Exam Details
Subject | agriculture | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | combined competitive examination | |
Department | ||
Organization | Jammu Kashmir Public Service Commission | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | 2011 | |
City, State | jammu kashmir, |
Question Paper
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1. Substitution haploids are referred to as
n+1 n-I
n 2
2. AcrossofF,with itshomozygousrecessiveparent isknownas:
Back cross Reciprocal cross
Test cross Top cross
3. When value is cxpressed in terms ofmoney. it is called:
Servire Goods
4. lbe differenre between tbe price paid by the consumer and the price received by the produrer is known as
Marketingefficiency Price -spread
Marketing cost Marketing integration
5. Abaleofcotlonweighs:
70kg 100kg
170 kg 190kg
6. TheChromosometheory ofinheritancewasfirstpostulatedby:
Avery, McCarty and Mcleod Morgan and Sturtevant
Sutton and Boveri FrederickGriffith
7. Treatmentoffruitsandvegetableswithhotwater forashortperiod oftimepriortocanning is known as
Breathing Hot pealing
Bleaching Blaoching
8. Which one ofthe following phytohormones control th,eapical dominance in plants?
Auxin Cytokinin
Ethylene GibereJlin
9. Kharif, Rabiand Ziad words belong to
Urdu Persian
Arabic French
SSD-24019-D 3 (Turn over
10. Bee keeping and rearing for honey production is known as:
Sericulture Apiculture
Silviculture Olericulture
II. Which is the growth regulator which promotes fruit ripening?
GA, Ethylene
Auxin Cytokinin
12. Fruitdropiscontrolledby:
1M GA,
13. It is an important variety ofclusterbean
PusaFalguni Pusa Basmati
Pusa Nasdar Pusa Navbahar
14. Synthetic variety is developed by:
Crossing inbred lines tested for GCA Mixing seo:ds ofinbred lines
Crossing inbred lines tested for SCA Mixing seedsofopen pollinated cultivars
15. Which one ofthe following processes is most adversely affected by the deficiency ofmagnesium in plants
Defoliation Upward translocation ofnutrients
Downward movement ofnutrients Photosynthesis and carbohydrate metabolism
16. Development offruit without fertilization isknoWll as:
Polyembryony Parthenogenesis
Apomixis Sporogenesis
I7. The Mexican wheat varieties introduced in India in 1963 were
Kalyan Sona and Sonalika S 308 and K 68
LermaRojoandSonera64 HD 1982andHD2122
18. Initial seed ofan improved variety is called
Nucleus seed Foundation seed
Breeder seed Certified seed
SSD-24019-D 4
19. Who developed world's firstcollon hybrid?
NGPRao B.P. Paul
C.T. Patel D.S. Athwal
20. Themolecularmodel ofDNAwasproposed by:
Miescber Punnet and Square
Chargaff Watson and Crick
21. Powdery mildew disease is caused by
Bacteria VInJS
Fungus Nematode
22. Solarenergytreatment ofwheatseed isrecommendedforthecontrol of:
Loose smut Hill bunt
Black rust Kamal bunt
23. Lime is used for reclamation of:
Acidic soil Alkaline soil
Calcareous soil None ofthese
24. Tomato and cotton plants are
Short day plants Day neutral plants
Longdayplants Noneoftheabove
25. Transpirntion will be maximum when soil is:
Wet and atmosphere is dry Dry and atmosphere is humid
. Wet and atmosphere is humid Dry and atmosphere is dry
26. Which ofthe following is a unitless measure ofdispersion?
Standard deviation Coefficient ofvariation
Mean deviation Range
27. Which ofthe following is not related to Extension education?
Heterogenous learners Vertical teaching
Horizontal teaching Voluntary participation
28. 'Forcommercialcultivation ofBananawhich typeofsuckerisused?
