' will be held from date and will ends on date . The final results or shortlisted persons for this job mechanic 'a' will be announced on .
This notification issued by which is located in city and in state .
For More Details related to this Notificaition, for Complete Job Details and for complete Notificaition, Please visit the official website of organization .
Voila!!! Happy Jobing.. :)
Job Organization / Department
- indian institute of astrophysics
- department of science and technology
Job Positions
- mechanic 'a'
Job Educational Qualifications
- sslc with two years nctvt certificate course (iti) in the trade of millwright mechanic/machinist/fitter
Job Eligibility Details
- at least 60% marks from a govt. recognized industrial training institute. desirable: knowledge of welding, maintenance of instruments and sheet metal work, maintenance of mechanical equipments such as ultrasonic cleaners, baking chambers, chillers, dehumidifiers, ahus, pumps etc.
- conversant with engineering drawings.operational knowledge of the drafting software “autocad” is an advantage.
Job Experience Requirements
- experience: (a) essential: 2 years experience with one year national apprenticeship training certificate (nac) or 3 years experience in a reputed research institute or in a medium scale industry doing high precision jobs, involving machine operations like, turning, milling, shaping, and grinding etc. on conventional machines.
- conversant with interpretation of engineering drawings. or experience: (a) essential: 2 years experience with one year national apprenticeship training certificate (nac) or 3 years experience in a reputed research institute or in a medium scale industry carrying out assembly and integration of precision instruments.
- the candidate shall be well versed with fitting, grinding operations.
- conversant with interpretation of engineering drawings.
Job City, State
- central government
Job Total Vacancies
- 3
Job Reservation Details
- General / Un-Reserved : 1
- OBC : 2
- SC : 0
- ST : 0
- Others :
Job Payscale / Salary
- Pay Band 1 Rs.5200-20200 plus grade Pay Rs. 1900/-
Job Age Details
- Minimum Age : 0
- Maximum Age : 30
Job More Information
- job description: fabrication and manufacture of precision components/parts of astronomical instrumentation and developmental works.
- assembly and integration of precision instruments.
- maintenance of mechanical systems.
- assist in the maintenance of clean room lab and required to attend the emergency maintenance and testing work during nights and should be willing to work on shift basis. initial place of posting: bengaluru (karnataka)-1 hosakote(karnataka)-1 kodaikanal (tamil nadu)-1
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Applications | 30-Mar-2017 | 01-May-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization :
- Organization City, State :
- Organization Website :
- Job Organization
- Job Ministry / Department
- Job Position
- Job Group
- Job City
- Job State
- Job Educational Qualification
- Job Eligibility
- Job Experience
- Job Payscale / Salary
- Job Total Vacancies
- Job Reservation Details
- Job Age Details
- Job More Info