lab asstt. (physics)
Sainik School, (SS)
sainik school rewari, (SS) to work in section of recruitment of various positions in ssr released job notification for the posts of lab asstt. (physics). These Job vacancies or Positions located in city rewari and state of haryana . Total Vacancies/Jobs for the positions of lab asstt. (physics) are 1. The salary or payscale for the position of lab asstt. (physics) is 5200-20200 Grade Pay - 2400. For Educational Qualifications, Experience Details, Reservations Details, Age Limits, Where to Apply, How to Apply and for Full Job Details, Please click this link Full Job Details

music teacher
Sainik School, (SS)
sainik school rewari, (SS) to work in section of recruitment of various positions in ssr released job notification for the posts of music teacher. These Job vacancies or Positions located in city rewari and state of haryana . Total Vacancies/Jobs for the positions of music teacher are 1. The salary or payscale for the position of music teacher is Consolidated Rs. 19000/- per month. For Educational Qualifications, Experience Details, Reservations Details, Age Limits, Where to Apply, How to Apply and for Full Job Details, Please click this link Full Job Details

Sainik School, (SS)
sainik school rewari, (SS) to work in section of recruitment of various positions in ssr released job notification for the posts of driver. These Job vacancies or Positions located in city rewari and state of haryana . Total Vacancies/Jobs for the positions of driver are 1. The salary or payscale for the position of driver is Consolidated Rs. 15000/- per month. For Educational Qualifications, Experience Details, Reservations Details, Age Limits, Where to Apply, How to Apply and for Full Job Details, Please click this link Full Job Details

general employee
Sainik School, (SS)
sainik school rewari, (SS) to work in section of recruitment of various positions in ssr released job notification for the posts of general employee. These Job vacancies or Positions located in city rewari and state of haryana . Total Vacancies/Jobs for the positions of general employee are 1. The salary or payscale for the position of general employee is Consolidated Rs. 10700/- per month. For Educational Qualifications, Experience Details, Reservations Details, Age Limits, Where to Apply, How to Apply and for Full Job Details, Please click this link Full Job Details
- sainik school
- sainik school rewari
- lab asstt. (physics)
- music teacher
- driver
- general employee
- haryana
- rewari