Sward sucker Slips
Waler sucker Crown
880-24019-0 5 (Turn over
29. ReplicationofDNAoccursduring:
Metaphase Telophase
Interphase Anaphase
30. PCR refers to
Polymerase chain reaction Poly clonal response
Poly coloured raddish Partially controlled reaction
31. GMOmeans:
Genetically mutated oats Genetically modified organism
General Micro organisms Genetics ofmicro organisms
32. Centres oforigin for different crops were given by:
Aristotle Darwm
N.!. Vavilov G.H. Shull
33. Alternative form ofa gene is known as
Allele Genome
Pseudo-allele Isoallele
34. Which blood group is considered as Universal recepient?
35. Who gave the term heterosis?
Johnson Mendel
Davenport SIlll
36. Which estimates ofheterosis is ofcommercial or practical value?
Average heterosis Heterobeltiosis
Economic heterosis Luxuriance
37. Jaya and Ratna rice varieties contain the dwarfmg genes from:
Dee-geo-woo-gen Norin 8
Spontaneous mutation. Induced mutation
38. IR 8 variety orRice was developed at:
CRR! Cuttack IRRI, Philippines
Taiwan Japan
SSD-24019-D 6 39. The tenn nobilization is related to
Wheat Rice
Sugarcane Soyabean.
