research associate (ra)
Indian Veterinary Research Institute, ICAR, (IIVR)
icar- indian veterinary research institute, (IIVR) released job notification for the posts of research associate (ra). These Job vacancies or Positions located in city bareilly and state of uttar pradesh . Total Vacancies/Jobs for the positions of research associate (ra) are 1. The salary or payscale for the position of research associate (ra) is Emoluments: Based on his/ her research experience a associate may be placed at one of the 3 pay levels given below depending upon the qualification and experience: Research Associate-I Rs. 36,000/-, Research Associate-II Rs. 38,000/- & Research Associate-Ill Rs. 40,000/- + HRA.. For Educational Qualifications, Experience Details, Reservations Details, Age Limits, Where to Apply, How to Apply and for Full Job Details, Please click this link Full Job Details

senior research fellow (srf
Indian Veterinary Research Institute, ICAR, (IIVR)
icar- indian veterinary research institute, (IIVR) released job notification for the posts of senior research fellow (srf. These Job vacancies or Positions located in city bareilly and state of uttar pradesh . Total Vacancies/Jobs for the positions of senior research fellow (srf are 3. The salary or payscale for the position of senior research fellow (srf is Emoluments: Rs. 25,000/- + HRA for 1 stand 2nd year and from 3rd year onwards Rs. 28,000/-+ HRA.. For Educational Qualifications, Experience Details, Reservations Details, Age Limits, Where to Apply, How to Apply and for Full Job Details, Please click this link Full Job Details
- indian veterinary research institute, icar
- icar- indian veterinary research institute
- research associate (ra)
- senior research fellow (srf
- uttar pradesh
- bareilly