Exam Details

Subject advanced topics in industrial chemistry - ii
Exam / Course m.sc
Organization solapur university
Exam Date November, 2017
City, State maharashtra, solapur

Question Paper

M.Sc. (Semester III) (CBCS) Examination Oct/Nov-2017
Industrial Chemistry
Day Date: Saturday, 25-11-2017 Max. Marks: 70
Time: 02.30 PM to 05.00 PM
Instructions: Attempt in all five questions.
Section-I is compulsory.
Attempt any two questions from Section-II and any two questions from
Section -III.
Answer to all questions (Section II, and III should be written in the one
answer book.
All question carry equal marks.
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Section I
Q.1 Answer the following 14
What is meant by lubricant?
Give the names of major fertilizer industries in India.
What are the different varieties of coal found in the earth crusts?
Define pharmacodynamics.
What are NSAIDs?
What is meant by aniline point?
Name any two green solvent use in industrial process.
What are the characteristic factors of good fuel?
What is meant diluents?
Name the two types of capsule.
What is the use of fertilizers?
Define Drug receptors.
Give the classification of fuels.
What is Atom economy?
Section II
Q.2 Describe the in details for the determination of phosphorus and
potassium in fertilizer sample.
Describe in details the working, construction and calorific value of solid
fuel is determine using Bomb calorimeter.
Q.3 What are antipyretic drugs? Describe the synthesis of salbutamol and
Discuss the applicability of NaNo2 /CAS titration method in
pharmaceutical analysis.
Q.4 Describe in details the solid dosage form and semi solid dosage. 07
What is green chemistry?Give the principle of Green Chemistry. 07
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Section III
Q.5 Explain in detail the Kjeldahl nitrogen method for analysis of nitrogen in
Discuss in brief the concept of prodrug. 05
Explain the proximate analysis of coal. 04
Q.6 Discuss in brief the cloud point and pour point in analysis of lubricant. 05
Give an account on the syrups and suspension. 05
Explain significance of ED50. 04
Q.7 Write a notes (any three): 14
Orsat apparatus
Synthesis of ciprofloxacin
Examples of green chemistry reactions.
Synthesis of Alprazolam.


  • advanced topics in industrial chemistry - ii
  • analysis of agrochemicals
  • analytical spectroscopy
  • commercial geography
  • cultural geography
  • environment and waste management technology
  • environmental chemistry
  • film studies
  • human development
  • introduction to museology
  • organometallic chemistry
  • solid state and nuclear chemistry
  • spectral and instrumental analysis of polymers