40. Helminthosporiummaydiscausessouthernleafblightin:
Wheat Maize
Barley Rice
41. Hybrid seed production in Jowar and Bajra is based on
D and R lines A and B lines
A and R lines Band R lines
42. Oeneral combining ability can be estimated from the perfonnance of: .
Parents Back cross
Fls F,s
43. The tenn yellow revolution is related to Maize Fruits
Oilseeds Vegetables
44. Tagofwhichcolour isusedforbrccderseed?
Yellow/golden White
Blue Green
45. The maximum heterosis is likely to be manifested in
Double cross Single cross
Three way cross Double lop cross
46. Potato, coffee and alfaalfa arc:
Diploids A110p0lyploids
Segmental allopolyploids Auto polyploids
47. Botanical name ofapple is
Prunusamygelalus Prunus persica
Maluspumila Malus persica
48. The quickest method for developing an improved variety is
Primaryintroduction mass selection
Secondary introduction domestication
SSD-24019-D 7 [TurD over
49. Rice flower has how many stamens?
50. Cleistogamy promotes;
Cross-pollination Self-pollination
Geitonogarny All ofthe above
51. Johannsen developed purelin<; theory using the seeds ofbeans variety
Centwy Princess
52. Pusa Baisakhi is a variety of;
mung bean urd bean
riccbean cowpea
53. Isogenic lines arc easily produced by which breeding method?
Bulk SSD
Back cross Pedigree
54. Leafrust resistance in wheat (T-acstivurn) has been transferred from
Triticum monococcum Triticum speltoides
TritiCumtimopbeevii All ofthe above
55. The Chiefweakness ofsingle seed descent scheme is
Plant loss Lack ofopportunity for selection
High demand on resources Loss ofhigh yielding segregants
56. Which one ofthe following is a pest of apple?
Syleptaluna/is Eriosoma/anigcrum
Cydia hemidoxa Nodostoma supscota/um
57. Simple recwrent selection is the most suited for character with
Lowheritability Moderateheritability
High heritability All ofthe above
58. Reciprocal recurrentseleclion allows selection for;
Improved population perfonnance All ofthe above
88D-240t9-D . 8
59. Knight used hybridization to develop popular varieties of:
Apple Apple, peach and grape
(CY Apple, peach and strawberry All ofthe above
60. Selection for simply inherited trait is started from:
61. Who was awarded the Nobel Peace prize in Agriculture?
Dr. M.S. Swaminathan Dr. NormanE. Borlaug
Dr. Amanya Sen Dr. V. Kurien
62. TheUnionMinister ofAgriculture inIndia is
BalramJakhar R.S. Paroda
Sharad Pawar None ofthe above
63. Lab to Land programme has been launched in India totransfer:
Ag. Technology to farmers fields Ag. Methodology to farmers fields
Ag. Philosophy to farmers fields Ag. Policy to farmers fields
64. Opaque-2 gene increases lysine and tryptophan content and the protein quality in
Rice Maize
Wheat Pearl millet
65. K.V. K. means:
Kisan Vigyan Kendra Krishi Vlkas Kendra
Krishi Vigyan Kendra Kisan Vikas Kendra
66. WhoistheChairman ofthePlanningCommission?
President Vice-President
PrimeMinister HomeMinister
67. Thehighestshareofagricultural"conunodity inexport ofIndia is that of:
Rioe Cashew
Sugarcane . Fruits
SSD-24019-D 9 (1Iro over
68. Practicing agriculture without the use ofChemicals and FertilizelS is known as
Extensive fanning Intensive liuming
Inorganic fanning Organic fanning
69. NABARD was established in the year:
1980 1981
1982 1983
70. A short duration crop in between two main crops is tenned as
Catch crop Cash crop
Commercial crop Companion crop
71. Maize surpasses all cereal crops in tenns of:
Area Production
Yield Consumption
72. In India, share ofagriculture in National Income is approximately:
45% 25%
35% 42%
73. Thearrangementofsoilparticlesincertaindefinitepatternisknown as:
Soil texture Soil structure
Soil aggregates Soil parameter
74. Which ofthefly is pest ofconon
Fruitfly Stemfly
Sawfly Whitefly
75. Directorate ofPlant protection, quarantine and stoiage is located at
Moradabad .Ahmedabad
Faridabad Allahabad
76. A pH value of6.0 indieates that soil reaction is
Acidic Alkaline
Neutral Highlyalkaline
88D-24019-D 10
77. Oxygen is required by the plants for:
Respiration Transpiration
Photosynthesis Guttation
7S. Whichofthefollowingisconsidered as bio-fertilizer?
Farm yard manure Compost
Green manure Blue green algae
79. Apple belongs to family:
Leguminosae Rosaceae
Cruciferae Liliaceae
SO. Thebuildingblock ofcelluloseis:
Maltose Glucose
Fructose Glucose Fructose
S1. The best soil amendment under alkaline condition is application of:
Calcium Phosphorus
Gypsum None
S2. Whichisthemostappropriatecause ofseedlessnessinBanana?
Triploidy Parthenocarpy
Monoeciouscondition Lackofpollination
83. The theory ofacquired characters was proposed by
Darwin Lamarck
Weismann Mendel
84. Whichone ofthefollowingpropertiesdoes notchangebycroppingandcultivation?
Bulk density Particle density
Pameability Porosity
85. Which part ofthe walnut fruit is stony and woody?
Epicarp Endocarp
Mesocarp None ofthc above
SSD-24019-D 11 (11rn over
86. Soil erosion increases with;
Notillage Ideal tillage
Mulching Excessivetillage
87. Pomegranate has been placed in which ofthe salt tolerant fruit trees
High Mediwn
Low Veryhigh
88. The which deals with rearing ofsilkworm is known as
Apiculture Verrniculture
Sericulture Agriculture
89. Principles ofexperimental design were given by
Wilcox R.A. Fisher
W.C. Cocharan Cox and Cocharan
90. Thebulkdensity ofsoilisalways __thanparticledensity.
Higher Lower
Equal Very High
91. Which one ofthe following is not an aldose?
Glucose Galactose
Mannose Fructose
92. Little leafdisease ofBrinjal is caused by
Vrroid VIrus
Phytoplasma Spiroplasma
93. A chromosome with median position ofcentromere is known as
Telocentric Acentric
Melacentric PJII'3centric
94. The value ofcoefficient ofcorrelation varies from
0.0 to 1.0 -1.0 to 1.0
1.0 to 10.0· 10.0 to 100
SSD-24019-D 12 95. The negative logarithum ofH' ion is known as
pH Salinity
Solocity Acidity
96. Technical name ofFuradan 3 Gis:
Carbosufan Carbofuran
Phorate Sebufos
97. Sugarcane is __plant.
CAM None ofthe abovc
98. Nitrogen is taken by the plants in fonn of:.
Nitrate Element nitrogen
Nitrite Nitric acid
99. Allahabad Safeda is a variety of:
Mango Guava
Fig . Orange
100. Which chemical is used in preparation oflnscct Killingjar?
101. Tetrasomic isreprescnted as:
2n 4n
2n+l 2n+2
102. Splining ofH,0 in the presence oflight is tenned as
Photosynthesis Photophasis
Photolysis Photoperiodism
103. Mite possesses how many pair(s) oflegs?
One Two
Six Four
SSD-24019-D 13 [Turn ovcr
104. The fertility restorer parent is represented as
Rline Aline
Dline Pure line
105. Thompson Seedless is a·popular variety of:
Watermelon Grape
Guava Banana
106. The plants which respond least to changed day length are known as
Day Neutral . Long day
Short day None ofthese
107. The accumulation ofsoluble salts in the soil is known as
Alkalinization Salinization
Calcification Acidification
108. Haploids plants can be obtained through:
Shooltip culture Protoplast culture
Somatic hybridization Antherculturc
109. Genctic purity ofseeds can be tested by
Germination tcst Tetrazolium tcst
Acetocarmine test Grow oullest
1JO. Which ofthe following pulses has the highest protein content?
Pigeon pea Green gram
Soyabean Black gram
Ill. Edible part ofbanana fruit is:
Endosperm Meso and Endocarp
Endocarp only Mesocarponly
112. The basic chromosome numberofapple is:
34 68
17 51
SSO-24019-0 t4
113. The Science dealing with genesis, survey and classifieation ofsoils is known as
Taxonomy Soil Science
Phenology Pedology
114. Which ofthe following crops require water logging condition?
Sugarcane Cotton
Paddy Maize
115. At what stem length the rose flowers must be cut at tight bud stage for export
60 20
80 40
116. Whichtype ofherbicide2,4-0is?
Non-selective Selective
Toxic Non-toxic
117. The main site ofrespiration in plants cells is:
Chloroplasts Mitochondria
Lysosome:; Ribosomes
118. Meiosis is also referred to as (Al Equational division Reductiondivision
Homotypicdivision Assymetricdivision
11 9. B-Chromosomes are also known as
Accessory chromosomes Extra Chromosomes
Supernwnerary chromosomes All ofthe above
120. Brassieajuncea isanamphidiploidbetween:
B.eampestris x B. nigra B. eampestris x B. oleracea
B. nigra x B. oleraeea B. oleracea x B. nigra
88D-24019-D 15 [Tum over
1. Substitution haploids are referred to as
n+1 n-I
n 2
2. AcrossofF,with itshomozygousrecessiveparent isknownas:
Back cross Reciprocal cross
Test cross Top cross
3. When value is cxpressed in terms ofmoney. it is called:
Servire Goods
4. lbe differenre between tbe price paid by the consumer and the price received by the produrer is known as
Marketingefficiency Price -spread
Marketing cost Marketing integration
5. Abaleofcotlonweighs:
70kg 100kg
170 kg 190kg
6. TheChromosometheory ofinheritancewasfirstpostulatedby:
Avery, McCarty and Mcleod Morgan and Sturtevant
Sutton and Boveri FrederickGriffith
7. Treatmentoffruitsandvegetableswithhotwater forashortperiod oftimepriortocanning is known as
Breathing Hot pealing
Bleaching Blaoching
8. Which one ofthe following phytohormones control th,eapical dominance in plants?
Auxin Cytokinin
Ethylene GibereJlin
9. Kharif, Rabiand Ziad words belong to
Urdu Persian
Arabic French
SSD-24019-D 3 (Turn over
10. Bee keeping and rearing for honey production is known as:
Sericulture Apiculture
Silviculture Olericulture
II. Which is the growth regulator which promotes fruit ripening?
GA, Ethylene
Auxin Cytokinin
12. Fruitdropiscontrolledby:
1M GA,
13. It is an important variety ofclusterbean
PusaFalguni Pusa Basmati
Pusa Nasdar Pusa Navbahar
14. Synthetic variety is developed by:
Crossing inbred lines tested for GCA Mixing seo:ds ofinbred lines
Crossing inbred lines tested for SCA Mixing seedsofopen pollinated cultivars
15. Which one ofthe following processes is most adversely affected by the deficiency ofmagnesium in plants
Defoliation Upward translocation ofnutrients
Downward movement ofnutrients Photosynthesis and carbohydrate metabolism
16. Development offruit without fertilization isknoWll as:
Polyembryony Parthenogenesis
Apomixis Sporogenesis
I7. The Mexican wheat varieties introduced in India in 1963 were
Kalyan Sona and Sonalika S 308 and K 68
LermaRojoandSonera64 HD 1982andHD2122
18. Initial seed ofan improved variety is called
Nucleus seed Foundation seed
Breeder seed Certified seed
SSD-24019-D 4
19. Who developed world's firstcollon hybrid?
NGPRao B.P. Paul
C.T. Patel D.S. Athwal
20. Themolecularmodel ofDNAwasproposed by:
Miescber Punnet and Square
Chargaff Watson and Crick
21. Powdery mildew disease is caused by
Bacteria VInJS
Fungus Nematode
22. Solarenergytreatment ofwheatseed isrecommendedforthecontrol of:
Loose smut Hill bunt
Black rust Kamal bunt
23. Lime is used for reclamation of:
Acidic soil Alkaline soil
Calcareous soil None ofthese
24. Tomato and cotton plants are
Short day plants Day neutral plants
Longdayplants Noneoftheabove
25. Transpirntion will be maximum when soil is:
Wet and atmosphere is dry Dry and atmosphere is humid
. Wet and atmosphere is humid Dry and atmosphere is dry
26. Which ofthe following is a unitless measure ofdispersion?
Standard deviation Coefficient ofvariation
Mean deviation Range
27. Which ofthe following is not related to Extension education?
Heterogenous learners Vertical teaching
Horizontal teaching Voluntary participation
28. 'Forcommercialcultivation ofBananawhich typeofsuckerisused?
Sward sucker Slips
Waler sucker Crown
880-24019-0 5 (Turn over
29. ReplicationofDNAoccursduring:
Metaphase Telophase
Interphase Anaphase
30. PCR refers to
Polymerase chain reaction Poly clonal response
Poly coloured raddish Partially controlled reaction
31. GMOmeans:
Genetically mutated oats Genetically modified organism
General Micro organisms Genetics ofmicro organisms
32. Centres oforigin for different crops were given by:
Aristotle Darwm
N.!. Vavilov G.H. Shull
33. Alternative form ofa gene is known as
Allele Genome
Pseudo-allele Isoallele
34. Which blood group is considered as Universal recepient?
35. Who gave the term heterosis?
Johnson Mendel
Davenport SIlll
36. Which estimates ofheterosis is ofcommercial or practical value?
Average heterosis Heterobeltiosis
Economic heterosis Luxuriance
37. Jaya and Ratna rice varieties contain the dwarfmg genes from:
Dee-geo-woo-gen Norin 8
Spontaneous mutation. Induced mutation
38. IR 8 variety orRice was developed at:
CRR! Cuttack IRRI, Philippines
Taiwan Japan
SSD-24019-D 6 39. The tenn nobilization is related to
Wheat Rice
Sugarcane Soyabean.
40. Helminthosporiummaydiscausessouthernleafblightin:
Wheat Maize
Barley Rice
41. Hybrid seed production in Jowar and Bajra is based on
D and R lines A and B lines
A and R lines Band R lines
42. Oeneral combining ability can be estimated from the perfonnance of: .
Parents Back cross
Fls F,s
43. The tenn yellow revolution is related to Maize Fruits
Oilseeds Vegetables
44. Tagofwhichcolour isusedforbrccderseed?
Yellow/golden White
Blue Green
45. The maximum heterosis is likely to be manifested in
Double cross Single cross
Three way cross Double lop cross
46. Potato, coffee and alfaalfa arc:
Diploids A110p0lyploids
Segmental allopolyploids Auto polyploids
47. Botanical name ofapple is
Prunusamygelalus Prunus persica
Maluspumila Malus persica
48. The quickest method for developing an improved variety is
Primaryintroduction mass selection
Secondary introduction domestication
SSD-24019-D 7 [TurD over
49. Rice flower has how many stamens?
50. Cleistogamy promotes;
Cross-pollination Self-pollination
Geitonogarny All ofthe above
51. Johannsen developed purelin<; theory using the seeds ofbeans variety
Centwy Princess
52. Pusa Baisakhi is a variety of;
mung bean urd bean
riccbean cowpea
53. Isogenic lines arc easily produced by which breeding method?
Bulk SSD
Back cross Pedigree
54. Leafrust resistance in wheat (T-acstivurn) has been transferred from
Triticum monococcum Triticum speltoides
TritiCumtimopbeevii All ofthe above
55. The Chiefweakness ofsingle seed descent scheme is
Plant loss Lack ofopportunity for selection
High demand on resources Loss ofhigh yielding segregants
56. Which one ofthe following is a pest of apple?
Syleptaluna/is Eriosoma/anigcrum
Cydia hemidoxa Nodostoma supscota/um
57. Simple recwrent selection is the most suited for character with
Lowheritability Moderateheritability
High heritability All ofthe above
58. Reciprocal recurrentseleclion allows selection for;
Improved population perfonnance All ofthe above
88D-240t9-D . 8
59. Knight used hybridization to develop popular varieties of:
Apple Apple, peach and grape
(CY Apple, peach and strawberry All ofthe above
60. Selection for simply inherited trait is started from:
61. Who was awarded the Nobel Peace prize in Agriculture?
Dr. M.S. Swaminathan Dr. NormanE. Borlaug
Dr. Amanya Sen Dr. V. Kurien
62. TheUnionMinister ofAgriculture inIndia is
BalramJakhar R.S. Paroda
Sharad Pawar None ofthe above
63. Lab to Land programme has been launched in India totransfer:
Ag. Technology to farmers fields Ag. Methodology to farmers fields
Ag. Philosophy to farmers fields Ag. Policy to farmers fields
64. Opaque-2 gene increases lysine and tryptophan content and the protein quality in
Rice Maize
Wheat Pearl millet
65. K.V. K. means:
Kisan Vigyan Kendra Krishi Vlkas Kendra
Krishi Vigyan Kendra Kisan Vikas Kendra
66. WhoistheChairman ofthePlanningCommission?
President Vice-President
PrimeMinister HomeMinister
67. Thehighestshareofagricultural"conunodity inexport ofIndia is that of:
Rioe Cashew
Sugarcane . Fruits
SSD-24019-D 9 (1Iro over
68. Practicing agriculture without the use ofChemicals and FertilizelS is known as
Extensive fanning Intensive liuming
Inorganic fanning Organic fanning
69. NABARD was established in the year:
1980 1981
1982 1983
70. A short duration crop in between two main crops is tenned as
Catch crop Cash crop
Commercial crop Companion crop
71. Maize surpasses all cereal crops in tenns of:
Area Production
Yield Consumption
72. In India, share ofagriculture in National Income is approximately:
45% 25%
35% 42%
73. Thearrangementofsoilparticlesincertaindefinitepatternisknown as:
Soil texture Soil structure
Soil aggregates Soil parameter
74. Which ofthefly is pest ofconon
Fruitfly Stemfly
Sawfly Whitefly
75. Directorate ofPlant protection, quarantine and stoiage is located at
Moradabad .Ahmedabad
Faridabad Allahabad
76. A pH value of6.0 indieates that soil reaction is
Acidic Alkaline
Neutral Highlyalkaline
88D-24019-D 10
77. Oxygen is required by the plants for:
Respiration Transpiration
Photosynthesis Guttation
7S. Whichofthefollowingisconsidered as bio-fertilizer?
Farm yard manure Compost
Green manure Blue green algae
79. Apple belongs to family:
Leguminosae Rosaceae
Cruciferae Liliaceae
SO. Thebuildingblock ofcelluloseis:
Maltose Glucose
Fructose Glucose Fructose
S1. The best soil amendment under alkaline condition is application of:
Calcium Phosphorus
Gypsum None
S2. Whichisthemostappropriatecause ofseedlessnessinBanana?
Triploidy Parthenocarpy
Monoeciouscondition Lackofpollination
83. The theory ofacquired characters was proposed by
Darwin Lamarck
Weismann Mendel
84. Whichone ofthefollowingpropertiesdoes notchangebycroppingandcultivation?
Bulk density Particle density
Pameability Porosity
85. Which part ofthe walnut fruit is stony and woody?
Epicarp Endocarp
Mesocarp None ofthc above
SSD-24019-D 11 (11rn over
86. Soil erosion increases with;
Notillage Ideal tillage
Mulching Excessivetillage
87. Pomegranate has been placed in which ofthe salt tolerant fruit trees
High Mediwn
Low Veryhigh
88. The which deals with rearing ofsilkworm is known as
Apiculture Verrniculture
Sericulture Agriculture
89. Principles ofexperimental design were given by
Wilcox R.A. Fisher
W.C. Cocharan Cox and Cocharan
90. Thebulkdensity ofsoilisalways __thanparticledensity.
Higher Lower
Equal Very High
91. Which one ofthe following is not an aldose?
Glucose Galactose
Mannose Fructose
92. Little leafdisease ofBrinjal is caused by
Vrroid VIrus
Phytoplasma Spiroplasma
93. A chromosome with median position ofcentromere is known as
Telocentric Acentric
Melacentric PJII'3centric
94. The value ofcoefficient ofcorrelation varies from
0.0 to 1.0 -1.0 to 1.0
1.0 to 10.0· 10.0 to 100
SSD-24019-D 12 95. The negative logarithum ofH' ion is known as
pH Salinity
Solocity Acidity
96. Technical name ofFuradan 3 Gis:
Carbosufan Carbofuran
Phorate Sebufos
97. Sugarcane is __plant.
CAM None ofthe abovc
98. Nitrogen is taken by the plants in fonn of:.
Nitrate Element nitrogen
Nitrite Nitric acid
99. Allahabad Safeda is a variety of:
Mango Guava
Fig . Orange
100. Which chemical is used in preparation oflnscct Killingjar?
101. Tetrasomic isreprescnted as:
2n 4n
2n+l 2n+2
102. Splining ofH,0 in the presence oflight is tenned as
Photosynthesis Photophasis
Photolysis Photoperiodism
103. Mite possesses how many pair(s) oflegs?
One Two
Six Four
SSD-24019-D 13 [Turn ovcr
104. The fertility restorer parent is represented as
Rline Aline
Dline Pure line
105. Thompson Seedless is a·popular variety of:
Watermelon Grape
Guava Banana
106. The plants which respond least to changed day length are known as
Day Neutral . Long day
Short day None ofthese
107. The accumulation ofsoluble salts in the soil is known as
Alkalinization Salinization
Calcification Acidification
108. Haploids plants can be obtained through:
Shooltip culture Protoplast culture
Somatic hybridization Antherculturc
109. Genctic purity ofseeds can be tested by
Germination tcst Tetrazolium tcst
Acetocarmine test Grow oullest
1JO. Which ofthe following pulses has the highest protein content?
Pigeon pea Green gram
Soyabean Black gram
Ill. Edible part ofbanana fruit is:
Endosperm Meso and Endocarp
Endocarp only Mesocarponly
112. The basic chromosome numberofapple is:
34 68
17 51
SSO-24019-0 t4
113. The Science dealing with genesis, survey and classifieation ofsoils is known as
Taxonomy Soil Science
Phenology Pedology
114. Which ofthe following crops require water logging condition?
Sugarcane Cotton
Paddy Maize
115. At what stem length the rose flowers must be cut at tight bud stage for export
60 20
80 40
116. Whichtype ofherbicide2,4-0is?
Non-selective Selective
Toxic Non-toxic
117. The main site ofrespiration in plants cells is:
Chloroplasts Mitochondria
Lysosome:; Ribosomes
118. Meiosis is also referred to as (Al Equational division Reductiondivision
Homotypicdivision Assymetricdivision
11 9. B-Chromosomes are also known as
Accessory chromosomes Extra Chromosomes
Supernwnerary chromosomes All ofthe above
120. Brassieajuncea isanamphidiploidbetween:
B.eampestris x B. nigra B. eampestris x B. oleracea
B. nigra x B. oleraeea B. oleracea x B. nigra
88D-24019-D 15 [Tum over
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